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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: Heroes of Might & Magic III: Horn of the Abyss
Thread: Heroes of Might & Magic III: Horn of the Abyss This thread is 99 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 20 40 60 80 ... 95 96 97 98 99 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
posted December 18, 2013 11:40 PM
Edited by Dairy at 23:48, 18 Dec 2013.

Hello, this is kinda bothering me. The horizontal ones are good tho.

Hope you understand what I mean.

Green = fixed
Red   = original ones

EDIT: The image is "clickable" so it will scale into original resolution.

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Famous Hero
posted December 19, 2013 02:44 AM
Edited by Hippox89 at 02:47, 19 Dec 2013.

Good eyes, though I think that the original arrow/markers was prettier overall. There's no visible shadow on these arrows unlike the original ones which I personally like better. These ones just look kinda flat to m, but it's a matter of taste.

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted December 19, 2013 02:30 PM

I'm probably being ungrateful, as HotA team spends it's free time to make such a quality product, but I can't help to wonder why are they wasting time on making things like the Fireball icon instead of making the "meat" in the form of new factions. Back in the day, after seeing what they did with Cove I really had my hopes up for the Cathedral faction. After sth like 2 years the probability of it being released is very small. Instead there will be (if they manage, that is) a Forge town, which is not to my liking.

And after seeing things like the before-mentioned Fireball or Death Cloud icon (or a multitude of Adventure Map objects), makes me wonder where this is going. New stuff is great, but I would really like to see those new factions released, or at least an English version of the add-on...

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Supreme Hero
posted December 19, 2013 02:40 PM
Edited by Macron1 at 14:46, 19 Dec 2013.

blob2 said:

And after seeing things like the before-mentioned Fireball or Death Cloud icon (or a multitude of Adventure Map objects), makes me wonder where this is going. New stuff is great, but I would really like to see those new factions released, or at least an English version of the add-on...

Forget, i don't think HOTA will release any new town except of Forge. They are too much concerned of MM world integration and too obstructed by "not creating units similar to standard".

So maybe polish modders (they have excellent modellers like Trith - for monsters - and good quality drawers) will want to resurrect Cathedral idea. Town graphics from HOTA early drawings is existing.

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Supreme Hero
posted December 19, 2013 04:22 PM
Edited by Hobbit at 16:22, 19 Dec 2013.

blob2 said:
I'm probably being ungrateful, as HotA team spends it's free time to make such a quality product, but I can't help to wonder why are they wasting time on making things like the Fireball icon instead of making the "meat" in the form of new factions.

Sorry, but HotA is an add-on, not new town contest. I'm so glad they don't try to add as many new towns as possible, it would make the whole project pointless and THAT would be wasting time.

HoMM3 is not all about new towns, guys.

Macron1 said:
So maybe polish modders (they have excellent modellers like Trith - for monsters - and good quality drawers) will want to resurrect Cathedral idea.

IIRC Trith doesn't like the idea of Cathedral, so don't expect anything from us. After all, we're "too much concerned of MM world integration and too obstructed by not creating units similar to standard".
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave

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Supreme Hero
posted December 19, 2013 06:39 PM
Edited by Macron1 at 18:41, 19 Dec 2013.

Hobbit said:
After all, we're "too much concerned of MM world integration and too obstructed by not creating units similar to standard".

"We're" - is it Trith and you, or you speak from name of all Acid Cave modders, and only Pointer is the light side?
PS Very sad that you too have bitten by members of HOTA. Where is my stake?

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted December 19, 2013 06:45 PM

Macron1 said:
Forget, i don't think HOTA will release any new town except of Forge. They are too much concerned of MM world integration and too obstructed by "not creating units similar to standard".

oh god nooooo, trying to create new factions that are unique and make sense within the world
that's so awful

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Supreme Hero
posted December 19, 2013 06:49 PM

verriker said:
Macron1 said:
Forget, i don't think HOTA will release any new town except of Forge. They are too much concerned of MM world integration and too obstructed by "not creating units similar to standard".

oh god nooooo, trying to create new factions that are unique and make sense within the world
that's so awful

What's good in not creating no town because of universe? Even 3D0 forgot MM universe.

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Known Hero
posted December 19, 2013 09:55 PM

Beatrice — a new hero that replacing Silvia on random maps without water.

Beatrice was a talented follower of Erathian scouts, keeping up close with famous elven pathfinders. Girl's talents have been noticed by Catherine herself and thence former scout became a general.
Nevertheless, her skills are still with her — she is still one of the best at her cause.

P.S. Scouting will be enhanced in 1.3.

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Supreme Hero
posted December 19, 2013 10:45 PM

Macron1 said:
"We're" - is it Trith and you, or you speak from name of all Acid Cave modders, and only Pointer is the light side?

Trith, Witchking, Sower, me... I'm afraid most of good AC artists are "the dark side".

Macron1 said:
Very sad that you too have bitten by members of HOTA.

We actually wanted to make high quality mods even without HotA. No, it's not a disease, believe me. Just well-meaning modding.

Macron1 said:
Even 3D0 forgot MM universe.

