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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: Sanctuary
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Known Hero
Green eyed monster
posted March 16, 2011 10:46 PM

What reminds me that I haven't ranted on how Ubisoft is doing the dirty trick of cutting half the factions that could be in the game just to introduce them in expansion packs for extra money.

...but who knows... maybe the first expansion pack will bring elves back, both aboveground and underground, with the underground ones exploiting said subterranean exiled nagas as well...

Malassa needs prayer badly!

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 16, 2011 10:49 PM

Actually I have probably mixed up the naga species but I do know there are certain subspecies within their race. According to lore nagas can be completely or partially serpentine as far as I remember, there are many myths and traditions to draw inspiration from. I recall some even had illusion powers but they generally seem tied to water or earth, often being guardians of some sort.
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Undefeatable Hero
posted March 16, 2011 10:54 PM

Well, the guardian part seems correct in H6.

It was obvious from day one that the Naga were guarding Mother Namtaru as the very first screenshots we had was set on their terrain and included lots of serpentine motives etc.

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Famous Hero
posted March 17, 2011 12:41 AM
Edited by Raelag84 at 00:41, 17 Mar 2011.

Actually I have probably mixed up the naga species but I do know there are certain subspecies within their race. According to lore nagas can be completely or partially serpentine as far as I remember, there are many myths and traditions to draw inspiration from. I recall some even had illusion powers but they generally seem tied to water or earth, often being guardians of some sort.

Hmmm...When I made my faction I made refrence to the 7 NAGA races mentioned in Tai lore. That's like 6 more ideas right there Ubi could use.

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Hired Hero
posted March 17, 2011 04:02 AM

Indeed they made the "Ki-rin" look too much like a dragon, but then in Chinese mythology the "Ki-rin" does look like a deer with a dragon's head. They made it look almost like a hybrid. Compare some below:



And please... not every woman that wears a "kimono"-type dress must be a geisha water lady. These are just regular dress worn by regular folk of that time of Chinese and Japanese society.

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Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted March 17, 2011 07:26 AM

That's no medusa, she is a naga species.

She seems to resemble a medusa due to her snake-like hair....so it's a medusa naga....maybe she has turn-to-stone ability....

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Adventuring Hero
posted March 17, 2011 08:15 AM

Or better...

A turn-to-coral ability!

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted March 17, 2011 08:31 AM

Personally, I like the sanctuary. It's new, it's got some interesting characters and creatures, and over all, I think Black hole have done a good job with it.

however, there are some missteps that have been taken which I think are... unwise.
1. obviously there is the whole issue over having multiple water spirits. honestly, I would give the position over to the Yuki-onna rather than the spring spirit and replace that with something else. to me, the Yuki-onna just feels more fleshed out as a creature, and I'm sure even in a jungle setting they could make it work.  
2. more Naga units. It really doesn't feel like a naga faction, with less than a third of the units being naga-like in any way. also, it just hurts the feel of the faction to just have two, I think, making it look more like a pell-mell collection of creatures. If we have a priest and a warrior, why not an inventor? or a martial artist? or some kind of explorer, or an experienced mage? I don't know, it would add to the faction greatly, in my humble opinion.
3. the whole "Using nature" schtick when it comes to aesthetic. as any fantasy nerd will tell you, that's elven stuff, and whilst it does go with some of the ideas of the faction, make that a clear selling point just feels a bit... I don't know, problematic. also, I kind of imagined them to be rather ordered when it came to nature, having groves, yes, but making sure they are all well kept and pruned. meh, just me.
4. also... the amount of turquoise is a bit... unsettling. maybe if they had some different colours as well, like some golds, then it might be better. oh well.

despite those, good faction, over all, and I look forward to playing it.
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Legendary Hero
No longer on vacation
posted March 17, 2011 08:52 AM
Edited by Avirosb at 08:53, 17 Mar 2011.

A turn-to-coral ability!

Say, this is actually a good idea (which is why it probably won't happen). At least that would excuse the godawful name Coral Maiden, unless they've changed that too.

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Supreme Hero
Eats people with Ketchup
posted March 17, 2011 09:22 AM
Edited by MrDragon at 09:23, 17 Mar 2011.

Note that this is just my opinion, I'm not saying you're wrong.


1. obviously there is the whole issue over having multiple water spirits. honestly, I would give the position over to the Yuki-onna rather than the spring spirit and replace that with something else. to me, the Yuki-onna just feels more fleshed out as a creature, and I'm sure even in a jungle setting they could make it work.

I completely agree, the Spring Spirit overlaps to much with neutral elementals and takes up a slot which could have included a much more interesting creature.


2. more Naga units. It really doesn't feel like a naga faction, with less than a third of the units being naga-like in any way. also, it just hurts the feel of the faction to just have two, I think, making it look more like a pell-mell collection of creatures. If we have a priest and a warrior, why not an inventor? or a martial artist? or some kind of explorer, or an experienced mage? I don't know, it would add to the faction greatly, in my humble opinion.

