Ladies, gentlemen and all those in-between. Fellow members of HC.
As you know, real life has been running rampant lately. In its cruelty, it now decided to take away one more of us - as if Azagal's mysterious disappearance wasn't enough, Gen-Man, the beloved peanut planter and founder of this fine institution, is retiring. The Actual World Around Us seems to prefer to have this man's genius wasted on fixing airplanes and generally being useful instead of browsing Heroes Community for funny posts, but we must move on. We must survive, protect our way of life until the sour end.
This dramatic, key event in the history of our proud community left us with little choice; someone had to step forward and take the title of head Peanut Planter, and all the burdens and duties that come with it. I have been chosen to sacrifice myself for this noble cause, and...
du-dun durun
du-dun durun dun dunnn
*suddenly fireworks and naked women*
The prime ideal this institution, the very pillar upon which it stands, is having fun - and, by God, fun we shall have.
Gen-man - we can only hope you screw up big time, cause people to die, get fired and come back here to continue giving out peanuts. But until that faithful day, with Elv by my side, I'll try to make you proud, or at least not too embarrassed.
So, without further ado, here's the
What is Peanut Planters HQ (PPHQ) Thread?
This is the thread where peanut planters discuss current posts and award peanuts. Members are not allowed to have serious discussions in the thread. This makes it easier for peanut planters to be in the right mood for awarding peanuts. If you wish to discuss something publicly with the peanut planters, don't do it, because they won't answer you anyway. If that doesn't satisfy you, you may create a thread in the VW, and hope that they will react.
Who are the Peanut Planters?
Peanut planters, are humorous and light-hearted people that have been self-proclaimed to keep the fun at Heroes Community. Peanut planters do not hold peanuts, instead they concentrate on making Heroes Community a funnier place for everyone. Peanut planters don't have powers to move, edit, delete, close and rate threads, but they can award peanuts or -peanuts to members. They are not the people to contact no matter what, in fact they prefer the "don't call us, we'll call you" routine. They have volunteered their time to make HC a funnier place for you, and they don't care what you have to say about it.
Who are the Planting Guests?
Planting Guests are members who for some reason deserve more than just a simple peanut. Their special Guest status gives them a one-time ability to nominate a person for a peanut award. That person will automatically gain a peanut (unless the Peanut Planters would strongly disagree). The Planting Guest cannot nominate himself.
Can I become a peanut planter?
Do you know and worship every funny post in this community? Can you let go of your own viewpoint and judge from a neutral perspective? Are you willing to give up your peanuts? Are you visiting Heroes Community almost every day for 30 minutes or more for the last six months? Are you willing to commit to making Heroes Community a funnier place? Can you be a funny example to other Heroes Community members? If you've honestly answered 'yes' to every single question above and believe you are worthy to be a peanut planter, then we have something to say to you: we don't care. Currently, the PPHQ does not recruit new peanut planters. You could try sending an HCM to one of the peanut planters (the lower his number the better), but chances are you will get "forget it" as an answer.
If you've answered yes to a few but not all of the questions, you may suggest posts for peanut either by HCM or in the forums. This way you can help the community while keeping your member privileges. Peanut planters might appreciate if you alert them regarding any funny or unfunny posts.
What are peanuts?
Each member starts with 0 peanuts. To gain a peanut, a peanut planter needs to rate one of member's posts as funny. Peanut planters can also give you a peanut penalty if you make a post that fails miserably at being funny.
Funniness is a relative term, so there's no set definition. Peanut planters will give peanuts upon their judgement of funniness. -peanuts are defined in the previous paragraph.
Who started the Peanut Planters HQ, when and how?
The Peanut Planters idea was started by Geny with the support of Elvin, followed by events in this thread, in the VW. Later (thanks to an anonymous tip) the PPHQ was built... and there's nothing more to say about it.
Well, we haven't had too much original content around here lately, but as New Zealanders say, when there's no sheep around, I guess chicks are sexy too.
So the first peanut since my coronation uh, election, goes to Alc, who made us all laugh and, more incredibly, made me love the Germans, with the Germany has talent video he dug up. Bonus points for finding something I actually like on Facebook.
Congratulations to Alc.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf
Quote:Also how can you reply to Elvin before he made the post, are you a shemale?
Seeing the first post in OhForF's creepy new Celfious-y streak, I found myself going "...what?" so badly that I started chuckling inexplicably.
I suppose it was about the element of surprise, but still, research will be made into the subject.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf
I think Baklava is a good choice to take over the PP. I like how Elvin is still second-in-command. Not a leader eh? Farewell Geny. You brought some good laughs to my attention.
Bask in the light of my glorious shining unicorn.
Undefeatable Hero
Stand and fight!
posted October 21, 2010 11:58 PM
Quote:What if somebody anally fingers themselves while fantasizing about Jessica Alba, while fantasizing that Jessica Alba is their wife? And then also fantasizing that other women involved in the fantasy are also their wives, but only after Jessica Alba dies, and then the 3rd one only after the 2nd one dies, but you're in a time warp, so they happen to all be there at once?
Why not, blizzardboy does tend to make us grin every once in a while. A much needed virtue on the forum, 'specially the OSM. This one's a solid example.
Peanut awarded.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf
Coming back after being stuck in real life for a week or two due to internet shortage, I see there wasn't too much activity on the boards in the meantime. Still, blizzardboy made me chuckle again, and I need to dish these peanuts out soon, since I can't hold off the squirrels for much longer. So the second peanut in a row goes to bb for this ...
