
Tavern Dweller
posted November 06, 2021 08:13 PM |
RerryR said:
ERA is made for all sorts of various modifications, not only maps.
ERA 3 gives modders easier access and has more modding possibilities than ERA2. If you want new maps someone has to make them, that is regardless of the ERA version.
Don't get me wrong, i was genuinely wondering because i'm a fan of ERA, i think HOMM IV, back than when it was released, should have been what ERA is now.
To casual player some things might not be obvious here and the procedure of updating the whole platform and make it work is not the easiest. That's for players, i can't imagine what map makers are going through.

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 09, 2021 03:57 AM |
hey bersy, i'm trying to release a map mod and i keep running into an issue while testing it with era 3. in my mod, i have files that are intended to overwrite h3sprite.lod and the original wog files; but i am seeing a mixture of the two, instead. now, i have manually replaced the files in both the wog mod AND all the lods in the era data folder, but the issue remains.
where are the files located, that are needed to overwrite ALL the graphics for era 3/wog? because i'm still getting wog creatures and wog graphics in my game, when i should be getting the creatures and graphics i swapped them out with, instead.
thanks in advance. i'm still learning how to work around era 3; it is definitely more complicated than era 1.8.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 09, 2021 09:15 AM |
Your mod works fine on my Era 3. Probably you didn't build it correctly, a pity I can't upload it, for some reason is always rejected. Can you open your mod manager, right click on your mod in the list then make executable? It will go on desktop then try to upload this exe file anywhere so I take a look.

Adventuring Hero
posted November 09, 2021 02:53 PM |
If I understood correctly, I found the same issue with some defs, especially with phoenixes, which I had to replace in four files or so till I saw in battle what was intented. I recommend that you disable all the mods except those essential to stability from the mod manager, and then check if you defs display. If so, start adding back the mods you had enabled one by one till you find the one overriding your changes.
This said, I have the same query as you about how to not resort to replacing everything manually, but I was waiting until I did some more progress to search for tips.
Ssssshhhhhhhpp!! Ah! (crimson cloud and I'm gone)

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 09, 2021 04:28 PM |
ok, will try that.
@ sal: i made the exe and added it that way when i added it initially. i'll upload the mod for you so you can see.

Supreme Hero
posted November 10, 2021 06:37 PM |
Hi, fred79?
Val, there are 2 solutions for your mod-maps:
1) Fixed package with Era 3, Yona(?), Secondary Skills Scrolling and Fast Battle Animation preinstalled. It can be done by opening Era installler in WinRar, adding new contents and changing Toolsinstall.bat file.
2) I'm planning to add new fields to Mods[mod name]mod.json file, where we can list all the mods, our mod depends on. Era will show warning in case of any missing dependency and will load all dependencies BEFORE the mod, thus fixing priority issues.
fred79, upload your mod and we will be able to see, what's wrong.

Supreme Hero
posted November 10, 2021 06:38 PM |
P.S. I never touched Cloning functionality. The bug fix is made by igrik in WoG Native Dialogs or Game Bug Fixes Extended plugin.

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 10, 2021 06:53 PM |
Edited by fred79 at 23:43, 10 Nov 2021.
ok, will send you a link.

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 10, 2021 11:41 PM |
hey bersy, i got the issue sorted out. i had to make another exe file, as the first one had issues. not sure why it caused so many problems, but everything looks correct now. thanks for your time.

Supreme Hero
posted November 11, 2021 12:15 AM |

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 11, 2021 08:53 PM |
Has anything been changed from Era 2 to Era3 regarding tactics phase round ID?
Because in 75 secondary skills.erm, the script exits if
!!FU&v997<>-1:E; [Exit if not tactics round]
Or round -1 never occurs, I tested right now, it is either -1000000 (tactics phase) or 0 if first round. So the +3 speed from tactics skill will never be given. I don't remember how it was but I am pretty sure it worked before.
Era II mods and utilities

Known Hero
posted November 12, 2021 06:29 AM |
Edited by daemon_n at 08:59, 12 Nov 2021.
Salamandre said: Has anything been changed from Era 2 to Era3 regarding tactics phase round ID?
Because in 75 secondary skills.erm, the script exits if
!!FU&v997<>-1:E; [Exit if not tactics round]
Or round -1 never occurs, I tested right now, it is either -1000000 (tactics phase) or 0 if first round. So the +3 speed from tactics skill will never be given. I don't remember how it was but I am pretty sure it worked before.
In ERA 3 v997 is random value when tactics.
Use !!BU:T?y1; instead

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 12, 2021 10:10 AM |
What about 75 secondary skills boost.erm then, is it safe to change v997 condition to 0 to apply the +3 tactics speed?

Known Hero
posted November 12, 2021 04:58 PM |
Salamandre said: What about 75 secondary skills boost.erm then, is it safe to change v997 condition to 0 to apply the +3 tactics speed?
yes, then speed should be added after tactics.
But in that case -what about summoned creatures? looks like that we cant find the best trigger.

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 20, 2021 07:09 AM |
anyone know if there are crashes regarding mithril scripts in era 3?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 20, 2021 11:33 AM |
No, this isn't common. You should collect such saves prior to crash then upload them, probably an easy fix.

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 20, 2021 03:49 PM |
i haven't had any crashes, i was asking based off what i asked in my thread, that went unanswered.

Supreme Hero
posted November 20, 2021 07:42 PM |
v997 is round number. For tactics phase it starts from -1000000000. For normal phase, counting starts from 0.
Each round v997 is increased by one, thus it can serve as always increasing unique round ID.
!?FU(OnBattleRound)&v997=0; on first non-tactics visible real round
; apply spells, play music, change creature attributes, etc.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 21, 2021 07:31 PM |
working on finishing and releasing the map mod today, and i have a question pertaining to era 3 mods: how to create the json file needed to describe your mod in the mod manager? which era tool do i use to make it?

Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted November 21, 2021 07:41 PM |
fred79 said: working on finishing and releasing the map mod today, and i have a question pertaining to era 3 mods: how to create the json file needed to describe your mod in the mod manager? which era tool do i use to make it?
Hi fred,
in mod manager right click on your mod and select "Edit mod data". That should create .json in your mod directory