Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted February 09, 2009 08:03 PM |
Hey guys, I ask me something. Why don't we get a Might and Magic Content Approved seal for the NCF project ?
When I look to all the creatures we have done, all the efforts we did in creating some of them, and all the work Sfidanza (and SimonaK for the second and debugged version) had to create the NCF Framework, I think it is as good as might and magic content, dont you believe ?
Maybe we don't get any approvement from Ubisoft because we have a bit modified their game, but for the good cause ! Because I think we have grown the life of the game slightly...
But maybe I'm wrong :s
the complete and homogen NCF
Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted February 09, 2009 08:49 PM |
From what I gather, you need to alert Ubi to your attention before they'll feel obliged to notice your work. These days that means sending them an email, since the HoMM Producer, Fabrice, quit and the new one has yet to show on the forums.
However, I don't think they're *allowed* to approve mods, per se. I have a fuzzy memory of an interview where some Ubi guy was asked about WoG and the Equilibris project. I think they made a statement like "the only support we're strictly allowed to show there comes from not suing them".
Supreme Hero
posted February 10, 2009 02:37 AM |
Edited by SimonaK at 04:01, 10 Feb 2009.
I agree with what you say, TSoD.
and I agree too with Cepheus.
NCF projet deserves all attention from ubi and Nival but
that would astonish me they accepts responsibilities and supports which can come afterwards.
ex: "My NCF crashs, I ask to Ubi to release a patch to fix it" or
Dear Ubi, can you tell me why my NCF doesn't work?" etc etc etc
Anyway, I'm sure that they already know NCF.
More, I'm sure also that origines of "they (the users) will be able to create new creatures" come from them.
that it's a stopped idea before public version of heroes and given after as a gift to the communities by using sfidanza.
What I mean is I think that NCF is a Ubi/Nival idea and that someone from them, a boss for example maybe Ubi,
said "no" then since it, they want to know nothing about it. Ca$h rules
Btw, personnaly, I don't care of them, Ubi and Nival together.
I'm happy and proud to participate at this great project but I will not participate
to get of Ubi or Nival a recognition of work. If you want my deepest opinion of them: they can burn to hell.
If I work hard for this game that I love, it's first for my brothers and I but also to show to Ubi and Nival
that they missed of heart to do it but surely not of cash.
So, it's to them to come to speak to us.
You already forget about their one-year silence about patch 3.1?
not me.
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted February 10, 2009 07:12 AM |
Good idea, I'm certain that once Nival does know the source code, it's one days' work to make the game compatible with any nuber of NCF creatures and remove problems with Core or editor.
That's something people woul love!
Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted February 10, 2009 03:49 PM |
Indeed SimonaK, I thought that that was to Ubi/Nival to contact us too.
Cause when you see all the hard working hours all the communities spent over the NCF project, I find it is the minimum to say us only 'Good Work'...
I would be very proud. If I make NCF, it is not for my family or anyone nearby me, but for the Community, cause no one nearby me shows any enthusiasm when I release a nice creature. The only people who recognize my work and speak about it with me is the people from this forum and from archangel castle...
Then anyone even Ubi/Nival who says to us Good Work or even Nice Job has all my gratitude.
And if someone whome the job was to develop Heroes V (I think first of all to the real artists) says us that he's impressed of our work, nothing could make me more pleased... Maybe you'll understand my position.
But obviously, its my opinion
the complete and homogen NCF
Supreme Hero
posted February 10, 2009 10:53 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 03:04, 11 Feb 2009.
I said what I think
now it's to you to move if you want what you want.
It's not because Nival allows Modding in the game that it's necessary for it to approve work after hits.
What is Content approved seal now? just the fan manual, I think,
...it's easy for them to approve somethings which doesn't need support.
a book....that doesn't crash and this book has already existed in reality for sale (version HoF)....
so ca$h again..how to sell derived products if not approved before? .... and why approve if that cannot be sold?
What happens with NCF dwelling?
What happens with random stacks?
What happens with RMG and NCF?
MonsterShared MonsterShared MonsterShared MonsterShared MonsterShared
All of that is a real problem for us and for them.
Moreover, I'm not sure of a next patch and I think it is not interested by a next one.
Maybe you'll understand my position.
of course, I understand your position.
if you need it then go and write to them.
you have nothing to lose even not the time.
Adventuring Hero
Waking Up
posted February 12, 2009 07:13 PM |
Hey there, what would you think of that?
Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted February 12, 2009 07:17 PM |
Very good !
the complete and homogen NCF
Adventuring Hero
Waking Up
posted February 12, 2009 07:21 PM |
Edited by vojthus at 19:44, 12 Feb 2009.
Hey, TSoD did you read my HC messenger message I've send you?
Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted February 12, 2009 09:29 PM |
Wow cool, what is it?
Supreme Hero
posted February 12, 2009 10:29 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 22:40, 12 Feb 2009.
Quote: Wow cool, what is it?
a next NCF in the list!
ya, super!
I know than Kronos1000 already uses this ghost model for his Nexus faction but you have retexturized to fire...
be attentive about animation sounds which are absent, make good ones!
Adventuring Hero
Waking Up
posted February 13, 2009 02:28 PM |
This is Heliopath Idea took from Harry Potter book ^^
Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 13, 2009 02:32 PM |
Quote: This is Heliopath Idea took from Harry Potter book ^^
LOL. Long live Luna Lovegood ^ô^
Coincidence? I think not!!!!
Adventuring Hero
Waking Up
posted February 13, 2009 02:46 PM |
Edited by vojthus at 15:23, 13 Feb 2009.
She's the best What about I give my creature Fire Elemental sounds? Or is that idea too lame?
EDIT: Whoa, I've found something better
Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted February 13, 2009 05:15 PM |
Very good idea to make real the creatures of Luna Lovegood
What for the Horned Ronflaks (in french it is "Ronflaks Cornus")
And no I didn't recieve any message from you...
the complete and homogen NCF
Adventuring Hero
Waking Up
posted February 13, 2009 05:20 PM |
Stupid me... xD I though I was sending you an HC message, but I did send you and e-mail
Adventuring Hero
Waking Up
posted February 15, 2009 12:57 AM |
Edited by vojthus at 16:59, 15 Feb 2009.
Now tell me, how this is happening? It shoulnd't be allowed
EDIT: What about now?
Supreme Hero
posted February 15, 2009 03:24 AM |
do you see the picture on the page? I don't see it.
Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted February 15, 2009 03:41 PM |
Me neither, and if I try to copy it in the address bar I get "404 - Not Found" error.
Supreme Hero
Staright out of line
posted February 15, 2009 05:01 PM |
What? How can you make many creatures in one place?
Sometimes I'm about to yell: "It is flat you idiots!" But I don't wanna die in fire.