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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: Political Correctness
Thread: Political Correctness This thread is 18 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 · «PREV / NEXT»

Supreme Hero
posted February 10, 2019 12:38 AM
Edited by AlHazin at 00:39, 10 Feb 2019.

Can people stop using the expression “oh, the irony”? Cause it has been three times and if there’s a fourth one, there will be too much iron, we'll be too heavy and we’ll drift out of this system only to become a rogue planet.

We’ll be all trapped inside a ball of ice and I don’t want to be trapped with Frostych.

Thank you.
Nothing of value disappears from this world, it will reappear in some shape or form ^^ - Elvin

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 12:44 AM

Oh, the irony.

*dons space helmet*

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 10, 2019 07:08 AM

fred79 said:
People talking about "white fragility",

Bickering whites, not happy to work 6 days a week to provide full welfare for lazy alien butts and see their land partitioned into cultural impermeable hamlets, now they dare go full depression mode for clear and factually founded racism behavior accusations. Because "minorities" said it, words are facts now.

Oh, and that smart lady identifying herself as progressive feminist, remind me what percentage of people supporting "feminism" in UK recent polls returned, 7%? oh the irony

Era II mods and utilities

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 09:41 AM

The funny thing is that the people who are fielding these "people" aren't in that group themselves, but have tons of time to complain in internet forums - while those who dribble about needing no political correctness are the most vocal when they are called out for what they really are. Double standards? Hypocrisy? Oh, the irony?

Pick three.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 11:58 AM
Edited by fred79 at 12:06, 10 Feb 2019.

It's funny you mention double standards, jj. You just opened a whole case of worms with that phrase.

How about, "we're black, so we can say a word that whites can't."

How about, "black pride is a good thing, but white pride is racist!"

How about, "you're male, so it's rape if i regret the sex i had with you."

Just three of many, many examples of racism towards whites, and sexism towards males, that have become the prime targets in mainstream media. And you guys siding with those racist and sexist nutjobs are part of the problem; because you inexplicably feel the need to apologize just because lunatics accuse you of something. Get real. Open your damn eyes, ffs.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 01:12 PM

Fred, it's actually YOU who are racist and sexist because you are GENERALIZING, negating the general situation with the baseball bat of the few exceptions.

It's like demanding to stop paying welfare because "it's abused". There may be a few or even SOME who abuse it, but you cannot declare everyone guilty because of that.

If you do that - and obviously you do EXACTLY that -, you are just excusing racism, sexism and everything else you claim you are not.

How about, "you're male, so it's rape if i regret the sex i had with you."

That is actually EXTREME sexism. It insinuates that there actually IS NO SUCH THING AS RAPE, only females who may regret they had sex with a male (for whatever reason) and lie themselves out of the situation by claiming rape.

How about, "we're black, so we can say a word that whites can't."
That is NOT how it is. In fact, some words if said to ANY person are considered OFFENSIVE in general, but of course a certain kind of addressing can be CONSENTED.

How about, "black pride is a good thing, but white pride is racist!"
It's not. Racist, I mean. It's just generally so that if you have been considered inferior because of a certain aspect, being proud of that aspect is a necessary stance to defeat any lingering feelings of inferiority. I mean - say, smokers. Smokers are more and more frowned upon - in that situation something like "I'm proud to be a smoker" might make some sort of sense, to combat inferiority feelings. With white people this doesn't make a lot of sense in countries with a white majority, that's why reasonable people  suspect ulterior motives.

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted February 10, 2019 02:37 PM
Edited by blob2 at 14:48, 10 Feb 2019.

I belive that most of us here in these forums, even if our views are extreme, wouldn't actully hurt a man or even call him names in public just because of color. Well we "might" feel uncomfortable in their presence, like when you see an Arab in an airport (that is just random example don't dwell on it), but we probably keep it to ourselves.

It's ironic that while we are "wasting" time here in these forums and like you pointed jj don't even go to any more lenghts on the subject other then writing those few pointless sentences, the world is becoming madder with each passing day because some other people are staring to find an enormous amount of reasons to either impose their views on another, or "educating" with their one true morality.

I wouldn't have even bothered with this, as a person not associated with any political views nor groups (at least not in actions) I don't need to even find a reason to identify my "enemies" and would stay quiet.

But for instance I'm a gamer, and what I find when reading popular gaming portals? Articles about games nowadays are sprinkeled all over with articles "apologizing for misconduct", "toxic/entitled gamers critique" or how "woman gamers are mistreated". Games are changing their character line-ups to express every ethnic/orientation group while keeping the "white straight males" number to a bare minimum (Apex Legends), so that mainstream companies can butkiss various social justice organisations etc. I wouldn't even notice this fact because I don't care with what character I'm playing, but people seem to be overzealous that finally their morality can be expressed, while spoiling the fun for others in the process.

