Supreme Hero
posted April 22, 2021 02:54 PM |
Tavern Dweller
posted April 24, 2021 10:52 AM |
Well, I did all the steps by hand, and… it didn't work. I suspect that Toolsinstallmod WoG is to blame (rest things script does is moving files around), because when I copied Mods folder from your gaming build to my freshly installed ERA on clean H3, my issue has been solved.
Supreme Hero
posted April 25, 2021 12:45 PM |
Famous Hero
posted April 26, 2021 03:18 AM |
Before, I noticed that if you hover the mouse over the hero's portrait on the adventure map, on the info bar at the bottom middle shows your hero's movement points and remaining expressed like:
(Sandro remaining movement points: 1532/1832) -something like this, i can't recall ver batum
I installed an updated version (otherwise the games would not start) and now I have to right click the movement bar to the left of the portrait and a screen pops up showing only movement points remaining, not the base total. Is there a way to have both methods available?
Supreme Hero
posted April 26, 2021 01:52 PM |
Supreme Hero
posted April 28, 2021 03:43 AM |
A new HoMM 3 ERA version was released
Current version: 3.6.0
Version 3.6.0 (04/2020)
[+] Implemented def frames replacement with png images. Replacement occurs on the fly when game asks to draw def frame.
Real def frame may be missing, but a def file itself must exist. It may have any dimensions, but preferrable height should
be greater or equal to maximum height of all frames. Png frame may have different size, but will be always drawn at (0, 0) def coordinates.
Current supported def types: interface defs, interface defs with multiple frame groups.
Supported features: horizontal mirroring.
Png frame path template: "Data/Defs/[defname.def]/[group_index]_[frame_index].png".
Group and frame indexes are counted from 0.
Example: "Data/Defs/zmenulg.def/0_2.png". It's a "Load Game" menu item, group 0, frame 2.
All png formats are supported, including all types of transparency.
The fastest drawing is performed for png without transparency and 32 bit HD mode.
Era Markup Language (EML) fully supports defs with png frames. Thus any png image can be displayed in almost any place, where text is output.
Frames are automatically trimmed before displaying.
Example: "{~>cndrgn.def:12:2 block mirror}"
Note: Heroes 3 engine redraws dialog buttons on every mouse move, thus buttons with partial transparency are drawn many times on the same background.
[!] The only recommended way of providing changed artifacts/spells/monster icons in mods is png frames usage.
Png frames have priority over def files even if frame is located in a mod with a lower priority.
[+] Added global resource manager, which is used currently for def frames png caching. Specify maximum cache size in heroes3.ini
in the "ResourceCacheSize" key.
[*] ERA does not provide "heroes3.ini" anymore. Instead it comes with "default heroes3.ini" file, which is
a fallback for any key, missing in "heroes3.ini". Thus "heroes3.ini" will never be overwritten and will
preserve user settings. "heroes 3.ini" will be automatically created when any in-game setting is changed.
Version 3.5.1 (04/2020)
[-] Fixed bug: spaces after comparison operators (<, >, =, <>) were still not ignored.
Version 3.5.0 (04/2020)
[+] Rewritten part of old ERM engine, which was responsible for conditions evaluations.
- It's now possible to use spaces and line feeds to decorate complex conditions.
!!if|i^Master_Warrior_Hero%(hero)^ <> (prevWasMasterWarrior)/
i^Master_Mage_Hero%(hero)^ <> (prevWasMasterMage)/
i^Master_Adventurer_Hero%(hero)^ <> (prevWasMasterAdventurer)/
i^Grandmaster_Warrior_Hero%(hero)^ <> (prevWasGrandmasterWarrior)/
i^Grandmaster_Mage_Hero%(hero)^ <> (prevWasGrandmasterMage)/
i^Grandmaster_Adventurer_Hero%(hero)^ <> (prevWasGrandmasterAdventurer);
; ...
- It's now possible to use numbers in the left side of comparisons. Previosly they were treated as flags.
