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Heroes Community > Heroes 7 - Falcon's Last Flight > Thread: Sylvan Line-up
Thread: Sylvan Line-up This thread is 79 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 20 40 60 ... 75 76 77 78 79 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 04, 2014 09:26 PM

JoonasTo said:
I quess this just goes to show that there are not enough fans of the heroes series to be considered a serious part of the target audience. Heroes seven will be the last heroes game before total reboot, if not six.

Why are you so negative? There's a lot of positive feedback on Heroes 7. I don't want this to fail either and I certainly had that in mind when I voted Fury. Give it a chance, will ya?

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 04, 2014 09:40 PM
Edited by JoonasTo at 21:40, 04 Oct 2014.

How can there be positive feedback on a game no one has played?

lokdron said:
JoonasTo said:
I quess this just goes to show that there are not enough fans of the heroes series to be considered a serious part of the target audience. Heroes seven will be the last heroes game before total reboot, if not six.

The people who voted fury are fans of the series just like you are. You simply don't share the same opinion, considering what happened to Haven I think they will do justice to the line up and make it fun.

You obviously don't get it. Do the math.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted October 04, 2014 09:50 PM

I don't care for the tone of your post, Joonas. Claiming that certain voters are more fans of the series than others based on your personal opinion is both vain and uninformed, since you don't know everybody and what they voted.
What will happen now?

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Known Hero
posted October 04, 2014 10:45 PM

alcibiades said:
I don't care for the tone of your post, Joonas. Claiming that certain voters are more fans of the series than others based on your personal opinion is both vain and uninformed, since you don't know everybody and what they voted.


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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 05, 2014 04:57 PM

alcibiades said:
I don't care for the tone of your post, Joonas. Claiming that certain voters are more fans of the series than others based on your personal opinion is both vain and uninformed, since you don't know everybody and what they voted.

Then you obviously don't get it either.
What do I have to do, spell it out for everyone? Word by word? DO. THE. MATH.
If fansite polls in general differ largely from the official poll for a larger audience that difference has to come from somewhere. And yes, not all fans are on the fansites. They do have, however, have quite a good spread of them, meaning the averages should not be too far apart.
So the question stands, where does this difference come from?
One very valid hypothesis is that the fans simply don't have, nor wish to make ubisoft accounts required to vote. I know I don't. Seriously doubt that's enough of to make a difference large enough though.
Unless you have a better explanation for it, it has to come from people who are not fans of the series, yet are drawn in by the possibility to influence the direction the game development.
Is this simple enough for you people?

Or is it simply that you wanted to put words into my mouth to make me an snow that attacks people on a whim? I can take that too but don't count on getting any respect from me anymore.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted October 05, 2014 05:03 PM
Edited by alcibiades at 17:05, 05 Oct 2014.

Like it has been said before also, we can't use the fact that votes here differ from official results to much. First of all, votes could be changed in ubi vote, but can't be changed here. I for one voted Strength on the poll here but later changed my vote for Fury as additional information came out on the line-ups. If you wanted true representation, we should make a new poll asking people what their final vote in ubipoll was.

Secondly, all fans are not members here, nor on other fan sites. Even if a lot of the people who voted in the official poll are not members here, how do you know they are not fans? Assuming that anyone who's not member here, or who does not share the view of this community, or whatever assumption was underlying your post, is not a fan is vain if you ask me.

Btw. it would actually be interesting to make such a poll ...
What will happen now?

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 05, 2014 05:14 PM

I'm going to give you a chance to read my post again before replying. You should probably take it

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Famous Hero
Owning all 7 Heroes games
posted October 05, 2014 05:26 PM

@Joonas: Not enough members to make proper marketing out of this newest title, eh?

You should take the time at making a very long good look at the Memberlist via the link at the top of this web-site's page.

That member list is humongous. there are people on that list that did not make a single post since the year 2001(13 years ago). And, that does not mean that they are not interested nor dedicated to this strategy game title.

Maybe these members chose not to be active on this forum site but, chose to do so at Celestial Heavens or at the Ubisoft's many genres of games' forums.

I, personally, am a fighting game fanatic but, once or twice a week, I get to dedicate my spare time on all other kinds of games, including a quick strategy title such as Might and Magic Heroes 5: Tribes of the East v.3.1 + many mods. MMH6 was a nightmare for me and, decided not to continue hurting my mind with that screwed up one.

My hope are very high as for this title. MMHeroes 7 will be hit and, will, very well, have its own first expansion and, quite possibly, a second one.

Now, have yourself a nice mood uplifting sunny day to you.

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Famous Hero
posted October 05, 2014 06:25 PM

JoonasTo said:

If fansite polls in general differ largely from the official poll for a larger audience that difference has to come from somewhere. And yes, not all fans are on the fansites. They do have, however, have quite a good spread of them, meaning the averages should not be too far apart.
So the question stands, where does this difference come from?
One very valid hypothesis is that the fans simply don't have, nor wish to make ubisoft accounts required to vote. I know I don't. Seriously doubt that's enough of to make a difference large enough though.
Unless you have a better explanation for it, it has to come from people who are not fans of the series, yet are drawn in by the possibility to influence the direction the game development.
Is this simple enough for you people?

The difference comes from the fact that our poll is not a good reflection of the official one in the first place.

At the time or writing this, the member list of this site has 526 full pages of people, plus a little more. 526 x 20 = 10520 people. Now look at our paltry vote for Sylvan.

42, 37, and 24, at the time of writing.

That's only 103. One hundred and three. Compared to over ten thousand people that over the years were "fan-enough" to joins a site about a game series. That's literally a hundred times the difference. Even if our poll was a good reflection of the official poll (it still isn't, as most of our voters voted very early before the extra information came about, and couldn't change our mind through this vote), we only had 1% of our users vote. Who knows what the other 99% might have voted for?

Trying to say that, yes, we have a poll, and it could be said that we are a good sample size for a poll (typically, statistics say that having a sample size of +30 is generally sound), but, this is  on the same order of magnitude as if you were sampling the people of only Los Angeles when trying to view all of the United States of America (>100x difference). Which introduces bias via location and response type, considering the people of Los Angeles have their own views which are independent from those of other cities and states. The people of just Los Angeles would not vote the same way as populations in other parts of California, or Texas, or Alaska, or Rhode Island.

If a vote went down for the U.S.A. on the federal level, and instead of actually letting all people vote, but instead only allowed the people of Los Angeles to vote for the whole of the 50 states, that would be laughable, correct?

So I can't concede your "Fan Enough" argument. It would be like saying all those people in Texas and New York and Illinois and so forth aren't real citizens of the U.S.A. Which is a terribly fallacious argument.

Give it a rest already. Fury won.

In case you haven't read into it, I did not support Fury, and instead Strength. I didn't raise a fuss about those people being "real fans", and instead congratulated them. Is it not within you to do the same?

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Supreme Hero
Fear me..
posted October 09, 2014 04:12 PM
Edited by DarkLord at 17:31, 09 Oct 2014.

HAVEN line up




SYLVAN line up fury




@ Stevie
that was the whole purpose of my post..  daaah!
mockery of "chosen line up"

unless inferno vote miraculously jumps 15% overnight

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 09, 2014 05:09 PM
Edited by Stevie at 17:09, 09 Oct 2014.

DarkLord said:
SYLVAN line up fury




Do you understand what this means? That people preferred Erwan's universe above NWC with phoenixes and unicorns.

Let the rage commence

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted October 09, 2014 05:27 PM

Stevie said:
Do you understand what this means? That people preferred Erwan's universe above NWC with phoenixes and unicorns.

Yep, Inferno's enormous lead in the polls definately shows that.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 09, 2014 05:32 PM

War-overlord said:
Stevie said:
Do you understand what this means? That people preferred Erwan's universe above NWC with phoenixes and unicorns.

Yep, Inferno's Dungeon's enormous lead in the polls definitely shows that.

I agree.
But we were talking about Sylvan...

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Famous Hero
Owning all 7 Heroes games
posted October 09, 2014 05:46 PM

Not true War Overlord. Dungeon has kept its lead by a good whole 12%.

War-overlord said:
Stevie said:
Do you understand what this means? That people preferred Erwan's universe above NWC with phoenixes and unicorns.

Yep, Inferno's enormous lead in the polls definately shows that.

First of all, Stevie, NWC is dead for more than a decade(10+years)ago. Let it go in its R.I.P. plot of the dead and mainly forgotten or, even, unknown, by the majority of players of Might and Magic Heroes' games. Even Nival Interactive ceased to exist a good 6+ years ago.

It is Limbic's call as of 2011(3 years + ago). Ubisoft is merely the contract giver and funder + overall marketing and distributing of the software made by Limbic. Ubisoft has way more developers under their contracting deals for way more franchises and types of games.

I am, currently, very proud of Limbic's way of learning from their mistakes throughout the Heroes 6 and Might and Magic 10(X)'s flops. This time around, the fans will be listened and respected as to what is expected of them, as of right now.

Sorry for lecturing you but, I felt it to be done, anyway, again.

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted October 09, 2014 06:12 PM

Do I really have to explain sarcasm here?
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted October 09, 2014 06:17 PM

War-overlord said:
Do I really have to explain sarcasm here?

Apparently you have, LOL

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Legendary Hero
No longer on vacation
posted October 09, 2014 07:18 PM

Stevie said:
Do you understand what this means? That people preferred Erwan's universe above NWC with phoenixes and unicorns.

Let the rage commence
Or maybe they just really like Warhammer.


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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 09, 2014 07:25 PM

Avirosb said:
Or maybe they just really like Warhammer.


Totally. Aren't they voting for Dark Elves now?

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Legendary Hero
No longer on vacation
posted October 09, 2014 07:26 PM


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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 13, 2014 02:14 PM

I don't vote for dark Elves, I vote for the faction more inclined towards possible mythology creatures, even in H6 Dungeon didn't failed that. Moreover when Unicorns, Pegasus or Phoenixes are missing from Sylvan, I need Manticore, Medusa or Minotaur, and I really doubt we have a solid chance for Efreets.

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