

Hired Hero
posted July 23, 2020 06:23 PM |
How difficult would it be to add a feature to SoD_SP so that could show which quicksands are known to the enemy creature?
This bug seems to be happening with 2-hex creatures with a certain pattern of quicksands. Probably similar idea as danger zone bug with Firewall or some bugs with reachability mechanics.
Examples of this bug:
It is hard to recreate this.

Supreme Hero
posted July 23, 2020 08:36 PM |
Machberet said: How difficult would it be to add a feature to SoD_SP so that could show which quicksands are known to the enemy creature?
This bug seems to be happening with 2-hex creatures with a certain pattern of quicksands. Probably similar idea as danger zone bug with Firewall or some bugs with reachability mechanics.
Examples of this bug:
It is hard to recreate this.
This is more a research topic than UI improvement in my opinion, too niche for SoD_SP. There are a number of other similar bugs unrelated to Firewall where computer just doesn't move but it's not really on my radar atm... as with most everything related to AI.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2


Hired Hero
posted August 03, 2020 09:13 PM |
I have some issues (or rather a question) with how XP overflow works.
Without SoD_SP you can level up with trees of knowledge up to level 88, and if you visit another tree, your XP overflows.
With SoD_SP however, you can level up with trees up to level 100 and then you just can't. In case of armorer specialist it is quite a difference. Moreover, it slightly increases the chances of going to "crazy" levels and/or overflowing, as you need about 263kk of XP to go from 88 to 100 and 'just' 25,9kk from 100 to 108.
It will make more sense if you can only level up with trees up to 88, won't it?
The problem is, of course, that levels 74 and beyond are borderline bug or a design flaw anyway as NWC simply didn't bother with hard level cap.

Supreme Hero
posted August 03, 2020 10:06 PM |
Rince said: I have some issues (or rather a question) with how XP overflow works.
Without SoD_SP you can level up with trees of knowledge up to level 88, and if you visit another tree, your XP overflows.
With SoD_SP however, you can level up with trees up to level 100 and then you just can't. In case of armorer specialist it is quite a difference. Moreover, it slightly increases the chances of going to "crazy" levels and/or overflowing, as you need about 263kk of XP to go from 88 to 100 and 'just' 25,9kk from 100 to 108.
It will make more sense if you can only level up with trees up to 88, won't it?
The problem is, of course, that levels 74 and beyond are borderline bug or a design flaw anyway as NWC simply didn't bother with hard level cap.
Most of the time visiting a Tree of Knowledge at level 74 got you to level 88, although if you had a bit too much experience you ended up in overflow purgatory, so even having level 88 in this list is not vanilla.
True, NWC never implemented a maximum level, players just found that the level algorithm allows some very high levels at specific experience points.
NWC did however implement a hard level cap with the mapeditor with which you can select:
Unleashed Changelog said:
75 = 88; 89 = 100; 101 = 108; 109 = 868 [restriction = in-game effect]
These last 2 stable levels are only achievable with Unleashed or through hex editing as you normally can only select 1-99. If we look at the numbers needed to level up:
Level Cumulative Exp Req Exp
74 1,508,362,195 n/a
88 1,810,034,207 301,672,012
100 2,073,739,175 263,704,968
108 2,099,639,276 25,900,101
I think it's fair to say that almost 264 million experience is justifiable to be granted by visiting a Tree of Knowledge. Of course we tend to prefer not to use this mechanic because we want to allow AI to reach even higher levels, assuming they will not gain extra experience.
Now as to control experience overflow... from the point of view of this plugin, that should be in player's hand: nothing forces you to visit those trees unless the mapmaker intentionally puts one in a 1-tile gap and it happens to be a free level-up, which is something easily fixable.
There is no right or wrong answer here, I drew the line at level 100 as 1) it made sense for a non-hex-edited map and 2) in terms of experience amount... you should be able to achieve this level safely and therefore seemed like something that should work in an "unaltered" context.
The best solution for a mapmaker would be to have player-independent hard caps but that's not something for SoD_SP but a leveling-overhaul plugin.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2


Hired Hero
posted August 10, 2020 10:32 PM |
RoseKavalier said:
Xyphistor said: I've found a couple of issues, not sure if they are with HD+ or SOD_SP...
3) Alt+RMB on Witch Huts sometimes lies...
3) Please post either some saves or some way to recreate said bugs.
It's to do with the Find function.
If you do a Find on Witch Huts and then cycle through them by hitting the down arrow, the Alt+RMB can sometimes fall behind in the sequence and show you the previous one rather than the one your mouse is currently over (it recovers when you move the mouse).
Probably too niche to be worth fixing tbh, but thought I'd let you know anyway

Supreme Hero
posted August 11, 2020 02:39 PM |
Thanks for the feedback, this is fairly easy to correct: the code used by the find function for moving the window's focus area does not update the mouse position.
Advanced dialogs naturally rely on mouse position so this update issue should be true of all objects inspected without moving the mouse.
I'll fix it when I get a moment over the next few days.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2


