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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: Kuma's Tavern: a home away from HoMM
Thread: Kuma's Tavern: a home away from HoMM This thread is 36 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 30 ... 32 33 34 35 36 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
Look ma!..a glowing ball...
posted October 18, 2001 10:57 AM

...a dd suddenly opens in the middle of the tavern and a figure in a robe walks through...and underhood can only be a face of anger and disappointment...

give me 10 rounds of your strongest ale...so neighbour what is this about a castle being sieged??
Where do u go when you have gone too far?

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Famous Hero
of Clear Water Mountain Clan
posted October 18, 2001 11:30 AM


*A well-built minoutaur walks through the door. His stance is weary, yet wary. His eyes has a fervent gleam to them, and he has a slight limp as he approaches the bar*

Hey, 'keep, a pint, please.

*Takes a seat and turnes to the bartender*

Argh, 'keep, I tell ya, my story is a long and sad one, and not for the faint of heart. Are you sure you're up for it?

*wait's patiently for bartenders reply*
There are 10 types of people: Those who read binary, and those who don't.

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Famous Hero
happily tilting at windmills
posted October 18, 2001 11:31 AM

:: Brushes past all the fine and noble customers simply brimming with portents, and retires to his usual spot...the booth in the back, in the corner, in the dark ::

Hey Kuma ...I need something to wipe out my memory of the last few hours. If you haven't got akavit, tequila will do. In a bucket, please ....with a straw.

:: collapses against his dendroid poker buddies, muttering "The horror ...the horror..." ::
Some people say the glass is half full..Some people say it's half empty... I say "What're you asking me to drink?"

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Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted October 18, 2001 11:10 PM

...are you ok man?
This space for rent.

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Famous Hero
happily tilting at windmills
posted October 19, 2001 01:04 AM

::still muttering ... actually raving a bit::

'Tolkien sucks', 'Humans are boring', 'I know everything about ...', 'they must include my ideas', a page and a half of Mortal Kombat crud that morphed into a Pokemon discussion, towns and spells and creatures, OH MY!!!!!

::a gnarled, leafy hand pats him reassuringly on the shoulder, and a dry, rustling voice says::

"He'll be ok ..he just spent too long in the Archives at one shot. Quick, deal the cards! Here's our chance to win some of our acorns back!"
Some people say the glass is half full..Some people say it's half empty... I say "What're you asking me to drink?"

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Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted October 19, 2001 01:11 AM

...hmm, alright sure...hope he recovers soon enough though...

::takes a quick peek at the deck of cards, and pulls out a couple, putting them on top, and keeping the rest...then deals them out::

ALright, here you are...how much do you bid?
This space for rent.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 19, 2001 08:01 AM

And still the signature remains HAPPILY   .... LOL!@
If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

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Known Hero
Look ma!..a glowing ball...
posted October 20, 2001 09:01 AM

to unk....u should change it to "unhappily browsing through the achives"...lol
Where do u go when you have gone too far?

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Famous Hero
happily tilting at windmills
posted October 20, 2001 09:21 AM
Edited By: UnkaHaakon on 20 Oct 2001

The windmills have just gotten bigger is all ...

LOL .... and the archives are the biggest windmill yet. But I'll lick 'em, just you wait and see.

Sometimes you find some ideas that have fallen by the wayside, and there's a feeling of discovery there. (Anybody remember 'Trench Warfare'?) Sometimes, you want to just delete every freaking thread on a page because of some of the BS. But mostly, it's just a process of opening, reading, and filing. When it's all done, I'll be in the weird position of having read every single post on the Altar. I don't think anybody else will be in a position to claim that dubious honor LOL

Now, if you'll excuse me :: grabbing a chainsaw:: I think one of the Dendroids is dealing off the bottom of the deck... Hold on thar, you miserable son of a birch!!
Some people say the glass is half full..Some people say it's half empty... I say "What're you asking me to drink?"

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Supreme Hero
u can type so much text in her
posted October 20, 2001 09:52 AM

serving the whole Moderaters-crew and waiting for the story the Don has to tell us.

Now about that Zud.... First he comes in here and knocks up my female co-owner, than he becomes a Mod. What is to happen of this site and of this tavern?

People used to call me crazy, but now that I'm rich I am excentric.

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Known Hero
Look ma!..a glowing ball...
posted October 20, 2001 10:59 AM


Sometimes you find some ideas that have fallen by the wayside, and there's a feeling of discovery there. (Anybody remember 'Trench Warfare'?) Sometimes, you want to just delete every freaking thread on a page because of some of the BS.


ahhh!!!!....he is evil....somebody stop him!!! what are u doin' to my trench warfare unk??
Where do u go when you have gone too far?

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Famous Hero
of Clear Water Mountain Clan
posted October 20, 2001 11:12 AM

All right, here it goes:

A time of darkness has descended upon our race, and the timespan grows between each encounter with one of my own.

Although our origin is dark and bloody, some minotaurs turned later to the light, and tried to lead lives that would somehow, somewhen, redeem our original sin.

And with time, the strong, proud and adaptable minotaurs grew many, and so were divided into clans.  

I am the last member of the once so proud Clear Water Mountain Clan. It was we who guarded the mountain springs, ensuring drinkable water for this part of the world. We roamed the mountainside, fighting an unheralded war to preserve our most basic and (still much too under)valued nature resource.

