
Known Hero
posted June 18, 2009 03:55 PM |
ERM will be available in Hota. But there won't be any extensions of it. ERM is a prerogative of wog-team. So mapmakers may be sure that they will be able to use any option which is now included into exe of TE.
Right now I'm talking with Picolan and he's explaining me what will be available in Hota from wog (and HOW) and what won't be available. The only problem is that I'm too lazy to translate it into english.
Btw about "more open to the comunity". The number of threads on different forums means nothing. If developers are open it means they are ready to discuss their work at any moment and that they use the ideas of the coomunity. And of courcse they try to follow the expectations and offer things most players want to see. And finally, how many years is 3.59 old?

Famous Hero
kłoribaz to kutaspociąg
posted June 20, 2009 06:25 PM |
Edited by Mitabrin at 18:25, 20 Jun 2009.
I found 2 animations of Cove units

I'm surgeon,not doctor - LizardWarrior

Known Hero
posted June 20, 2009 07:38 PM |
The second is the old background. The last version is which is on the first screen.

Known Hero
posted July 01, 2009 01:36 PM |

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 06, 2009 04:54 AM |
Their last discussions in the russian forums are about the Grail abilities for the new town. I think they gave all the screens they could a few months ago. Introducing a new town is something one never did, so script complications are coming. The 3.58 ERM was not build with the new town idea in mind (only 3.59 was supposed to introduce it) so the commands are not friendly for this situation.
If the grail is still not implemented, I guess the community will have to wait some time.
Era II mods and utilities

Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted July 06, 2009 07:43 AM |
i've met with HoTA developers and unfortunately there is still a lot of work needed. Best status is with pictures/graphics, but they need a lot of coding, balancing, testing.

Known Hero
posted July 07, 2009 08:19 PM |
I just can add that problem with implementing of a new town actually is not problem at this moment. This function was developed long ago and the only reason why you are doubting is that this possibility hasn't been shown to the community. But there is a possibility.

Known Hero
posted July 09, 2009 06:25 PM |
If you think that Hota team must prove something, you'd better not wait for this. Who are you, a publisher who gave the money for development of the add-on? There are no any reason why they should give you any proofs. You can cry that it will never been released but you cannot demand smth like new video of developers.
If you think that Hota will never appear you'd better calm down and simply forget about this topic. And when it's done you will be able to return there.

Known Hero
posted July 10, 2009 09:05 AM |
I can't say that donations won't be opened (but it's more likely that they won't) but it's undoubtful that it can't be opened until the first version is released. And once again: there is almost no chance that Hota team will create any payment/support system. And it seems to be the right decission.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 13, 2009 07:19 PM |

Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted July 15, 2009 08:38 AM |
Tavern in Cove

Known Hero
God bless us. Even atheists!
posted July 15, 2009 12:34 PM |
Edited by Gazolin4 at 16:52, 15 Jul 2009.
Also these ones:
1. First version of HotA Nightmare model in action:

2. New Pikeman/Halberdier model in HotA:


Hired Hero
posted July 17, 2009 11:05 PM |
Edited by un_notas at 23:11, 17 Jul 2009.

Famous Hero
Fresh Air.
posted August 05, 2009 03:48 AM |
For those really eager to see some HotA action, here´s a trailer found on the web:
Looks pretty cool, huh?? Please post how u feel!

Known Hero
Here I am.
posted August 12, 2009 11:22 PM |
Recently Docent Picolan has informed, that beta 0.1 will not be public. Therefore to wait still very long.

Known Hero
posted August 13, 2009 07:08 PM |
Have to disprove.
It doesn't matter which number the first public version will have. Even if it is 0.1 and 0.2 is public, release of the 0.2 won't be postponed. This information is the result of the wrong interpretation.
Anyway it is still unknown how long we should wait and the most probable answer isn't very optimistic. But since yesterday nothing has changed. That's not bad news at least.

Tavern Dweller
posted September 03, 2009 10:10 PM |
The team is working at the Cove at the moment and don't want to show us anything untested and unfinished. When they're be 99% sure that's they have finished their work they'll put a downloadable (alpha, beta or whatever...)demo version for us to test.

Tavern Dweller
posted September 03, 2009 10:14 PM |
BTW. if anyone want's to ask something about the HotA, i'll be glad to help. There's about 500 pages about HotA at the Russian website, so i'll be able to find the right answers for you.

Tavern Dweller
posted September 04, 2009 04:01 PM |
No one knows what units will be in the HotA (except for those who are making them ) but as far as i know this units will be included in the Cove:
(I don't know how the HotA team will call them in english, so that's only my translation of russian names(and i don't know if they will change anything before the release or not) The pictures are copy&pasted from HotA screenshots)
Cove's Heroes

1 level Nymph/Oceanida

2 level Mate/Boatswain

3 level Pirate/Upg. Pirate/ Sea Dogs

4 level Water Bird/Ocean Spirit

5 level Enchantress/Sea-Priestess

6 level Nix/Nix Warrior

7 level Haspid

Other units that will likely be in HotA, but which we will not see in the first version.
The Cathedral and The Kronwerk units
1.Hell Steed/Nightmare (plausibly Inferno alternative)
2.Succubus/ Succubus Misteress(Inferno alternative)
3.Battlemaster(plausibly Citadel alternative)
4.Satyr/Favn (Confirmed Rampart alternative)
5.Squire/Royal Guard (Confirmed Castle alternative)
6.Dragonslayer(Confirmed Castle alternative)
7.Mummy/Mummy Lord(plausibly Necropolis alternative)
8.plausibly Skeleton Archers
9.Leprechauns(Confirmed Rampart alternative)
The HotA team mentioned that likely there will be no Bone Golem in the game and maybe they'll re-do a Dracolich
Hope this'll help

Tavern Dweller
posted September 05, 2009 04:50 PM |
As far as i know there will be a pirate themed campaign in which campaign hero will have the ability to transform pirates and upgraded pirates to Sea Dogs (for gold of course ) (like Jelu and Drakon)