Known Hero
posted February 03, 2016 04:42 PM |
oh nice! On a different note, there's one thing I do not like about this mod. I can't disable some screens. For example, with patfinding you need to click OK every time...clicking it 5 times each turn isn't much fun...
And that's just one. I play on HD mod so it's good to see some things show up in the little right screen on the right, less clicking. Still an option to disable these things ( and others) would be nice.
Hired Hero
posted February 04, 2016 04:23 PM |
That the Knightmare Heroes conflicts and just with WoG can talk about some other reason, not only of w-variables. Yet, can you write exactly what w-variables used?
Mod Knightmare Heroes was originally created for wog 3.58 or already for ERA? There are several different scripts wog. Maybe that's the reason, he can not just conflicting with clean WoG.
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 04, 2016 06:54 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 20:33, 04 Feb 2016.
Knightmare heroes were designed to work with era. It uses some Era-only features like SS eceiver.
Changes to Amethyst Upgrades:
- Broach of Wealth now work on daily base, not per battle base
- Broach of Wealth gives more resources
- All new artifact combos has their descriptions
Changes in Monster spellpower in AU mod:
- Archangel and Supreme Archangel has twice spellpower
- most Town Guardians has triple spellpower
- Dungeon Guardian has quintiple spellpower (because he has weaker spell)
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 04, 2016 08:41 PM |
elmore said: That the Knightmare Heroes conflicts and just with WoG can talk about some other reason, not only of w-variables. Yet, can you write exactly what w-variables used?
Mod Knightmare Heroes was originally created for wog 3.58 or already for ERA? There are several different scripts wog. Maybe that's the reason, he can not just conflicting with clean WoG.
Knightmare Heroes changes HSB script and thus uses HSB w-vars. New usage of w-vars is reading hero speciality in easier way for creature specialists. Also HSB initialisation changed (new hero specialities) - note that they are set on game start and not on game load. skeleton bug won't happen after starting new game (hopefully - at least until bug happen again).
Hired Hero
posted February 05, 2016 11:27 AM |
Edited by elmore at 12:23, 05 Feb 2016.
I got a crash when trying to treatment cavalry commander of Citadel.
And his destruction of the undead - is much weaker compared to the commander of Necropolis castle, but that's what i wrote.
Why did not write that summon creatures on the battlefield is from Amethyst Upgrades? And immediately the question, why it is in the Amethyst Upgrades?
Here and now even try to figure it out, who is in conflict with anything.
I thought Amethyst Upgrades it only "Upgrades", even as the name implies. And now it turns out there are: defenders, summon creatures of specialization, new artifacts, (something else).
Now, hope i can solve the problem of summon thousands at the included AU + KH, but in extreme cases delete summon from KH.
P.S. Once again i advise to make everything, except upgrades, in a separate mod(s), including defenders with related artifact.
It will be right and logical and compatibility will be much easier to solve (reasons of crash, etc.).
Why not move the mods on [url=https://sites.google.com]https://sites.google.com[/url]?
Here is an example, though in Russian - [url=https://sites.google.com/site/hommfun]https://sites.google.com/site/hommfun[/url]
Make it very easy, but also to download, see updates, etc. at times easier and clearer.
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 05, 2016 12:05 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 14:24, 05 Feb 2016.
Knightmare Mods
Horn of summoning summons Town Guardians so is related to AU. Rest of arts doesn't harm.
Summoning script uses elementals from AU. Only one mod can use amethyst at once. So TG is with AU.
Edit: summon elementals spells summon upgraded elementals on advanced elemental magic and twice upgraded at expert.
Edit: summoning creatures from specialities is in KH code but uses function from AU. KH is partially dependent on AU - it works without but is poorer. AU without KH don't summon speciality creatures. Same KH without AU.
EDIT: my mods are on dropbox so everytime I update mod locally it is changed on dropbox and I prefer such solution.
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 05, 2016 03:20 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 20:10, 06 Feb 2016.
