Known Hero
posted January 03, 2013 11:06 AM |
he was the protagonist in my story - while forge is conquering the world of Enroth, Tarnum discovers that he is in fact a cyborg. Not like ones of cyber zimbies, but rather a recreated cybernatic biomechanism. Thus forge troops think about him as a part of their nation. With this lie Tarnum gets to the Melian's place and creates second big crystal (like eskaton's one) to travel in plains where he meets his ancestors, who, in fact, made cyborg of him after first Tarnum's death. Those ancestors are somewhat relatives to the Ancients. They told Tarnum to go for a quest of time machine so Tarnum can prevent forge rising. and he do it.
So we have both an epic world war with forge and still untouched Enroth in the end. But... this not going to happen.
Supreme Hero
posted January 03, 2013 11:46 AM |
Time machine is for me a little too overused concept, so I'm not really sorry the final story's going to be different... but after all you can put Tarnum somewhere even without time travelling.
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave
Known Hero
posted January 03, 2013 09:13 PM |
Well... since the Ancestors kept sending Tarnum back to Antagarich every few decades/centuries, he is, technically, time travelling, although without a time machine
On the other hand, having him fight Kastore, who is defeated by Gelu, only to fight Gelu and Kilgore right after that is a bit too much. Tarnum was the catalyst for many key changes in Antagaich, he was even the world's saviour a couple of times, but putting him in literally *every* major event would make it look like the whole story of M&M and HoM&M is about him.
Better keep to the original idea - it is vague enough to let you make as many additions as you wish: Deyja attacks Erathia, which manages to hold out against Kastore's armies long enough for Gelu, Cathrine and Roland to find the Armageddon's Blade and destroy the Heavenly Forges. Everything in between those major events is now left to your imagination.
Supreme Hero
posted January 03, 2013 09:56 PM |
Quote: Better keep to the original idea - it is vague enough to let you make as many additions as you wish: Deyja attacks Erathia, which manages to hold out against Kastore's armies long enough for Gelu, Cathrine and Roland to find the Armageddon's Blade and destroy the Heavenly Forges.
Armageddon's Blade is already found and I don't think that making alternative stories is a good idea.
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave
Adventuring Hero
posted January 04, 2013 03:04 PM |
Edited by salubri at 15:09, 04 Jan 2013.
well if it is already found then make a quest to find The Sword of Frost we all saw it. read about it, but never had it in game. heroes fans do u want to see this wonderful artifact in game?
Known Hero
posted January 04, 2013 03:20 PM |
Found? The quest for the AB was obviously meant to be a key portion of the AB campaign; why, even the AB intro (which was kept from the original) shows Gelu, Cathrine, Roland and a Sharpshooter going after the Armageddon's Blade.
Supreme Hero
posted January 04, 2013 06:22 PM |
Edited by Hobbit at 18:23, 04 Jan 2013.
But we shouldn't alter AB's final story - it'd take us nowhere.
The idea with Sword of Frost is nice, although I'm not sure how much time would it take from Tarnum's failure to Reckoning. So it's a little bit risky to put the whole Forge between these events even if there's nothing about it in e.g. Heroes 4.
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave
Adventuring Hero
posted January 05, 2013 01:48 PM |
Edited by salubri at 14:34, 05 Jan 2013.
I would like to ignore Reckoning because it destroyed the Heroes universe that we loved so much. It would be nice to continue story without it. There will be much more towns so by ignoring Reckoning we can make new stories new sequels. Kilgor can still own The Sword of Frost, they can clash those swords but no explosion and lets say after it the whole battle was a draw.
Supreme Hero
posted January 05, 2013 02:42 PM |
I think ignoring Reckoning would be just too simple and therefore not interesting at all. The best way to pay attention and make everything just AAAAAWESOME is to make a new set of campaigns and add new characters in existing and unmodified setting, but also include older stuff and heroes, therefore - explain a lot of these unexplained things from the original games. It would remain some kind of fanfic yet a very "realistic" one, which would look like the official story from NWC.
A good example of bad narrating by altering everything is WoG's story. Does anyone remember it?
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave
Adventuring Hero
posted January 05, 2013 05:30 PM |
But if we leave Reckoning everything in Heroes 3 world would be a prequel and prequels prequel. Its not like a new enemy can appear. Ive always dreamed of second Kreegan atack (The Night of Shooting Stars 2) because they were defeated (they populate until planets cannot support their numbers so second coming is very likely) also Escaton sent that spider thingy to inform Ancients so in future i expected maybe some new faction sent from Ancients.
Supreme Hero
posted January 05, 2013 06:49 PM |
Quote: But if we leave Reckoning everything in Heroes 3 world would be a prequel and prequels prequel. Its not like a new enemy can appear.
Everything is possible if you explain it correctly. And prequels CAN be interesting. If I'm correct HotA's story (about Bidley, Jeremy and the horn) is somewhere near MM6's timeline, and it works pretty well.
Quote: Ive always dreamed of
And I've dreamed of something different. Like a story just before Reckoning. Story of Kilgore and Gelu's battle. But whose dreams are better?
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave
Adventuring Hero
posted January 07, 2013 07:06 AM |
Yeah, I have to side with Hobbit and Yvan on this one. I love the guy but I'd hate it if the campaign was all about Tarnum vs the Forge.
