
Adventuring Hero
posted June 17, 2008 01:05 PM |
Quote: I've read some things in this topic.When you are saying winter 2008-2009 you mean only the first part?!?
We’re going to make three parts of our add-on. The first one will have the Cove town and the first part of the campaign, the second – the Cathedral town and the second part of the campaign and the last part with the Kronwerk town and the third part of our campaign. But even in the first part you will get all the alternative unit upgrades, new commanders, new 8-level creatures and most of all new features which our add-on will have... – except Cathedral and Kronverck town creatures and buildings.
one thing i wanna know is why they wont show us it all
Dont mind the language, cause it isnt really important...
I would rather look the pictures
Most of the pictures you showed were taken from Russian forums where our add-on is being discussed. But most of them have no connection with our work – because you can see some repainted and combined from old pieces creatures and we are not going to have such stuff in our add-on. We are not controlling the thread on that forum – they’ve created this topic themselves and discuss our add-on without us. So we have to warn you that information from that forum is not trustworthy enough and can be wrong...

Adventuring Hero
posted June 20, 2008 03:01 PM |
16. The map and different objects

17. Battle screenshot with monsters - standard Ice Elemental, Nix (new variant), Captain (Cove commander), Nix Warrior (new variant), Oceanid

18. The map and different objects (+ improved creature DEFs for Skeleton Warriors and Efreeti they used to have some black outline)


Adventuring Hero
posted June 23, 2008 05:13 PM |
Quote: 1st picture: what is that building guarded by Pit Fiends?
This building is called the Academy – it allows heroes to change their specialty (profession) after paying some gold pieces.
Quote: what is that building near Alchemist's Lab?
In this building you will be able to buy magic potions. (There will be eight types of magic potions in HotA)
About other objects you will be able to read on our website. (Russian website will open a bit earlier than the English one – but one thing is for sure – the full and competent English website will be ready this September)

Tavern Dweller
posted July 02, 2008 01:25 PM |
Dear friends of HotA! We have to inform you that during this pleasant summer days most of our team members (including me) have summer vacations. This means that they went to the countryside or some other distant places. This doesn’t mean that we stop our work – most of our members will continue their work offline. But unfortunately we will not be able to post new screenshots until fall.
But if you have any questions or suggestions you may post them here or write to me personally (I will be here from time to time) – you’re always welcome.
So be patient and have a great summer!
See ya!


Hired Hero
posted July 30, 2008 06:44 PM |
Edited by spartak at 02:30, 31 Jul 2008.
Job proceeds even on a vacation

The author: Alex-ander

Tavern Dweller
posted August 03, 2008 07:44 PM |
Edited by Darkmoon at 19:46, 03 Aug 2008.
One by one our team members are coming back from their vacations! But even during their summer rest they were working hard to please you – people who support HotA. The only thing was that they had to work offline. Don’t you worry our project is still alive and kicking! Wait for some good news and new screens in a few weeks.
And as some kind of a bonus – we proudly present you the latest version of the Bombard (the Kronverk siege machine).

yours truly the HotA team and Darkmoon =)

Adventuring Hero
posted August 05, 2008 02:45 PM |
Quote: Is it possible that they also get new, unique siege machines?
Yeah! We’re just workin’ on this.
Quote: Kronverk doesn't mean something to english...
Well this name has German roots not Russian. It means “a fort or a citadel” or something.
Quote: Excuse me... i say my cuastion again... do HoTa change the *.DEF to make new Lv. 8 creature *.DEF? please answer...
We are going to create absolutely new 8th level creatures with new conceptions and graphics of course. They will have different abilities and names and other stuff. They will be called Town Keepers. You will be able to hire them only in towns where the Capitol is built.
Quote: Can you roughly say when will HotA be finshed?
As we used to tell before – we are going to finish it winter 2008-2009

Tavern Dweller
posted August 31, 2008 09:54 AM |
So maybe this one:



Adventuring Hero
posted September 19, 2008 08:51 PM |
We didn't stop our work on the project! We just had some technical problems so we couldn't post new graphic materials yet. Please wait until next week


Hired Hero
posted September 25, 2008 12:34 PM |
Quote: are there new screenshot about Lv. 8 creature (Town Keepers)?
give me please....
Level 8 creatures are not priority now.
Main is new town Cove, and alternative creatures (+ additional heroes 16-->20), making our firm interface of game 
Soon you can see screenshots with summer works.


Hired Hero
posted September 26, 2008 10:23 PM |
No. Are not upgrades of level 7. Are unical creatures, only 1 in army. It strength not in might parameters (attack=120, etc.), but in exclusive abilities.
For example,
Necropolis Keeper is Reaper

Adventuring Hero
posted October 05, 2008 09:16 PM |
Take a look at some new screens =)
19. Monsters - Sea Sorceress , Oceanid, Corsair, Skeleton sharpshooter, Skeleton Archer and standard skeleton.

20. New artifacts. Some may be familiar. Guess it will be nice for you to recognize them =)

21. Monsters – Mummy, Royal Mummy, Dragonhunter, Griffins (a bit improved graphics) and standard ones

22. And – as a bonus for you – an old screenshot (we planned to post it in June). You can see a new terrain on it – The Desert. We use the Sand landmarks here – ‘cos they fit The Desert colors very well. There are some new map objects here – but you’ve seen some before.

Adventuring Hero
posted October 05, 2008 10:23 PM |
2 Hell_Wizard
Quote: Are there going to be changes with the Event - Related Model (ERM) Scripts?
From the second release of the addon on, we are planning to switch to a scripting language other than ERM. Our addon shouldn't be viewed as an expansion to WoG, rather being a sequel to the original SoD franchise and staying mostly on the conservative side. still, the addon will stay fully WoG-compatible regardless of the script language used for our own scripts
2 madshj
News will pop up in a month.
2 Salamandre
Quote: New artefacts are from HoMM II. Glad to see them back!
A total of six artifacts from HoMM II will be available in HotA, some of them tuned to appear more H3-like.

Adventuring Hero
posted October 17, 2008 02:12 PM |
Quote: Do you use ERM scripting to make HotA, or you have the new script language?
We are going to have the ERM language in 1.0 version. Then in 2.0 and upper we’ll use a better script language. Don’t ask us which one – it’s a secret 
Quote: Bai vacilor ia mai taceti odata
..will you ban this stupid dorks who write here annoying and loathsome posts in some weird languages..(he must be another Alabama’s clone) These posts have no sense at all

Known Hero
and Slipknot FAn
posted November 16, 2008 08:25 PM |
Have you seen taht screens ??



Known Hero
and Slipknot FAn
posted November 24, 2008 08:48 PM |
The siege of the Cove: Pirates, Jung, Sailor, Corsaire + conventional units

Monsters in battle: Nymph, Corsaire, Okeanida, Sea Wolf (second Pirats upgrade )



Hired Hero
posted November 24, 2008 11:06 PM |
Edited by spartak at 00:21, 25 Nov 2008.
Quote: (second Pirats upgrade )
pirate -> corsair -> sea wolf

Adventuring Hero
posted December 18, 2008 07:09 PM |
29. Objects on the map – the Cove, new objects (the Loyalty Temple), some new artifacts and Cove monsters.

And as for we have only few screenshots for this time – we add some bonuses for you.
1. We don’t want to post the town screen yet – so we post some Cove buildings here.
This is the Cove capital building. (all 4 levels)

2. New object – the Loyalty temple. Properties – ignore penalty\bonuses for creatures of different races in hero’s army for one week. Any landscape. Animation:

3. New artifact Ogre’s Iron Fist (or "Ironfist of the Ogre" in the original). One of the “forgotten” artifacts in Heroes III. It had to be the one of four barbarian artifacts. But the developers forgot or simply didn’t have enough time to create it. So we’ve fixed this blank by adding it into the game (we used the glove from MM series to make it more natural)

There are other two “forgotten” artifacts - “Mired in Neutrality” (one of the resistance art-s) and “Diplomat’s suit” (one of the diplomatic art-s).
4. About the composite artifact The Tenth Wave’s Treasure that you can see in the left corner of the screenshot near the third Pirate upgrade (gray).
It is composed of these parts:
1) Sword-fish Amulet

+1 to attack. Gives an opportunity of landing without loosing motion points but destroying the ship.
2) Ghost Ship Wheel

+1 to spellpower. Gives an opportunity to control empty ships moving the to any direction you want.
3) Fair Wind Pendent

+1 to knowledge. Gives 5 more motion points if there are not enough them to reach some object land\ship\monster etc
4) Anchor

+1 to defense. Player is able to block an empty ship for ally-players. And also to leave monsters on any square of the water landscape for ally-players to tale them.
- Composing this altogether we get the superartifact (Relic) – The Tenth Wave’s Treasure.

+2 to all. Teleports into any free town with the shipyard. And gives the special spell “Tenth Wave” – the water-analogy for Armageddon – all creatures except sea ones and pirates get damage.
5. New Arrows


Adventuring Hero
posted December 19, 2008 09:57 PM |
Quote: - genie's lamp - what it can do?
The same thing it used to do in Heroes II. Allows to hire some genies from 2 to 8. After using it disappears.
Quote: - and what is that element which I thought was a treasure chest on first sight. But few moments later I saw a standard treasure chest. Have you created two kinds of chests?
Yes. We’re goin’ to have two different types of treasure chests with different properties. Like in WoG but only two.
Quote: I see you improved ADAG.def. I once tried, but got bored.
I’ve improved it’s image using one arrow and after I’ve only used “Batch” option in Photoshop 
Quote: Release date?!?Do you have?!?
We suppose it will be January-February 2009. The more exact date will be exposed later
Quote: I think that's bit too radical. Sometimes you are required to land on small islands and without summon boat you can't get out if your ship is destroyed. And you can't send another hero to bring you a boat if the island is very tight.
The player will always have to choose – to use the artifact or not – if not everything will be as usual – you loose the motion points – the ship remains.
ps: About the unit from the "roman style town" – it’s called Lammasu it is something different from manticoras and sphinxes. And also – we’re goin’ to have the Sphinx creature as an alternative 6th level in Tower town.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 03, 2009 06:37 PM |
Hello and Happy New Year from HotA team!
First of all I have to say that our team members do not often visit this forum because we think that it’s wiser to spend more time on our add-on work than on writing posts on different forums =) .
I will not comment the last pages here – but assuming this all I want say this few words.
a) Please do NOT compare our HotA with WoG – this works are as different as night and day. We have different methods and different goals to achieve.
b) All good technical improvements from WoG 3.58f will remain in HotA. And personally for idiotpariah – as for “difficult game”, free choice, game balance etc - in HotA we are going to have loads of new features and options too. But though in WoG they caused misbalance and changed gameplay too much – we tend to have more or less original Heroes gameplay in HotA.
c) HotA beta-version will be released in the end of the February
d) As for our website – it will be ready in two or three weeks. Though it will not have lots of information (for the first time) it will have enough info about our project and the beta-version itself.
e) Information from the first post is getting old and unreliable and will be updated soon =)
Good luck!
Yours Darkmoon and HotA team.