Tavern Dweller
posted September 06, 2009 09:48 AM |
When you'll enter your castle for a first time there will be a window to choose which 1 level dwelling to be build.(and then you will be able to build another building if you want)
Tavern Dweller
posted September 06, 2009 10:25 AM |
Yes it stays permanently.For Example: If you built a satyr building you will not have the ability to buy Pegasus in that castle. Though you can built pegasus in your second castle.
Tavern Dweller
posted September 06, 2009 11:02 AM |
In heroes 4 if you buy a building for pikemen you cannot buy balistas. Am i right? So in HotA it will work just like in HoMM4 . If you buy pegasus you can not buy satyrs in same town.
To Trashid: maybe you just didn't understand me
Tavern Dweller
posted September 06, 2009 11:19 AM |
BTW. As you all know Docent Picolan is writing music (he is a professional musician) for new towns and he mentioned that Pirate Cove town music is ready for 90% The Cathedral music - 50-60% and the The Kronverk's - 30%.
Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted September 17, 2009 03:09 PM |
Edited by SAG at 15:33, 17 Sep 2009.
few old pictures:
and few animations here and here
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-
Hired Hero
posted September 17, 2009 07:17 PM |
Edited by un_notas at 19:23, 17 Sep 2009.
Old Version [url=http://cove.vndv.com/]http://cove.vndv.com/[/url]
Hired Hero
Long Live Rampart
posted September 18, 2009 02:00 PM |
Quote: few old pictures:
and few animations [url=http://cove.vndv.com/spirit.gif]here[/url] and [url=http://cove.vndv.com/assidha.gif]here[/url]
I think the pirates are a little to shiny But still good work though!
Tavern Dweller
posted September 22, 2009 07:01 PM |
Quote: HoTA use WoG graphics, so % of money should go to original creators, HoTA use graphics from other games so it must ask for license.
Docent Picolan said that the team will not use graphics from WoG and/or other games (except for HoMMII and HoMMI) and will be making all graphics by themselves.
Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted September 23, 2009 10:26 AM |
some old animations:
Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted September 26, 2009 09:25 AM |
Hota team is working on:
1) creating pictures of new creatures, artifacts, animations
2) sounds, effects, music themes
3) programming (if you can grant homm3 source codes, then work will be faster, can you? )
4) new campaign
5) perhaps few singleplayer maps
6) game balance
they are not paid for their work, so don't expect fast development...
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-
Tavern Dweller
Back from the dead...
posted October 06, 2009 12:05 PM |
I found some Kronwerk units animations:
Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted November 23, 2009 11:03 AM |
latest rumour: release of HoTA is delayed because of technical issues. Not a critical problem, though still there is work about adding new town. As far as I know, core programming work is done by 1 person, so development is not fast.
regarding payment: I don't think that $5 from 30 (maybe a bit more?)people will speed up the work. Average salary of programmer in Moscow is around $1500/month. If someone would donate $6000 then work will be finished within 1-2 month, I guess
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-
Tavern Dweller
posted November 28, 2009 02:29 AM |
I found some information, this is new video http://tp-mod.ucoz.net/
according to google translate
This addon is designed to smooth the introduction of a series of Heroes III Discworld, the creation of Terry Pratchett.
Main napralennost addon - skin and high-quality campaign, as well as new music, objects, and a large number of different external additions.
I would like to note that also will be several "surprises", but so far I only know about them and I have a few people.
Because the TPM is being actively developed for about 4 months, work has been done about it is not very much, although some results have been achieved. Here, like this (in%) we have now things:
ExeBuilder - 70%
Scripting part - 15%
Skin - 95%
Objects - 80%
Monsters - 30%
Concept - 50%
Campania - 0%
Other maps and campaigns (external selection) - 80%
At this point in the creation of fashion are taking part:
FCst1 - patrician project ideyschik, geographer at the area, the artist-abstrakttsionist.
Nestor - the head of the guild guilds, a geographer at the area, "thinking" of the project.
Major - Head of the guild chroniclers, master - a writer of strange sets of letters and numbers of higher rank.
Astaroth (Demon of Time) - skriptopisets and kartodel.
FlashBack - maestro Delphi.
Qwertyus - consultant on quality perception, the head of the guild of new and mutagenic monsters.
Special thanks to:
Black Phantom (for new facilities for the map editor)
Valery (aka Salamander)
and all all all who shared their opinions with us
As I have previously noted, TPM was based on the WoG 3.59, but recently refused to do this - now mod will work on the engine ERA. Therefore, there will be new opportunities for skriptopisaniya and mapping (up to the translucency of some objects)
Details about the engine you can find ERA in [URL = "http://forum.df2.ru/index.php?showtopic=13593"] related to the theme [/ URL].
Supreme Hero
posted December 12, 2009 01:09 PM |
What do you think of this? .
I think it looks awesome .
More can be found here.
Known Hero
Maestro of Might & Magic
posted December 23, 2009 01:17 PM |
HOTA is not dead!
they still continue to work.
there are few interesting features that they like to study and maybe include with their mod...the same for the WOG 3.59...
i do not know whole reasons why they work so slow but both of them still works!!
Known Hero
Maestro of Might & Magic
posted December 25, 2009 07:52 AM |
they shows Kronverk units becasue that ones were old units.
now Kronverk got another concept so this units do not fit it...but it is sad that so good DEFs could be lost - so they shows them to us to decide what to do with them.
maybe another mod, or post them as a defs or use as a neutrals...
and pirate town also got some changes! i cannot tell you more information about it - developers making a surprise for us.
the main reason why they were "muted" is - activity with their project! they do not spent time with chating in forums and can pay all their attension to developing.
so, i think, we could expect maybe a demo or video or some official information in nearest future.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 25, 2010 01:04 PM |
Docent Picolan created recently a new topic in Df2 forums, asking for additional programmers/scripters applications. I guess the technical problems are bigger than expected.
Era II mods and utilities
Supreme Hero
posted January 27, 2010 04:09 PM |
HotA Artifacts
We have many HotA artifacts, and we've decided to replace/add some artifacts in the upcoming Stronghold mod .
Check this page for more info:
HotA Artifacts
Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted January 29, 2010 03:20 PM |
nice pictures from blog:
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-
Known Hero
posted February 14, 2010 07:54 PM |
DEFs of unused early HotA's models
Alex-ander from Russian Forum DF2 just has published some DEFs, based on his old 3D models (and who have survived as DEFs) - created for earlier versions of HotA and others.
Preview images were added in the citation by me, for clarity.
At the request of Ivan I publish the following dozen creatures which 100% will not be present in the add-on HotA. In fact, outsiders are much more, but DEFs are only those that archive.
1. Dwarf - Bonecracker. The former 4-th level of Kronverk. Downgrade.
2. Dwarf - Berserker. The former 4-th level of Kronverk. Uprade.
3. Hirdman. Former 5-th level of Kronverk. Downgrade.
4. Flame warrior. The experimental unit (dabbled with the effect of combustion). Like-upgrade as the previous one.
5. Goblin from the NWN. Great animation, but not heroically smooth. Knowledgeable def-Tool will eliminate redundant personnel. So as there are no normal attacks on the top and bottom of the stack (ie, in these blocks are these the same rate as for an attack on the center)
6. Dwarf - Shooter. Former 3rd level of Kronverk. Or downgrade or upgrade
7. Dwarf - flamethrower. The former alternative 4-th level of Kronverk.
8. Dwarf - soldier. Former Level 2 of Kronverk. Downgrade.
9. Dwarf - Veteran. Former Level 2 of Kronverk. Uprade.
10. Assida. Old version of Cove's 4-th level. Downgrade.
11. Spirit of the ocean. Old version of Cove's 4-th level. Upgrade.
12. Bone Golem. As a goblin - from the NWN (more precisely here - not a model of NWN, but tied to the animation there). Neutral unit with a super-long animation of death
Strongly not beat. All this was done a long time ... I can now better
Original thread on DF2: