
Tavern Dweller
posted June 01, 2006 01:21 PM |
Can nobody help me? If everyone is talking about mission 3 and the last mission it should be possible to give me some advices about the 2nd mission, shouldn't it?

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted June 01, 2006 03:49 PM |
Inferno in middle island is a bit scripted, fully built, but hero wont buy much, if any creatures by some time. So, better to take it earlier, but as you said, a bit tough, as lv.6 that guard obelisk also block the way. Try then another way, through the underground. You have entrances in your start area and on northwest island. And subterrain gate for middle inferno is exactly in middle of underground.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 01, 2006 06:21 PM |
2nd mission
I took a long time to finish mission 2 as well.
After taking the first inferno city (on middle island), I built up a secondary inferno hero (Jezebeth, I think) with a decent inferno army. Using that PLUS my main sylvan army (with about 10 emerald dragons culled from obelisks), I was able to take the infero city on south-west island.
My inferno army was decimated in the process, but that left me with 2 inferno cities plus one sylvan one, and after a while, I had enough combined armies to land on north-east island, defeat neutrals, grab about 10 emerald dragons from right around landing-site, and capture the last city (again using 2 heroes).
Like I said, this took a while, but for some reason, all the high-level inferno heroes were gathered on the north-east island with no way to get off - I might have captured all their boats via sea battles or Summon Boat, I think. That enabled me to work slowly. Towards the end of mission, though, some neutral stacks had grown so large that I could not defeat them without losing major troops, and I had to leave one obelisk and one sulphur mine untouched because they had zounds of Wraiths and Archliches respectively. That was a mistake on my part.
If somehow you can get the game to allow you to build emerald dragons yourself (as one poster mentioned he was able to do), you'll probably have an easier time, but this never happened for me.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 01, 2006 09:55 PM |
Hm I can try that, but till now all Inferno Heroes only landed on the middle island or on the sauth west one. So they always had ways to get off and I do not have that much time :/ Also I found it impossible to capture the middle city at first. Because if I want to go underground I need a rather big army for the pit lords at the entrance, otherwise, over the sea way I need an even bigger army for the high number of level 6 creatures blocking my way there. I always captured the city at the north east first because there are no nezutral creatures blocking my way an the city there doies not have so much units as the other two have. Everytime I arrive at these cities they have more than double the number of units I have.
But maybe I'm succesful if I try it with the 2 heroes tactics like you suggested. I will try it.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 02, 2006 09:10 AM |
I just finished the Sylvan campaign, and I have to agree with the earlier poster who said that the Sylvan faction is somewhat overpowered.
Specifically, Findan's special ability is a little ridiculous. In the last two missions, he basically wipes out one enemy stack before the battles even begin, unless it's a mega(3000+)-stack of skeleton archers. Even then, he decimates them to the point that the enemy is crippled and will usually just flee.
I messed up my ability progression for him, so I not only never got Nature's Luck, and he only had Summoning Magic, so he could never resurrect. Still, I managed to finish the last mission with barely any losses ever to my Sylvan army - Luck + Avenger Favored Enemy + Phantom Image + Golden Bow + Findan's ability basically made all battles too easy.
I was looking forward to at least one good showdown with Nicolai, but by the time I found him, I had beaten back so many of his super-heroes that he was cowering in the last city with 97 zombies. I was disappointed.
Oh well - on to the mages!

Tavern Dweller
posted June 07, 2006 02:12 AM |
Quote: I messed up my ability progression for him, so I not only never got Nature's Luck, and he only had Summoning Magic, so he could never resurrect. Still, I managed to finish the last mission with barely any losses ever to my Sylvan army - Luck + Avenger Favored Enemy + Phantom Image + Golden Bow + Findan's ability basically made all battles too easy.
why does he have the attack skill plus the tactics secondary ? thats just malicious then i wont ever get the "allways lucky" special ultimate skill for him (
so you didnt mess it up, you never had a chance to get natures luck to begin with. attack+tactics forbids it


Hired Hero
posted June 07, 2006 05:42 AM |
So what skills would you recommend for the main hero?
Archery is a no-brainer. Battle frenzy doesn't seem as profitable, seeing as low-level units have high damage already.
What magic school is best?
Shuold I go for war machines with a tricked-out ballista?
Luck looks like a good choice...
What else?


Hired Hero
posted June 07, 2006 10:05 PM |
I have the opposite of the problem that some have in the 1st scenario: the necromancer attacked two garrisons within a couple of days of each other, leaving me no chance to retake one or defend the other. Game over. WTF?!

Tavern Dweller
posted June 09, 2006 12:21 AM |
The Sylvan campaign has been acting very weird for me.
Playing on Normal, I finished 5-1 and 5-2 without too much trouble. Then, after completing 5-2, I got launched straight into 5-5. I didn't actually realize that it was really the last mission until I quit back to the menu and saw the list. Also, 6-1 got unlocked at the same time.
I'm trying to complete 5-5 though, and it's annoying. On my first try, I explored too fast and got killed by a wandering hero with a balanced army with about 2000 skeletons (Raven, not Nicolai). Okay, I figured, let's take it slower and gather some numbers first. So I start over, waiting about two months on my island, till I have an army I think can beat what killed me last time. By the time I get out, there's no wandering hero, just Nicolai with 5000 skeletons and some other stuff, who stays in his castle unless I get close, in which case he walks out and clobbers me. So I go back to the island and gather some more units. Around month 5, I manage to beat him without huge losses.
Currently, in month 8, I've taken both underworld cities, but Nicolai and Vladimir are both running around the western island with 20k skeletons. I decide to try kiting them away, since I've got the 30% runspeed perk. As Nicolai chases after me, I see he has 19400 skeletons and 2200 dragons. This is definitely too much for me, so I kite him further. After about 6 days of dragging him around the empty underworld, he's still got 19400 skeletons but now he has 6100 dragons.
This isn't looking good.
Suggestions? Is my copy of the game horribly bugged or does Nicolai just cheat? And will he lose these dragons once I kill all the wandering ones?

