
Famous Hero
posted May 05, 2017 10:25 PM |

Legendary Hero
posted May 06, 2017 12:17 AM |
Edited by Baronus at 00:29, 06 May 2017.
You must replace deer building if its no deer in your concept.
Its Tsechish (Cesko) site.
Its alfa HotA concept but another than final and can be used because players dont know it. I think its no download defs. Only picture. It need cutting defs from pictures. Cutting is the haardest thing. Next are light frames and coordinantes. Def making is easy and fast H3def tool is max speed.
And this one better elements can be used. You have good quality buildings but some perspective mistakes. Most important, you mustnt to use 3d modeling. Its big help:

I must begin thread with town screen unfinished projects to use. It will be faster than creating news. Good quality screen is a problem and needs a lot of work. If we have done harm to non use.

Famous Hero
posted May 06, 2017 05:55 PM |
majaczek said: could you prepare for me the "smuggler hideout" town?
i need graphics of buildings only.
Please make the town generi enough so I can change creature bindings.
I dont quite understand what you need.
You want to have the graphics from the existing deer town? (I can give you the layer image files in PDN)
Or you want me to make a new set of graphics for smuggler town? (This will be a mission impossible.. )

Famous Hero
posted May 06, 2017 05:57 PM |
Edited by XEricSin at 18:00, 06 May 2017.
And I re-arranged the buildings.
What do you guys think?

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted May 06, 2017 10:35 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 22:36, 06 May 2017.
XEricSin said:
majaczek said: could you prepare for me the "smuggler hideout" town?
i need graphics of buildings only.
Please make the town generi enough so I can change creature bindings.
I dont quite understand what you need.
You want to have the graphics from the existing deer town? (I can give you the layer image files in PDN)
Or you want me to make a new set of graphics for smuggler town? (This will be a mission impossible.. )
both or one of them if first impossible.
for smuggler town, only new town graphics made by you. (I believe you are good at this).
for deer town just def and pcx files, and permission to use them in my mod in different way than in your mod.
Anything I get would be nice for me 
PS: I really like deer town layout, but IDK if I like the units.

Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2017 07:04 AM |
I think its little better. Castle perspective is bad. Must be the same like this corrected pavilon on first plane (white - black strings). Maybe mirror manipulation? Right side to left and left to right? Sholud be good.

Famous Hero
posted May 08, 2017 06:15 PM |
majaczek said:
both or one of them if first impossible.
for smuggler town, only new town graphics made by you. (I believe you are good at this).
for deer town just def and pcx files, and permission to use them in my mod in different way than in your mod.
Anything I get would be nice for me 
PS: I really like deer town layout, but IDK if I like the units.
Here is the layer file for the town in paint.net format.
I dont know how to use PS, so I used paint.net.
I literally searched the whole internet for images with appropriate perspective that can match the theme and the available units defs.
layer file in PDN

Legendary Hero
posted May 08, 2017 07:34 PM |
I know you are not eng native speaking and non western culture. PS is from latin language:
post scriptum
I suggest gimp. Very fast perspective tool. Gnu free program.

Famous Hero
posted May 08, 2017 10:18 PM |
Edited by zeryss at 22:31, 08 May 2017.
Icon of the dock


Famous Hero
posted May 09, 2017 03:31 AM |
Baronus, PS here stands for photoshop. Not the PS at the end of paragraph.
Pdn is not powerful, but most easy to use for amateurs.
zeryss, the dock is just the dock of element town. I just shifted its position.

Famous Hero
posted May 09, 2017 03:53 AM |

Famous Hero
posted May 09, 2017 06:22 AM |
zeryss said: When the new version?
Not coming. But you can help me color the merchant house. See the pdn file above.

Famous Hero
posted May 09, 2017 01:33 PM |

Famous Hero
posted May 11, 2017 12:18 PM |
Edited by zeryss at 12:19, 11 May 2017.

Adventuring Hero
posted May 11, 2017 10:02 PM |
I am definitely looking forward to this one in VCMI, and actually the pic Baronus posted looked pretty sweet too!

Famous Hero
posted May 11, 2017 10:43 PM |

Adventuring Hero
posted May 12, 2017 03:25 AM |
WOOHOOO!!!! AWESOME! Looks sweet, can't wait. Thank you

Famous Hero
posted May 12, 2017 03:29 AM |
Edited by xericsin at 08:07, 12 May 2017.
Look good.
The character on the mountain means mountain in Chinese.
I don't like the Samurai. That's not Chinese. Can we change to others?

Supreme Hero
posted May 12, 2017 09:11 AM |
Edited by avatar at 09:13, 12 May 2017.
xericsin said: Look good.
Looks good but town is overpowered like any other zeryss towns. Every creature, even non-upgraded, cast a spell and has too many powerfull abilities.

Famous Hero
posted May 12, 2017 05:11 PM |
avatar said:
xericsin said: Look good.
Looks good but town is overpowered like any other zeryss towns. Every creature, even non-upgraded, cast a spell and has too many powerfull abilities.
Want to help help with the skills of monsters