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Heroes Community > Tavern of the Rising Sun > Thread: Secrets of the ModSquad Revealed!
Thread: Secrets of the ModSquad Revealed! This thread is 4 pages long: 1 2 3 4 · NEXT»

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted January 22, 2007 10:00 PM

Secrets of the ModSquad Revealed!

Oh crap, there's Valeriy!!

Will write more later!
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Supreme Hero
Beautiful Liar
posted January 22, 2007 10:02 PM

Pfffftttt... Who wants to know that? If you ask me, keep that a secret...

*Grinds teeth and bites nails*

click and help me out!! Thanks!!

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted January 22, 2007 10:05 PM
Edited by pandora at 22:14, 22 Jan 2007.

If you're not interested then why were you the first to reply? Go read somewhere else then... maybe there's a "{insert topc here} is it needed" thread out there somewhere for you

*whispers* don't worry TNT, Valeriy never stays on long, I'll tell you soon... there's really good stuff about you - and you'll never believe what we know about Vlaad
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted January 22, 2007 10:27 PM

Just don't say anything about Bob's unfor--

A blue orb disappears around the corner.


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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted January 22, 2007 10:29 PM

I heard they have a pic of Shadowcasters bare butt .
Can I see
Dreaming of a Better World

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted January 22, 2007 10:31 PM
Edited by pandora at 00:05, 23 Jan 2007.


He's still lurking... it's not time yet....

I think they'd all like to know about -

*a giant red lightning bolt shoots from the skies and hits Pandora square in the butt*


Later then...


*looks around*

Okay, I think its safe... first of all, we spend most of our time talking about Aculias. We talk about him pretty much everyday but Friday - Friday is a special day, and that's all I'm going to say about that.

We spend a lot of our time deciphering his messages, most of you regular members think that those lyrics he sends all the time are just random craziness.. but MightyMage discovered quite a while ago that there is a very deep secret locked in those snips of musical HCMs he sends us.

MightyMage's first clue came while gazing at a special bowl of Alphabet Soup - i won't tell you what day it was, as that might reveal too much....but anyways, as the letters swirled in their steaming soupy resting place MightyMage thought of Aculias - and began frantically rearranging those HCMS.

I can't tell you too much about his findings, because truth be told we are all quite afraid of MightyMage when he gets into "Aculias Solving" mode... he does this weird sort of giggle and starts sweating - A LOT.

Of course, we do worry sometimes that maybe there isn't some deep secret message there - it is possible that Aculias is just insane (after all, he did get romantically intertwined with KittenAngel )

Further evidence that we collected indicates that Aculias may in fact be a part of another rac ----


OOOOOwie!! Someone could have told me he was back... *runs off again*

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted January 23, 2007 12:36 AM
Edited by pandora at 01:05, 23 Jan 2007.

*tiptoes back in*

Okay, he's not looking...

I can't say much more about Aculias right now because well he's ... right over there *points at Aculias*

So I'll tell you one of the creepier parts of MightyMage's discovery.. well actually, this one was RSF's if you want to get technical. One of MightyMage's decoded messages read

Save kibbain, save the world

Now this really scared the bejeezus out of us, because we didn't know at this point that the world was in danger - and even worse we had no idea who Kibbain was! But RSF (in one of his rare "clear eyed moments" as we like to call them) suddenly blurts out

"Kibbain is Binabik!! Save Binabik, save Binabik!"

After a while that got really freaky so Lith had to slap RSF, but once we got him settled down, we decided to take a closer at look at this new theory.

Now it seems this Binabik has been flying beneath our radar for some time now. Sure, we all know who he was but we didn't think there was any real reason to keep our eye on him. In fact we were pleasantly surprised by his blend of wisdom and humour - its refreshing!

But now we know that something much bigger could be happening here...It seems the theory was proven when Binabik dared battle the Aculias in the VW over song lyrics and other such nostalgia. Just that he could hold his own against the king of "Lessons More" himself...the powers! We were all amazed.. and now all of the squad watches for the day the threat will come...

Save Binabik, save the worl -


OH man... that one is going to leave a mark...

I'm sorry Mage, but if they know maybe they can ---


Or maybe not...oh, and btw Aculias - we have an entire room dedicated to Shadowcaster's butt - but don't tell him I told... *shhh*

*slinks away again*
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Legendary Hero
posted January 23, 2007 05:54 AM

Borrowing one of Shadowcastor's spare cloaks, Mighty Mage sneaks into the "information" room being sure to hide in the shadows where Val cannot see him.