Tavern Dweller
posted June 09, 2006 06:24 AM |
This is good for new or old to Heroes
Boy this one's a book... 
First, what difficulty level are u playin on? If you're new to heroes series "Normal" is the HIGHEST level you should be playin on, especially missions like this. Well in heroes 3 it was defently the truth.
Second, since you skipped out on mission 3 and 4 i'd suggest to do them over and build your Hero(Findan) as high as u can, till it hits
the level cap. I mean, what level hero your computer gives you? Cause the way it works is it transfers your hero from previous scenario.
So in your case of only 2 mission it prolly gives you like a level 18 hero. I had a level 29 when I started...
Suggestions for this campaign and specifically mission 5
As a bonus get the town hall.
While leveling up I would suggest following skills for any campaign:
***Distruction Magic - When expert, makes beginning game unbelievably easy. All the magic spells transfer into the next scenario with your hero. So, before you finish the main objective of the scenerio make sure you visit you town/towns with level 5 magic library. Spells like implossion can get through heavily out matched stacks.
***Light Magic - I didn't really use it a lot till this campaign, its good for the later game because of its mass effects. Mass bless and mass righteous might. Mass bless bless gives you creatures max dmg, say a Titan has 40-70 dmg for every attack, bless(with high spell power) will give him 70-70 dmg. So, when its on every creature in your army... do the math. And theres always, Ressurect, with high spell power you can ressurect any stack very well. Depends on your spellpower of course. (Used this for this campaign, but was forced cause destruction didn't pop-up. Wasn't disappointed.
***Summon Magic - Makes a beginning game very easy if you have it on expert and you happened to have castle with Summon phoenix. With high spellpower mine phoenix went um as high as 1300 life with 250-350dmg(around there). And of course one of my favorite spells... Phantom Forces... doubles one of your creature stacks... So if you have in the beginning 30 Master hunters and you use the spell, u get 30+30 Master Hunters for the duration of the battle!! And usually when u apply that spell the new corporeal stack will have a turn almost right away(depends on the stack's initiative i believe). But its only third circle, so you can get by with Sorcery and Arcane Training as an ability(allows any 3rd levels spell).
***Sorcery - It's a good skill to learn cause it regulates how often your can cast spells. It alsy has some nice mana boosts as abilities.
***Enlightment - This one, at expert gives you a free point for every two levels in one of your stats. So when your level 30 you get 15 free points, plus mandatory point for every level gained... so its 45 freebies by the time you get to level 30. And of course you MUST visit all the building that give you +1 to one of your stats, which are the only one u might actually have to fight for. This also has a very nice +50% mana boost ability "Intelligence". (Had this one in main hero(Findan))
***Logistics - In my opinion this is a MUST for any campaign any hero. In the beginning its practically essential. Just think about it.. With Expert Logistics and Pathfinding in Sylvan campaign mission 5(cause there is no road in between castles) you'll be moving around almost TWICE as much as you would without. Basicly, ALL the progress is made by your hero's walking around capturing Mines, artifacts, resources, stat boosts, etc., etc. So with this skill you will be doin all of THAT in half the time. (DEFENETLY Had this one in main hero(Findan))
***Luck - Luck is always good to have don't you agree . With luck on expert you half so much more "extra dmg" its crazy. Especially nice +25% bonus to "Lucky" attack as an elf ebility "Elven luck. Also important one is "Soldier's luck". It triggers special abilities more often, such as Silver Unicorn blindeness and Master Hunter "Warding arrow"(when triggered, stuns the opponent and makes him skip like half a turn(crucial when you're outnumbered))(Had this one in main hero(Findan))
***Leadership - same as luck but for extra turns .
***Attack - this is prolly very important for Sylvan cause the best creature money/damage wise is Master Hunter. One of my favorite creatures cause it mows down everythin in the beggin and end. Doesn't even have to be a VERY large stack to own. Back on track.. Attack has "Archery" ability that give +20% in dmg! thats a lot when you're fightin with large forces against large forces. Frenzy is nice one for Master hunters too. Doesn't seem like much for few dragons but since theres a lot of hunters that dmg piles up(plus the DOUBLE SHOT!). Tactics is not bad, can give you advantage when fightin against heroes or neutral stacks with large shooting stacks. Can give you a crucial advantage in battle with a first hit... or even just put some weak stack next to the shooter and dont even attack. But the shooter will have to use "Wait" or attack the weak stack cause it cant shoot .
Now all of the above is of course preferable in EXPERT. But its for you to decide which skill to boost first. And you dont have to use all of the above, those are just some important skills in my opinion that should be used. At least some of them . Logistics. Important .
Also you cant stress enough the beginning of the game. Most important part is first 2 weeks, even first week... Every move should be thought through. Capture the mines first, the laying around sources are not gona go away anywhere. But those days without mines will add up. DO NOT skip anyday not building in the first week. Its VERY rare that you ever should. Since you have 2 towns, in the beginning build one just for economy another build all the Creature Buildings you can. Both towns must have Hunters build. I think by the end of the first week i had in my top left town(Rael) every Creature Building up except the dragons and i also had a castle(creature population boost). Build castle before you build Unicorns or Treants. In the other town(Nargorad) build City Hall ASAP and you first priority after all this should be Capitol, than start building the Creature buildings in Nargorad. You DO NOT have to buy the creatures, just let them collect till you have money. Give your main hero any Hunter and Master hunters(preferable) that u have. And let him walk around destroying everything. You go into the teleport at the beginning of the 3rd week with every creature bought up and in the main hero.
You have THREE heros, USE their movement, do not waste DAYs running from one town to another collecting all the creatures with your mainhero only. For other campaigns there is a tactic which is called a "train" or a "chain". With this tactic you have heroes spread out at a reachable distance between each other, that chain connects to your main hero. Therefore, you can transfer all your troops from the castle to your main hero in ONE DAY. BUT for this specific campaign you will not need it. You have 2 neat little spells that is usually not used/known by unexperienced players. They are accessed right from adventure map(main screen) in bottom right in the magic book. First one is "Summon Creature", you basicly take the creatures from a nearest town without ever going back! In this mission you can always transfer your troups from one town to another depending which one your hero is closer to, or you can move your hero closer to another town , whichevers faster. Another spell is a "Town Portal"... without that spell Heroes 3 would be indeed impossible on "Impossible" difficulty . It transfers you to a nearest friendly town(MUST BE UNOCCUPIED FOR IT TO WORK). That saves you DAYS and will save you WEEKS by the time you get to Nikolai.
Continue on where we left off... so at the beginning of 3rd week you should have a decent army to move out i had about 9 treants, 80 MASTER hunters(use the extra hunters build by Nargorad), 16 unicorns, 25 druids. So go out when you have somthing like that. With a good hero it should be a breeze taking over a bottom island with an enemy caslte there. I took out the dragons on the left (there was a lot but with findan shouldnt be a problem), just stay back and F them up with your shooters first cause they won't hit you on a first turn. And for melee guys while shooters do their job you press "W" which is wait and not waste a turn defending ("Space" or "D" or big button on the right). Try to attack with treants first cause they can take a LOT of dmg. If more than one stack, use your melee guys on one stack when it gets close and shooters on other(s). If you have to put sprites or dancers in the way of large creatures, use props on the battle feald to your advantage, so shooters do their job shootin and not knifing . This goes for any melee creature you fight. After you take what the dragons guarding you should go take over the castle, which wasnt defended too hard, do this before the end of week 3 so the dont get new population. Logistics, Logistics, Logistics . After taking control of that island i went downstairs without changin my armies, took few things such as resources, treasure chests, artifacts(i think) but i was expending to the right so didnt see many mines.
Than a guy came out with like 2000 archers and pwnd me so i had to load and just get outa there and get a better army , so save a lot (F5, quicksave) also put autosave on if u dont. After that you just get the army, find dwarwen artifact which are all downstairs. Necessarly build your magic guilds up to level 5 so you get the good spells, you can always save before you build it and check if it will give you any usefull spells . Kinda cheap but you wont have to waste all those resources >=). In my necro castle i didnt do anything at all. Just build the city hall if it doesnt have it. Also try to build Green dragons as soon as possible in both towns. Build upgrades only in one town ESPECIALLY for dragons, costs way too much and totally unnessessary. Use the "chain" to tranfer inbetween towns if you must. All other upgrades will come when you become rich and your hero just uses "Summon Creature" to get all the creatures from one town. Theres also neat spell called "Instant travel" which teleports you on short distances but it can teleport you over the Garrison to get the Dwarven artifacts if you dont want to fight(its always good exp boost tho if ure still low). Got those artifacts then in return the phoenixes. And had to fight Nikolai only once but phoinexes must survive during the final battle, so just keep them back when fightin Nikolai.
So there you have it, whoever bothers to read... be smart how you battle, turn on the shades to see how far your enemies can move. Good luck ,
Any questions?
P.S pardon spelling/language, English = 2nd language.
P.P.S. Download new patch, if u haven't yet. Always keep the game up to date.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 09, 2006 10:06 AM |
Thank you for your input, a very nice guideline I might add.
But I think the point is that Nikolai and his goons could generate their armies much quicker and faster than we simply could muster throughout the mission.
Imagine facing Nikolai's army of 6k skellies, 3k zombies, 800+ vampires, 300+ wraiths and most shockingly, 4k spectral dragons. Can never beat that, agree?
Perhaps it's a programming error that needs to be address as soon as possible because I don't see how he can increase his armies in a week's time especially when all other towns and dwellings are under Sylvan's control.
By the way, perhaps my Findan in this campaign is screwed because I didn't take any magical skills at all throughout my campaign except for Sorcery which means I can't cast the cool spells like Resurrection or Phantom Image. No summoning neither 
Would really hate to restart the campaign after spending infinite hours on this one but what other choice do we have?

