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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: How to edit HotA?
Thread: How to edit HotA? This Popular Thread is 119 pages long: 1 10 ... 18 19 20 21 22 ... 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 119 · «PREV / NEXT»

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted September 05, 2017 11:09 PM

The locations RoseKavalier posted contain the creature ID's to produce at each skill level.

The funny thing is that you could probably insert any creature ID there . Have the Cloak of the Undead King raise Pikemen, Archers and Crusaders instead, for instance .
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted September 05, 2017 11:14 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 23:15, 05 Sep 2017.

Azures then. The more the merrier.

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted September 05, 2017 11:37 PM
Edited by phoenix4ever at 00:18, 06 Sep 2017.

Maurice said:
The locations RoseKavalier posted contain the creature ID's to produce at each skill level.

The funny thing is that you could probably insert any creature ID there . Have the Cloak of the Undead King raise Pikemen, Archers and Crusaders instead, for instance .

Ahh I get it, thanks.

Could actually be fun having it raise mummies, they are also undead so could fit quite well.
But perhaps it's stupid, since they don't belong in a necropolis army.

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Legendary Hero
posted September 06, 2017 09:03 AM

Yes I thought about mummies. Theres no morale problem because necro hasnt it. New unit will be very fun! If necromancy is calculted from health points its not a overpowered. Mummy has 30 hp. 1 mummy = 6 or 5 sceletons... Mummy has only 1 ability. Decrease attack. Good choice.
Necomancy skill

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Hired Hero
posted September 06, 2017 02:37 PM
Edited by Zaibach at 14:43, 06 Sep 2017.

The problem with mummies is that summon 1 mummy is far worse than summon 5 skeletons, so the artifact would be a debuff for the hero instead of a buff. 5 Skeletons make an average of 10 damage, while mummy only 4 damage; the mummy has +1atck and dfnc but same speed and only curse has advantag: it is clearly not worth (same problem with zombies). So it would be better to just continue to raise skeletons instead.

Wraiths are another matter, because you raise 1 wraith instead of 3 skeletons, so the loss in damage is lower, it make an average of 4 damage vs 6 damage of the skeletons, and the other advantages are better: +1atk and dfnc, special abilities, and the most important thing: speed 7 and fly.

This makes wraiths probably fair enough.

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Legendary Hero
posted September 06, 2017 04:18 PM

Yes mummy as I calculated is 4 sceletons or 3,5 upgrade but hp is like 6. Its fail HIII that more things are calculated by hp. Experience eg. In situation we have double AI points for each unit! Eg. Zombie gives 20 pt and vampire 40 pt! 1v = 2 z. Great bug.

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Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted September 06, 2017 05:09 PM

Liches are not as overpowered as Vampire Lords, if Cloak allow us to raise Vampires on Expert Necromancy, that would be too easy for creeping and especially if we fight against non-necro units.

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Known Hero
posted September 06, 2017 06:02 PM
Edited by FfuzzyLogik at 18:08, 06 Sep 2017.

That's why in the mod I try to finish I made skeletons more weak... For mummies, don't forget two points, first, you get a 30% bonus necromancy with cloak. Second Mummies have 7Att 7Def. Compared to basic skeletons (5/4), they do more damage (10%) and are better in defense (7,5% less damage if opponent is stronger). Compared to skeletons warriors, that's less intresting, yes. But you can change a bit Mummies ! Making them more tanky for example... I find its no need to keep this artifact "too strong"... If it has a strengh but a little "counterpart" that shall be nice, no ? Great bonus in necromancy, making strong creatures but not too much...  

For equilibration of ranged troops, I increased life of all "shooter units". Monks with 30 HP don't give many experience but are very strong. Compared to dwarves with 20HP... I prefer fight 30 dwarves than 20 monks (or worst, 20 zealots)... Here I increased shooter's HP, making them more persistant to spells (and I find this fair) but I decreased their defense. It increases their durability and so the first who attack don't "destroy" all ennemy in one shoot... But the decrease of defense don't make them too persistant to fighters... If I mod well ^^

But maybe shall we discuss about "what we shall do and equilibration" in some other thread ? If we discuss too much here, I fear the subject (is "how to edit HotA") will be more hard to read. Its already 20 pages so for someone who search some specific data, its quite hard to find something... That's the problem of this forum, tons of pages of information but where is stored the data you search ? Many answers but if you need 50 hours to find one them... I have spend maaaannnny hours on there and frequently I search "where I read that, I'm sure something was written about it but, wheeeeeere ?"... Zaibach won't say I'm wrong ^^

I'm thinking about a suggestion : make some other thread with better organisation... A "copy paste" of all very nice answers with parts like "how to mod artifacts" ; "how to mod creatures"... So someone shall find more fast what he search ?
If a moderator is up for this, I'm ready to help for organisation and "rewrite"...

