Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted April 25, 2020 08:17 AM |
johnnycage said: Lots of ?'s ware did all the WOG options go and the ERA Wog 3.58f Crashes
every time I try to open it and the maps don't seem to get wogified.
WoG scripts are now a separate mod you need to activate/download. Please follow this guide:
Adventuring Hero
posted April 25, 2020 08:57 AM |
WoG scripts are now a separate mod you need to activate/download. Please follow this guide:
now I have more questions 1 I have a CD of Heroes 3 & 4 complete. Heroes 3 complete is installed along with ERA 2.9.13 and HoLv322 so ware can I just DL the WOG scripts that I need. The DL provided by your link my virus protection would not let me DL it
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted April 25, 2020 09:18 AM |
johnnycage said:
WoG scripts are now a separate mod you need to activate/download. Please follow this guide:
now I have more questions 1 I have a CD of Heroes 3 & 4 complete. Heroes 3 complete is installed along with ERA 2.9.13 and HoLv322 so ware can I just DL the WOG scripts that I need. The DL provided by your link my virus protection would not let me DL it
Here: http://wforum.heroes35.net/showthread.php?tid=5479
Adventuring Hero
posted April 25, 2020 04:48 PM |
Thank you RerryR. ware do I put this file?
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted April 25, 2020 04:56 PM |
Edited by RerryR at 16:58, 25 Apr 2020.
johnnycage said: Thank you RerryR. ware do I put this file?
If it is packed as an executable, you can just run it and select your main H3 folder.
If zipped, unzip, and replace the folder in your H3 Mods folder.
Later activate in Mod Manager
Adventuring Hero
posted April 25, 2020 05:45 PM |
Ok, new set of problems The wog options are still limited the Era Start Menu will not let me change anything and when I exit WOG system Crashes
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted April 25, 2020 06:23 PM |
Try following this procedure:
Adventuring Hero
posted April 25, 2020 07:19 PM |
The problem is I cannot down load anything from that link so I cannot follow the procedures from that source.Neither Era 2.9.13, HoLv322,or WoG_Scripts gives me any of the options stated in the link
Supreme Hero
posted April 25, 2020 07:28 PM |
You don't need to download anything from this site, just read tuturial there. There are few other official links for this build.
Look here.
Adventuring Hero
posted April 25, 2020 09:32 PM |
Thanks every one for your help.Everything appears to be working.I had to turn off my virus protection to down load the 2 files I needed. Now if I wanted HOL 3.0,and 3.1 I just need to put them in the mods folder?
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted April 25, 2020 10:05 PM |
johnnycage said: I had to turn off my virus protection to down load the 2 files I needed.
no snow Sherlock
Now you carefully analyze how the mod structure works and act accordingly with HoL mod.
Adventuring Hero
posted April 25, 2020 10:22 PM |
RerryR I will Be gaming away my life with HOL mod
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 28, 2020 03:47 AM |
Any know where we can download Era 2.7.x because
lists only 2.9, or I get constant error reports on my maps, so I just want to give those people the previous links where mods were still safe to play. Thanks
(eidt: nm, I got it on Liso' site, thanks)
Known Hero
posted April 28, 2020 04:18 AM |
Edited by VMaiko at 04:21, 28 Apr 2020.
Salamandre said: I get constant error reports on my maps, so I just want to give those people the previous links where mods were still safe to play. Thanks
I remember that Berserker said that the new versions of ERA, both your maps and your mods are still compatible, and I have checked it, you only need to delete the "EraPlugins" folder of your mods and maps because in ERA, erm hooker, pandora api, and the rest of plugins of 2.46 are already integrated and if I'm wrong and the problem persists you can talk to Berseker about this.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 28, 2020 04:20 AM |
that error was already fixed. I am getting random error reports, creatures upgrading to pikemans, constant freezes and so. No time to check or report them so I will just link to a safe Era version and thats all.
Famous Hero
posted April 28, 2020 01:43 PM |
Creatures upgrading to pikemen is probably a problem of battery.dll no longer supported in new era. I have seen this problem before.
Known Hero
posted April 28, 2020 06:47 PM |
xericsin said: Creatures upgrading to pikemen is probably a problem of battery.dll no longer supported in new era. I have seen this problem before.
Hero of Light should update his mod, but he doesn't know how to replace battery.dll with Extended Dwelling, he doesn't get support help
Supreme Hero
posted April 29, 2020 09:51 PM |
Famous Hero
posted April 30, 2020 07:52 AM |
Since we have BM:Z and HE:Z to get the stack and hero memories, can we have some tutorials on how to operate on them?