No, they didn't? Reckoning didn't destroy MM universe, just Enroth. Axeoth is still the same universe.
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave

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Known Hero
posted December 19, 2013 11:33 PM

Macron is so Macron

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 20, 2013 12:01 AM

Hello everyone!
I'm new to this forum, but I've been following this thread since 2010. I was very excited when found it. It was really promising, but I have to say that I'm kinda disappointed now. Firstly, I know that probably someone has already asked this, but I don't understand what is taking you so long. Secondly, and more importantly, it looks like that first post is here only for decoration or something like that, because it says you were going to make Kronwerk and Cathedral towns in 2.0 and 3.0 (the most awesome faction ideas ever!!!), but now you say those projects are dead... Those new items and Cove faction are looking really good, but I was more excited about Kronwerk, rune magic and Cathedral. What I have to ask next is: What about alternative units for existing towns? That was also so good idea, but I feel like it's abandoned too. I found this post on heroes3towns.com and I have to ask whether is this a planned idea, or is it just someone's suggestion? (Translation is rough, because I used Google Translator)


Hell Hounds - Cerberus = Empusa - Fire Empusa Empusa - woman - demon donkey kicks. There was a belief that Empusa abducted children and young people, drinking their blood, and then devour their prey. Oslonogie Empusa able to change shape. Sometimes it is in the form of a beautiful young woman, and smothered in the arms of their loved ones, as well as drink their blood. But at the slightest insult she ran away.

Demons - Horned Demons = Cultists - Demonologists. Some people are on their own wish to give the devil his soul and body. They even created a cult of hoping to get a lavish gifts and knowledge.

Efreet - Efreet Sultan = Nightmares - Coney Underworld The fastest and most agile of creatures Inferno. Across the battlefield, they ran and attacked the enemy ranks. About them there is such a terrible glory that enemies even stronger than they panic. In close combat, they attacked the enemy did not retaliate.

Alternative being to Hota 2.0

Gnolls - Gnolls Marauders = Bog Plants - Jungle Monsters Many different plants can be found in the depths of the jungle, even at much alive. Small swamp creature, snatching gone on a spree of travelers small spiny stems zataskivaya them deep into the swamp.

Gorgon - Mighty Gorgon = Limos - Limos Limos Murderers - blind lizard-like creatures that move fast and have powerful attacks, which quickly restores your health.

Basilisk - Great basilisk = Draconid - Shamans Drakonid Distant relatives drakonv, shaped like centaurs, strong and wild creatures living deep in the jungle Tatalii

Alternative being to Hota 2.0

Medusa - Medusa Queen = Arachnida - Black Arachnida Race semi-floor spiders people, one kind of common spider leads many to fear, then such a dangerous creature n better engage in, otherwise it will be your last meeting at this light.

Beholders - Evil eyes = Dark Elves - Drow Drow - powerful and arrogant dark-skinned race, living in underground cities. This nation is notorious for his cruelty, perfidy and internecine wars. Most drow professes bloody cults. Humans and elves Surfaces fear and hate drow pursuing even those who have broken with evil.

Manticore - Scorpiore = Rakshasa - Wild Rakasha This ancient rulers of the world of spirits who once worshiped the same ancient southern civilization has disappeared from the face of the earth. At one time, these creatures thirsting for revenge warlocks found that after several failed attempts managed to learn how to summon and command them. It is very powerful and diversified warriors. They are fluent in the art of unarmed combat - and the enemy is unable to respond to their powerful attack.

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 20, 2013 06:21 AM
Edited by Enzan at 06:21, 20 Dec 2013.

bloodshade said:
I don't understand what is taking you so long.

I stopped reading right here.

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Supreme Hero
posted December 20, 2013 07:17 AM

Enzan said:
bloodshade said:
I don't understand what is taking you so long.

I stopped reading right here.

Too many strange symbols?

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted December 20, 2013 03:18 PM

Hobbit said:
Sorry, but HotA is an add-on, not new town contest. I'm so glad they don't try to add as many new towns as possible, it would make the whole project pointless and THAT would be wasting time.


Even in the original annoucement, HotA team not only had planned to add 3 new towns across 3 different releases, but also new artifacts, spells, terrain types, campaigns...it was more than just "three new towns", and let's not forget that was 5 years ago. It's clear their mentality & their approach to HotA has changed since then.

Hobbit said:
HoMM3 is not all about new towns, guys.

For Macron it is

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 26, 2013 07:35 PM

I was wondering if the HOTA team was going to try to make the towns more fair (making conflux and necro slightly weaker but at the same time improving Inferno and fortress so that more towns are played on multiplayer than Rampart and Castle). I think Cove has been incredible and really a great add-on to a great game and am curious as to the what the future of HOTA is?

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Famous Hero
DoR Dev Team
posted December 26, 2013 07:39 PM

Why don't they release some old version of Kronverk(or at least the unit&town graphics for VCMI to be applied) and the map editor for HotA?

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted December 26, 2013 08:23 PM

Lord_Immortal said:
Why don't they release some old version of Kronverk(or at least the unit&town graphics for VCMI to be applied) and the map editor for HotA?

Why releasing proper, tested games when we can release betas filled with bugs and problems. After all, no one is going to complain, right? right??


PS: I'd swear it has been told this year in this thread that Konverk and Cathedral units weren't finished at all, in fact I think they only had the idle & walking animations or sth like that...

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Famous Hero
posted December 27, 2013 03:20 PM

dazzler249 said:
I was wondering if the HOTA team was going to try to make the towns more fair (making conflux and necro slightly weaker but at the same time improving Inferno and fortress so that more towns are played on multiplayer than Rampart and Castle). I think Cove has been incredible and really a great add-on to a great game and am curious as to the what the future of HOTA is?

That is one of the biggest directions for 1.3, multiplayer balance got a lot of improvements (and will get even more)

1.3 will be released pretty soon btw, so have some patience. The official topic for HotA project will be created then as well (this one is not really official, we just read it from time to time).

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted December 27, 2013 03:46 PM

nik312 said:
1.3 will be released pretty soon btw, so have some patience. The official topic for HotA project will be created then as well (this one is not really official, we just read it from time to time).

I don't know if you are a member of HotA team, but if it's true they are going to start a new, fresh thread with updated info...that may help to avoid "where's Kronverk/Cathedral" posts, I really hope it's true

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