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Heroes Community > Heroes 6 - The New Beginning > Thread: The End of Black Hole Games?
Thread: The End of Black Hole Games? This thread is 18 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 · «PREV / NEXT»

Famous Hero
posted February 24, 2012 12:40 AM
Edited by zaio-baio at 00:56, 24 Feb 2012.

1 week has passed since that rumor and still no word from Black hole or Ubisoft ...
Dunno about u guys, but ive a bad feeling about this. I hoped/still hope that someone from Bh or Ubi will tell us thats just a bad rumor and there is nothing to worry about. Im starting to belive now that h6 may turn out to be a worse game than h5.

@ SkPrimus - pls dont speak of poor and high quality people, it just feels wrong, better use noobs and pros Btw where are u from ?

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Adventuring Hero
posted February 24, 2012 05:24 PM

1 week has passed since that rumor and still no word from Black hole or Ubisoft ...
Dunno about u guys, but ive a bad feeling about this. I hoped/still hope that someone from Bh or Ubi will tell us thats just a bad rumor and there is nothing to worry about. Im starting to belive now that h6 may turn out to be a worse game than h5.

@ SkPrimus - pls dont speak of poor and high quality people, it just feels wrong, better use noobs and pros Btw where are u from ?

Well it goes without saying that H6 will never match H5.
1/3 of the creatures, half the factions, greatly oversimplified gameplay.
The only improvements are the skill system and hero system; they could have just made another expansions for H5 which added those and take a laid-back route with H6.

Not sure why they released H6 so soon, so empty, so bugged, so unbalanced.
Seeing as they aren't making any effort to work on these mistakes I think H6 will be either given to another studio to fix (hopefully!) or remain as a "thing that went wrong but made some cash to make H7".

Ultimately though, Black Hole worked on a game that pretty much hit its limits with H5, yet they found a way to improve a couple things like the hero and skill system.
The only problem is that those 2 improvements came with a lot of bull

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Famous Hero
posted February 24, 2012 06:09 PM
Edited by Kivo at 18:14, 24 Feb 2012.

1 week has passed since that rumor and still no word from Black hole or Ubisoft ...
Dunno about u guys, but ive a bad feeling about this. I hoped/still hope that someone from Bh or Ubi will tell us thats just a bad rumor and there is nothing to worry about. Im starting to belive now that h6 may turn out to be a worse game than h5.

@ SkPrimus - pls dont speak of poor and high quality people, it just feels wrong, better use noobs and pros Btw where are u from ?

Well it goes without saying that H6 will never match H5.
1/3 of the creatures, half the factions, greatly oversimplified gameplay.
The only improvements are the skill system and hero system; they could have just made another expansions for H5 which added those and take a laid-back route with H6.

Not sure why they released H6 so soon, so empty, so bugged, so unbalanced.
Seeing as they aren't making any effort to work on these mistakes I think H6 will be either given to another studio to fix (hopefully!) or remain as a "thing that went wrong but made some cash to make H7".

Ultimately though, Black Hole worked on a game that pretty much hit its limits with H5, yet they found a way to improve a couple things like the hero and skill system.
The only problem is that those 2 improvements came with a lot of bull

I think you forgot that they might release expansions for Heroes 6 which will add more factions and more creatures Homm5 had 6 factions without the expansions that means only 1 less from mmh6, and in mmh6 there are bosses and more neutrals... however yes the game is unbalanced they might be working on a big patch thats why its taking a long time... hopefully they cant post any info because they dont wanna tell us the date of the release of the patch and then change it to a later date... thats how I think it.

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Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted February 24, 2012 06:28 PM

No posts on the official site since 15th February.Another sign that Black Hole and Heroes VI are alerady dead.