I strongly disagree here, with only 7 units per faction, I like the diversity they're showing, in my opinion the Stronghold faction could actually do with only two orcish units, the rest could have been trolls or ogres to fill in some slots.
I want visually dynamic factions that show uniformity despite (or even because) of their physical differences.

3. the whole "Using nature" schtick when it comes to aesthetic. as any fantasy nerd will tell you, that's elven stuff, and whilst it does go with some of the ideas of the faction, make that a clear selling point just feels a bit... I don't know, problematic. also, I kind of imagined them to be rather ordered when it came to nature, having groves, yes, but making sure they are all well kept and pruned. meh, just me.

Judging by their architecture, clothing, armor and weapons, they might spiritually be tuning themselves to nature but they very much are a civilization.
If you ask me, Ashan's Orcs are the species closest to nature, much more then the Elves of Irrolan.

4. also... the amount of turquoise is a bit... unsettling. maybe if they had some different colours as well, like some golds, then it might be better. oh well.

I'm seeing a decent mix of blues, whites and gold besides the turqoise, only the Kappa (un-upgraded), Kenshi (un-upgraded) and Kirin (un-upgraded) strike me as almost mono-chromatic blue/turqoise.
Most of those units show a lot of gold when upgraded ironically.
So it seems the designers agreed with you.

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted March 17, 2011 11:18 AM

They said there's three species of naga. The two that we know of are  the deep naga with the reptile face, and the other is the medusa naga. i have a bad feeling that the third naga will have legs and be sitting on a horse... enter the explanation for the naga hero on horseback. I hope this is not the case though. my deepest desire is for the third naga species (whatever it is) to replace the river spirit.

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Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted March 17, 2011 11:19 AM

A turn-to-coral ability!

And the upgrade a turn-to-pearl ability!

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Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted March 17, 2011 12:19 PM
Edited by DagothGares at 12:20, 17 Mar 2011.

Giving the female naga snakehair is SOOOOO stolen from Warcraft naga sea hag.

That's another thing why I don't like it not being a medusa, its a pathetic stealing operation.
Snake hair was also in Hercules: the legendary journeys IIRC and... Well, in the actual myths about gorgons...
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

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Supreme Hero
Former Chessmaster
posted March 17, 2011 12:23 PM

MEh, for me, that is a medusa. Different name mayhap, but a medusa nonetheless.
And I'm completely fine with it.

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Supreme Hero
Eats people with Ketchup
posted March 17, 2011 01:11 PM

Giving the female naga snakehair is SOOOOO stolen from Warcraft naga sea hag.

That's another thing why I don't like it not being a medusa, its a pathetic stealing operation.
Snake hair was also in Hercules: the legendary journeys IIRC and... Well, in the actual myths about gorgons...

Well there they were called MEDUSA, not FEMALE NAGA AKA PEARL MAIDEN.

We've been over this, I don't like it either, and we know you don't.
Let's not keep beating this dead horse.

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted March 17, 2011 01:21 PM

We've been over this, I don't like it either, and we know you don't.
Let's not keep beating this dead horse.

Aawww, and just after I found my Horse-Beating-Stick too.

To be quite honest, I'm not a great fan of the snake-hair but that might change if they explain where it comes from. I'd like to know the background behind it.
And behind the 3 Naga sub-species for that matter. Sounds like Shalassa may have gotten a better deal than her bros and sisses, who all got one race, where she got effectively three.

{P.S. The first to bring up Dark-Elves & Faceless gets some with the heavy end of the Horse-Beating-Stick. The Faceless have been practically extinct since before the peoples of Ashan count their years.}
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted March 17, 2011 01:24 PM

i've said this like twice now, medusa was the name of a person, her species is gorgon. there was only ONE MEDUSA, three GORGONS!
There's nothing worse than seeing a fat man weep...

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 17, 2011 01:27 PM

Well dwarves did get a giant chubby thane variety too, does that count? Plus their bears have different colours!
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Adventuring Hero
posted March 17, 2011 02:22 PM
Edited by creepiestdani at 19:15, 17 Mar 2011.

To be quite honest, I'm not a great fan of the snake-hair but that might change if they explain where it comes from. I'd like to know the background behind it.

I wouldn't be one bit surprised if the sole reason was "because it looks cool" (one of the reasons why I dislike much of fantasy). To my mind, the reason why the mythological gorgons had snake-hair is to emphasize their monstrous nature. Snake-hair on a non-monstrous creature looks kind of stupid. A bit like drawing red evil-looking eyes on a chicken.

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Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted March 17, 2011 02:36 PM

It's funny, in H3 we got the Naga / Naga Queen (tower) and also the Medusa / Medusa Queen (Dungeon) and both had snake-like lower bodies....the medusa had snake hair....

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