
Undefeatable Hero
posted March 19, 2016 01:42 PM |
Mark and Jack:
((Berry Juice removed from Jack's inventory.))
The current fight—and Oddish against a Sandshrew—wraps up quickly, with the Oddish winning handily. The Grass type's trainer takes a breather to patch up his Pokemon, before throwing out a general challenge to the audience.
Mark locates Jack without difficulties.
Jack (and Mark can see this since you're in the same room):
You step up to the battle arena and tell the other trainer you accept his challenge.
"Awesome!" he replies, gripping a Pokeball. "Two Pokemon each?" You note he only has three Pokeballs.
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

Legendary Hero
Divine Arcanist
posted March 23, 2016 04:29 AM |
"Sure, why not." Jack starts out with Horsea.

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 23, 2016 11:41 PM |
Jack (+ Mark):
There are a few scattered cheers as you enter the arena and send out your Pokemon. Your opponent smirks and sends out his Oddish.
Horsea: 57/57
Oddish: 59/59
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

Legendary Hero
Divine Arcanist
posted March 24, 2016 04:03 AM |
"Alright. Well, let's start this off with you focusing your energy!"

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 25, 2016 12:20 AM |
Jack (+ Mark):
Horsea uses Focus Energy!
Horsea is getting pumped!
Oddish uses Sleep Powder! ((Roll=85))
Attack missed!
Horsea: 57/57 (crit ratio up 2 levels)
Oddish: 59/59
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

Legendary Hero
Divine Arcanist
posted March 25, 2016 01:29 AM |
"Follow up with a bubblebeam!"

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 25, 2016 02:35 AM |
Jack (+ Mark):
((Aaand Bubblebeam has a secondary effect you can roll for also. But I'll do it this round for speed's sake. Rolls. Damage should be between 15 and 18; yell at me if I calculated that wrong.))
Horsea uses Bubblebeam! ((Roll = 37 for Speed lowering))
Oddish is hit for 18 damage!
It's not very effective...
Oddish uses Sleep Powder! ((Roll = 21))
This time your Horsea takes a face full of powder and falls over on his side, asleep. A little bubble on the end of his snout expands and contracts with his breathing.
Horsea: 57/57 (crit ratio up 2 levels)(Asleep – first round)
Oddish: 40/59
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

Legendary Hero
Divine Arcanist
posted March 25, 2016 01:58 PM |
"Darn it... Come on! Wake up and use bubblebeam again!"

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted March 26, 2016 12:30 AM |
Entering the bar Mark looks over the match currently going on and decides to sit in the back, once again beside the door and waiting... though this time, he knew that there wasn't going to be too much of a wait! Or at least, that's what the young trainer hoped. Opening up his flip phone, Mark sent a text off to Mina, telling her, "Hey, at the bar and someone with the starlight squad (Er... I think that's their name at least) is here. Also, talked to the ranger and would like to follow up!"
Apparently he'd forgotten that he'd told Mina he would come back after he dropped her off at the pokemon center. Oops.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 26, 2016 02:31 PM |
Jack and Mark:
((Rolls Memo to myself—add held item bonuses into the damage calculator.))
Even from his seat in the back, Mark can see the Horsea isn't doing much, presumably still sleeping. ((>_< ) But the Oddish lands a solid hit and looks much better for it. ((24 damage to Horsea, 12 health restored to Oddish.))
((And with another round passed, Horsea's to-beat number is 60 to wake up.))
Horsea: 33/57 (crit ratio up 2 levels)(Asleep – second round)
Oddish: 52/59
A moment after Mark sends his text he gets one back:
Mina sent you a message!
So it's all sunshine and rainbows where you are?
((You do remember the codeword...right? ))
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

Legendary Hero
Divine Arcanist
posted March 27, 2016 11:17 AM |
"Return Horsea. Come on out Snover, and use your Icy Wind."

