Tavern Dweller
posted June 24, 2008 07:26 PM |
How to play against human Barbarian when he will pick Shatter Destruction? I think that playing might Dungeon against him will surprise him, but that's all. His attack and defense are too high.
What about might-magic hero with summoning magic? Why nobody tell something about this. Elementals, armor and phoenix can be useful.
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 24, 2008 07:30 PM |
If you go might you will lose even if you have light to aid you. Summoning is a must and so is dark.
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Tavern Dweller
posted June 24, 2008 07:42 PM |
So against Stronghold Dungeon need to use magic hero, with summoning and dark. And what more? Probably enlightenment and sorcery?!
I think Lethos and Yrwanna will be the best choice here!?
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 24, 2008 07:48 PM |
Probably, dark is hard to get and enlightenment is always useful. Besides the barbarians will usually have might over magic and you need as much power as you can get.
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Famous Hero
posted June 24, 2008 10:14 PM |
Yup, you badly need enlightment againts barbarian.
And the magic school of choice is ofc summoning. However dungeon phoenix is very weak, though still useful for stealing retaliation and especially as blocker. Based from my experience, do not count on its raw power if you use summoning againts barbarian, use it only for stealing retaliation, blocker, etc. Because a good barbarian can predict easily, he can predict that you can use summoning, and he usually has his dangerous summoning perks that make your summoning power nearly as weak as destructive. If you want to gamble, it's up to you.
Dark is useful, more than summoning, but the problem is always the same, hard to get the spell, though in some specific maps, there is a way to get it. Still summoning is the most neutral of all school.
Supreme Hero
posted June 24, 2008 10:55 PM |
Dungeon pheonix weak??? Exactly the opposite, it's the most powerful.
Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted June 24, 2008 11:05 PM |
how can it be weak? It's SP dependant. Dungeon has the best SP around = best phoenix possible.
My favorite route against barbs was Light + Dark. Yeah, kinda hard to get (arcane intuition helps), but frenzy spam is always great and mass slow is good too. If you can get divine imbalance and resurrection, your chances increase a lot. Divine imbalance destroys every stack after the first turn and is pretty much uncounterable. You may want a mass slow first, to literally slow things down. A perfect route would be mass slow, followed by frenzy, most likely on cyclopes if your opponent failed to position them correctly, and from there, divine imbalance, finally some resurrection spells if you have suffered heavy losses. 99,99% win ^_^
Summoning + dark is a good one too. The barb obviously can't protect himself from all the options you have. He'd need three shatter skills.. which would make his offense rather pathetic.
Supreme Hero
posted June 24, 2008 11:20 PM |
Actually, Lethos + mass decay = no rage = almost certain win as long as your attack is higher than his defense.
Legendary Hero
posted June 25, 2008 12:05 AM |
Yes, I tried the Lethos + mass decay option against the barbs...unfortunately I never got mass decay. Plus since I suck at the game I was badly outnumbered. My phoenix was weak because of might over magic.
Famous Hero
posted June 25, 2008 01:15 AM |
Imo lethos is one of the two that can get mass decay easily.
Quote: Dungeon pheonix weak??? Exactly the opposite, it's the most powerful.
Yeah, you're right. Seems i forgot something, maybe when i fought that barbarian he has some nasty perk in summoning, but this also effect every faction.
Known Hero
Soul hunter
posted June 25, 2008 02:38 PM |
might over magic? a joke skill if you ask me, barbarian SP is way too low to matter.
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 25, 2008 02:45 PM |
You are mistaken, in regular maps that you find spellpower artifacts it's pretty decent.
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Supreme Hero
posted June 27, 2008 06:33 PM |
Look what a might warlock can do with about 100 furies and 50 stalkers.
might Kythra
Famous Hero
posted June 28, 2008 12:46 PM |
yeah yeah, but warlock can be exellent troop defender if anybody remembers shadya from h5 and his special shadow dancer
Famous Hero
posted June 28, 2008 02:05 PM |
Things that trouble me the most is red dragon incinerate.
I'm not talking about the red dragon potential, only its ability.
I mean, i'm not saying that black dragon > red dragon, it depends on the situation.
Somehow the chance to use this ability is too rare. Especially againts dark users. The only situation i remembered using this is when i fought that fortress and haven, but especially haven, againts fortress it seem better to do a breath attack, though in reality, this ability is needed to ger rid of some fortress nasty creature (i hate the bear, they usually harder to be killed than thane or the dragon, and bring more destruction than them).
Still, againts the other, it is rarely used, it is impossible againts dark user, againts fast faction, the red dragon usually die before it can use it without the help of teleport assault, but who in the world that would cast teleport assault instead of magic.
Supreme Hero
posted June 28, 2008 02:52 PM |
Black dragon is more tactical. I'd go for red dragon against haven, orc or dwarf, even vs inferno or necro, but never vs sylvan or academy.
Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted June 28, 2008 10:22 PM |
blacks are stronger, tougher and safer. Pretty normal they are preferred.
Reds can be boosted by light magic though, which is perfect for might warlock or light-might hybrid.
Famous Hero
posted June 29, 2008 05:35 AM |
@samiekl and Doomforge
I agree, dark magic is also nice with this creature (vampirism), but that is not my point.
My point is the incinerate, anybody here know how to abuse this? There is only one way, to make the red dragon act as many as possible, but Haste is useless, for it will be slowed, Morale is Kytra exclusive, Teleport assault is the best option, but are there any crazy warlock who choose to cast teleport assault.
I sugest to mod this incinerate to increase its range, or at least make the red dragon immune to slow, but this will make red dragon a little overpowered, i prefer the 1st choice. Or any of you know how to abuse this incinerate.
Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted June 29, 2008 06:36 AM |
As pheonix may attest there destruction is not always good vs Orc. Against any other faction, I would get destruction, but Orc not so much. Dark is Stronghold's biggest weakness. Even if they get shatter dark, it can still cause them a lot of problems. Sometimes it is difficult to get dark spells, however.
As for summons, yes it is a good skill choice. Make sure you destroy the balista before using any summons however. It is absolutely a must and a priority to destroy Strongholds Balista as early as possible.
Message received.
Famous Hero
posted June 29, 2008 01:46 PM |
in my opinion black drakes are still better choice because red drakes donīt have any spell immunity