Hired Hero
posted August 17, 2020 11:28 AM |
There is an unintended (I suppose) consequence of "Hero fusion" bug fix - seems it doesn't allow to exchange between heroes using arrow keys.
Obviously, it's a very minor detail, however I was able to make it very beneficial for my map, so if you are going to fix it in any way, please warn beforehand

Supreme Hero
posted August 18, 2020 03:05 AM |
Rince said: There is an unintended (I suppose) consequence of "Hero fusion" bug fix - seems it doesn't allow to exchange between heroes using arrow keys.
Obviously, it's a very minor detail, however I was able to make it very beneficial for my map, so if you are going to fix it in any way, please warn beforehand 
I'll check when I get home in several days and patch as necessary. Any mechanic that doesn't follow vanilla logic and that is not specifically mentioned are unintended and not meant to be there 
Thanks for the info!
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Adventuring Hero
posted August 18, 2020 01:02 PM |
I've found a few minor issues with the advanced find:
The images for gold and abandoned mines are swapped.
If there are more then one of each found item in the search, the result should be labeled in plural.
The button to toggle whether advanced find should search only in the uncovered map or in the whole map does not update visually when you click on it (if it is set no, when you open the window, if it is set to yes it does update), but it updates logically. When you close and open the find window it does update.


Hired Hero
posted August 18, 2020 01:11 PM |
RoseKavalier said:
I'll check when I get home in several days and patch as necessary. Any mechanic that doesn't follow vanilla logic and that is not specifically mentioned are unintended and not meant to be there 
Thanks for the info!
To be more precise: the exchange between heroes doesn't work with arrows if the hero you are moving with was standing still. You you move him and then use arrow keys in direction of another hero it works just fine.
What I was able to do with it. In WoG/Unleashed map editor you can put events on the rocks (impassable terrain) making them passable - with arrow keys. My goal was to make a hero in prison that you can't trade with, so he goes on his quest with troops/artifacts/spells he has originally. It turns out, my solution was based on your "Hero fuision" fix.
Though it's mostly a mapmaking issue rather then SoD SP one.

Supreme Hero
posted August 23, 2020 07:43 PM |
Barbuta said: I've found a few minor issues with the advanced find:
The images for gold and abandoned mines are swapped.
If there are more then one of each found item in the search, the result should be labeled in plural.
The button to toggle whether advanced find should search only in the uncovered map or in the whole map does not update visually when you click on it (if it is set no, when you open the window, if it is set to yes it does update), but it updates logically. When you close and open the find window it does update.
Gonna check those, thanks for notice.
Regarding plural/singular
Object names are obtained from the game's text files, where they only exist in singular format. For example, you'll find "Garrison" but not "Garrisons". The only possible solution would be to modify the text entry for each language equivalent to "Found %d %s(s)" to get text like:
Found 1 Garrison(s)
Found 2 Garrison(s)
It's a minor inconvenience, but I can solicit translators for that. It might be difficult in some languages where words have genders (e.g. German) so we'll see if it ever gets "fixed".
There are other ways to achieve that, I'm sure you'll figure it out
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2


Hired Hero
posted August 24, 2020 11:58 AM |
RoseKavalier said:
There are other ways to achieve that, I'm sure you'll figure it out 
Do you have any specific suggestions? I had several ideas but they were pretty... cumbersome.

Supreme Hero
posted August 29, 2020 04:03 PM |
[-] Added check on hero visibility for hero vision which would sometimes prevent trading with Hero Fusion fix (thanks Rince)
[-] English localization of Advanced Find has been updated (thanks Barbuta)
[-] Advanced Find's button for searching in shroud now updates correctly (thanks Barbuta)
[-] Advanced Find's Abandoned Mine and Gold Mine graphics were swapped around (thanks Barbuta)
[-] Advanced Find's Event visibility button displays by default the current visibility state
I didn't update Advanced Find's text for other localizations for now, I'd rather not bother translators for part of one sentence only.
Thank you to all users contributing to the project !
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Tavern Dweller
posted September 22, 2020 11:10 PM |
Edited by RolexAx at 18:22, 24 Sep 2020.
Hi RoseKavalier!
1. Is it possible to make an update check on every startup with the option to disable it? Please add the option "Check for Updates" to SOD_SP.ini (off - 0, on - 1). When the option is off - 0, a window with a message "A new version of SOD_SP is available..." at startup that you have an old version is NOT DISPLAYED.
Like a checkbox in HD+ - "Check for updates every time when launch then game".
2. In the SoD_SP for those creatures whose attack consists of two shots or two strike, the damage and the possible number of killed creatures are not displayed as we would like.
That is, the damage and the number of killed are calculated and displayed actually by the first shot or strike, but in fact this is part of the attack, because two shots or two strikes are one attack, this is just a feature of the creature. That is it might be more correct to display the damage for such creatures as:
(damage: X1-X2 + Y1-Y2, kills: A-B + C-D)
In the case of archers (Marksmen, Grand Elves) X1 = Y1 and X2 = Y2, or when Wolf Raiders or Crusaders hit a creature that no longer responds. But in the case of a retaliatory strike, it is already more difficult (X1 <> Y1 and X2 <> Y2), because the second strike can be produced by a smaller number of creatures, and therefore the damage from them will already be less (except if after the enemy's response none of them died being).
+ Error in Russian localization:
(убьет X из Y) = (kills X out of Y)
That's right:
(убьет от X до Y) = (kills X to Y)
Better yet:
(убьет: X-Y) = (kills: X-Y)
3. Dwellings belonged to players accumulate creatures on a by-week basis. Number of creatures in dwellings without owner is set to one creature growth each week.
I would like to have something like this in SOD_SP. Will it be difficult to do?
4. Is it possible in SOD_SP to restore the code of Bad Luck (animation can be used from the spell "Misfortune")? Half the damage with a chance (-1: 8.3%, -2: 16.7%, -3: 25%).

