
Tavern Dweller
posted July 15, 2006 04:15 PM |
Edited by Tarflin at 16:18, 15 Jul 2006.
Shrine of the netherworld
The key to victory in the fifth mission is to get the Golden Bow, then you must capture a few Necro towns. Convert Unicorns to Liches in the shrine of the netherworld special at Necro towns. Finden is a shooter, you have to use his strengths to their maximum potential. I would convert everything except for maybe green dragons and blade dancers (zombies are very weak, as are spec dragons). When you have converted you will be able to draw upon both sylvan and necro towns for troops to feed a single army. This made the difference to me and Vladimir with his 10k skellies at maximum luck (every single attack by him was doubled) plus the usual (200 wraiths etc) was easy enough to handle with 400 archliches, 500 master hunters, 3k skellie archers (i was lucky a huge stack of skellies offered to join me) and so on. I was also lucky in that Nicolai stayed weak throughout the mission.
It also helps to eat up as many neutral armies as you can in the underground area, stacks of 2000 sprites are tempting targets for necromancers. When you face the enemy his skelly count will be the biggest challenge.
Speed is also very important.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 16, 2006 08:49 PM |
What is your Findan build? Light magic gives you resurrection, and Dark magic gives you blind, frenzy and puppet master. Needless to mention all of the mass spells. They are all tide turners.
Since you've made it this far, you should know some tricks to avoid losses:
(1) Split out some 1-unit stacks (e.g. blade dancers), and use them to attack first to absorbs the counter attack.
(2) For very low iniative enemies, use only Pixie (who travels far and fast, if needed Haste them). Dodge all enemies (slow them if necessary) like crazy, and wear them down with Findan.
(3) Avoid long-ranged and caster enemies unless you have the confidence (like resurrection).
My current Findan build (on heroic) is:
Light, Dark, Socery and Enlightenment. Can't say how happy I am with him.
Quote: hi,
i stuck on prolly easiest mission4. But i cnat finish it, i have nor destructive nor summoning magic. And joining armies are too weak. Do i need to replay whole missions?

Known Hero
posted July 17, 2006 04:38 AM |
Isn't frenzy + puppet master a bit useless in that campaign since your main enemy is necro and undead are immune to both.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 17, 2006 04:01 PM |
Edited by maltz at 20:15, 17 Jul 2006.
Quote: Isn't frenzy + puppet master a bit useless in that campaign since your main enemy is necro and undead are immune to both.
Normally this is true. However, there is an artifact in the last mission that allows you to mind control undead. (Somewhere I heard that this artifact isn't always there, though.)
dark i have expert but no use much just using mass suffering on enemies
light i dont have expert so no ressurection.
Mass slow is much more useful than other mass spells. If the enemy can't even touch you before they are wiped out, cutting down their offense and defense becomes meaningless.
Also, if you want to go after a school of magic, go all the way to maximum as the spells will be more powerful, and the lv 5 spells are usually very useful. If you can make it past mission 4, you can still learn it in mission 5 (but not until much later as you want to focus on troop building first).

Known Hero
posted July 17, 2006 10:40 PM |
Mass Weakness + Mass Suffering together is my favorite. Means that the opposing units will do next to no damage.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 18, 2006 06:05 AM |
(Somewhere I heard that this artifact isn't always there, though.)
I just went back to the game and did some test. I restarted that mission for more than 30 times, and use the reveal map cheat code to check whether this Sandro's cloak (allowing mind control on undead) is offered on the place I found it. This place is guarded by the first group of spectral dragons, on the SE portion of the ground level. There are 2 artifects there.
It is NOT offered every time!
Here is a list of artifects that I've seen there, from the best to the worst:
Sandro's Cloak (Negates mind affect immunity)
-- This is it! With expert dark magic, Findan laughs!
Lion Crown (morale, luck both +2)
-- Very useful if Findan does not have Leadership and/or Luck.
Armor of the Forgotten Hero (+2 to all stats, 20% magic resistance)
-- Very useful.
Ring of Sar-Issus (1/2 mana cost)
-- Useful if Findan does not have Intelligence and/or Mana Regeneration.
Robe of Sar-Issus (adds 6 spellpower)
-- Useful if Findan has Destructive / Summoning magic.
Crown of Sar-Issus (adds 6 knowledge)
-- Useful if Findan does not have Intelligence and/or Mana Regeneration.
Sandles of the Blessed (+1 to all stats)
-- Quite a weak artifact. Better than those +2 ones, though.
Pendant of Conflux (Hero gains 1 mana for every 2 mana used by enemy)
-- Not useful. Battles are usually over before mana dries out.
Staff of Sar-Issus (Negates magic resistance)
-- Not useful as the weapon spot will be occupied by the Unicorn Horn Bow.
Shackles of the Last Man (prevents heroes fleeing)
-- Totally useless. We love to see enemy heroes flee (and lose all their troops) at the earliest chance!
Totally 10 of them. Maybe there are more, just I didn't have a chance to see them pop up. Assuming each of them has an equal chance of appearing there, then the chance of getting Sandro's cloak is C(9,1)/C(10,2) = 1/5 (20% chance). Not very high I would say.