"Pan, you here?  Hmmmmmm, she must have left."

Mighty Mage reaches into the cloak and removes the note Pan left for him in the conference room:
It's time we reveal what really goes on in the HQ.

"Guess I should leave this painting behind that I found this morning after I ate 36 bowls of soup.  I've gotta stop passing out like that.  Weird things keep happening."

Mighty Mage sneaks back out and a few moments later returns with a large painting

Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted January 23, 2007 08:35 PM

*spots the poster*

Silly MightyMage, I wanted that in my room - its so beautiful!

Okay, Valeriy is atop the great Mount Spamfree meditating so I have a few minutes to fill you guys in on a bit more of what's happening.

Obviously when the plot started to unfurl we knew that there had to be more going on - it would just require digging a little bit deeper. One of the discoveries we made was in the Otherside... there was an electric hum coming from one of the threads - you could feel the energy crackling around you as you neared it.

You may or may not already know this, but the energy force that fuels this Community is nothing other than simple creativity and imagination - certainly you've felt it when new members join us that are very original and entertaining? That surge of electricity for the community is what this place is all about. Things like "Copy/Paste" threads, and the billions of "QP threads" and "Newbie Guides" are death to us here, they weaken us and make us ill... but anyways.. that's not the point - where was I?

Ah yes, the Otherside..I had made my way through the walk of misery and deep sadness, and I have to admit I was so drained I didn't think I could go another step... but then I felt it. This thread had its very own pulse, it wasn't fueled by our Shiny Reds, it just thrived on its own - thanks to its great Master... Vlaad. Of course I immediately tagged the thread with a Star when I saw it had none. For us moderators tagging a thread taps us into its power, it makes us stronger But anyways, I babble more! Vlaad the Mastermind had been cultivating this thread and as it grew stronger so did its potential.

Quickly I ran back to the Squad, making notes on my findings so the others in the information room could also study this power. While I was sleuthing I saw a picture that i just couldn't get out of my head...

I went to fetch a bowl of Soup, I heard a rumour there was some leftovers...and then it clicked in my head "That Chin!!" I ran to the archives and started going madly through the player profile cabinet... and then I found it.

There is definitely a chin connection going on...They must be involved somehow...

Of course, we have been investigating TNT for quite some time now. He seems to think he's under the radar but my goodness we have IP lists, photographs and even a few spies surrounding his home. Hmm, maybe I've said too much about TNT for now... Ugh, and I forgot my soup... till next time.
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted January 23, 2007 08:44 PM

Like a son Val never wanted.
I mean always wanted
Dreaming of a Better World

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted January 23, 2007 10:07 PM

So anyways, there are so many more secrets than just this new development...Of course this is of utmost importance, but seeing as though I just saw Binabik and he seems to be fine - I'll tell you some other secrets

Angelito is a speed freak! He seems like such a sweet mellow dude, but he's actually a lunatic thrill seeker... He is actually here 24/7, but for a lot of the time he is moving so quickly he becomes invisible! I know, it may seem a bit odd , but its true, keeping up with Angelito is impossible. How does he keep it up you ask? Donuts! He ingests more sugar than anyone else in HC

Shadowcaster can very easily be controlled with a flashlight. I'm not going to tell you all of the details - but I will say that knowing that little secret has made my days here soooooo much easier!

Who else can I tell you about...

Ah, I've got one... quite often when he thinks he's alone The Gootch sneaks off into the farthest corner of the tavern and pops in his favorite movie "Bambi". When I say quite often, I mean at least 4 times weekly. On those occasions Shadowcaster and I retire to the Squad and work on our Tavern Theory until the film is over - because I have to admit the sound of the Gootch weeping is enough to break your heart, Shadow and I just can't take it anymore.

Don't believe me? The truth is here... I'd be most impressed by the one who can find it for themselves
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted January 24, 2007 12:09 AM
Edited by pandora at 00:13, 24 Jan 2007.

Here's another that I felt it important to share...everyone thinks that Guitarguy is such a sweetheart er Effin Boyscout but here's the truth. He most certainly is NOT. I made the mistake of asking him to make some TOP SECRET deliveries for us to the ModSquad. Over the holidays I had a lot going on, and I needed the help - rumour has it that when you need some help you ask a Boyscout... lemme tell you something - that's a lie!