I liked the times when games were only criticized for being brutal. It's not that I'm naive as to think that times are changing and the social dynamics won't affect our everyday lives or hobbies we have. But people usually turn back to games to have a pause from everydays politics and scrambles. Normal people don't do racism (plus I like to remind that racism works in both ways) and don't need "guidiance", and if someone does racism, it's something wrong with them in the first place and they can very well hurt people on any other possible basis, not even related to color or orientation.

I find myself starting to be anxious about the fact that somewhere in someplace by sheer coincidence I will be accused of something that "offends someones feelings".

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 03:20 PM

This is digressing into the law and its finer points, but there is fundamental difference between civil or private law and criminal law. Criminal law comes into play when the police is suspecting you that you have broken one or more laws and the prosecution thinks they have enough evidence to put you on trial and prove your guiltiness.

That is one thing.

What you mean, though, is civil law, and OF COURSE it's possible that someone will accuse you that you offended them, but that is meaningless, unless you are actually sued, which is something that can of course happen.

What is actually much worse is that nowadays you can be in deep trouble really fast via social network sh!tstorms, and the only way to change that is to sue yourself, if you are a target, which may be quite costly in terms of time and money.

This works in all directions, of course, and the problem is actually the kind of "prejudgement" that comes with the internet and social networks. From a point of reason the same rules that apply for the media should apply for private persons in social networks as well...

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted February 10, 2019 04:29 PM
Edited by verriker at 16:30, 10 Feb 2019.

Neraus said:
Still, thank you for the link.

hehe cheers for your views on the video, more than reasonable, if everyone would have a true case-by-case mentality it would not even be a topic to waste time on lol

blob2 said:
And now I'm wondering...

So the point of proving this tendency leads to what? Well other then proving a point ofc and discussions on the matter? That whites should let go of this defensive mechanism which originates in their "head start" position (because European nations were the first to colonize most of the world) and change the dynamic so that other races can, like, take over? Let go in the name of what, social justice? I don't think anyone in this same position would want that... no one wants to let go of their privilages.

it is a basic step to mitigate racial inequality within civilisation, which can eventually lead to a healthier society with better priorities and less superficial identity politics if pulled off (one more obsessed with the obscene wealth inequality of the Davos elite for example, who bank on stupid wasteful culture wars to distract, divide and socially engineer the idiot peasantry) lol

blob2 said:
so that other races can, like, take over?

lol the purpose of people calling for one group to behave slightly more constructively and self-aware to minorities is probably to try altering the paradigm, not to somehow enable a genocide or to swap one racial supremacy/oppression for the next, if something as profound an upheaval as that will happen it will not be influenced much by petty day-to-day dialogue lol

blob2 said:
If our world evolved in a different manner I think today we would be discussing something called, for example, "black fragility"

potentially but that is a fictional world so it does not matter, albeit if you were born in a bubble where a white minority had a long history of being systematically oppressed by others you would likely not take that up the ass lol

fred79 said:
People talking about "white fragility", when they want to stop people using a word because it hurts the feelings of fragile people who cry about anything. Oh, the irony.

an education can be handy to learn the world's ironies, did you get into a college yet or will you spend your life making freeware sprites for ancient computer games in your 40s as well cheers lol

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted February 10, 2019 05:05 PM

verriker said:
blob2 said:
so that other races can, like, take over?

lol the purpose of people calling for one group to behave slightly more constructively and self-aware to minorities is probably to try altering the paradigm, not to somehow enable a genocide or to swap one racial supremacy/oppression for the next, if something as profound an upheaval as that will happen it will not be influenced much by petty day-to-day dialogue lol

It would be nice if that was the case. But you yourself said "probably". Ok, guess we are taking some good steps in self-awarness as there is more understanding then ever and it keeps mounting up. But remember that humanity is self-aborbed, and ultimately the more you give, the more they might want... remember that the intention of some groups is not pure.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 10, 2019 05:20 PM

And when we gotta ask also the "other group" for responsibility? Like committing less crimes than 10 times the others, stop playing the victim card to get free everything, become tougher and independent, respect those who welcome and help them, educate kids through family values, marry and get a job before having them, which is one of the core conditions for not failing at everything later?

You guys always hit on one side, the one which is enough educated to not reply by punching and swearing to you. Easy. When the other? Being a minority does not automatically puts you in weaken position - often is the opposite, look at jews, asians, eastern people and so on, they are doing exceptionally well.

