
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 08, 2018 11:11 PM |
The Ray Charles cover of this song was in his first cd I bought, I remember listening to it and thinking, “these old romantic songs have a unique innocence of their own.” Now, I learn radio stations are banning it because it implies sexual harrasment:
Baby, it’s cold outside
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Undefeatable Hero
Nerf Herder
posted December 08, 2018 11:17 PM |
Well I guess if you took the video literally, that level of persistence would be creepy and inappropriate in real life. 
But it's suppose to be humor and hyperbole.
"Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us."

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 09, 2018 12:00 AM |
Keep in mind that it’s late 40’s/early 50’s. A woman immediately saying yes to staying would be considered cheap and lacking of moral behaviour. So persistence is kind of routine flirting.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Undefeatable Hero
Nerf Herder
posted December 09, 2018 03:18 AM |
I don't think even in the 1940s it would involve a few dozen back-in-forths It's meant to be cute/funny.
But yeah, a shame if that song was banned on a radio station. It truly is a classic. I don't know how popular it is abroad but it is played quite a lot in the States before Christmas almost as a tradition.

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 09, 2018 07:21 AM |
I’m not suggesting there is no humourous hyperbole, obviously there is. But the persistence the hyperbole is based on, meant something else back in the day. Probably, that’’s what the people reacting to the song are missing out, not that it’s hyberbolic.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Legendary Hero
posted December 11, 2018 11:23 AM |
Whichever radio stations are still doing this are shooting theirselves in the foot. However many have overturned their decisions because of a flood of phone calls, emails and social media posts demanding its return. The vast majority of its listeners consider the song to be "a valuable part of their holiday tradition," and put it back in rotation."
So yeah, all is well that ends well at least.
"These friends probably started using condoms after having produced the most optimum amount of offsprings. Kudos to them for showing at least some restraint" - Tsar-ivor

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted December 11, 2018 11:40 AM |
And sweet sixteen is still okay? Seriously...
That something is old and was acceptable at the time, does not mean it will stay so forever. If you want to argue part of your culture is about discrimination that’s okay but don’t expect all people to tolerate that. Just as most people don’t tolerate shredding children’s sexual organs that’s part of some cultures either. Even less tolerate cannibalism that’s part of some or live sacrifices that are part of others. What makes your culture special?
Ps. Did you seriously necro a 12 year old topic with a snowing YouTube link with no context? Effing noobs these days...

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 12, 2018 03:54 AM |
I must treat you like a moron since you’ve asked to be treated like one.
What “my culture” are you talking about? It’s some Americans reacting to a wonderful American song. Not because the norms in the song are outdated but because they misinterpret the song.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted December 12, 2018 04:58 AM |
When people call me a cracker, i tell them "please, its 'saltine american'.

Undefeatable Hero
posted December 12, 2018 02:28 PM |
When people say, "black beans", i ask that they be called "african-american beans". Also, when someone uses the phrase "white bread", i insist that they address it as "caucasian bread".

Legendary Hero
Words in a custom title
posted December 12, 2018 02:56 PM |
fred79 said: Also, when someone uses the phrase "white bread", i insist that they address it as "caucasian bread". 
White bread I just refer to as plain bread, mainly since the ingredients look way too similar to the original recipe, and partly because it looks like it has no personality.
"Through the power of the dollar you can communicate with the dead." - Artu

Undefeatable Hero
posted December 13, 2018 02:55 AM |
Edited by fred79 at 02:56, 13 Dec 2018.
Hey, i'm white, and i'm loaded with personality.

Legendary Hero
Words in a custom title
posted December 13, 2018 12:08 PM |
No Fred, those are most definitely the drugs.
"Through the power of the dollar you can communicate with the dead." - Artu

Undefeatable Hero
posted December 14, 2018 01:44 AM |
I think maybe you're referring to chemical enhancements, of which i'm absent of. Currently.

Famous Hero
Nighonese National Front
posted December 17, 2018 07:40 PM |
I'm all for #Metoo, not the least due personal experiences of feeling (to say the least) frustrated about men in my proximity, who are sexually harassing young vulnerable women, and threatening their victims into silence. Libel laws and such can take a hike. Seriously. Systems are imperfect because we are human beings are imperfect. Our legal systems will always have trouble finding hard proof regarding such crimes.
With that said.. I can't help feeling that some are doing a good job indirectly shaming or marginalizing female sexual appetite and intimacy, by indirectly associating all such behaviour with us men. When people starts comparing men being sexually aroused by women in their proximity (yeh now I'm sounding hetero-normative, but I don't really have much experience with the other bunch lol sorry... ) to sexual harassment, it becomes like a form of religious puritanism that tries to suppress our natural instincts. People need sex to feel good. Even those who pretend they do not. If women have taboos about expressing their need for intimacy in a way most men doesn't, then that should be the topic at hand.
And I'm kinda a feminist myself. Difference feminism

Ank's Old School (kinda) H8 proposal <- best thing evvah, trust me

Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted December 18, 2018 08:55 PM |
Well, HC, it seems we have another sexual predator in our midst.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted December 18, 2018 10:21 PM |
Oh these dungeon types
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Famous Hero
Nighonese National Front
posted December 19, 2018 12:15 AM |
Elvin said: Oh these dungeon types 
Oh indeed lol.
Kinda surprised myself the other day. Got some literal old fashioned vanilla for desert.
And I actually enjoyed it. Seriously.

Ank's Old School (kinda) H8 proposal <- best thing evvah, trust me

Known Hero
Pizza Man dominos pizza yummy
posted February 07, 2019 11:04 AM |
angelito said:
Quote: ...But there had been talk for years about the name being sexist - and feminist groups were lobbying for the change for quite some time....
Those feminist groups do their "work" here in germany aswell. Only one example:
This is how our traffic lights for pedestrians look like, since "millions of years":

It is called "Ampelmännchen" which would be something like "Little trafficlight man" in english
But for sure this brought some feminist groups up and they said it would be sexistic to only have male guys on those traffic lights. What happened is this:

Not that this doesn't look good either, but imagine the amount of money it needed to change about half of all traffic lights into "female" ones...:S
I know this is an old thread and I don't expect a reply from this person in particular, but why is this even a problem to anyone? It doesn't really hurt anyone? "Political correctness" is often just respect/kindness in my point of view, unless it is put to an extreme, which I rarely see anywhere, most times i see the exact opposite as other people expressed in the thread (about the n-word) where people are trying to hide their semi-racist (even though they do not realize it themselves) views by masking it as freedom of speech
edit: note that semi-racist is still racist
Noli offendere Patriam Agathae quia ultrix iniuriarum est.

Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted February 07, 2019 11:15 AM |
Edited by blob2 at 11:17, 07 Feb 2019.
evildustructor said: edit: note that semi-racist is still racist
Yeah, and that's political correctness main rationale: dislike something? You can't state your opinion, because it was dubbed racist.
My favorite example of small "kind" changes that don't hurt anyone from last couple of days:

Yeah I mean sure, it is not hurting anyone. But it's small creeping changes like this that ultimately lead to big enforced changes that will "target" anyone who doesn't comply. You can laugh it off for now...
Regime changes start from small, harmless things...