Dear God...
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf
After several painful moments I've managed to get every single squirrel off me and returned to looking remotely like a human being again.
In honour of that, here's a welcome peanut for a dude called Memonster, and the clip that made us all grin evilly at least twice:
Welcome aboard, man. Now let's see some original content for more!
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf
A peanut goes to Keksi for his truly enchanting contribution to the random thoughts thread:
Quote:I'm a bit late on this but, I've got a bit on hamsters.
My sister had a hamster. She's an artistic soul so she named the hamster "Hansu," how creative of her. The hamster was occasionally let run loose in her room where it would find its way to the toybox lying around. It would soon become apparent that the rustling noise that came from the boxes was the hamster applying its jaws upon the plasticky imitations of man and beast. Soon it would be found that Barbie truly was an airhead, the whole lot of her were. For underneath that ever cheerful go-getter smile was a gaping void with nothing else in sight than the back of her head and shadow. Many women say that they envy Barbie as it would seem that she has everything one could ever dream of. She is a vet, an athelete, a zookeeper, a princess and guardian of her little sister, well accomplished in all among other things. But should they see Barbie with her face chewn off by a hamster, they'd realize the hollow superficiality of her character.
A well deserved one, Keks.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf
Adventuring Hero
once seen cannot be unseed
posted November 13, 2010 09:52 AM
thank you for your peanut baklava, now that i am equipped with it I'm sure i can come up with more lulz ____________
Me, myself... rather than I and then... myself and then me... Me... ME ...MEEEAAAAAAAH
I nominate Zenofex for his brilliant post here, 4th post from the beginning. This is simply too good
Quote:I really, REALLY don't understand what's the point in these 5763467 topics about new factions/creatures, which have absolutely no chance to be implemented in the game simply because it is already decided how many which will be the factions in MMH:VI and what will be their line-up. Here's one potential Haven line-up which has exactly the same chance to be accepted as the rest of the proposals made in this/other topics.
Oppressed Serf - Oppressed Free Peasant: A man who exists to be oppressed and die at the age of 25-30 at most from some disease, band of robbers, war or whatever. Special ability: Pitchfork Phalanx - has a 20% chance to increase the Defense of the stack by +1 and to decrease its speed by -2.
Tax-Collector - Daylight Robber: A man who exists to take from the poor and give to the rich. Special ability: Taxation - reduces the growth of Oppressed Serfs/Oppressed Free Peasants in the town by 50% when garrisoned and increases the daily gold income by +500; Financial Revision - checks the financial records of the enemy army, lowering its Morale by -5 and dismissing random stack for unpaid taxes. When in this mode, the Tax-Collector/Daylight Robber takes tripple damage from enemy attacks.
Bard - Grand Drunkard: A man who exists for reasons unknown to him, expressed in rhymes. Special abilities: Ballad - a song which may increase or decrease the morale of the Bard's army by +/-3. A random enemy creature loses one turn to apploud or hiss; Brothel Champion - the creature has a reputation among the ladies and receives double damage from all female humanoids in the game; Tough Drinker - the creature don't get drunk easily. This doesn't affect its battle performance at all.
Landlord - Rich Landlord: a man who exists to oppress other people. Special abilities: Mobilize - summons a stack or Oppressed Serfs on the battlefield and imprisons it for debts after the battle ends; Land Enclosure - places wooden fences randomly around the battlefield. Every enemy who enters the area beyond these walls gets charged one half of its cost.
Griffin - Fat Griffin: a standard Griffin, which could get adopted by some lord and grow fat. Special abilities: Battle Dive (Griffin) - a standard Battle Dive. Bombardment (Fat Griffin) - the creature attempts to perform Battle Dive but falls from exhaustion 2 squares in front of its initial position. If the square is occupied by some creature, it takes 50 damage per falling Fat Griffin.
Heavy Cavalry - Super Heavy Cavalry: a man, who exists to wear steel clothes and charge heavily on a horseback. Special abilities: Armored beyond reason - the creature takes only 1 damage from physical attacks, but moves once per 10 turns. Charge - the creature charges at a target 2 squares away from it at most. The horse has 50% chance to stumble and fall at any square before reaching the target due to the rider's weight and its own 50 kg armor. If successful, the attack deals 50% increased damage.
Angel - Angel Dandy: a creature which exists to be superior. Special abilities: Superiority - the creature frowns upon the enemy army, enraging it and increasing the damage against itself with 100%. Resurrection of the worthy - the creature can resurrect other Angels, Angel Dandies and Elves. There is 25% chance to lose 1 turn after each successful resurrection to chat with the resurrected troops about the inferiority of the others. Fashion Fascist - the creature deals double damage against everything which doesn't have fancy clothes, shiny armor or is not an elf.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb
Well, I finished moving, and finally got internet access. Now I can stop drawing youtube, google and porn on my walls.
It doesn't appear I missed out on anything too important? Zenofex is awarded a motivational peanut, has a few good ones in there.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf
Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted December 10, 2010 09:57 AM
Heh, reminds me of my own Renegades' Renegades line-up. And created under similar circumstances as well. I congratulate you. ____________ DON'T BE A NOOB, JOIN A.D.V.E.N.T.U.R.E.