Candace Owens, a different approach.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 06:06 PM

Except it's YOUR side that hits. Refugees, SJWs, muslims - you name it. And when you are critisied you start telling people that it must be allowed to tell the "politically uncorrect truth". And when you are politically uncorrectly called what you are you point your finger.

The problem isn't the truth, the problem is the general points you and your side make from singling out specific cases. There ARE cases of this and that, so refugees must GENRALLY be stopped. There ARE single cases of men falsely accused of rape, so rape is a myth. And so on.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 06:34 PM
Edited by fred79 at 19:00, 10 Feb 2019.

verriker said:
an education can be handy to learn the world's ironies, did you get into a college yet or will you spend your life making freeware sprites for ancient computer games in your 40s as well cheers lol

what exactly do you think i'm going to college FOR, guy? i'm GOING to get a degree in gaming graphics. try another insult. maybe you'll get lucky.

@ jj: man, you are right off the reservation. how you get what you get from what i say, is... nuts.

i'll ask that you no longer address me. i don't feel compelled to communicate with people who have obviously lost touch with reality.

in fact, i'll ask the same of verriker(being that i already stopped our communication via hcm), since his arguments have devolved into personal attacks(besides the fact of not being able to reach him on even the most elementary level, regarding this subject in particular).

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted February 10, 2019 07:00 PM
Edited by artu at 19:03, 10 Feb 2019.


The Easteners are doing so well? But I remember watching those street interviews during Brexit and the British locals who were supporting it were talking against the Polish and the Balkan immigrants, too. And, yes, there is much less anti-semitism after the Nazi experience and Jewish people have a significantly lower population in total, so much of their immigrants are middle-class people who blend in much easier than your average “I just got myself on the boat cause I had to get out of there one way or the other” immigrant but anti-semitism is not a completely resolved issue either, you have your “they control the world behind the curtains” crap, look at the dumbest of those alt-right polemics and a lot of them think that Europe’s situation is a Jewish conspiracy!

One must be blind to ignore Muslim immigration has its own specific problems, since the religiously devoted ones usually have this toxic notion of “if you engage in 21st century values and norms, you are ‘selling out’ your faith” but those Islamist ones (who are not exceptional cases, it is indeed a problem of a social scale) also affect how the moderate ones are treated, the ones who think of religion like “ok, I’ll have an imam in my funeral and I’ll circumsize my kid, it’s family tradition after all.”

Laziness has its own parameters, too. If you have less confidence about your work being appreciated based on its merit, you will be less motivated to work harder. How many black Americans tried to work their way through medical school and become a doctor in the 1950’s and how many try now? I’m sure the number went up and it would have not if the mainstream rhetoric remained “you lazy scums, it must be in your genes or something.”

These being said, yes, there is also this new phenomenon of “race becoming a business” but it is rather a small portion of the whole picture.

Edit: Oh, and, oh the irony.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 07:06 PM

artu said:
Edit: Oh, and, oh the irony.

lol, damn. i forgot to post mine. oh well, maybe next time.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 07:19 PM

fred79 said:

@ jj: man, you are right off the reservation. how you get what you get from what i say, is... nuts.

i'll ask that you no longer address me. i don't feel compelled to communicate with people who have obviously lost touch with reality.

To me it looks like you have lost touch with your language.

Anyway - if you write nonsense, I'll address it. You know, free speech and all that. And rest assured I'll call it by its correct name, politically correct or not.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 10, 2019 07:28 PM

Whatever you say, jj. I'm done arguing with you.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 10, 2019 07:29 PM

artu said:
I’m sure the number went up and it would have not if the mainstream rhetoric remained “you lazy scums, it must be in your genes or something.”

But the rhetoric wasn't that, yet single motherhood in the black community jumped from 25% to 77% since 1965, while racism dropped considerably in same period (source). Except conservative mainstream, nobody is questioning this issue, although so crucial for optimal further generations.

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted February 10, 2019 07:40 PM

The mainstream rhetoric was that in the 50’s, at least in some regions, even if it wasnt always spoken out so blatantly.

And the traditional nuclear family is a must? That is people’s own business. It can have its handicaps like anything else but I have nothing against single-mothers. Living as a bachelor also has its handicaps, did it degrade your work or anything?
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 10, 2019 07:49 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 20:04, 10 Feb 2019.

Sorry, living without a father of with father in prison sounds as negligible to you, when related to a whole community?

Doesn't the pic in that link match statistics about how the various communities succeed?

artu said:
That is people’s own business.

Big lol, not when taxpayer must support you because of that. ^^

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