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Heroes Community > Heroes 7 - Falcon's Last Flight > Thread: Global Modding: Ashan to the trashcan edition
Thread: Global Modding: Ashan to the trashcan edition This thread is 44 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 30 ... 40 41 42 43 44 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 07, 2020 01:16 AM
Edited by FirePaladin at 01:20, 07 Mar 2020.

The_Green_Drag said:
Tbh I never had a problem with the design of the titans or rakshassa (whatever their called ) So I haven’t thought about it. Medusa kinda needs to stay in dungeon though. Dungeon can’t spare any units rn.

The deer themselves make for a decent tier 3 or 4. They have ghost walk in this, since they’re kinda ‘spirits’, and so they act as Pegasus for that line up. They’re 1x1 now too so they fit better. An option to pick druids instead is always there as well

Black dragons look 10x better. Shadows are unchanged for now. But I had the same idea of retexturing red/ardent dragons before the new blackie.

Yeah, the one with Titan was just a suggestion to make them look like the ones from Enroth (since this mod is basically the Ultra-Good-Looking Sandro bringing the old good pals to MMH7).

I personally don't have anything with the lion guys, I just happen to like Nagas more (ya know, snake-women etc.). However, I never said to replace medusas with nagas. It's relatively easy to clone the medusa model, re-texture the clone and create another unit (H7 is basically an open UE3 project given to everyone who pays! Or we could just download a free model from the internet and someone makes the textures and animations. I would offer myself to do that). This guy has a lot on stuff like this, including adding totally new models and animations!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuM4ralZkoD7RR8UgzkifVg/videos

On second thought though, I think nagas should be an alternative unit. Maybe for magi, since they would be ranged too if we use medusa model (and a club-bearing naga is a bit too stretched).
And I have to be honest, this mod is gonna be great when (and "if", but I hope it's just when) it's finally released.

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Supreme Hero
posted March 07, 2020 03:00 PM

If there was a cool re-texture or model that made it look like H3 or even H2's titan, I'd be all for it. My biggest gripe with the H7 one is it's ranged attack animation (same with h5). I miss them throwing a lightning bolt, not beaming light out of their palms like ironman

I like the naga more too. The h6 ones looked pretty sweet dispite their ashan background

When it comes to re-texturing a model to make a separate unit, I limit them to being a unit's base/upgrade when they need it. Like the lizardwarrior from the lizardman, or the ravager from the Juggernaut. I don't want to have clones of other units on different factions. Using their parts to make unique models is cool, but I'm not good at that

Academy is such a niche faction its hard to give them units. I tried adding a sphinx, but set it to the side. Added a tier 2 mage archer since Cabir are gone. Gave golems a spin attack. Genie's are stronger and use the Solymr hero model. Arcane eagles became thunderbirds and moved to stronghold lol.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 07, 2020 03:34 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 15:53, 07 Mar 2020.

The_Green_Drag said:
If there was a cool re-texture or model that made it look like H3 or even H2's titan, I'd be all for it. My biggest gripe with the H7 one is it's ranged attack animation (same with h5). I miss them throwing a lightning bolt, not beaming light out of their palms like ironman

I like the naga more too. The h6 ones looked pretty sweet dispite their ashan background

When it comes to re-texturing a model to make a separate unit, I limit them to being a unit's base/upgrade when they need it. Like the lizardwarrior from the lizardman, or the ravager from the Juggernaut. I don't want to have clones of other units on different factions. Using their parts to make unique models is cool, but I'm not good at that

Academy is such a niche faction its hard to give them units. I tried adding a sphinx, but set it to the side. Added a tier 2 mage archer since Cabir are gone. Gave golems a spin attack. Genie's are stronger and use the Solymr hero model. Arcane eagles became thunderbirds and moved to stronghold lol.

The thing is (as I already said), I'm good with softwares like Photoshop and stuff, so I can totally re-texture the Titan and mostly any other unit (if needed, that is). And yes, the ironman shot is awkward .

If we decide something, I can try and make the naga model based on that of the medusa (I'm pretty good with 3D modelling softwares too). I can also create new animations, and if I think about it, I might redo the Titan shot animation too.

Also, if they are to be alternative to tier 5 mages, they could use support magic (heal, for example) instead of destruction magic (nova, etc.).