Hired Hero
posted July 19, 2006 01:00 PM |
It's obviously random because on my map I killed a hero and got some 15 artifacts, Sandro's cloak was among those but that dragon pack was still alive.
One question now Did anyone finished the 5th scenario without killing any heroes other then Nicolai? 3 months has passed in my game, I got all dwarven artifacts (keeping them for now), have two more dragon stacks to wipe out for the light thingie and then to hunt down Nicolai. ATM, there are like 5-6 necro heroes on the map, having bewtween 5-15k skellie archers, I did a test fight with 2 strongest heroes and was able to kill both but with barely any troops left, those with 5k I can take out almost with no losses. My concern is, as the game goes on, that there will be more and more heroes to watch for, making it difficult to reach those 2 dragon stacks without being caught. Also an opinion regarding troops, I could raise some 30 spectral dragons to replace 700 sprites, somehow I'm reluctant to mix troops but those 30 dragons might be a better meat shield than sprites.

Known Hero
posted July 19, 2006 03:40 PM |
How are you supposed to be able to have a chance in the last sylvan mission in heroic? I just got there and tried it and when I went through the garrison at like week 4, there was Raven with 1600 skeletons + lots of other critters that ran me over. How can they get 1600 skeletons at the fourth week I would like to know... I can't really get a reasonable army much faster than 4th week, and I think my Findan is quite well built too... here is his skills as far as I can remember...
Expert Avenger with all three abilities
Expert Offense with Tactics and Archery
Expert Dark Magic with all three 'masters'
Expert Destructive Magic with master of storms
Expert War Machines with ballista, imbue ballista, and triple ballista
Expert Logistics

Adventuring Hero
posted July 19, 2006 04:09 PM |
Edited by maltz at 16:12, 19 Jul 2006.
Quote: How are you supposed to be able to have a chance in the last sylvan mission in heroic? I just got there and tried it and when I went through the garrison at like week 4, there was Raven with 1600 skeletons...
Eh... I am pretty surprised that you made it this far without light magic on heroic. Good job! Resurrection helps you a ton in troop conservation.
Also, you've waited a little too long. I pass the Garrison on Day 1 Week 2 (heroic, too), and take Raven's castle before the end of Week 2. There are only 3 stacks on the garrison, and you can pick all of them as your favorite enemy.
My suggestion is that you restart from an earlier mission and pick light magic. This mission will become much easier. In this mission, your unit swill do most of the damage for you, not uncommon to see damage in the thousands. So you can really skip destructive and warmachine as a whole. You can also trade logistics with skill that actually gives you power.
My current build of Findan is: Light, Dark, Sorcery, Enlightenment.
Dark is pretty pointless without the Sandro's cloak here. It is not always offered in this mission, though.

Known Hero
posted July 20, 2006 02:16 AM |
Well mass slow, mass weakness, and mass suffering help to save a lot of your troops also. And well yeah if get sandros cloak then it shouldn't be hard as can mass confusion them then to make the skeletons rather helpless. Though the time I played it got Lions crown and staff of sar-issus there. Getting through the garrison at week 2 is a bit hard though. If there would be only 2 stacks there it would be easy as could keep them both stunned with master of storms + imbue arrow.


Hired Hero
posted July 20, 2006 10:08 AM |
I play on hard difficulty but that garrison shouldn't really be a problem, on hard it has 40 wights, 80 vampires, 650 zombies. I usually take that on day 1 week 3, all it takes is 15 druids, 40 master hunters and few treants. I may lose 1 treant. What's the garrison size on heroic?

Known Hero
posted July 20, 2006 11:30 AM |
Quote: I play on hard difficulty but that garrison shouldn't really be a problem, on hard it has 40 wights, 80 vampires, 650 zombies. I usually take that on day 1 week 3, all it takes is 15 druids, 40 master hunters and few treants. I may lose 1 treant. What's the garrison size on heroic?
Its the same on heroic. I got through it with no losses at week 4 with like 100 master hunters and somewhere around 30-40 druids and 140 sprites (also had war dancers and silver unicorns but they didn't really do anything in that combat) and my ballista. Triple ballista imbued with lightning bolt (with master of storms) made sure that they almost never acted, three stunning lightning bolts drops them WAY back in the initiative, especially after mass slow.


