Supreme Hero
posted June 27, 2019 10:27 AM |
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted July 02, 2019 02:10 PM |
umm doing something with stack of -1 type may result in somedata[-1] in c++ code which is invalid? if yes I may know where may be the issue
Supreme Hero
posted July 02, 2019 04:27 PM |
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted July 02, 2019 10:52 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 23:01, 02 Jul 2019.
it shouldbe this way but definately isn't. maybe it's vanilla bug, but in vanilla there were no inferno spellcasters. anyway all seems to happen when inferno cast by AI creature on empty field is triggered. I need to check what may be wrong from my side
Famous Hero
posted July 05, 2019 09:24 AM |
Hi, I noticed the necro commander in igrik's 2.82 version can no longer revive fully killed undead stacks.
Is this purposely designed like this?
Known Hero
posted July 05, 2019 03:26 PM |
xericsin said: Hi, I noticed the necro commander in igrik's 2.82 version can no longer revive fully killed undead stacks.
Is this purposely designed like this?
Are you sure? In 2.8.3, lifting undead works
Famous Hero
posted July 06, 2019 04:46 AM |
igrik said:
xericsin said: Hi, I noticed the necro commander in igrik's 2.82 version can no longer revive fully killed undead stacks.
Is this purposely designed like this?
Are you sure? In 2.8.3, lifting undead works
This also happens in 2.81, 2.83 and sometimes 2.46 on my pc(win10) with wog mod only.
Supreme Hero
posted July 06, 2019 11:50 AM |
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted July 06, 2019 12:30 PM |
Edited by RerryR at 12:30, 06 Jul 2019.
Tested on Swords of Fury map and seems to work.
All map scripts in timed events where renamed to BVSE
Supreme Hero
posted July 06, 2019 12:44 PM |
Known Hero
posted July 07, 2019 01:23 AM |
xericsin said:
igrik said:
xericsin said: Hi, I noticed the necro commander in igrik's 2.82 version can no longer revive fully killed undead stacks.
Is this purposely designed like this?
Are you sure? In 2.8.3, lifting undead works
This also happens in 2.81, 2.83 and sometimes 2.46 on my pc(win10) with wog mod only.
it must animate only not killed fullstack. It is wog/era's gameplay.
Supreme Hero
posted July 07, 2019 03:41 PM |
Version 2.8.4
[+] Greatly improved WoG code performance by removing functions prolog and epilog code, that was added by ZVS in debug purposes.
[+] Improved ERM errors reporting: valid file name, line and positions are displayed, as long as appropriate context. Errors reporting now
works correctly during ERM compilation. No more double/tripple error messages. The whole receiver is skipped in case of error.
[+] Rewritten scripts loading/saving/exporting engine. Removed restriction on 100 unique ERM scripts. Previously Era used to join 99+ scripts
into single one. A few bugs of not unloading previous map scripts were fixed. Loading saved game with the same scripts set as current one
is now really fast and does not require ERM recompilation. It means that loading game is much faster now.
[+] ERM memory limit is extended to 128 MB. Memory is now allocated gradually as needed, saving system resources.
[+] All maps are always treated as WoG format.
[+] Scripts from map global events are now managed by Era: they are preprocessed (named functions and labels support) and can be extracted via F11
and reapllied on F12. They are loaded before scripts from map separate directory.
[+] Each map can have its own directory in Maps. For "Arrogance.h3m" it's Maps/Arrogance. For campaign Zc2.h3c (the first map) it's MapsZc2_1.
The last number is map zone index in campaign. 1 for Zone A, 2 for Zone B, etc. Custom map scripts can be put inside map directory under Data/s subpath.
Script names can have any names, they are loaded first and do not depend on global script names. If Maps/[MapName]/Data/s/load only these scripts.txt is present,
only those global scripts, which are written there (one name per line), will be loaded from global Data/s directory. Anyway, all map scripts will
be loaded in the first place. Map scripts are stored in saved game, can be reloaded, extracted, can use named functions and labels.
[+] All language Lang/*.json files are loaded from map directory (ex. Maps/Arrogance/Lang/arrogance.json), stored in saved games are applied. Thus
maps can be supplied with translatable language data.
[+] WoG Option 5 (Wogify) meaning was changed for both map start or scripts reloading via F12:
- 0: don't load any global ERM scripts (previously - load global ERM scripts for maps with 'RANDOM MAP' like name);
- 1, 2: always load global ERM scripts, unless map forces other value;
- 3: load global ERM scripts, but if map has its own scripts and does not force fixed set of global scripts,
ask user, whether to skip global scripts loading or not.