Edit: Who's in charge of the mod now? Because LizardWarrior seems to be pretty inactive right now and I remember there were more people making the mod itself.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 07, 2020 04:32 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 02:44, 08 Mar 2020.

In the meantime, I'm gonna try to re-texture the Titan. A peaceful Titan

Edit: Anyway, I exported the textures, located each area (head, etc.) and done some tests. The Titan and Giant textures are pretty basic and relatively similar and easy to change to look like the ones from H3. I'm gonna finish the texture for one of them tomorrow or several days later, depends on if I have enough time. Naga should be somewhat easily doable, but we first have to decide what to do with her.

Also, how can I make the Titan not to be all glossy? I finished the specular texture correctly, but the Titan still looks like oiled.

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Hired Hero
posted March 07, 2020 05:13 PM
Edited by Strigo at 17:16, 07 Mar 2020.

FirePaladin said:

Edit: Who's in charge of the mod now? Because LizardWarrior seems to be pretty inactive right now and I remember there were more people making the mod itself.

H7 no longer interests me (not like it ever did). I'm mainly working on heroes 3 now.

I've given green_drag my models and offer assistance from time to time. So he's my spiritual successor so to say.

As I said before, nothing has been lost, except the screenshots because tinypic has bitten the bullet. I still have the mod working on my pc, but it's nowhere near close to finish.

Regarding my inactivity, I just don't post that much anymore, but I lurk here often.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 07, 2020 06:29 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 18:29, 07 Mar 2020.

Strigo said:
FirePaladin said:

Edit: Who's in charge of the mod now? Because LizardWarrior seems to be pretty inactive right now and I remember there were more people making the mod itself.

H7 no longer interests me (not like it ever did). I'm mainly working on heroes 3 now.

I've given green_drag my models and offer assistance from time to time. So he's my spiritual successor so to say.

As I said before, nothing has been lost, except the screenshots because tinypic has bitten the bullet. I still have the mod working on my pc, but it's nowhere near close to finish.

Regarding my inactivity, I just don't post that much anymore, but I lurk here often.

Ok then. Thanks for the info.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 08, 2020 02:22 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 15:33, 08 Mar 2020.

Anyway, I've got a "beta" Titan, soon I'm gonna post screenshots too here is a screenshot:

I've still got a lot to do, especially balancing the colors and getting rid of the oiled thing (I would appreciate some help with the "oiled" part, cus I don't know how to get rid of it, even tho specular was done correctly). I've mostly gotten rid of the oil. Some adjustments would be desaturating the texture a bit and getting the hue to be less orange.

Edit: Also, my editor crashes when I try to save the uncooked package for Titan. Is there a solution to that? Managed it.

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Supreme Hero
posted March 08, 2020 03:44 PM

Titan is looking good

You cannot save things into their uncooked packages. You have to uncook them by making a copy and replacing the files. Some things you can't make copies of, such as their textures and materials.

If you make a naga unit you might be able to use the hydra body or tail? Medusa is kinda small. Idk what you'd use for arms since the tiger arms are furry lol.

Also, a basilisk without a goblin rider would be cool

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 08, 2020 04:09 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 00:00, 09 Mar 2020.

The_Green_Drag said:
Titan is looking good

You cannot save things into their uncooked packages. You have to uncook them by making a copy and replacing the files. Some things you can't make copies of, such as their textures and materials.

If you make a naga unit you might be able to use the hydra body or tail? Medusa is kinda small. Idk what you'd use for arms since the tiger arms are furry lol.

Also, a basilisk without a goblin rider would be cool

I can damn do all of these . I could add another pair of arms to naga (but she will take some time to finish) and I can also easily modify her tail to look like the one in H3, since tails are one of the easiest things to modify in 3D. Also, I could make her an alt to either mage or lion, but if I make her for lion then I'll have to add swords. However, the harder part is to give the swords sockets in editor, not adding the swords.

The basilisk I will do after naga and titan. I'll have to redo animations, but heck, it's not like it's something I don't know to do.

The problem with Titan shot animation is that the lightning itself will still start its trajectory in the same place, but I'll see what I can manage.

Edit: I'll PM you a beta Titan soon.

A little too much towards the red spectrum right now...