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted March 27, 2016 12:36 PM |
~To be honest, it's a little stormy here... but hopefully things will get a bit better tomorrow morning.~ Mark sent back, mind straying a bit to his troubles when he typed the message, but remembering their little code desprite his distractions. Fishing through his backpack, he sent another message asking, ~So do you know a guy named Jack? If Tomas were here, I'd ask him but... you know. Haven't seen that guy in a few days and stuff.~
Fishing his journal out from his bag, Mark went to work shading things once again, finishing off the last few pictures before catching up to, and just lining out, what had happened the last few days. The contest hall was what the trainer focused on for now, mostly the back areas seeing as he'd accidentally gotten lost and stuck back there. He also did his best to capture the image of his battle against one of the officers of Bandra, trying his best to get the officer's face and general body shape down just right...
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 27, 2016 07:52 PM |
Jack switches Pokemon leaving the Oddish to pound the other Grass type with another Absorb, for much less damage. ((-4 health to Snover, +2 health to Oddish)) And almost immediately a localized snowstorm kicks up, discomforting the Oddish and prompting those nearest to the battle ring to back away from the snow and cold. ((-3 health from Oddish due to hail.))
Snover uses Icy Wind! ((Roll = 14 - hit))
It's super effective!
Oddish is hit for 35 damage!
Oddish Speed falls!
Oddish uses Poison Powder! ((Roll = 22))
Snover is Poisoned!
Oddish is buffeted by the hail for 3 damage!
Snover takes 7 damage from poison!
((Hail in effect. Reminder that the snowstorm will persist for five rounds after you recall Snover.))
Snover: 49/60 (Poisoned)
Horsea: 33/57 (Asleep)(recalled)
Oddish: 13/59 (Speed down 1 level)
Mark, meanwhile, gets back a response:
Mina sent you a message!
Don't know any Jacks. Why do you ask?
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted March 27, 2016 09:50 PM |
Looking up from his stenciling when his phone buzzes, Mark would send back, ~That's just the name of the Starlight guy here. Might be a new recruit I suppose... you are... uh... part of the Starlight Squad, right? I mean, it's fine if you aren't, but I could have sworn...~ Oh Mark, your return to pure concentrated derp begins again.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 27, 2016 09:57 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted March 27, 2016 10:11 PM |
~... Ohhhhhhhhh... that explains why you weren't getting their messages back in that one place...~ He sent back, silently putting his face in his robotic palm before adding, ~Anyway, my dumbness being beside the point, do you want me to bring Jack to meet you?~
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 27, 2016 10:20 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted March 28, 2016 03:04 AM |
~Alright, then I'll be over after his battle is done. See you soon little miss sunshine!~ Of course that little nick name was definitely just Mark using the code they'd come up with. It was in no way commentary on Mina's cheerful disposition, or lack thereof. Why would you think that?
Putting his phone away, Mark would open his journal up again... And then flipped to a new page, leaving the battle against the officer half-done and skipping the next page. There would be time to re-visit that later. Hesitating, Mark would begin a new set of scribbles...
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Legendary Hero
Divine Arcanist
posted March 28, 2016 04:20 AM |
"Again, Snover," Jack calls out.

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 29, 2016 01:31 AM |
Your opponent calls back his Oddish, replacing it with a Nidorina.
Snover uses Icy Wind! ((Roll = 93 – hit, barely))
Nidorina is hit for 18 damage!
Nidorina's Speed falls!
Nidorina is buffeted by the hail for 4 damage!
Snover takes 7 damage from poison!
Snover: 42/60 (Poisoned)
Horsea: 33/57 (Asleep)(recalled)
Oddish: 13/59 (recalled)
Nidorina: 42/64 (Speed down 1 level)
~Later.~ Mina texted back. She put her Pokedex away, looking around the Center for inspiration on what to do next. A thought occurred.
"Nurse Joy, could you pass a message on to Lijan for me? Ask him if there's a Starlight Squad member by the name of Jack in town?" The Nurse gave her a look that said plainly what are you trying to get into now young lady? but agreed cautiously before vanishing into the back.
Adventures in Helnith has moved!