Added Inspiration Secondary Skill
(enchanced Leadership)
Gives N Morale and N speed for every creature in army
Fixed double firing some functions on round zero (now they happen once)
EDIT: Serious changes to Amethyst Upgrades and Knightmare Heroes and Knightmare Commanders Lite
Please update all three mods, then upgrade scripts then save.
EDIT: Fixed bug with clone. It counts units before casting clone so it doesn't crash.
updated artifacts
Quote: !?FU55442; initialization
!!VRz180:S^Broach of Wealth^;
!!VRz181:S^{Broach of Wealth}
Gives 3 mithril and 9 ore and 9 wood and 7500 gold daily.^;
!!UN:A166/9/z180; !!UN:A166/10/z181;
!!VRz182:S^Surcoat of Lloth^;
!!VRz183:S^{Surcoat of Lloth}
Gives each owned creature:
>> all shield spells
>> all protection from elements
>> magic mirror
>> 50% chance for 50% deflect^;
!!UN:A168/9/z182; !!UN:A168/10/z183;
!!VRz184:S^Horn of Summoning^;
!!VRz185:S^{Horn of Summoning}
Summons mighty Town Guardians to protect hero, even if not in siege^;
!!UN:A170/9/z184; !!UN:A170/10/z185;
!!VRz186:S^{Horned Ring (164)}
Gives all your creatures chance to rebirth and gives 3 additional spells for caster creatures.^;
!!VRz187:S^{Three-Gemmed Ring (165)}
Gives all your creatures:
>> Strike and Return
>> No Retailation
>> More Retailations^;
!!VRz188:S^Armor of Witchcraft^;
!!VRz189:S^{Armor of Witchcraft}
Gives all your creatures:
>> Attack All Around
>> No Enemy Retaliation
>> Fearless^;
!!UN:A167/9/z188; !!UN:A167/10/z189;
!!VRz384:S^Sword of Deepest Knightmare^;
!!VRz385:S^{Sword of Deepest Knightmare}
Gives all your creatures:
>> Immune to Direct Damage spells
>> 13 additional spells for caster creatures
>> Clone (each creature once at beggining of battle)^;
!!UN:A162/9/z384; !!UN:A162/10/z385;
!?PI; !!FU55442:P;
!?GM0; !!FU55442:P;
Hired Hero
posted February 07, 2016 03:58 PM |
Once again i want to clarify, +430 attack and defense of all creature specialists (and came across not only the desired creatures), so it`s intended or it`s bug?
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 07, 2016 06:09 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 18:24, 07 Feb 2016.
Knightmare Mods
elmore said: Once again i want to clarify, +430 attack and defense of all creature specialists (and came across not only the desired creatures), so it`s intended or it`s bug?
It's a bug and it doesn't happen to me...
Edit: For which specialists it happens? Always or random? Defender, attacker or both? Anything other specific?
Edit: does it happens after restart of game ? Does it happen on new version of mods?
Hired Hero
posted February 07, 2016 07:12 PM |
Edited by elmore at 19:37, 07 Feb 2016.
This is bug for all specialists, always, attack+defence (screenshots on page 10 it shows). All mods today updated. Because bug "partially"(display only in hero menu) is, if i have activated only Kh + WoG. Cant find a reason.
And unlike my primary output with skeletons - the damage is significantly reduced with 430+ protection
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 07, 2016 07:54 PM |
Knightmare Mods
Does it really happens always? As I understand HSB w-vars are set on game start, so reloading scripts doesn't help.
Please update mods and start game again and check if the bug happens again?
Hired Hero
posted February 07, 2016 08:07 PM |
Edited by elmore at 20:08, 07 Feb 2016.
Bug permanent. I'm still only testing through the launch a new game.
Mods updated today.
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 07, 2016 08:16 PM |
Knightmare Mods
elmore said: Bug permanent. I'm still only testing through the launch a new game.
Mods updated today.
