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Heroes Community > Heroes 6 - The New Beginning > Thread: Is HeroesVI really inactive like it seems?
Thread: Is HeroesVI really inactive like it seems? This thread is 9 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 · NEXT»

Tavern Dweller
posted September 01, 2013 12:38 AM

Is HeroesVI really inactive like it seems?

Hello guys,

I am new in HC-forum and actually new to HOMM multiplayer games.
In my past I played a bit Heroes 3 with my friends via hotseat and few weeks ago I decided to buy HeroesVI and start playing multiplayer games :-).

But it seems to me that the HeroesVI community is already dead... I mean there are always only few games available and the Uplay chatrooms are dead aswell.

So, how do u set up games in HeroesVI? Is there another forum/community or possibility to meet players? ^_^

Best regards,

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Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted September 01, 2013 01:48 AM

Yup, H6 is dead. No more patches, precious few players... Go play some H3 instead.

PS: This is one of the most active Heroes forums... The fact that there aren't any serious H6 players here should serve as an indicator of the game's quality, or rather, lack thereof.

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Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted September 01, 2013 02:18 AM

Check this thread and add your self to the database.
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

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Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted September 01, 2013 02:23 AM

Not that it'll do You much good, AFAIK at most one or two players still play of those listed there - it even has me, and it's been a year give or take that I stopped playing

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Known Hero
posted September 01, 2013 06:18 AM

I have been a fan of HOMM through multiple versions.  I got HOMM VI a while back and played through all the campaigns, scenarios, and all the downloadable games I could find.  Not much more to do, and so I moved over to Duel of Champions online card game.  LOTS of players there.

Try this link for an active forum on it:

Grey Beards of the world, Unite :-}}

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 01, 2013 01:25 PM

Thank you guys for answering! ^^

I have signed up myself to the players database already, but I was a lil bit confused too, because it counts only 22 players...

It's sad that nearly nobody cares about HeroesVI. I think it's not that bad like some people are posting and it has some great features. I like the hero leveling system :-).
I mean it's buggy okay, but which new game doesn't have any bugs or issues with servers nowadays? The games are growing bigger and bigger and things are getting more complicated...

Ok, feel free to add me if u are interested to set up some matches :-)

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted September 01, 2013 01:47 PM

Problem with H6 was that it managed to step on a lot of people's toes for too long. There were no proper town screens for months and similarly the game was next to broken due to bugs or balance for a long time, the conflux had numerous downtimes, nvidia users experienced graphical freezes.. Unpopular decisions like cutting down rare resources to 1, a flat, cumbersome skill system, weaker champions compared to previous games and being able to recruit your whole kingdom's from one place did not help either.

Mind you, if the game was released in the current state of shades of darkness with 6 factions from the start it would have been pretty good as most of the issues are already gone. But many people just grew tired of the old issues and stopped playing. Those who start the game now are lucky in that respect though it's harder to find people to play..
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

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Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted September 01, 2013 01:53 PM

And ofc there are a lot of nasty bugs that have been there unfixed since the closed beta.

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 01, 2013 02:51 PM

I admit that it surely feels better to start playing HeroesVI yet including all patches and expansion packs... the early phase of the published game was for sure very frustrating for all buyers.

Apparently they did bad decisions while developing the game like going back to only one resources... they tried new things and the fans don't like it, since everybody stuck to heroes 3

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Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted September 01, 2013 03:52 PM
Edited by The_Polyglot at 15:53, 01 Sep 2013.

Messed up code, horrendous budget allocation, strained relationship with the devs, subsequent bankruptcy of said devs... these were much, much more significant than any gameplay changes.

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Famous Hero
posted September 01, 2013 05:29 PM

Elvin said:
Problem with H6 was that it managed to step on a lot of people's toes for too long. There were no proper town screens for months and similarly the game was next to broken due to bugs or balance for a long time, the conflux had numerous downtimes, nvidia users experienced graphical freezes.. Unpopular decisions like cutting down rare resources to 1, a flat, cumbersome skill system, weaker champions compared to previous games and being able to recruit your whole kingdom's from one place did not help either.

Mind you, if the game was released in the current state of shades of darkness with 6 factions from the start it would have been pretty good as most of the issues are already gone. But many people just grew tired of the old issues and stopped playing. Those who start the game now are lucky in that respect though it's harder to find people to play..


Although i have to agree that H6 is effectively dead i played it sometimes (often i have the game playing while i do sth else in the background).

I play duels (w/o dynasty bonuses) and nowadays the game is stable enough (providing both parties have the latest version: 2.1.1, there are a couple of known issues with the Dungeon faction). The playerbase is rather small so you won't find anybody during the weekday (only on evenings). On Sundays you should be lucky enough to find players but you have to wait sometimes.

I'd add sth more to the discussion about the demise of H6: the semi-outdated gameplay. If you look at the most popular games they don't require you to spend a couple of hours on one game. Sth what was great 10-15 years ago doesn't have to be so great now, when computers are faster and time flows quicker. W/o simultaneous turns i see no future for a next Heroes' installment. H6 is too niche to attract players outside M&M fans and the fans are no longer teenagers so they can't spend as much time playing as they used to.

And if you wanna read about what i don't like a bout duels: here you go LINK . Warning: long.
Uplay: ZergRusher | H6: Thoughts on duels | DoC: Cassa

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Supreme Hero
power of Zamolxis
posted September 01, 2013 09:49 PM
Edited by DIEGIS at 21:50, 01 Sep 2013.