So, to not waste one post, I recyle this one for my "question of the week".
I'm finishing the mod of artifacts. I just search some equilibration with them. I'll rework the "angelic alliance" and "power of dragon father" I find quite useless (because having all items required is hem, "quite hard"). I'll make a "less strong bonus" but "easyer to make".
If you're intrested in, I'll make a new item for precision (the 5%,10%,15% of precision items will be this one). He'll add the +30% archery because its a combo artifact and will make it cast the spell "precision" at start (instead of prayer). With the nice information we got before, I just have to change spell ID for that.
But, if I understood well, you have to change the number of artifacts required. On here too, that's ok, lets take 3. You change the ID of arifacts you choose to make the combo but you need less slots. If you want to delete some but what you do with "the useless slots" of artifacts ? And whitch one will be of use ? The organisation is quite strange and I don't understand why some are "together" some other are not...
I'm also thinking about making "mana regeneration" items a bit more good. But I don't remember nor find if someone made a post about where is stored the value for the mana regenerated by them (and if its not used by other kind of artifact, I thought about spell duration items because values are same).
If you have time to answer to this, I thank you alot.
Have a good day,

If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted September 06, 2017 07:23 PM
Edited by phoenix4ever at 19:27, 06 Sep 2017.

Quite a long post there Ffuzzy, but with some good points in it.

I like the idea of making mana regeneration artifacts stronger, maybe 3/6/9 and then having one be treasure, one minor and one major, that will make it harder to assemble Wizard's Well.
WW makes makes Mysticism and Intelligence pretty useless, so it should'nt be that easy to get.

Regarding mummies and the Cloak I actually buffed mummies, giving them +2 attack and +2 defense and +1 maximum damage, so could perhaps be good with the Cloak.

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Legendary Hero
posted September 06, 2017 08:46 PM
Edited by Baronus at 20:47, 06 Sep 2017.

I agree we need new topic only with extracted adresses to mod not to discuss. This can be to discuss. I was planned only mod topic but as you see we have 20 pages. Its a small number see Era topic!

NWC especially didnt give vampires to not destroy all ballance but its destroyed  by liches too...
You must boost mumy a lot about 50%.
Mummy has 7 speed so its rather offensive unit. I suggest 7-9 damages (x2). Attack 3 defence 0 if offensive unit.
But we must know how necromancy really works. Both sceletons have 6 hp but necromacy gives more basic. How its calculated? Are you sure that hp?

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Known Hero
posted September 06, 2017 09:16 PM
Edited by FfuzzyLogik at 22:27, 06 Sep 2017.

Baronus said:
But we must know how necromancy really works. Both sceletons have 6 hp but necromacy gives more basic. How its calculated? Are you sure that hp?

I'm absoluuuutely sure there is a thread somewhere about necromancy. It explains in detail how it works. As I remember its a bit complecate and two things are used ; number of hit point of each slot of creature and the number of creature. Very important, for each slot ! The lower limitation is used...

For limitation of number : If you have expert necromancy and kill 1 azure dragon, the number of life is 1000 but you got 1 creature so the slot will add you 30% of 1 but it will be 1 skeleton ; here its rounded up.
For limitation of life : If you fight one slot of 1000 creatures have 1 HP, normally you'll get for 1000 HP of skeletons (if you got 30% necromancy), you'll have 1000*1*30/100 = 300 HP of skeletons... So 300/6 (life of skeletons) = 50 skeletons. For number of life its rounded down.
If you fight one slot of 1000 pikmens its 1000*10*30/100 = 3000 and 3000/6 = 500.
The calculation is done for every slot of creature (so adding an azure dragon won't cummulate the HP and raise tons of skeletons if you kill 1 azure and 1000 peasans).
If you get 2 slots of creature, for each slot you make calculation and see how many skeletons (or zombies or...) it will make then add them...

For vampire lords, I thought about a life recover is 50% of damage dealt (and not 100%). I'm not sure that it can easily be done and I already used my question of week today... So I won't ask for now ! ^^

And after some search, I've found the thread... -.-'
Necromancy skill

Héhé quite good memory (yea, some autocongratulation ), I just forgot to say, you cannot have more than 100% of necromancy...

If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...

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Supreme Hero
posted September 06, 2017 11:52 PM
Edited by RoseKavalier at 00:05, 07 Sep 2017.

FfuzzyLogik said:
But, if I understood well, you have to change the number of artifacts required. On here too, that's ok, lets take 3. You change the ID of arifacts you choose to make the combo but you need less slots. If you want to delete some but what you do with "the useless slots" of artifacts ? And whitch one will be of use ? The organisation is quite strange and I don't understand why some are "together" some other are not...