For example:
UN:C(y20+0)/1/?v1 : what is the meaning of v1?
UN:C(y20+1)/1/?v1 : blah blah ...
Or can we have the structure definition from the source code?
I guess the number of temporarily resurrected troops is stored somewhere in the stack structure. But I don't know which location.
Supreme Hero
posted April 30, 2020 08:17 PM |
struct _CombatMon_ {//size 0x548
// +00 db (1) when unpacked already(?)
// +01 db
// +02 db (0C) 44188C
// +03 db
// +08 dd = the player's total number of stacks
// +10 dd =-1 after the attack and / or response(????)
// +1C dd = position on the battlefield (where to run/shoot)
// +20 db = fire shield
// +28 dd = -1 (number stack a clone of this)
// +30 db 43E33C
int Type; // +34 dd = type of monster
int Pos; // +38 dd = position of the monster on the battlefield (where it attacks)
// +3C dd = spells
// +40 dd 43E236
// +44 dd (=1) shift to the second occupied cell for a monster with two cells
int MonNum; / / +4C-number of monsters
// +50-the number of monsters before hitting them in tech. attack
int LostLastHP; // +58 - loss of health of the last monster
// +5C-hero slot number (0...6), -1 - will be deleted after the battle
int MonNum0; // +60 - number of monsters at the beginning of the battle
// +6C-full health (Spanish as a base for treatment)
// +70 dd 44150F 441744
// +74 dd -1 for advanced elementals
// +78 dd = the creature's level (0...6)
Dword Flags; // +84
// 00000001 - 0x00 DOUBLE_WIDE-occupies 2 cells
// 00000002 - 0x01 flying
// 00000004 - 0x02 shoots
// 00000008 - 0x03 extended attack radius (two cells)
// 00000010 - 0x04 living creature (can be restored to a vampire)
// 00000020 - 0x05 CATAPULT - can destroy walls
// 00000040 - 0x06 SIEGE_WEAPON-siege weapon-does not move (5508CB)
// 00000080 - 0x07 KING_1
// 00000100 - 0x08 KING_2
// 00000200 - 0x09 KING_3
// 00000400 - 0x0A ??? 00020000 + 40,41,83-not sensitive to a psycho attack
// 00000800 - 0x0B no description (35,74,75)
// 00001000 - 0x0C in close combat hits as in long range
// 00002000 - 0x0D ----
// 00004000 - 0x0E ??? IMMUNE_TO_FIRE_SPELLS
// 00008000 - 0x0F fires twice
// 00010000 - 0x10 unanswered attack
/ / 00020000 - 0x11 ... not subject to low morals (?)
// 32,33,56-69,112-117,120,121,123,,125,127,129,141,145-149
/ / 00040000 - 0x12 evil spirits
/ / 00080000 - 0x13 hits all enemies nearby
// 00100000 - 0x14 extended radius of shooting units
/ / 00200000 - 0x15 stack killed? 41E617 wizard, firebird-can still cast?
// 00400000 - 0x16 421BDC, 421FC4 (something with a call)
// 00800000 - 0x17 copy of stack-dies immediately
/ / 01000000 - 0x18 harpies-witches
// 02000000 - 0x19 were(already) waiting to be RESET - CAN WAIT AGAIN
// 04000000 - 0x1a0. after the attack, RESET-can again UNPACK
// 08000000 - 0x1B-selected protection
// 10000000 - 0x1C - can't be resurected ???
// 20000000 - 0x1D + 43DFAF
// 40000000 - 0x1E + 43E06F
// 80000000 - 0x1F dragon
/ / int FullHP; // +B0 dd = ???
int HitPoints; // +C0 dd = monster health
int Speed; / / +C4 dd = monster speed
int Attack; // +C8 dd = attack with bonuses
int Defence; // +CC dd = protection with bonuses
// +D0 dd = min. damage
// +D4 dd = max. damage
// +D8 dd = number of shots
// + DC dd = number of spells 0=no for RESUSCITATION INCREASE
// +E8 db =
// +E9 db = 1, if at least one died
// +EA db = 1 if the entire stack was killed
// +EC dd = number of the creature's spell in the tech round 0x50 Acid breath
// +F0 db=1 before the attack on him 441434
// +F4 dd (0,1) the index of the player 0 or 1 4414AF 443D69
// +F8 dd = stack number of the side on the battlefield
// +FC dd = ? something with magic
// +100 dd 43DEA4
// +104 dd 43DEAD
// +108 dd
// +158 dd =?