I like the idea of the Ancestrors being linked to the Ancients, but I cannot deny that I'm torn on the idea of Tarnum being a cyborg since his first resurrection. Because it would be so damn awesome and at the same time it'd open so many plot holes.
But whatever you do, keep the Tarnuminator in a drawer nearby, I'm sure you will find a way to bring him back, in a small side campaign or something. I'm sure there's a place for him somewhere.
Quote: I would like to ignore Reckoning because it destroyed the Heroes universe that we loved so much. It would be nice to continue story without it.
Nope. No retcon. It happened, and it got to happen. That does not mean there is no story lefts to tell. I forgot the timeline exactly but isn't there twenty or so years that separate the events of the Succession Wars and the Reckoning... I just checked, yep, twenty years, and four years between Armageddon's Blade and the Reckoning. That's plenty of space for our heroes and villains to chase new mcguffins, and plot/stop new threats to the known universe before the Reckoning happens. And that's fine with me.
Quote: Ive always dreamed of second Kreegan atack
Personally I'm rather tired of the Kreegans. Seeing as there is still an Inferno faction in Heroes V and VI, it seems to me that the Kreegans have somehow forever tainted the series in such a way that the series now seems to be about wars between angels and demons, instead of the Ancients and the science fiction elements of the series. Plus the Kreegans cannot hold a candle to Archibald or Corlagon in term of class, personality and villainy. I'd prefer to see new magnificent snows, new villains, rather than a revisit of the Night of the Shooting Stars.
Adventuring Hero
posted January 07, 2013 06:45 PM |
Well in H5 and H6 those arent Kreegans just some demons from other realm. in MM6 Kreegans were portrayed as a very powerful enemy. what happened to that? they ran from erathias armies abandoning warlocks? why did Escaton came? Escaton: Kreegans are very dangerous so i came to destroy this world? my idea was that after defeat of kreegan mother they sent a message from mothership and more powerful forces will come (a new inferno faction). because there is many info about how dangerous they are conquering the worlds but in H3 they are the weakest faction. sorry doesnt make any sence. if there was forge there would have been almost no kreegan threat in AB. i like how demons have power in H5 (instant gating + gatekeeper) H6 (armageddon + pit lord mass dmg ability) but they arent kreegans. Kreegans arrive from other space with spaceships and dont know about gating (exclusion is castle gate).
Supreme Hero
posted January 07, 2013 06:51 PM |
Quote: in MM6 Kreegans were portrayed as a very powerful enemy. what happened to that?
Quote: in H3 they are the weakest faction. sorry doesnt make any sence.
Their Mother died...
Quote: my idea was that after defeat of kreegan mother they sent a message from mothership and more powerful forces will come
...and I'm afraid it's not that simple. Space travelling is actually a very long process and I don't think that Kreegans have such great technology to do it so quickly.
Although I'd like to see a little bit more powerful Inferno (in HotA it is a little bit stronger), I don't think that another Night of the Shooting Stars is needed.
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave
Known Hero
posted January 08, 2013 01:16 AM |
The Kreegans quit the fight during the Restoration Wars practically when the Erathian/Enrothian conter-offensive began. They managed to retain the majority of their forces which is why Kastore sent the Lords of Harmondale to kill their king Xenofex. In that mission, you can actually kill every Kreegan present, but killing their king, and destroying the bulk of their forces at Colony Zod would probably eliminate them as a faction on Antagarich anyway.
Now, it is very unlikely that new armies could be sent by the Kreegans, or even by the Ancients when Escaton informed them of his failure: those two factions are in a constant galactic war and would probably not be able to put so much effort into conquering a single world amongst thousands of others.
Escaton probably wanted to ensure Colony's safety when he had his droid report his failure to the Ancients. He was their best agent, greater than even Corak and Sheltem. If the Ancients learned of his failure, they would probably think "If he can't do it, no one can", especially in the middle of an inter-planetary war. That, in turn, would ensure that no other agent is sent to carry out the Ancients' "scorched earth" strategy. which is inherently wrong, considering the Kreegans' defeat on Colony.
Famous Hero
posted January 17, 2013 09:19 AM |
Quote: well if it is already found then make a quest to find The Sword of Frost we all saw it. read about it, but never had it in game. heroes fans do u want to see this wonderful artifact in game?
I'm currently doing much scripting, creating a whole new scripts system. And with this creating a campaign which is settled after the Armaggedons Blade campaign, and is about the fight between Armaggedons Blade and the Sword of Frost, or maybe better: To avoid that fight. So yes, indeed i'd love to have this artifact. If not, i'd use one of the blank WoG artifacts.
Known Hero
posted February 14, 2013 06:53 PM |
I want to insure you that the city isn't dropped. Here have 3 of many new buildings on townscreen:
Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted February 14, 2013 06:56 PM |
Looks great, thanks for sharing it Komandor
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted February 14, 2013 07:17 PM |
Supreme Hero
posted February 14, 2013 07:29 PM |
Edited by Hobbit at 19:32, 14 Feb 2013.
Can't wait to try them out in the real game. :3
...or actually only one of them (the second) is the special building?
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave