
Supreme Hero
posted December 10, 2013 05:51 PM |
Who wants to resurrect Cathedral units by drawing additional frames?

Supreme Hero
posted December 10, 2013 06:09 PM |
DariusArgent said:
Vade_Parvis said:
Dairy said: 2) Are you still planning to finish and implement the other towns you showed us earlier ? (Kronwerk and Gothic/Dark human) ( )
2) At the moment, only town that planned to finish is the Forge. And even work on it in fact is temporarily stopped, because the main author, Don_Komandorr, now was conscripted into the military service for a year.
Damn shame that only ONE town from many concepts in heroes3towns.com came out. Kronwerk, Cathedral, Kremlin, Bastion, shame none of these will see fruitition.
Bastion is not HoTa's.
All materials for it is finished, so 1% hope, that someone leaks them to net, still exist.

Supreme Hero
posted December 10, 2013 06:29 PM |
Macron1 said: Who wants to resurrect Cathedral units by drawing additional frames?
I hope nobody.
Macron1 said: All materials for it is finished
Are you sure? I thought most units, music and scripts were still "soon to be released".
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave

Adventuring Hero
posted December 10, 2013 06:48 PM |
Hey to everyone,
It's amazing that they keep working on this incredible add on, but I see that everyone is talking about these changes... In order to compensate for bla bla bla. Wouldn't be much more easy to keep the original settings of the game and just add the new towns, this way keeping everybody happy. I say just add the new towns without making further changes avoiding to alter the original "balance" of the game or at least place a switch to completely turn off the upcoming changes except for the newly added towns obviously.
It's incredible that they keep adding stuff to the game but all this tweeking of the original game balance makes it resemble more and more to WOG. Which personally I avoid because I find it very confusing and I'm playing Heroes 3 for as long as I remember. Just a thought! 
Thank you again for all the hard work.
All winged horses are mammals.

Famous Hero
posted December 10, 2013 07:33 PM |
Well, they ain't daft. I'm sure things like Necropolis attenuation or slight improvements for magic heroes would be appreciated by most.

Supreme Hero
posted December 10, 2013 07:54 PM |
MrKafu said: It's incredible that they keep adding stuff to the game but all this tweeking of the original game balance makes it resemble more and more to WOG.
Hadn't AB and SoD changed some stuff in balance too?
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave

Adventuring Hero
posted December 10, 2013 08:09 PM |
Edited by Mrkafu at 20:10, 10 Dec 2013.
Rhetorics, sarcasm and self assurance.
Thanks !
All winged horses are mammals.

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted December 10, 2013 08:15 PM |
Storm-Giant said:
Vade_Parvis said: 3) Yes, we're working on the balancing of towns. In the upcoming version 1.3 will be many changes in this direction.
I'm very curious to see what changes you'll make...I expect more than a few discussions here 'bout them
As I predicted...
Personally I'm open to changes as long as they aren't too drastic and make sense. And as hobbit hast pointed out, AB and SoD brought changes so...

Known Hero
posted December 12, 2013 02:03 AM |
Magogs and Liches/Power Liches now have an ability to shot in any of hexes on the battlefield. AI is also able to use this ability. In addition, a graphic of the unit info panel had been slightly corrected.


Adventuring Hero
posted December 12, 2013 02:04 AM |
that's pretty cool, although i can't help but wonder, what is the battle dwarf screencap representing?

Known Hero
posted December 12, 2013 02:24 AM |
Quote: that's pretty cool, although i can't help but wonder, what is the battle dwarf screencap representing?
Changes in a composition of the unit info panel.


Hired Hero
posted December 12, 2013 03:07 AM |
Edited by brink99 at 03:08, 12 Dec 2013.
Is that a new swamp backdrop on the second to last screenshot? It looks amazing, not sure I remember it being in the original game. Love the new unit info changes. Pretty neat stuff

Known Hero
posted December 12, 2013 10:16 AM |
Quote: Is that a new swamp backdrop on the second to last screenshot?
Yep. A variant for the swamp terrain with dead vegetation around that hasn't been realized in the original game.


Hired Hero
posted December 12, 2013 11:42 AM |
Are you going to add more new battlefields?

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted December 12, 2013 01:54 PM |
I rarely upgraded my gogs into magogs due to the friendly fire of their attack...with that change now they are more, much more useful! I approve it

Supreme Hero
posted December 12, 2013 04:38 PM |
This change for magogs is excellent Great job (as was everything you already did ) I have one question. I noticed that in one of the screenshots (the one with Faeri Dragon) orc has a different model. Will that be included in 1.3?

Supreme Hero
posted December 12, 2013 04:51 PM |

Supreme Hero
posted December 12, 2013 04:53 PM |
I fail Thank you, and sorry for asking stupid questions. I avoided playing much with Hota because there is no english version. Anyway, thanks again.

Known Hero
posted December 12, 2013 04:57 PM |
frostymuaddib said: This change for magogs is excellent Great job (as was everything you already did ) I have one question. I noticed that in one of the screenshots (the one with Faeri Dragon) orc has a different model. Will that be included in 1.3?
They have been changed in earlier version.
Good job with the changes ! Yesterday we were talking with my friend about Magogs because I've been getting to many Infernos lately and didn't like that in some cases I just had to either wait/defense or hit my army, which wouldn't be wise in mid-fight.

Famous Hero
posted December 13, 2013 12:20 AM |
Edited by hippox89 at 00:21, 13 Dec 2013.
I'm impressed by this new feature 'fire-on-any-hex' and that you guys managed to implemented it into the game. Does it require HiRez mod?
Is it also feasible to extent the 'effect boxes' into more boxes (>3) to show all the effects that a creature can be under?