
Supreme Hero
posted April 20, 2017 07:18 PM |
Wow! Didn't saw that this town got new cool townscreen!
Great work!
Will download!

Famous Hero
posted April 22, 2017 04:47 PM |
Thank you.
I will upload an updated version tonight.

Known Hero
posted April 30, 2017 08:05 PM |
You uploaded the new version already?

Famous Hero
posted May 01, 2017 10:43 AM |
Edited by zeryss at 14:05, 01 May 2017.

Famous Hero
posted May 01, 2017 04:16 PM |
acidchalk said: You uploaded the new version already?
yes, version 1.5

Famous Hero
posted May 01, 2017 04:26 PM |
zeryss said: east_pack
Thank you very much!

Famous Hero
posted May 01, 2017 09:22 PM |
How do you look at porting for vcmi?

Famous Hero
posted May 02, 2017 03:55 AM |
zeryss said: How do you look at porting for vcmi?
This mod heavily relies on erm But vcmi doesn't support erm. And I don't know vcmi coding. Even if I know, that will be huge amount of work for me.

Famous Hero
posted May 02, 2017 06:55 PM |
This mod heavily relies on erm But vcmi doesn't support erm. And I don't know vcmi coding. Even if I know, that will be huge amount of work for me.
Give the coordinates of buildings.Will porting for vcmi

Famous Hero
posted May 03, 2017 02:20 PM |
zeryss said:
Give the coordinates of buildings.Will porting for vcmi
But the other traits such as monster and hero skills coded with erm cannot be ported to vcmi. Thats why I dont want to do vcmi in the first place.
Anyway, you can have a try. The coords are below.
;Function to change building position by Oxfea
*x3=x coord
*x4=y coord
*x5=def frames
!#FU29461 8/0/407/0/35; guild 1
!#FU29461 8/1/407/0/35; guild 2
!#FU29461 8/2/407/0/35; guild 3
!#FU29461 8/3/407/0/35; guild 4
!#FU29461 8/4/407/0/35; guild 5
!#FU29461 8/5/0/0/1; tavern
!#FU29461 8/6/401/180/1; shipyard(temp)
!#FU29461 8/7/497/117/1; castle 1
!#FU29461 8/8/497/117/1; castle 2
!#FU29461 8/9/497/117/1; castle 3
!#FU29461 8/10/0/0/1; hall 1
!#FU29461 8/11/0/0/1; hall 2
!#FU29461 8/12/0/0/1; hall 3
!#FU29461 8/13/0/0/1; hall 4
!#FU29461 8/14/0/0/1; market
!#FU29461 8/15/318/200/1; silo
!#FU29461 8/16/572/191/1; black
!#FU29461 8/17/0/0/1; merchant
!#FU29461 8/18/614/0/1; hord lvl 1
!#FU29461 8/19/614/0/1; hord lvl 1+
!#FU29461 8/20/401/180/1; ship(temp)
!#FU29461 8/21/386/275/1; uni/pav/ext6
!_#FU29461 8/22/0/0/0; waterfall/ext5
!#FU29461 8/23/0/0/0; ext1(empty)
!#FU29461 8/24/0/0/0; ?
!#FU29461 8/25/0/0/0; ?
!#FU29461 8/26/0/0/1; grail
!#FU29461 8/27/0/0/1; ext2(white/pink bush)
!#FU29461 8/28/0/0/1; ext3(well)
!#FU29461 8/29/0/0/1; ext4(green bush)
!#FU29461 8/30/615/0/1; lvl 1
!#FU29461 8/31/0/0/1; lvl 2
!#FU29461 8/32/721/0/1; lvl 3
!#FU29461 8/33/335/133/1; lvl 4
!#FU29461 8/34/230/118/1; lvl 5
!#FU29461 8/35/677/68/1; lvl 6
!#FU29461 8/36/80/43/1; lvl 7
!#FU29461 8/37/615/0/1; lvl 1+
!#FU29461 8/38/0/0/1; lvl 2+
!#FU29461 8/39/721/0/1; lvl 3+
!#FU29461 8/40/335/133/1; lvl 4+
!#FU29461 8/41/230/118/1; lvl 5+
!#FU29461 8/42/677/68/1; lvl 6+
!#FU29461 8/43/80/43/1; lvl 7+

Famous Hero
posted May 04, 2017 01:07 AM |
Edited by zeryss at 13:18, 04 May 2017.
Dragons will be in town?


Legendary Hero
posted May 04, 2017 04:06 PM |
Good work! Will be great to habe all this cities in game!

Famous Hero
posted May 04, 2017 04:14 PM |
zeryss said: Dragons will be in town?
Looks good. Just a few decorations missing and layer priority wrong.
Dragons look great too. But does not fit into the town--no building for them.
Still, the creatures and heroes are hard to port in. You may want to see how it is in ERA.

Famous Hero
posted May 04, 2017 05:07 PM |
What do you think of the city versions will differ?

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted May 04, 2017 07:34 PM |
which town you replace?
can I use your graphics?
PS: I can help you with Amethyst

Famous Hero
posted May 05, 2017 03:47 AM |
zeryss said: What do you think of the city versions will differ?
In the town screen:
Some bushes are missing. The level 5 dwelling should be behind the merchant building. The shipyard should be behind the tavern. Others look the same.
On the functions:
The creature skills and hero skills are not pre-defined skills in the original H3. Most of the skills in my mod are newly designed and done via ERM.
For example,
Hero Wang can summon peasants and ammo cart in battle.
Creature Spell Monks can transform to Buddha and revive every 3 turns.
The Lake Pavilion building summons Hulu Brothers during siege battle.
It is easy to transfer and pictures into vcmi. But the skills may be difficult. Or the skills have to be redesigned to fit into vcmi.
If you try my ERA version, you will see the differences.

Famous Hero
posted May 05, 2017 04:03 AM |
majaczek said: which town you replace?
can I use your graphics?
PS: I can help you with Amethyst 
Replacing Element town.
Heroes are all re-designed and replacing the original heroes.
Creatures are added via Amethyst. I didnt touch the element creatures, so they can still appear in the game.
(The Amethyst is working fine.)
You can use the graphics. And just be noted that they are not 100% created by me, but modified by me.
I still have the siege walls not done, magic guild level 3,4 not done, shipyard not done. And the castle's look is not matched. And I dont think I can finish those.

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted May 05, 2017 05:19 PM |
could you prepare for me the "smuggler hideout" town?
here is my current list of creatures creature list
it would contain (were)rat, both pirates, amazon and maybe something more.
i need graphics of buildings only. (i will prepare custom town script etc.). Creatures are ready. please make the town generi enough so I can change creature bindings. (yes I have my own neutral town script, based on bersy one).

Legendary Hero
posted May 05, 2017 06:34 PM |

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted May 05, 2017 08:13 PM |
Baronus said: Very good!
See this unfinished towns. Maybe some graphics from townscrens will be fit:
Will be good to use prepared city screens and prepared units.

sadly it is russian and no visible link for download 
could you help me getting these graphics?