Edit 2: The Titan is almost done and looks gorgeous, nothing like the previous ones.

Look at this dude:

Also, for naga, I can easily select the vectors of the hands and duplicate them, then merge them with the rest of the body (she'll probably have 4 hands only, since 6 is insane unless you make the model from scratch).

Edit 3: All that remained is the normal map, the palms a little, the face and adjustments.

Edit 4: I'm finally ok with the armor colors. Face and normal map still remain. Also, his lower muscly feet evidentiated the yellow tint of the armor too much.

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Supreme Hero
posted March 09, 2020 04:39 AM

I like it

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 09, 2020 02:47 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 18:43, 09 Mar 2020.

The Titan is ready. I'm gonna update this post soon (updated already). He turned out way better than I imagined. Also, The_Green_Drag, I've PM-ed you the final Titan visual file.


Here's the Titan:

I'm done with him. Next up is Colossus (and then Naga and Basilisk), but he just needs a recolor of current Titan texture.
For the Titan's face I used the original face from H3 (fun fact: H3 units are actually 3D models converted to sprites).

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 09, 2020 06:42 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 21:35, 09 Mar 2020.


Anyway, I've finished the Colossus too. I decided to give him a metal/silver armor, since the stat difference between H7 Colossus and Titan is small compared to that in H3. Gonna PM you the .upk for Colossus too.

Also, can you tell me how to make the naga? With swords or just leave her the staff? Because I want to start working on her tomorrow, today I'm just inspecting her bod- 3D model.

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Supreme Hero
posted March 09, 2020 10:24 PM

Swords for sure. There’s enough staves in the game

Inferno needs a tier 3 btw. If you have any ideas. I don’t think a Cerberus can be made out of what’s available, but any hellish or demon looking creature would do.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 09, 2020 10:26 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 22:29, 09 Mar 2020.

The_Green_Drag said:
Swords for sure. There’s enough staves in the game

Inferno needs a tier 3 btw. If you have any ideas. I don’t think a Cerberus can be made out of what’s available, but any hellish or demon looking creature would do.

So she's an alternate to lion. Also, should I "cut" the snake heads in her hair (I already started to work on her)?

I could extract Cerberus from H5 and enhance its 3D model. Not a hard job, maybe only the re-texturing.

Anyway, what do you say 'bout the big guys? Good enough?

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Supreme Hero
posted March 09, 2020 10:33 PM

All that sounds good. I’d say cut the heads off the snakes if it’s easy, but you also can’t really tell in game that they’re snakes. So I’ll leave it up to you. As for The titan and colossal designs, I approve

Can’t wait to play a game with them later if I ever get home! I’ve been working on a faction skill for h3 fortress town : Toxin

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 09, 2020 10:37 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 22:38, 09 Mar 2020.

The_Green_Drag said:
All that sounds good. I’d say cut the heads off the snakes if it’s easy, but you also can’t really tell in game that they’re snakes. So I’ll leave it up to you. As for The titan and colossal designs, I approve

Can’t wait to play a game with them later if I ever get home! I’ve been working on a faction skill for h3 fortress town : Toxin

That really sounds good (the Toxin skill, I mean). Anyway, I gotta go back to work. Thanks!

Edit: It's easy to cut them.

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Hired Hero
posted March 09, 2020 10:45 PM

The_Green_Drag said:
Swords for sure. There’s enough staves in the game

Inferno needs a tier 3 btw. If you have any ideas. I don’t think a Cerberus can be made out of what’s available, but any hellish or demon looking creature would do.

I may have a few demons ripped off from Painkiller if you need.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 09, 2020 10:52 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 00:15, 10 Mar 2020.

Strigo said:
The_Green_Drag said:
Swords for sure. There’s enough staves in the game

Inferno needs a tier 3 btw. If you have any ideas. I don’t think a Cerberus can be made out of what’s available, but any hellish or demon looking creature would do.

I may have a few demons ripped off from Painkiller if you need.

You could do that. Maybe they fit better than 15 year old dawgs from H5.

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 10, 2020 08:10 AM

LOL, those legs
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 10, 2020 11:34 AM
Edited by FirePaladin at 13:25, 10 Mar 2020.

Elvin said:
LOL, those legs

Oh no he's hot !

Edit: Should the Naga have only katanas or another type of swords too?

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