I know it is permanentn. It's permanentn as w-vars for HSB are initialised during wogification - not later.
Please start game again and check if bug happens again. If yes repeat. If it repeat 7 times wrong I understand it is really repeatable.
Hired Hero
posted February 07, 2016 09:43 PM |
Edited by elmore at 21:55, 07 Feb 2016.
This is what happens (all my mods enabled):
1) In the specialization of the hero always shows 430+ attack and defense
2) Units without upgrade and upgrated not get 430+, the second upgrade (from AU) always get 430+. And summoned in combat from specialization.
3) If buy in castle upgrated squad, bonus 430+ have squad of the AU will be gone, but only until the next battle.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The number of summoning creatures from specialization in combat is working correctly!
But now I found obvious trouble - summon elementals (spell) conflicts with ReMagic.
When using the summoning spell, summoned 2 creatures - not updated elementals (hundreds) and messengers in normal amount (from ReMagic).
When the commander/hero (I forgot who calls) summoning elementals in battle - summoned only thousand not updated elementals.
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted February 07, 2016 10:27 PM |
I can confirm the +430 attack/defense bug from creature specialists. Its been a while since i tried it. Can't say if its still present.
Famous Hero
posted February 08, 2016 10:00 AM |
The town guardian is to powerful. For example, for small maps after 5 weeks the guardian of the Conflux was 16 in number, with 2600 hp. What kind of army must i have to defeat that kind of guardian plus all enemy army just after 5 weeks?
Hired Hero
posted February 08, 2016 11:06 AM |
No balance in mods AU / KH / KC. When at me will work KH without any problems, I write everything that is required to balance in my opinion.
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 08, 2016 11:40 AM |
Edited by majaczek at 12:14, 08 Feb 2016.
Khadras said: The town guardian is to powerful. For example, for small maps after 5 weeks the guardian of the Conflux was 16 in number, with 2600 hp. What kind of army must i have to defeat that kind of guardian plus all enemy army just after 5 weeks?
it should be 9 in second month and 16 in third month
you generally need whole army and packed up commander
elmore said: This is what happens (all my mods enabled):
1) In the specialization of the hero always shows 430+ attack and defense
2) Units without upgrade and upgrated not get 430+, the second upgrade (from AU) always get 430+. And summoned in combat from specialization.
3) If buy in castle upgrated squad, bonus 430+ have squad of the AU will be gone, but only until the next battle.
aah ! will check...
edit: cannot reproduce - it must be a conflict with another mod
elmore said:
The number of summoning creatures from specialization in combat is working correctly!
But now I found obvious trouble - summon elementals (spell) conflicts with ReMagic.
When using the summoning spell, summoned 2 creatures - not updated elementals (hundreds) and messengers in normal amount (from ReMagic).
When the commander/hero (I forgot who calls) summoning elementals in battle - summoned only thousand not updated elementals.
commander summoning non-upgraded elementals is known bug.
Please disable summoning elementals from re-magic. Or if you prefer to spoil beautiful AU you may disable "Summon Elementals II" script :F
elmore said: No balance in mods AU / KH / KC. When at me will work KH without any problems, I write everything that is required to balance in my opinion.
where is the lack of balance?
Can I fix it?
Hired Hero
posted February 08, 2016 12:13 PM |
Edited by elmore at 12:14, 08 Feb 2016.
Tired of arguing, here's a video:
Era 2.46 + Knightmare Heroes
Hired Hero
posted February 08, 2016 12:35 PM |
Edited by elmore at 12:49, 08 Feb 2016.
You can throw all here associated with a summon elementals scripts and pieces of code in them? (Sad, but this forum is not even a spoiler is provided)
Script Name 1:
Script Name 2:
Just disable something I do not want in K.mods, because has long I confused that what has caused and how it works.
I'll ask Algor (made ReMagic), maybe he will be able to combine them.
p.s. I not so long ago discovered this mod, but now can not imagine the game without him. Too good balance in the magic of the game.