Hired Hero
posted July 20, 2006 12:55 PM |
Quote: How are you supposed to be able to have a chance in the last sylvan mission in heroic? I just got there and tried it and when I went through the garrison at like week 4, there was Raven with 1600 skeletons + lots of other critters that ran me over. How can they get 1600 skeletons at the fourth week I would like to know... I can't really get a reasonable army much faster than 4th week, and I think my Findan is quite well built too... here is his skills as far as I can remember...
Expert Avenger with all three abilities
Expert Offense with Tactics and Archery
Expert Dark Magic with all three 'masters'
Expert Destructive Magic with master of storms
Expert War Machines with ballista, imbue ballista, and triple ballista
Expert Logistics
Tough build, I hope you'll make it through on heroic, without Luck and Light magic. Those 1600 skellies isn't really much, you can take them out with those troops you used for wiping out garrison, it looks huge but 500-600 skellies should be dead as soon as the fight starts, you should kill the rest with hunters in two volleys. Also, use treants, they're lifesaver, they are slow but they'll reach enemy on second turn and they cause a lot of trouble. Necro will take on dragons first, then unicorns, they won't touch treants until it's too late. Another tip, when you descend underground in few days, you can expect first necro hero you'll meet, to have 5-6k skeletons or even more and they grow bigger every day because of huge neutral stacks they kill. If those 1600 are causing you trouble...dunno, Raven is by far the easiest opponent you'll have to fight.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 20, 2006 05:27 PM |
Edited by maltz at 17:29, 20 Jul 2006.
Yeah, Light Magic helps soooo much. With resurrection, it is always a matter of time until you win a battle with 0 loss. You probably won't even lose any unit on neutrals!

Tavern Dweller
posted July 21, 2006 12:13 AM |
Sylvan Mission 2
Hey All,
Im stuck at mission 2 the red player came to me with a huge force and i am unable 2 deafeat him can some1 send me a pm or post a save game on the middle of mission 2 please i would appriciate it

Known Hero
posted July 21, 2006 12:19 AM |
Quote: Hey All,
Im stuck at mission 2 the red player came to me with a huge force and i am unable 2 deafeat him can some1 send me a pm or post a save game on the middle of mission 2 please i would appriciate it
You need to be quick in it. You have to take his closest castle (the one at the northwest corner) during the 3rd or 4th week at the latest, then the one in the middle island (accessible through underground, just go northwest from where you come underground) at the 6th week at the latest. After that you have the edge as he will only have 1 castle left while you have 3.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 21, 2006 10:00 AM |
yeah thanks i nearly done it he had again all troups upgraded and it was only the 3 week i had 35 m hunters 40 war dancers 15 elder druid 11 silver unicorns and he still kicked my ass if u want to give me a save game I will be verry happy Thank you

Tavern Dweller
posted July 21, 2006 10:43 AM |
I survived the initial assault from the succumbus hero but i didnt manage to survive the 2nd assault. I am not sure how is it possible to survive. Both heroes have unmatched luck which is very irritating. Their army size is overly large too. Is it possible to win the campaign without the sylvan town?


Hired Hero
posted July 21, 2006 12:23 PM |
Quote: Yeah, Light Magic helps soooo much. With resurrection, it is always a matter of time until you win a battle with 0 loss. You probably won't even lose any unit on neutrals!
For some reason I never got ressurection, although I had expert light magic and I build all magic guilds I could, in the last scenario I got only word of light Anyway, when I mentioned Light Magic I was referring more to mass effects of Wrath and Blessings which help a ton. Yesterday I finally managed to kill that bugger Nicolai, clash of the titans, puppet master drove me nuts + he had some insane initiative artifacts but eventually treants did the job I was concerned because of the size of his army, but it wasn't such a problem, that unicorn bow helped a lot, if it wasn't for puppet master I could be over in 4-5 turns.


Hired Hero
posted July 21, 2006 12:42 PM |
Quote: I survived the initial assault from the succumbus hero but i didnt manage to survive the 2nd assault. I am not sure how is it possible to survive. Both heroes have unmatched luck which is very irritating. Their army size is overly large too. Is it possible to win the campaign without the sylvan town?
It's a time consuming map, get those mines on your island ASAP and after 3 weeks you should be ready to take over the northeast city. There might be another hero coming your way, just take all your troops with another hero and sail towards Findan, let him take the empty town, after that get reinforcements and sail Findan back and kick his a**. Leave the second hero in inferno town, with troops from there he should be able to intercepts other inferno boats coming from North, with Findan you take care of things through underground passage. After you get first inferno town you should be able to "read" obelisks and reveal & pick up dragons. Send regular reinforcements and you'll have no problems. It's not a quick map to play.