But as all minotaurs know, I reached my "age of exploring", the period in every minotaurs life where he, for couple of years or so, severs the bond with his clan to travel the world, and learn it's ways and wonders. After this, they can chose whether they want to return to the clan (have to be re-initiated, a lenghty and solemn ritual in which the minotaur in question has to answer a chain of questions regarding morale, ethics, dedication etc., whereupon a physical and psychological trial has to be completed, all to ensure the worthyness of each minotaur), or do otherwise with their lives. A very few wishes to stay apart from their clan, for various reasons, and another few fail to complete the initiation ritual, and as a result, minotaur mercenaries are not unheard of (and highly sought-after), but a vast majority return to their clans to perform their duties.

Upon returning from my "age of exploring", I was confused, shocked, engrieved and enraged. I expected a welcome commity on my arrival, and when I found none, was thoroughly confused. I racked my brains for the reasons my clan could have for not showing, and the two I could come up with seemed highly unlikely: That the entire clan had been mobilized in a war effort, if which was the case I could not imagine avoiding hearing mention of; the other that I had disgraced the clan and thereby banned myself, which I found very hard to believe. Sure, I had bruised a couple of faces and dented my share of armors, but certainly nothing to even come close to banning.

I camped at the arrival site for a few days, wringing my wits and contemplating other possible sources of my clan's absence, but when I could find none, I ventured higher up in the mountains, covering as much ground as I could each day, every now and then uttering howls and listening for replies. But all I heard were my own howls, echoing back and forth between the mountains. On my sixth day of search, I discovered the first body. It was Amund, my senior by four years, who had trained me in axefighting and been a good friend. The strange thing was that there were no exterior signs to inplicate the cause of death, and his tragic departure was a mystery to me. Still, I wept for him, and gave him a Clear Water burial.

In the following days, I found more and more dead minotaurs. My father, his father, my mother, my entire family, as well as every other minotaur of Clear Water Mountain Clan. I was the only one left. For weeks on end, I did nothing but bury friends and famliy and wailing for them. When the last was buried, onehundredandseventytwo in all, I collapsed on the ground, devastated and exhausted.

I awoke days later, my body screaming for food and water. I then decided to seek the neighboring clan, the Blue Sky Mountain Clan, only to find them eradicated. Later, I learned this was the cruel fate of all the minotaur clans.

So now I hunt. All that drives me is the thought of vengeance. That, and the faint hope that the Clear Water Mountain Clan will one day be restored. So if you would, my good man, *adressing Kuma*, spread the word to any minotaur who visits this place.

There are 10 types of people: Those who read binary, and those who don't.

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Supreme Hero
u can type so much text in her
posted October 20, 2001 03:00 PM

Yeah no wucking forries mate. I'll spread the news.

(Anybody red the whole story? I only saw the part where he adressed me LOL)
People used to call me crazy, but now that I'm rich I am excentric.

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Famous Hero
of Clear Water Mountain Clan
posted October 21, 2001 11:50 AM

There are 10 types of people: Those who read binary, and those who don't.

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Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted October 21, 2001 03:14 PM

::grabbing a carton of orange juice off the counter and taking a seat::

...hmm, I've finally read through it all

...well, I'll be sure to tell you if I spot any that would be interested in joining you on your quest...however, in the meantime could I interest you in joining us in our own quest? ...you can find us in the Tavern of the Sun...

...where I should be getting beat up now...hmm, you must excuse me, but I should return...

::still pouring the orange juice into a glass, he suddenly disappears leaving a mess on the ground, with a silver rose in the middle of the liquid::
This space for rent.

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Famous Hero
of Clear Water Mountain Clan
posted October 21, 2001 08:28 PM


however, in the meantime could I interest you in joining us in our own quest?

I'm in now! Not all that far from you, either, as you'll know if you've checked the "Legends..." thread.
There are 10 types of people: Those who read binary, and those who don't.

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Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted October 21, 2001 08:51 PM

::seemingly the wine in his glass starts to talk::

"My apologies...so you are...hmm, interesting...oh, and I'm glad you didn't forget your needs to eat food...it seems some of us have been forgetting that, lol"

::the red wine turns clear::
This space for rent.

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Famous Hero
Ranger of the good
posted October 22, 2001 02:12 PM

what about the "nicks"

how or why do someone get nics like "protecter of the woods" and "half-elf bard"?

Don`t be simple, be complx-

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Famous Hero
happily tilting at windmills
posted October 22, 2001 02:54 PM
Edited By: UnkaHaakon on 23 Oct 2001

well, if you buy me a drink, I'll let you in on the secret...

go to your profile, and change your 'Custom Status' ...

Hey Kuma, a short beer for me ..on Lord_Echo's tab

And while we're waiting, I figured I'd bring in some free entertainment (since Pleuris hasn't been in a while). Out of my outrageous janitor's salary, I've hired the great wizard Smile-o-fax to show us his wonderous talents ...take it away, Smile-o-fax!!!

ok ..so he wasn't that great ..but he WAS entertaining LOL

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Hired Hero
posted October 23, 2001 09:18 AM

*Pass me a Lemon Rusky please Kuma hon..;)*

Well its been a while....too long since my last drink at your fabulous establishment Kuma....but better late than never..  I've been playing lots of homm games since its now the new season of TOH and Im trying to catch up to wiz in the Myths tourney...(serious stuff).  Oh and Im sure you said you were going to give me a game on a real map werent you Kuma...those damn random maps drive me crazy...  Well tx for the drink and Ill catch you in the zone soon...gl & hf in the mean time...

Oh btw hows the redhead going? hehe
Life has ruined my Heroes addiction!!

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