Tavern Dweller
posted September 24, 2020 08:42 PM |
Hi, RoseKavalier, can you check your e-mail, please?
I wrote about one strange bug with impassable path, more details in the letter.

Supreme Hero
posted September 26, 2020 07:40 AM |
1. [other][CheckUpdate] = 0
2a. Calculating the damage for non-range attacks is complex as you note due to retaliation
It's not really something I want to spend time on nor time I have right now but I (or anyone) can add it to the repository as a feature request. For now very simple logic is done where maximum damage is assumed and minimal is only doubled for ranged attackers; the idea being as239's.
2b. At some point I will convert the text to json format and publish it on the H3Plugins repository where it will be easier to make corrections. This will take some time which I don't really have right now unfortunately.
3. No in SoD_SP, gameplay change. A hex patch for this is posted somewhere in the 'edit hota' thread if you wish to have it.
4. Not in SoD_SP, gameplay change. I think feanor (0xFEA) has a plugin for this anyway.
I have replied now, I've been away for some time.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Tavern Dweller
posted September 26, 2020 09:42 AM |
If Magic Mirror is set to at least 50% chance or higher in SPTRAITS.TXT the AI will never try to cast any direct damage spell on you.


Hired Hero
posted October 01, 2020 12:34 PM |
Can you make features out of old Restoration of Erathia bugs?
I am talking for example of a bug where you could attack hero in Sanctuary by using directional keys.

Supreme Hero
posted October 01, 2020 02:51 PM |
Machberet said: Can you make features out of old Restoration of Erathia bugs?
Nope, that's not something I wish to do in SoD_SP ever. The 'bugs' I reintroduce are things that were fixed/removed by HDmod, breaking many well known maps.
There's actually one exception to this which I regret: it's the HDmod quick combat bug 'Q' which I was asked to fix.
I'm strongly thinking of removing that because it doesn't follow the SoD_SP goals:
* UI improvements
* fix obvious bugs
* undo HDmod modifications that break maps, i.e. allow the use of unpatched NWC bugs
* remain as true as possible to unaltered mechanics
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Tavern Dweller
posted October 02, 2020 11:16 PM |
RoseKavalier said:
Machberet said: Can you make features out of old Restoration of Erathia bugs?
Nope, that's not something I wish to do in SoD_SP ever. The 'bugs' I reintroduce are things that were fixed/removed by HDmod, breaking many well known maps.
There's actually one exception to this which I regret: it's the HDmod quick combat bug 'Q' which I was asked to fix.
I'm strongly thinking of removing that because it doesn't follow the SoD_SP goals:
* UI improvements
* fix obvious bugs
* undo HDmod modifications that break maps, i.e. allow the use of unpatched NWC bugs
* remain as true as possible to unaltered mechanics
I think you can disable quick combat bug by default and leave the option to return it through F12.
But my initial intention was to ask the following. I tested one hypothetical fight in "Metataxer's Revenge" (LiLaLauBear vs. Rusty Fly). And I always get crash during this battle at the mark of 25-30 round. AI starts spamming earth elementals, then goes antimagic, then crash. I consider it's somehow connected with cap on spamming and AI trying to cast more elementals. Maybe it's possible to fix this somehow?
Here is [url=https://mega.nz/file/SFQQlBAQ#Tx2_QUcGoV541rapeVWFNkhUjuGo-dgOPtbVBYJQkNg]crash-log[/url] and [url=https://mega.nz/file/vdBwCJAY#gW3mloULvGl8ltjYI9ZLzKc_wgvkjy72FSVfnyyt2z4]save[/url].
[url=https://radikal.ru] [/url]