// +164 dd - > ctroll.def (Troll)
Byte *ShootDef; // +168 - 1. Def. for shooters (inits in 43DA8E)
// +16C
// +194 dd = number of spells already cast
// +198 dd*? (there is a spell (duration) or not by numbers)
// +198 dd = Summon Boat
// +19C dd = Scuttle Boat
// +1A0 dd = Visions
// +1A4 dd = View Earth
// +1A8 dd = Disguise
// +1AC dd = View Air
// +1B0 dd = Fly
// +1B4 dd = Water Walk
// +1B8 dd = Dimension Door
// +1BC dd = Town Portal
// +1C0 dd = Quicksand
// +1C4 dd = Land Mine
// +1C8 dd = Force Field
// +1CC dd = Fire Wall
// +1D0 dd = Earthquake
// +1D4 dd = Magic Arrow
// +1D8 dd = Ice Bolt
// +1DC dd = Lightning Bolt
// +1E0 dd = Implosion
// +1E4 dd = Chain Lightning
// +1E8 dd = Frost Ring
// +1EC dd = Fireball
// +1F0 dd = Inferno
// +1F4 dd = Meteor Shower
// +1F8 dd = Death Ripple
// +1FC dd = Destroy Undead
// +200 dd = Armageddon
// +204 dd = Shield
// +208 dd = Air Shield
// +20C dd = fire Shield
// +210 dd = Protection from Air
// +214 dd = Protection from Fire
// +218 dd = Protection from Water
// +21C dd = Protection from Earth
// +220 dd = Anti-Magic
// +224 dd = Dispel
// +228 dd = Magic Mirror
// +22C dd = Cure
// +230 dd = Resurrection
// +234 dd = Animate Dead
// +238 dd = Sacrifice
// +23C dd = Bless
// +240 dd = Curse
// +244 dd = Bloodlust
// +248 dd = Precision
// +24C dd = Weakness
// +250 dd = Stone Skin
// +254 dd = Disrupting Ray
// +258 dd = Prayer
// +25C dd = Mirth
// +260 dd = Sorrow
// +264 dd = Fortune
// +268 dd = Misfortune
// +26C dd = Haste
// +270 dd = Slow
// +274 dd = Slayer
// +278 dd = Frenzy
// +27C dd = Titan's Lightning Bolt
// +280 dd = Counterstrike
// +284 dd = Berserk
// +288 dd = Hypnotize
// +28C dd = Forgetfulness
// +290 dd = Blind
// +294 dd = Teleport
// +298 dd = Remove Obstacle
// +29C dd = Clone
// +2A0 dd = Fire Elemental
// +2A4 dd = Earth Elemental
// +2A8 dd = Water Elemental
// +2AC dd = Air Elemental
// +2B0 dd = Stone 443D3A 43E0EB 441B0D (!= not responding to an attack)
// +2B4 dd = Poison
// +2B8 dd = Bind
// +2BC dd = Desease
// +2C0 dd = Paralyze
// +2C4 dd = Aging
// +2C8 dd = Death Cloud
// +2CC dd = Thunderbolt
// +2D0 dd = Dispel
// +2D4 dd = Death Stare
// +2D8 dd = Acid Breath
// +2DC dd*? (spell power)
// +2DC dd = Summon Boat
// +2E0 dd = Scuttle Boat
// +2E4 dd = Visions
// +2E8 dd = View Earth
// +2EC dd = Disguise
// +2F0 dd = View Air
// +2F4 dd = Fly
// +2F8 dd = Water Walk
// +2FC dd = Dimension Door
// +300 dd = Town Portal
// +304 dd = Quicksand
// +308 dd = Land Mine
// +30C dd = Force Field
// +310 dd = Fire Wall
// +314 dd = Earthquake
// +318 dd = Magic Arrow
// +31C dd = Ice Bolt
// +320 dd = Lightning Bolt
// +324 dd = Implosion
// +328 dd = Chain Lightning
// +32C dd = Frost Ring
// +330 dd = Fireball
// +334 dd = Inferno
// +338 dd = Meteor Shower
// +33C dd = Death Ripple
// +340 dd = Destroy Undead
// +344 dd = Armageddon
// +348 dd = Shield
// +34C dd = Air Shield
// +350 dd = fire Shield
// +354 dd = Protection from Air
// +358 dd = Protection from Fire
// +35C dd = Protection from Water
// +360 dd = Protection from Earth
// +364 dd = Anti-Magic
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.