Example 1:
!!IF&1000>=(goldLeft):M^You have enough gold to buy the map^;
Example 2:
!!if & (EDU_MOD_VERSION) < 320;
!!IF:M^You use old version of Edu mod. Please, update it^;
- Single numeric or string values are casted to boolean now. For numbers it's the same as <> 0. For strings it's the same as <> ^^ (empty string).
!!IF&(movePoints):M^Ok, you have some movement points^; same as &(movePoints)<>0
; Please, use >= operator in real code for anything, that can become negative. It's just an example
!!IF&(inputText)/(inputText)<>^secret password^:M^You have entered wrong password!^; same as &(inputText)<>^^/(inputText)<>^secret password^
Version 3.4.3 (04/2020)
[+] Added new ERM command VR:B. It converts any number to boolean (1 or 0). Any non-zero value becomes 1.
!!VR(hasGold:y):S(goldAmount) B; now hasGold = (TRUE) or (FALSE)
!!IF:M^I know you have some gold in your pockets!^;
Version 3.4.2 (04/2020)
[+] Added the following functions to Era Erm Framework:
; Returns number of items, added to dialog
; Returns value of specified item or throws error in case of invalid index.
; Returns tag of specified item or throws error in case of invalid index.
[+] Updated ERM Editor.
[-] Fixed black background in Credits menu.
Version 3.4.1 (04/2020)
[+] (CURRENT_HERO) constant (-1) can be safely used in triggers from now. Previosly this global value could be overwritten by nested events.
!?HM0; current hero is Orrin
!!HE(HERO_XERON):Ed100000; Level up for Xeron, current hero used to become Xeron in previous Era versions
!!HE(CURRENT_HERO):N?(hero:y); (hero) is always (HERO_ORRIN), starting from Era 3.4.1
[+] Implemented high level API for WoG radio dialogs (IF:G). Configure dialog before showing. Optionally assign value and tag to each item.
Optionally add special "cancel" item. The result is item index, value and tag. No need to convert bits anymore.
Example 1:
!!FU(RadioDlg_SetTitle):P^What primary skill would you like to increase?^;
!!IF:M^Item: %(item). Value: %(value). Tag: %(tag)^;
Example 2:
!!FU(RadioDlg_SetTitle):P^Select your starting hero:^;
!!FU(RadioDlg_SelectItemByValue):P(HERO_GIRD); Preselect Gird from start
!!IF:M^Selected hero: %(hero)^;
; Resets all radio dialog settings to empty values.
; Changes radio dialog title.
; Adds cancel button to dialog. Decreases maximum number of items in dialog by one.
; Sets new selected item by its index.
; Finds the first item with specified value and selects it.
; Finds the first item with specified tag and selects it.
!#VA(itemTagPtr:x); Tag string
; Adds new item to radio dialog.
!#VA(itemCaptionPtr:x); Optional. New item caption. Empty/spacy captions are valid. Default: ^^.
!#VA(itemValue:x); Optional. Numeric value, associated with item. Default: 0.
!#VA(itemTagPtr:x); Optional. String tag, associated with item. Default: ^^.
!#VA(selectItem:x); Optional. Boolean. If TRUE, item will be selected. Default: FALSE.
; Adds up to 5 items to radio dialog. For detailed arguments description see (RadioDlg_AddItem).
; Display previously configured radio dialog with single possible choice.
; Currently maximum RADIO_DLG_MAX_ITEMS (-1 for cancel button) items can be added to the dialog.
; Returns selected item index, value and tag. Item index is (NO_RADIO_DLG_ITEM) if no items are present for selection
; or Cancel button was pressed.
!#VA(resultItem:x); Default: (NO_RADIO_DLG_ITEM).
!#VA(resultValue:x); Default: -1.
!#VA(resultTagPtr:x); Default: ^^.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.
Supreme Hero
posted April 30, 2021 02:53 AM |
Edited by Bersy at 02:53, 30 Apr 2021.
