
Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted February 20, 2015 01:35 PM |
Sandro400 said: See, he refers to Belketh and only then to the Cult.
Yes. But when he starts about the cult, he stops talking about Belketh.
However, you assert that "I underwent the change as well" refers to Belketh and Sandro. The change being turning undead.
I, with Marzhin's statement to back that up, say that as well does not refer to Belketh, but to the the other Necromancers of the Cult.
The Ways Beyond the Cycle of Life and Death is not undeath, but Necromancy. Which for Belketh is the way to Asha and ultimately becoming the 8th Dragon.
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Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted February 20, 2015 01:40 PM |
Sandro400 said:
We had found a way to free ourselves from Asha's cycle of Life and Death, and the boundaries of our mortal shells. And yet Belketh believed our purpose was only to serve Asha and her great design.
Saying that somebody has found a way to do something, does not mean he has done it. Only that he has the knowledge how to do it.

Supreme Hero
Shadow of Death
posted February 20, 2015 01:47 PM |
Ok guys, you won 
Let's play poker game, lich-style!

Supreme Hero
Embracing light and darkness
posted February 20, 2015 05:12 PM |
bonus applied by OmegaDestroyer on 10 Jun 2015. |
Edited by Avonu at 17:25, 20 Feb 2015.
Sandro400 said: Avonu - do you have any summary of HO's storyline? It would help me a lot ^^
Not yet - I have "only" a lot of screenshot with dialogues from game (Necropolis hero). I need some free time to do any summary of HO story... but a basic is that:

Archon Belketh and Emperor Duncan want to talk and send their emissaries to each others. Of course emissaries are intercepted by Void Order/Angels and heroes need to figure, what's going on.
During the meeting in Dragon Knights' Hidden House in Whispering Plains there is a problem... or two: there are two Yorath Al-Bekhirs. Before anything can be done, Demon Deava attacks (and when she dies, she turn into nothing... same as Phrias in DoC) but her attack was only a distraction - Yorath Al-Bekhir imposter steals The Songline "Elrath's Song" - a powerful artifact which can summon Elrath himself in Spirit World.
After long persue through Whispering Plains Haven/Necropolis heroes encounter Elrath's Dragon Knight Sar Khayn, who tell them that imposter is Sandro himself and who help them cross the Veil and walk into Spirit World. They are too late - Sandro use Void Magic to erase Elrath's memories but heroes save the dragon and transport him to "Elrath's Cradle" - a monastery in Lichtfels and stronghold of Church of Light.
They are greet by angel Erion, who simple can't belive that Elrath himself is brought to Ashan, not to mention about that he is dying - "This must be illusion."
However clerics have more common sense and path Elrath's wounds - but they can't heal him. Only White Weavers, banished by angels, can do that but not alone. They need faith in Elrath from common folks to heal Dragon God.
Elron and angels are scared to lost their power (if their Dragon God die, they will be powerless) and are doing stupid things, like trying to stop heroes - you can guess the result of this conflict.
Villages are slowly converted by Void Heralds to abandon their faith in Dragon Gods and after a while Herolds open a portal to Lichtfels to attack Church of Light with full strength... and Sandro himself is trying to finish off Elrath.
Emperor Duncan and Archon Belketh are coming to the rescue but heroes and Sar Khayn need to fight Sandro alone. Sandro reveals:
Quote: Sandro: Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the face of Ashan, none is bred to be weaker then a mortal god! A Hero's victory is sung about him long after hs death. Great kings and queens are remembered long after their remains are buried in crypts. It is the belivier's faith in the gods that grants them their immortality. Bu when the faith fades, their power abate, their glory dies. What remains of gods that are forgotten? Nothing!
This is the Revelation of the Void!"
Quote: Elrath: "The Nethermancer speaks the Truth. Your faith is the essence of things hoped for. It provides the strength to carry forth. Whatever you consider true, whatever you think is honorable, right and pure, is there anything worthy of prise, dweel on this things. Belive in them! Fight for them!"
Sandro "has vanished into oblivion" and "touched by Volron a Dragon" heroes save the day.
Emperor Duncan and Archont Belketh... do not sign a treaty. They sign an alliance.
Quote: Sar-Khayn: And remember, Avonu, there is nothing more powerful than a mortal god that enkindles the belief of his fallowers to such extent that he becomes... immortal!
But there was a scholar, Al-Kadhir, met by heroes on sands of Whispering Plains who seeked power through Shantiri Ruins and Dragon Gods... he now think that Void is this power... but this is another story.
"When someone desires information, they come to me."
"Details are everything."
Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi!

Supreme Hero
Shadow of Death
posted February 20, 2015 05:49 PM |
Thanks, Avonu! That's a good summary!
P.S.: I was actually interested in "a lot of screenshots". Can you share them with me?
Let's play poker game, lich-style!

Supreme Hero
Embracing light and darkness
posted February 22, 2015 09:49 PM |
Edited by Avonu at 07:11, 23 Feb 2015.
I would rather... not. They show some information from my browser and I like to keep my secrets intact. And editing them would take some time, which I don't have.
Anyway, here is first part of original Duel of Champions campaign - it was scrapped "in favor" of current one. You can read what you have lost:

Kieran - a Human and captain of Windswords

Vein - an Vampire, officer of Windswords and later its captain

Myranda - a human Mage, officer of Windswords and former Blademage of Forty Blades

Ga'arend - an Orc, officer of Windswords

Sayuri - a mute Naga, scribe of Windswords

The story begins in Flammschrein in Wolf Duchy 5 years after end of Second Eclipse (570 YSD). Captain Kieran meets with Field Marschal Brightblade, who tasks Windswords company of mercenaries to find Orcs looters that are terrorising neighbour Free Cities. They already ransacked Free City of Vradek's Crossing.
The company is ambushed at night at Serentine River by Crag Hack. After quick skirmish it becomes clear that both sides thought, the others are looters. Crag Hack tells Windswords where Orcs camp is - at Twilight Falls. There they find their target - Orcs from Blackskull Clan and their leader - shaman Shaar. She is defeated but escapes.
In their persue of Shaar, Windswords are stopped by Griffin soldiers, who forbidden them to cross Darkwood Forest. There is a quick fight and mercenaries escpaes in Griffins at their tails. When Windswords arrive to Flammschrein, they find that field marschal is missing - he went to catacombs under city and never return.

The catacomb were covered with green mist with lots of soldier bodies, skin scorched black, eyes rolled back in their heads, green foam dribbing from their lips. They encounte Fleshbane - an abberration among vampires - his transformation went wrong when he drunk Namtaru venom. Flashbane recognizes Lord Irvin in Vein - a former Reaper of Souls. He also reveals that source of his power is in Whispering Forest. After quick fight field marschal is rescued and he tasks Windswords to go on a reconnaissance mission in the Whispering Forest.

In forest they find more undead and a source of all recent troubles - necromancer Nergal. After the fight Windswords recived a message from Brightblade - he asked mercenaries to join him in city of Dunstant, which was ransacked by the Orcs.

When they arrived, the city was already stricken with flames and surrounded by the Orc armies. Their leader was Shaar but this time she didn't escape. Her body was taken by Kasssar - champion of Blackskull clan. Vein senses that both recent events - Orcs' raids and Undead plague - were manipulation of someone else.

Windswords lost contact with Brighblade and decide to fallow Orcs' trail which led them to the edge of the Deep Mountains. At the end of a narrow pass, they are stopped by Griffin under Archangel Sandalphon. No words about being emmisaries of Wolf Duchy reachs to him - he is blinded by his hypocrisy and arrogance and accuses Windswords of being bounty hunters and ruffians who entered Holy Empire territories. The fight is stopped when Myranda summons Sandstorm to escape Griffins.

End of part 1. I will continue rest of story (from Void Rising and Herald of the Void) another day.
"When someone desires information, they come to me."
"Details are everything."
Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi!

Supreme Hero
Maths, maths everywhere!
posted February 22, 2015 10:31 PM |
Avonu said: I would rather... not. They show some information from my browser and I like to keep my secrets intact. 
Let me guess... You use Internet Explorer?

