Adventuring Hero
posted June 18, 2010 04:27 AM |
When I try to run Heroes 3 XXL.exe it tells me I'm missing zdraw.dll? I noticed you said version 3.2 but after that you said you made a version 4.0 which is for the complete edition, but its not working for me. Unless the download link at the last page is for the older 3.2 version? Okay I just noticed you have to make a zero-byte exe file named h3blade or something, how would I go about making one? Also I think on the second page the creator released a rmg with full XXL underground and upperland, anyone have that as the link is dead as most are.
Thank you.
Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 18, 2010 12:13 PM |
Creating a zero byte file:
Just open the program "notepad". Press NEW, then SAVE AS, and give it the requested name. Done.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Adventuring Hero
posted June 18, 2010 01:43 PM |
Quote: Creating a zero byte file:
Just open the program "notepad". Press NEW, then SAVE AS, and give it the requested name. Done.
Okay thanks I done that, I left it in the homm3 folder where the executable is for the game. Okay now I still get the same zdraw.dll error when I try to run Heroes 3 XXL.exe it tells me I'm missing zdraw.dll?
Supreme Hero
posted June 18, 2010 02:05 PM |
Recently I deleted my account on Yandex so all my work had gone with it. I will try to restore some links in near future.
As far as I know no zdraw.dll is needed to lauch original H3. Most probably your version of the game is from WoG installation pack.
Adventuring Hero
posted June 18, 2010 02:06 PM |
Quote: Recently I deleted my account on Yandex so all my work had gone with it. I will try to restore some links in near future.
As far as I know no zdraw.dll is needed to lauch original H3. Most probably your version of the game is from WoG installation pack.
But I've never even used wog, I've always been playing the original, never modded in anyway whatsoever. Somewhere in earlier posts the instruction states to unrar or unzip the h3xxl.exe to the main homm3 folder but the one I downloaded which was from megaupload did not come in a rar just the exe on its own.
Tavern Dweller
posted June 18, 2010 02:40 PM |
I found zdraw.dll on a russian download site - I needed it as well. If no-one else replies I"ll upload it tonight when I get home.
Adventuring Hero
posted June 18, 2010 02:43 PM |
Quote: I found zdraw.dll on a russian download site - I needed it as well. If no-one else replies I"ll upload it tonight when I get home.
Thank you very much, would really appreciate that. Did it work for you then after that. Would I just place in the main homm3 directory?
Tavern Dweller
posted June 18, 2010 02:52 PM |
Quote: Recently I deleted my account on Yandex so all my work had gone with it. I will try to restore some links in near future.
As far as I know no zdraw.dll is needed to lauch original H3. Most probably your version of the game is from WoG installation pack.
thanks, that would be great, it's very good work! Need to find out if there is something similar for homm5
Tavern Dweller
posted June 18, 2010 02:54 PM |
Quote: I found zdraw.dll on a russian download site - I needed it as well. If no-one else replies I"ll upload it tonight when I get home.
Thank you very much, would really appreciate that. Did it work for you then after that. Would I just place in the main homm3 directory?
no worries! It was either in the main root folder or the data subdir can't remember exactly but nothing else was required.
Adventuring Hero
posted June 18, 2010 03:05 PM |
Quote: I found zdraw.dll on a russian download site - I needed it as well. If no-one else replies I"ll upload it tonight when I get home.
Thank you very much, would really appreciate that. Did it work for you then after that. Would I just place in the main homm3 directory?
no worries! It was either in the main root folder or the data subdir can't remember exactly but nothing else was required.
Ah I see, thank you again. *Eagerly waits*
Adventuring Hero
posted June 18, 2010 03:55 PM |
Adventuring Hero
posted June 18, 2010 04:09 PM |
Quote: zdraw.dll
Thank you very much, and thank you all again. One last question, is it possible to create a random map through the standalone software or will it only work through the ingame map editor if you want it XXL?
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted June 18, 2010 04:24 PM |
Adventuring Hero
posted June 18, 2010 04:58 PM |
Quote: Last time I checked the map eidtor was standalone and RMG ingame
I said it wrong, what I meant was can I generate random xxl maps using the standalone random map generator and not the one where you go into the game and choose random map and then put 8 players / 1 team etc.
Adventuring Hero
posted June 19, 2010 11:52 PM |
Tavern Dweller
I WoG When I'm Bored
posted June 20, 2010 11:45 AM |
Does anyone have a link for the XXL map editor? It would be of great use.
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted June 20, 2010 02:37 PM |
Place in your main H3 folder where map editor is. Run patch, replace one of default sizes with new one. It should allow you to create new maps of that size.
Not sure about editing and RMG though.
Does not work on 64-bit systems
BTW, this is the map you sent last night:
The future of Heroes 3 is here!
Adventuring Hero
posted June 20, 2010 11:17 PM |
Edited by Fester at 23:22, 20 Jun 2010.
Cool little tool u provided there Warmonger
Thanx to that i have now extra editors that handle XXL maps. a SoD XXL editor and a WOG XXL editor. Randomizing works within the mapeditor also.
Iīve also included some tweaked templates so there is always 48 towns
Bigger sizes where possible but doing randoms on them wasnīt possible
must be cuz of the min max seetting in rmg.txt. 98 = 252. Maybe if 98 could be set higher (and IF thats valid), perhaps generator whould do a 512 512 area aswell. needs more testing.
Well all the usual aplies here too , on non-XXL builds (that be the WOG ) mapscolling isnīt pretty. but playing works fine and one can scroll manuall instead on the edges.
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted June 21, 2010 07:01 AM |
1. H3WMapEdPatch.dll is missing, could you please upload it?
2.At least Blockbuster XXL (48 towns) tends to create map with most of zones unaccessible.
The future of Heroes 3 is here!
Supreme Hero
posted June 21, 2010 08:19 AM |
Edited by AlexSpl at 08:21, 21 Jun 2010.
The original game can handle normally 256x256 maps at most. Bigger sizes won't work correctly, though, the map editor is more flexible tool - once I created a 3600x3600 map