I returned from my away time to find a bunch of sulky Moderators pouting around the squad - it turns out that the delivery never came. Now the orders were for the Soup! So the poor boys in the squad were being deprived in my absence and I was furious! Naturally I go to hunt down GuitarGuy and became extremely suspicious when he was not telling about his downhill times ... those are, like, his favorite times to talk about!

So anyways, I'm walking around not knowing where to look and then I hear it "That's me in the corner.... that's me in the spot.." REM being carried on the wind... obviously I just had to follow the sounds and I'd find him.

Well that's not all I found!

There were a whole pack of really overweight n00bs all singing along with Guitarguy...and next to them... a giant pile of empty soup cans!

Apparantly they were skinny n00bs before that Effin Boyscout got to them and of course he had to feel sorry for them and help them...

How do you gain that much weight eating soup!?!

Anyways, they're all in the library now telling people their awesome tips and tricks... and of course building a shrine to Guitarguy out of our empty soupcans.

Be warned, you can't trust that guy....
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Supreme Hero
posted January 24, 2007 02:08 AM


You noobs drank up nicely; especially KnightDougal. Now, where's the little boyscout's room...


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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted January 24, 2007 03:57 AM

Sheesh lol
I do I do to you & you & you!!!
Dreaming of a Better World

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Legendary Hero
posted January 24, 2007 05:32 AM

Aha! I know this one!
The von Trapp Family Singers

So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu
To you and you and you

OK, admit it, you're in love with Liesl aren't you?

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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted January 24, 2007 05:36 AM

Cant get one away from you can i
Dreaming of a Better World

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Famous Hero
Only The Chosen Will Survive
posted January 24, 2007 06:08 AM
Edited by VaRuAs at 06:10, 24 Jan 2007.

Hmmmm ModSquad .....ModSquad  i heard it is hunted ??? and there is some annoying mod ghost living in Modsquad and suck our qps and vomit qps form their noses...  

*Is that what we are talking about?*
Aculias: WHy did Minnie Mouse break up with Mickey?
Because he was F^%$^$g Goofey.

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Legendary Hero
posted January 25, 2007 05:44 PM

Once again Mighty Mage sneaks into the information room.  It seems no one is around so he decides to jot down his message.
Dear Members of this Heroes Community,
I leave this message to you as a warning.  It seems in my digging through the ancient threads of the Mod Squad I have discovered terrible news.  Years ago a prophecy was left by the elders of HC.  A prophecy that foretells a horrible end to our beloved community. We had thought nothing of it for years.  We had just passed it off as the ramblings of old men but now we begin to see many of their words coming true.  
"A Great flood of SPAM shall break through in even the most unsuspecting places.  Beware the flame.  It appears to be warm but it is not.  It will speak to you with words that may cloud your judgement.  Do not listen for the flame is a heartless beast fueled by the most irrelevent and useless SPAM.  It will speak as if it despises the SPAM but you should know better.  It's words are of the SPAM and for the SPAM.  Do not follow.  Do not listen."
There are also words that speak of a great war.  The elders claim that good and evil will be near impossible to tell apart.  The flame may or may not be responsible for this.  I cannot tell.  Pan and I plan to go see the two remaining Elders known as Hexa and Lith-Maethor and bribe them with donuts in order to find out the meanings behind these words.  We can only hope that they have not forgotten.  We all know how the memory is the first thing to go in old age.
We pray that all will be well.
Mighty Mage

Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted January 25, 2007 06:30 PM

you didn't...

the prophecy was never meant for those not of our order mighty mage... i think you just triggered stage 1 of the end of HC
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted January 26, 2007 12:11 AM

Ah, I've got one... quite often when he thinks he's alone The Gootch sneaks off into the farthest corner of the tavern and pops in his favorite movie "Bambi". When I say quite often, I mean at least 4 times weekly. On those occasions Shadowcaster and I retire to the Squad and work on our Tavern Theory until the film is over - because I have to admit the sound of the Gootch weeping is enough to break your heart, Shadow and I just can't take it anymore.

Don't believe me? The truth is here... I'd be most impressed by the one who can find it for themselves

Zomg I said I liked Bambi because his mom gets shot!  And I believe I also said the same thing about Old Yeller!

Yeah.  What now?  See what happens when people twist your words, take them out of context, and try to paint you as something you're clearly not!?

Yeah, they become HC mods.

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