
Supreme Hero
posted January 16, 2008 09:09 AM |
About DDS: textures for 3D models should be DXT3, icons should be A8R8G8B8.
As Gnoll_Mage, I guess that's the ABGR8 option in Gimp.
Note that the format names can vary: A8R8G8B8 is also called " ARGB", and DXT3 can be labeled "DXT3 ARGB". At least.
I had a look at the Sun Warrior, and here are a few comments, in no particular order:
- leave the readme outside the h5u: put the readme, the h5u and the map editor icon in a zip/rar, for example
- put all your characters files inside a dedicated folder:
That means Character, Model, AnimSet, BasicSkelAnim, Material, Texture, Skeleton and Geometry. This will greatly lower the probability of conflicts with other mods.
For example, your idle anim is /_(BasicSkelAnim)/idle00.(BasicSkelAnim).xdb, which has nothing specific to the Sun Warrior.
- For the map editor icon, you can provide either the source icon (Complete\Icons\Generated\...), either the cached icon (Editor\...).
The creature name is now correct, but it is saved in the cached icon: delete your cached icon and it will be refreshed.
- You should keep the demo map outside the mod for the final release.

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted January 16, 2008 09:43 AM |
Quote: What did Radar do exactly?
First I had tried to reload the alpha, but it still did't work. Then I painted original's image background black and that fixed the problem.

Supreme Hero
posted January 16, 2008 01:53 PM |
Quote: About DDS: textures for 3D models should be DXT3, icons should be A8R8G8B8.
As Gnoll_Mage, I guess that's the ABGR8 option in Gimp.
Note that the format names can vary: A8R8G8B8 is also called " ARGB", and DXT3 can be labeled "DXT3 ARGB". At least.
I had a look at the Sun Warrior, and here are a few comments, in no particular order:
- leave the readme outside the h5u: put the readme, the h5u and the map editor icon in a zip/rar, for example...
Thanks for the feedback. I've been trying to generate an icon from the editor, but when I open up the file from the database, my creature cannot be seen - there is just a green square. If anyone could reveal why I'd be grateful. Here's the file, in h5m form atm (I haven't done sf's last two points yet): http://www.mediafire.com/?40wdbbmgdna.

Supreme Hero
posted January 16, 2008 02:23 PM |
Also, I made a random map with lots of random level 4 stacks, and none of them were neutral i.e. elementals... why is this?

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted January 16, 2008 02:23 PM |
"Creature has invalid or missing Character"
<AnimCharacter href="/Characters/Creatures/Neutrals/Sun_Warrior/Sun_Warrior.(Character).xdb#xpointer(/Character)"/>
You forgot this here.
Think Children of the Light ability would fit your creature?

Supreme Hero
posted January 16, 2008 02:31 PM |
Thanks Radar, that worked a treat - where does "Creature has invalid or missing Character" get displayed? Unfortunately though I can't use this to make an icon, because all the effects get unglued from their bones...
As for abilities, I haven't put much thought in yet, just left one that was already there i.e. that you gave your creature, which happened to fit well. Child of the Light is a good one so I will add it.
On that note, was it once the case that we could not specify new abilities, because they were hard-coded to a certain creature ID?

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted January 16, 2008 02:32 PM |
Quote: where does "Creature has invalid or missing Character" get displayed?
I launched the game

Supreme Hero
posted January 16, 2008 02:34 PM |
So did I... ??? It worked fine.

Supreme Hero
posted January 16, 2008 04:00 PM |
Okay sfidanza, I think this is okay now (fingers crossed ):
If it gets the go-ahead from you, I shall publish it officially. If you could then link to the thread from the heroes-fr page that would be great.

Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2008 12:49 PM |
Great reorganization, Gnoll_Mage! 
It's a lot more tidy in there now! 
As far as I'm concerned, you can go ahead and officially release it (and of course I'll link to it).
I still have a non-essential comment about the map editor icon: it seems you enlarged your 128x128 dds to 256x256 tga. Note that you could have kept it 128x128, it works as well (and the file is smaller). You could also have left it in dds format (provided the AdvMapObjectLink file points to ...dds instead of ...tga).
About adding abilities to creatures, yes, it was not possible (not this easily) before TotE.

Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2008 01:05 PM |
Excellent, I shall upload right away.

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted January 17, 2008 06:13 PM |
Nomad ID for me.

Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2008 06:34 PM |
276: Nomad - by Radar
I thought the 120 extra slots (181 to 299) would be enough to last until patch 3.1, so I could update once for both issues, but it seems I'll have to extend the number of creatures a little sooner...

Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2008 06:35 PM |
Are you going to update the framework to add all the new creatures into the AdvMapSharedGroups? That's necessary to get them to appear randomly yes?

Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2008 06:36 PM |
What is Psatkha planning with 30 slots?

Famous Hero
servant of urgash
posted January 17, 2008 07:09 PM |
rust dragon to me
A Nightmare from below.A hero from Within

Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2008 07:40 PM |
277: Rust Dragon - by WarLore
Psatkha is actually leading a group effort in the russian Nival forums (starting a few weeks back), so he won't be making 30 creatures on his own, but I don't have details yet.
About the AdvMapSharedGroups, yes, that's the plan.

Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2008 09:26 PM |
Ooh sounds interesting...
*attempts to translate Russian*
But I do see an Excel sheet with things like "Faceless" and "Falcon", which would be interesting to see for sure. To anyone who can read the Nival forum, I'd love to know what's going on over there!

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted January 17, 2008 09:36 PM |
I tried to understand it too, there are some screenshots on the last page and the 3th if I remember correctly. It seems to be a haven town rebuild with brownish medieval clothing.
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Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2008 09:43 PM |