Lack of multiplayer no SIM turns, H6 is dead! No activity in Toh, either in that ubi stupid server.
For instance, Civilization game have sim/turn base games from about more then 1o yrs ago. y ubi couldnt afford such an elementary thing, u can imagine!
dacian falx behind you
-knowledge itself is power-

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Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted September 01, 2013 10:38 PM

Elvin said:
Problem with H6 was that it managed to step on a lot of people's toes for too long. There were no proper town screens for months and similarly the game was next to broken due to bugs or balance for a long time, the conflux had numerous downtimes, nvidia users experienced graphical freezes.. Unpopular decisions like cutting down rare resources to 1, a flat, cumbersome skill system, weaker champions compared to previous games and being able to recruit your whole kingdom's from one place did not help either.

Mind you, if the game was released in the current state of shades of darkness with 6 factions from the start it would have been pretty good as most of the issues are already gone. But many people just grew tired of the old issues and stopped playing. Those who start the game now are lucky in that respect though it's harder to find people to play..

Well some of us liked the way the one resource system worked out. But the res of those aren't really a solid reason why the game should be dead. Mostly its the fact that a map takes hours to play with no sim turns or other compensation.
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

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Supreme Hero
posted September 02, 2013 06:41 AM

DIEGIS said:
Lack of multiplayer no SIM turns, H6 is dead! No activity in Toh, either in that ubi stupid server.
For instance, Civilization game have sim/turn base games from about more then 1o yrs ago. y ubi couldnt afford such an elementary thing, u can imagine!

Civilization was designed in order to receive sim turn in a later patch. HoMM was not. You simply cannot add such a feature that wasn't planned from start. You can't say Ubi can't afford to add sim turn, you must say Ubi didn't want this feature at all until people complained, but that was already too late.

As Elvin said, Ubisoft scratched a lot of feature that were either the core of the game (4 ressources, RMG, creature tiers, etc...) or good additions from previous games (sim turns, skillwheel, etc...) just because they thought they were NOT important ... For someone who claimed he played Heroes from the beginning, Erwann Le Breton sure proved us he knew nothing about the HoMM spirit.

H6 is dead because it lacks a soul. Even in solo, the game remains boring, not even talking about multi. The only thing they should keep for an eventual H7 is the graphic engine.

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Famous Hero
posted September 02, 2013 10:06 AM
Edited by NamelessOrder at 10:07, 02 Sep 2013.

On the sidenote: it's kinda funny that so many of you mentioned civ5 as an example while a lot players of Civ5 want the return of "true" turns in MP. Here's an example: out of 56 voters in a poll, 33 wants turns in MP, 16 SIM and 7 had no preference (LINK). Apparently it is not easy to implement SIM turns.

I don't believe that simplifications added by Ubi "broke" the core of the game. Honestly, i do like most of them (3 tiers, zones of control, 1 unique resource etc.). The main reason of H6 decline is simple: bugs, connection problems, Conflux issues, freezes and crashes, inability to autopatch the game. You have no idea how many players have an older version of the game and don't even know about it. So they try to join a MP game and the game crashes and again and again it crashes so they throw away the game.
Uplay: ZergRusher | H6: Thoughts on duels | DoC: Cassa

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Famous Hero
posted September 02, 2013 03:42 PM

For me what killed it is the nearly impossible to understand map editor.

I can overlook some things, but when I can't make my own maps for my own enjoyment, I'm stuck having to play what I feel are poorly designed maps.

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Famous Hero
Wielding a six-string
posted September 02, 2013 05:34 PM

I think the game is a very nice SINGLE PLAYER game.

The Campaigns are well worth playing for the story/adventure and as I don't find much time for the multiplayer commitments it's more reasonable to try finish a map or two per month as a pastime during bad weather and bad TV.

Hopefully the autumn means more empty days = more days for gaming.I'd like to regain my fearsome duel skillz.

The game is in a good condition and I only wish that AI might heroes would use spells and warcries more often than they use direct attacks. Otherwise campaigns' stories are good and challenging enough (bosses and enemy main characters can usually put up a fight), and I like the hero development pace, and planning to be at the right lace at the right time. It has become a good strategical adventure map game even if earlier versions had more mines and places.

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Supreme Hero
power of Zamolxis
posted September 03, 2013 11:26 PM
Edited by DIEGIS at 23:27, 03 Sep 2013.

Nelgirith said:
DIEGIS said:
Lack of multiplayer no SIM turns, H6 is dead! No activity in Toh, either in that ubi stupid server.
For instance, Civilization game have sim/turn base games from about more then 1o yrs ago. y ubi couldnt afford such an elementary thing, u can imagine!

Civilization was designed in order to receive sim turn in a later patch. HoMM was not. You simply cannot add such a feature that wasn't planned from start. You can't say Ubi can't afford to add sim turn, you must say Ubi didn't want this feature at all until people complained, but that was already too late.

As Elvin said, Ubisoft scratched a lot of feature that were either the core of the game (4 ressources, RMG, creature tiers, etc...) or good additions from previous games (sim turns, skillwheel, etc...) just because they thought they were NOT important ... For someone who claimed he played Heroes from the beginning, Erwann Le Breton sure proved us he knew nothing about the HoMM spirit.

H6 is dead because it lacks a soul. Even in solo, the game remains boring, not even talking about multi. The only thing they should keep for an eventual H7 is the graphic engine.

same question dude: y didnt ubi add sim turns from beggining?! and the answer is same:
1. they couldnt "afford it" - y spending money instead of makeing it
2. they simply cant!
3. could have increased their own server activity, which prooved stupid strategy for themselve
4. develop similar satelites games for same reason: income!
5. u name them!
dacian falx behind you
-knowledge itself is power-

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted September 08, 2013 10:31 AM

The_Polyglot said:
... Go play some H3 instead.

Been doing that since HIV came out... =)

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Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted September 08, 2013 02:18 PM

Yeah, such a shame that it still applies...

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