If there exists "Maps/[MapName]/Data/s/load only these scripts.txt" file, then global scripts specified in the file are loaded without confirmation
and WoG Option 5 is set to "2".
If user choses to skip or load global scripts in confirmation dialog, WoG Option 5 is changed to either 0 or 2.
- Backward compatibility with existing maps/scripted campaigns is preserved. They usually set !!UN:P905/0 (disable wogification), which
disables global ERM scripts loading.
- Because all maps are now treated as WoG Format, option 1 is the same as option 2.
- Scripts reloading via F12 always honor the option.
[+] Scripts from WoG Campaigns were fixed and extracted to separate directories. Bug fixes applied.
New service for scripts extraction was published: https://tools.bsoft.parkingby.icu/scripts-extractor/
[+] UN:J3 command was improved. Specify ':clear:' option instead of file name to turn off all WoG Options and set Map Rules to "use selected below".
[+] Added UN:J13 command. It resets commanders, according to current WoG Options 3 and 6.
[+] Added missing descriptions for old Era events:
!?FU77012 = !?FU(OnStackToStackDamage). Occurs when damage dealt by one stack to another stack is calculated.
SN:X parameters:
ATTACKER = 0; (attacker stack)
DEFENDER = 1; (defender stack)
FINAL_DAMAGE_CONST = 2; Do not change
BASIC_DAMAGE = 4; Normal basic damage
DAMAGE_BONUS = 5; Damage bonus (caused by attack-defense difference, cavalry bonus or any custom bonus)
IS_DISTANT = 6; (0 for melee, 1 for distant)
IS_THEORETICAL = 8; (0 for real damage, 1 for estimated damage)
!?FU77013 = !?FU(OnAICalcStackAttackEffect). Occured when AI calculates the effect of attacking stack
SN:X parameters:
ATTACKER = 0; (attacker stack)
DEFENDER = 1; (defender stack)
EFFECT_VALUE = 2; (final effect)
EFFECT_VALUE_CONST = 3; Do not change
[+] Added "fix wog exp screen.bin" memory patch by igrik. It fixes column headers display in creature experience screen.
[+] Splice and HookCode API was improved. Added support for custom extra argument and multiple calling conventions.
[*] Savegames format was changed and is not compatible with previous Era versions.
[-] Disabled "Failed to create DebugEralog.txt" message if several game instances are running.
[-] Fixed UN:P3 command. Enabling/disabling commanders now enables/disables commander chests too.
[-] Mapname.erm and Mapname.cmd are not loaded anymore.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.
Tavern Dweller
posted July 07, 2019 04:54 PM |
Ban custom objects in game
Hi, I can't post new threads and don't know where to post such a question. While I play WoG Era II random maps vs computer I noticed Dragon Utopias are making much imbalance, so I'm wondering now if it's possible to exclude it from the games? I didn't find such an option in WoG options so decided to ask here. Thanks for your answers.
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted July 07, 2019 05:29 PM |
Bersy said: Version 2.8.4
[+] ERM memory limit is extended to 128 MB. Memory is now allocated gradually as needed, saving system resources.
Awesome, I can already confirm that it is now possible to load significantly more mods at once. Thank you!
Also the new Debug Window
Supreme Hero
posted July 07, 2019 07:28 PM |
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 07, 2019 07:34 PM |
great update, thanks. Now I have to get the time to test on my maps then see what can be done about SN in Atlantis too. In a week or so I think, too hot to play now.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 07, 2019 07:43 PM |
eLDeus said: if it's possible to exclude it from the games? I
Add this script to your wog folder:
!!UN:U25/-1/?y-1; check Utopias
!!DO10900/1/y-1/1:P; run through
!!CB1:T1; set every utopia as visited
Tavern Dweller
posted July 07, 2019 08:39 PM |
Edited by eLDeus at 20:48, 07 Jul 2019.
Salamandre said:
eLDeus said: if it's possible to exclude it from the games? I
Add this script to your wog folder:
Am I need to put it in Heroes/Mods/WoG/Data/s folder as ERM file?
If yes I got a mass of errors while wogificaion process
Supreme Hero
posted July 07, 2019 09:27 PM |
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 07, 2019 09:40 PM |
eLDeus said:
If yes I got a mass of errors while wogificaion process
yeah sorry it seems the function ID I randomly added was already in use. I added a digit, try now please
!!UN:U25/-1/?y-1; Utopia number
!!DO109000/1/y-1/1:P; run through
!!UN:U25/-1/-1/1; [Creature Bank coordinates in v1/v2/v3]