A new HoMM 3 ERA version was released
Current version: 3.7.0
[+] Added new SN:H syntax to work with spell texts.
where #spell_text_type is one of SPELL_TEXT_XXX constants.
This command deprecates SS usage for texts.
Deletion syntax works partially. The settings are reset, but text will be restored on savegame load only.
; List all spell, displaying all texts
!!IF:M^Spell %i:
[+] SN:V#1/#2/#3 command now applies "mod 32" operation to argument #2, allowing to use commands on XXL maps without errors.
[+] Added global exported functions to work with ERA global named ERM variables (i^..^ and s^...^):
int (__stdcall) GetAssocVarIntValue (const char *VarName);
char* (__stdcall) GetAssocVarStrValue (const char *VarName);
void (__stdcall) SetAssocVarIntValue (const char *VarName, int NewValue);
void (__stdcall) SetAssocVarStrValue (const char *VarName, const char *NewValue);
Do not forget to call (__stdcall) MemFree (void* Addr) to release memory, returned by string functions.
[+] Added global exported functions to work with ERA shared global in-memory registry.
The registry can be used by plugins to exchange config values and signals.
int (__stdcall) GetEraRegistryIntValue (const char *VarName);
char* (__stdcall) GetEraRegistryStrValue (const char *VarName);
void (__stdcall) SetEraRegistryIntValue (const char *VarName, int NewValue);
void (__stdcall) SetEraRegistryStrValue (const char *VarName, const char *NewValue);
Do not forget to call (__stdcall) MemFree (void* Addr) to release memory, returned by string functions.
[+] Added missing crtrait0.txt and crtraits.txt to hmm35wog.pac.
[*] "Failed to load image at %s" message will not be displayed anymore for missing images in wog native dialogs.
[*] Updated Erm Editor and Era Erm Framework.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.
Tavern Dweller
posted May 01, 2021 08:56 PM |
Interesting. I can cleanly install ERA 3.7 with wine, and it works out-of-box. The crash I've mentioned before is gone.
Supreme Hero
posted May 02, 2021 01:32 AM |
Known Hero
posted August 12, 2021 11:51 PM |
Possible bug: In ERA 3.87, when I try to save or load WOG options, I see the dialog box for a fraction of a second. It vanishes, and everything is frozen. A check reveals the file didn't save.
If it makes any difference, I'm using Heroes 3 Launcher, which I understand is the replacement for the ERA gaming build.
I've tried changing graphics settings, disabling some of the mods, that sort of thing, but so far, nothing has helped.
If there's not an immediate fix for this problem, can a settings.dat file prepared with an earlier version of ERA/WOG be substituted for the default settings.dat, or will that just cause additional problems? Actually, I think I'll experiment and see if such a solution is workable.
Edit: Oddly, inserting a settings.dat file from an earlier version doesn't do anything--even when the new one, which I had renamed, is removed completely. The default settings remain no matter what I do (and, as you recall, loading freezes the program the same way saving does. Sigh!)
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted August 13, 2021 07:30 AM |
This bug has been present for a long time now. It is not ERA 3 faults.
It has to do with the openGL from HD Mod.
When the window vanishes your game does not freeze, you just have an invisible window.
3) solutions:
- update via the launcher, there is an extra window now
- switch graphic mode in HD-Mod Launcher
- set WoG options via mod manager
Known Hero
posted August 13, 2021 04:33 PM |
RerryR said: This bug has been present for a long time now. It is not ERA 3 faults.
It has to do with the openGL from HD Mod.
When the window vanishes your game does not freeze, you just have an invisible window.
3) solutions:
- update via the launcher, there is an extra window now
- switch graphic mode in HD-Mod Launcher
- set WoG options via mod manager
Thanks as always for the quick response. It's been a while since I had time to play--I think my last version of ERA was 3.5, and at that point, I wasn't seeing the problem. I made the incorrect assumption that the problem was recent.