Supreme Hero
posted March 02, 2015 08:26 PM |

I still want her pre-Succubus story. I still hope that before Biara she was Shadya

Supreme Hero
posted March 02, 2015 08:50 PM |
From what I understand from the might and magic wiki Biara posed as Shadya. Could be of course that she took the guise of her former self, but it would seem more logical that she took the place of an existing elf rather than a dead one.
Can you make a faction including these units?
Join the Finding Harmony competition 2.0!

Supreme Hero
posted March 03, 2015 12:50 AM |
I like to think that she was posing as her former self because, frankly it fits. A hellbent on vengance assassin trained in everything sounds like someone Biara would have been in life (given her devotion to her missions)

Supreme Hero
Embracing light and darkness
posted March 03, 2015 06:32 AM |
GenyaArikado said: I still want her pre-Succubus story. I still hope that before Biara she was Shadya
Shadya was a paper-thin-disguise of Biara simply created to fool Realag (and somehow it worked ). Shadya, opposed to Beatrice (from Isabel's campaign), never existed as a person - she always was Biara in disguise... well, according to HoMM5 lore - which could be retconned by now.
"When someone desires information, they come to me."
"Details are everything."
Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi!

Supreme Hero
posted March 03, 2015 06:43 AM |
but is it outright stated its a disguise? i mean the intro kinda implies she has been spending quite some time at this (on the other hand generally a heroes game last at least an ingame month so yeah)
oh well, it'll be my headcanon until stated otherwise XD

Supreme Hero
Shadow of Death
posted March 03, 2015 08:59 AM |
Biara stated at the end of vanilla HV that "I am Shadya". However, it's unknown what she means: either that she was Shadya before becoming a Succubus or that Shadya is a fake identity all along.
Let's play poker game, lich-style!

Famous Hero
Townscreen Architect
posted March 03, 2015 10:33 AM |
GenyaArikado said: I still want her pre-Succubus story.
Yes, please!

Supreme Hero
Embracing light and darkness
posted March 03, 2015 01:01 PM |
GenyaArikado said: but is it outright stated its a disguise? i mean the intro kinda implies she has been spending quite some time at this (on the other hand generally a heroes game last at least an ingame month so yeah)
HoMM5 said: Zehir: Oh Biaraaaa. It's payback time.
Biara: Idiot. Fool. Falling in love with that child. You almost ruined everything...
Raelag: I take that as a compliment. I enjoy ruining your plans.
Zehir: And we enjoy helping him do it.
Raelag: That was for Isabel! (Striked Biara with spell)
Raelag: That was for Shadya! (Striked Biara with spell)
Biara: What? I was Shadya!
Raelag: Fine, then that's just because I like hitting you. (Striked Biara with spell)
Biara was not only with Raelag as Shadya all this time, she also invaded Irollan and killed Tieru as herself - she was in two places in same time. 
Shadya appears after Biara was banished to Sheogh by Heart of Griffin (and her own stupidy) and after Raelag becomes a clanlord. You didn't heard about Shadya before or after Biara in disguise.
However we see first meeting between Agrael and Biara during "Agrael's Trial" scenario - 20 years before HoMM5 and there is no word about Shadya.
"When someone desires information, they come to me."
"Details are everything."
Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi!

Supreme Hero
posted March 04, 2015 01:11 AM |
"I was Biara" =/= "Biara is just a disguise". It could have been her reassuming her pre-demon life. Like i said before it's just a headcanon i have, nothing in game supports it. But the post H6 lore on Succubi/Incubi has gotten that idea stuck in me.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 04, 2015 03:18 PM |
Good lord those horrible dialogues. Why.
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Supreme Hero
Shadow of Death
posted March 04, 2015 03:34 PM |
Elvin said: Good lord those horrible dialogues. Why.
They're painful to read even after all these years, aren't they?
Let's play poker game, lich-style!

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted March 04, 2015 03:38 PM |
Wait, what? These dialogues are actually in the game? I thought it was a silly summary made by Avonu. Oh, Ubi, you always find ways to disappoint me

Legendary Hero
Highly illogical
posted March 04, 2015 03:42 PM |
beautifully snow, weren't they? get those writers back, i say!