Tavern Dweller
posted June 09, 2006 08:10 PM |
Well the point is you cannot wait too long. Yes, Nikolai's army will build faster cause of so many castles but you gota work fast. I finished this mission in 3 and a half months(it was day 3, week 2, month 4). He had 6karcher skellies, which with Findans ability died down to 3k before the game even started. 90wights, 1.2k zombies, 60dragons, 150 liches, 400 vampires. By this time i had, 55 emeralds, 120treants, 130 horses, 100+druids, 420hunters, 350dancers, 5phoenixes. Also important, i took out many other heros quite early who had a big army also. I dont think they did anything to this mission in a patch but still make sure u have downloaded.
I know how many people feel, its a bug etc etc. I used to think same thing about many Heroes 3 campaigns. I always just sat around with one hero in the castle and gettin a big army than go out and annhilate people. Sometimes it worked, other times it miserably failed and opponenent had 5 heros same strength as my main guy. And i couldn't understand how that was possible O.o
You just gota go out there quite soon. As i said for this mission after second population boost i was out there capturing the first castle. Of course to do that you need at least a decent hero. So it might be a good idea to restart a campaign. Or at least go couple of missions back. Just go to Sylvan campaign and choose mission 4 and redo your skills. If they're full just go one mission back, etc.
Also, you say in a weeks time? You're prolly keep killing him and he just flee's? The mission info says that in "Eternal Night" he will rise again and again(which means he can flee as many times as he wants lol). And i guess his army "rises" back with him too. Thats why you need phoenixes. You only need to beat him once with phoenixes and you're good to go. And he can easily increase his armies without new populations cause he's a death lord. Any neutral necro army will join him. Thats why you gota go at him(with phoenixes) asap, before he starts gettin those joiners.