As you suggested, switching to a different graphics mode solved the problem (stretchable 32 bit GDI seems to work). Thanks for the easy solution.
I think HD mod has had an update to latest version option for a long time, but the one time I tried that (long ago), I got a version that didn't seem to work with ERA. Is the Launcher set up to update to the latest version that's still ERA-compatible, or has whatever compatibility issue there used to be been resolved?
As for setting the WOG options in Mod Manager, I may just be missing it, but I don't see anything that would allow me to set WOG options from there. All I see is the ability to enable or disable WOG-related mods, but not to change the specific settings.
Anyway, thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. I might have stumbled there eventually, but at the very least, you saved me a lot of time.
Thanks also to Daemon-n for creating the launcher. It's a great idea. It's amazing how much ERA-WOG has evolved in such a short period of time. I know there's a lot of work necessary to keep that evolution going.
Hired Hero
posted September 11, 2021 10:04 AM |
Edited by Darimus at 04:51, 17 Sep 2021.
New interface mode
New interface mode is not better original design.
Please don't set default enable at version Era Game build.
I must change disable it in Mod manager.
Known Hero
posted September 19, 2021 02:15 AM |
Darimus said: New interface mode is not better original design.
Please don't set default enable at version Era Game build.
I must change disable it in Mod manager.
Gaming Build doesn't have this mod at all, btw this thread is about Clean ERA - there are no mods except Wog itself and ERA ERM Framework
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 24, 2021 09:16 PM |
I hope you update AI, when I played Ready! (WoG/ERA map), ok I notice AI, I can't call an idiot, what? AI didn't take 6 Azure Dragons from Pandora's Box and 5 Azure Dragons from Seer's Hut, because AI has full troops. But Diplomacy, AI can reject some troop and join to better troop. Pandora's Box or Seer's Hut must be the same thing. Fix it, please.
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 24, 2021 11:03 PM |
bad idea to give AI troops via pandora box or seer hut. Better place a creature generator and event giving resources, AI will recruit.
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 24, 2021 11:23 PM |
If update can't be realized. Then poor idea! Ready! map is MP, and AI can't play better. Only human players. If playing against AI, mapmaker must know how. No free. Update, please.
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Tavern Dweller
posted November 05, 2021 07:39 PM |
Can someone help? I don't know why, but for some reason era doesn't work on my PC anymore. Tried multiple era 3.x installations, tried multiple era 2.x installations, it just won't load any map.
I know the procedure, install fresh HOM SOD installation, install era, play.
This is the message i get, when i try to play the latest ver. of TEW 3:
Erm has wrong syntax. Disabled.
This is from the log:
> ERA version: 3.9
> ERM context in 42 wog - mithril enhancements.erm:554:1
!!FU$spell$1/1/0/0/1/1/y1; [Spell number in y-99, skip banned spells, exclude spell y1]
!!SRv4/v5/v6&y-99>=0:Sy-99; (Setup new Spell)
** Level 2 Shrine **
!!SRv4/v5/v6:S?y1; (Get Spell Number: y1)
!!OW:R-1/7/?y2; (Get amount of mithril)
!!FU&y2<2:E; (Exit if not enough mithril)
> Quick vars (f..t)
f = 0
g = 0
h = 0
i = 0
j = 0
k = 0
l = 0
m = 0
n = 0
o = 0
p = 0
q = 0
r = 0
s = 0
t = 0
> Vars x1..x16
x1..x16 = 0
> Vars y1..y100
y1..y100 = 0
> Vars y-1..y-100
y-1..y-100 = 0
..Theres more
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 05, 2021 08:17 PM |
Can you take a screen of your active mods and show please?
Tavern Dweller
posted November 05, 2021 08:54 PM |
Hi Valery
Active mods are only:
ERA erm framework (tryed with this disabled)
WOG (core)
I don't have any other mods installed atm, no point. TEW 3/4 should load the starting menu without any other mods right?