To try and make sense of this in the long run:

You have to understand that the base game code was definitively not Hex nor Assembly (likely C++). When the code is transformed from human-reading level code (like C++), the compiler tends to move things around a bit for optimization.
It doesn't really matter so long as required instructions are present. Anyhow, this is why the artifact PUSHes are not necessarily grouped together, don't need to find a secret meaning to it; you could rewrite code so that all artifacts in a given block are next to each other, nothing will change except you will waste time :-)

I've already posted an example to add an artifact to a combo. Removing an artifact, you 1) NOP out the PUSH instruction and 2) edit the number of artifacts needed in this combo. And probably need to patch 4C8BDh.

FfuzzyLogik said:

I'm also thinking about making "mana regeneration" items a bit more good. But I don't remember nor find if someone made a post about where is stored the value for the mana regenerated by them (and if its not used by other kind of artifact, I thought about spell duration items because values are same).
If you have time to answer to this, I thank you alot.
Have a good day,

Charm of Mana: no easy patch* (does mana++)

Talisman of Mana
0x4E4298 : 1 byte

Mystic Orb of Mana
0x4E42D6 : 1 byte

*It's interesting that there are another 3 checks for Wizard's Well in this procedure starting... that makes 4 checks total. But the difference here is that the game actually wants to see if you have either of the three mana artifacts to add +1/+2/+3
Guess you could use that room to make a patch for Charm of Mana!

Final EDIT:
Here's a simple patch for Charm of Mana:
0x4E4228 30
0x4E4241 EB
0x4E4259 83 C3 01

01 is byte for mana to restore.

Basically, skip Wizard's Well procedure (since it is rechecked anyway) and use some of that newly freed space to make Charm of Mana modifiable.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted September 09, 2017 05:08 PM
Edited by phoenix4ever at 17:10, 09 Sep 2017.

So yesterday I played my map as Necropolis and attempted to get my revised version of Cloak of the Undead King. (It makes wights instead of liches.)
I got the Cloak relatively quickly and won the map with 477 wights and 551 wraiths! (I even lost a lot of both and did'nt learn Animate Dead, so I could have had even more!)

So it's safe to conclude the Cloak is still extremely OP.
I wonder if there is a way to make it impossible to assemble the cloak at all?
I have tried removing the "x" in "Shoulders" hero slot in artraits.txt, but that will make all three artifacts disappear, when trying to assemble them, so that's not a good idea either.

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Legendary Hero
posted September 09, 2017 05:37 PM
Edited by Baronus at 17:40, 09 Sep 2017.

Wraith is very good unit if you have 500 -600. So maybe cloack should give:
1. zombie
2. up. zombie
3. mummy

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted September 09, 2017 05:58 PM

Then I'll just get 600-700 mummies instead.

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Legendary Hero
posted September 09, 2017 07:11 PM

Mummy is 30 hp wight 18. Its 300 mummies. Not fly. Ok. if not try zombies.

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Supreme Hero
posted September 09, 2017 07:49 PM

phoenix4ever said:
I wonder if there is a way to make it impossible to assemble the cloak at all?

Disabling creation is probably doable, but I can't really see  why you don't just edit it as you see fit instead - plus it might cause problems with maps having the assembled cloak available.

*skeletons at all necro levels
*edit +% necro bonus to 10%
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted September 09, 2017 08:45 PM

@Baronus No, 1028 wights/wraiths would have been 616 mummies, I did the math.

@RoseKavalier If it's changed to skeletons, I will be back at making legions of them.
I don't really understand that DWORD pointer you mentioned at E4177h, in exe file it says 24 at this address, does that mean 30%? I think in HotA the Cloak actually only adds 15%...

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Supreme Hero
posted September 09, 2017 09:26 PM
Edited by RoseKavalier at 21:32, 09 Sep 2017.

phoenix4ever said:
@RoseKavalier If it's changed to skeletons, I will be back at making legions of them.
I don't really understand that DWORD pointer you mentioned at E4177h, in exe file it says 24 at this address, does that mean 30%? I think in HotA the Cloak actually only adds 15%...

It's not like having the extra 30% of the Cloak or no makes it impossible to mass legions of skeletons. Anyhow: remove the 30% bonus entirely:
E413Eh: EB 3E

To edit the bonus, you edit the DWORD at 0x63EB24 - see earlier in thread how to adjust value.
But if this value is changed by HotA, then just change the [63EB24] part to another pointer that has lower %.
e.g. 5% is at 0x63EA0C, so change [63EB24] to [63EA0C]

My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

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Legendary Hero
posted September 09, 2017 11:11 PM

Yes if its hp calculation sceletons dont solve problem. Its very strong unit if its in thousands.We must mod sceletons stats. At def hit points like peasants 111. How about replacing stats between sceletons and peasants? And how is alghoritm necro artifacts? 10 % to necromancy or 10% to sceletons. If I want change single artifact to zombies it is simply number repacing?

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