Hired Hero
posted June 10, 2006 02:49 AM |
Well, here's my tale. My Findan has Offence (Archery, Frenzy), Leadership, Luck (Soldier's and Elven Luck), War Machines (fully upgraded ballista) and Light Magic (Bless, Wrath and Storm Wind - very useful against dragons!) - all on expert. Stats are 20, 19, 19, 18.
Normally I LOVE Logistics - always took it for all campaigns, but this time decided to try something different. (And yes, it hurts not having it, but I don't think it's been critical so far.) This is the first time I tried investing into ballista. I pretty much pwned Part 4 with it - it was a pleasure watching it take out 3-5 devils in one go! Even funnier if you attach Lightning Bolt with Imbue Arrow (unfortuntely, without Destructive Magic and Sourcery, it's the highest-level spell that I can imbue). It also made the first weeks of Part 5 much easier.
Anywho, I am playing Part 5 now. On my first week I built up the first city all the way except Dragons. On day 7 had a toss-up between Castle and Capitol - built castle for creatures, later couldn't afford to buy them all . In the second city I built almost all dwellings, but couldn't build even a citadel, due to iron deficiency. I also flagged all mines, except for mercury - flagged that one on day 8 . Week 2 I cleared most of the rest of my enclosure, and on week 3 broke through the garrison, but didn't go through the teleport - instead flagged the abandoned mines.
On week 4 went through the teleport, and right away ran into Raven. She had a fairly large army, with 12 dragons, but I made short work of them. Also took out the nearby dragon nest.
Went back to get reinforcements, upgrade dragons, and put Spectral Dragons on my enemies list . Went back through the teleport and spotted another necromancer. I chased him all the way to a necropolos and made ready to siege it. Then during the enemy turn a little. dumpy-looking hero runs out of the castle and attacks me. Oh good, thinks I, this makes it even easier. Yeah, right...
I had about 200 M. Hunters in two stacks (didn't have any Treants - I couldn't afford to buy up all my troops, and treants are best for defending castles anyway). Opening salvos took out a few hundred skellies, which still left me facing 3k+ of them. The first time they fired, they killed the entire stack of 14 Emerald Dragons. That's when I knew something wasn't right. Well, to make a long story short, I lost spectacularly. The only reason I didn't lose sooner than I did was because the stupid AI didn't get to my shooters until it wiped out most other stacks. By that time I whittled the skellies down to 1k, for all the good that did me (Nicolai was, of course, copying them every turn).
Now I am not sure what to do...

Tavern Dweller
posted June 10, 2006 03:19 AM |
Still haven't finished mission 5 yet, but thanks for the tips.
I went back and did mission 3, since I somehow managed to skip it, and reached the same buggy scenario described by others where the game refuses to acknowledge that all the objectives are done.
From a tip on Gamefaqs, I was able to resolve it by generating heroes at the capital city, walking them outside, and dismissing them. After about 20 such heroes, the victory cinematic played.


Hired Hero
posted June 10, 2006 06:30 AM |
Well, I reloaded from an earlier save and tried to avoid Nicolai, but he ambushed me anyway. This time however I was luckier, or rather the AI was even dumber than before. Instead of wiping out my dragons, the skellies killed my pixies on their fist shot. Big mistake, because they didn't get another shot. Next thing they know, the dragons have boxed them in a corner, so that Nicolai can't even clone them. He kept stupidly casting Magic Fist instead. In the end, I lost all my pixies and war dancers, half my dragons, a few unicorns, and almost no shooters 
I guess I'll keep on, but if Nicolai resurfaces with a thousand dragons or something like that, I'll just cheat to finish. It's obvious, by the way, that his army is at least in part script-generated. The zounds of skeletons certainly are. Why is he called "vampire lord" anyway? He didn't have that many vampires.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 11, 2006 12:10 AM |
Maybe it doesn't belong to this thread, but how do I split troops? It's really annoying to not be able to give away hundreds of sprites, just because I can't find the split button...

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted June 11, 2006 02:00 AM |
Hold shift. :-)

Tavern Dweller
posted June 14, 2006 06:38 PM |
Those 5 Phoenixes you get after collecting all the artifacts, are they good? I mean, 5 phoenixes aren't much, and I didn't accept them into my army. Maybe it's best to keep the artifacts, or maybe the Phoenixes have some special ability against Nicolai?

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted June 14, 2006 08:29 PM |
They just 'bring the dawn', which makes Nicolai 'killable'. If you beat him before the dawn arrival, he'll just spawn again.
Though, you can also bring the dawn by killing all those spectral dragons that are revealed when visiting eye of the magi. Two times played, and both times went that way.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 16, 2006 12:01 PM |
Quote: They just 'bring the dawn', which makes Nicolai 'killable'. If you beat him before the dawn arrival, he'll just spawn again.
Though, you can also bring the dawn by killing all those spectral dragons that are revealed when visiting eye of the magi. Two times played, and both times went that way.
But I don't need them in my army though? I didn't accept them, cause I don't like racemixing in my army.