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Legendary Hero
posted February 24, 2012 06:35 PM

Seeing as they aren't making any effort to work on these mistakes I think H6 will be either given to another studio to fix (hopefully!) or remain as a "thing that went wrong but made some cash to make H7".
You got it wrong, it's not the developing studio that messed up big time, it's their employer. Black Hole can be blamed for a limited number of things while Ubisoft pretty much repeated their impudent move and released an unfinished game with very insufficient post-release support (one of their claims was that the game will be supported much better than Heroes V after the release) with the addition that this time they don't even communicate with the players. The release of Heroes V warned them very clearly that nobody likes half-finished material (it's pretty obvious that they haven't followed the previous HoMM history and the Heroes IV case in particular but Heroes V was THEIR product) so their policy can not be excused, exclamation mark.

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Adventuring Hero
posted February 25, 2012 02:02 AM

I think you forgot that they might release expansions for Heroes 6 which will add more factions and more creatures Homm5 had 6 factions without the expansions that means only 1 less from mmh6, and in mmh6 there are bosses and more neutrals... however yes the game is unbalanced they might be working on a big patch thats why its taking a long time... hopefully they cant post any info because they dont wanna tell us the date of the release of the patch and then change it to a later date... thats how I think it.

Even if it gets 2 expansions with 4 new factions it's still very inferior to H5 due to the other problems.

To get on par with H5 it should get sulfur/mercury etc, remove the shared creatures/fort converts mines stupidity, fix balance, overhaul the skill system, make the game mod-friendly.

These things will probably never happen, and believe me it's BEST they don't waste any more time on H6.
The code base is weak, messy and unstable: building on that code is like building an house on a swampy, unstable terrain.

Heroes needs to stick to the H5 coding system, and improve that (allow more editing, better graphics/UI), any further building on H6 code will just increase crashes, bugs and instability.

Believe me I used to be a programmer and when you have a very buggy product it's much better to remake it from scratch rather than try to fix it.
Even a perfect, flawless code wouldn't solve the inner flaws in the core system.

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Adventuring Hero
posted February 25, 2012 02:54 AM

Not sure why people dislike the shared fort grow system, it sure makes the game faster and doesnt really cut much strategy at all.

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Adventuring Hero
posted February 25, 2012 03:12 AM

Not sure why people dislike the shared fort grow system, it sure makes the game faster and doesnt really cut much strategy at all.

Doesn't cut strategy????

1) When you attack a castle whos owner has 2 castles, you are effectively sieging TWO castles at once, as he's got the units from the first and from the second one immediately at his disposal.

2) Killing reinforcements from map dwellings impairs the enemy's army a bit which can make a difference in a hero battle; especially those Champion troops you get from the big dwellings.

Add the fact you can town portal to any castle you own and there you go.

Yes, this system prevents "lame" tactics such as stealing a second castle while the hero is away, but that's why you used to keep garrisoned units to defend your secondary castles.
With this new system you can just pop anywhere on the map as long as you have a castle nearby... it takes a lot less strategy to play, and the AI really stands no chance against the player.

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Supreme Hero
The One and the Prime
posted February 25, 2012 10:03 AM

@zaio, you may be right for once, I changed my words & used "not-so-good worker" vs "top really good worker (who really knows their job)"
It apply to any company & are not country-specific - where I'm from is not important.  You can tell that I come from the "outer planes" by my avatar right?

Until rumor confirmed, I still think same as before that patch is due Feb/Mar (Mar means they are 1 mth behind H5 but apparently they worked on conflux/soulforge whatever stuffed too) and expansion was scheduled late this year...but thread has turned to discussions about game quality / preferences again...there's a thread Elvin started for collecting people's wants for feature additions/expansion already!
Hope defeats despair - "a blatant clue"
too many idiots in VW
"to lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose"
bashing orcus

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Adventuring Hero
posted February 25, 2012 10:31 AM
Edited by G0b1in at 10:37, 25 Feb 2012.


Town portal was always here - in much praised H3 it hardly even costed movement points - in H5, once high lvl, your hero could easily buy armies via summon creature spell (or what was called).

I never splited armies (only maybe in beginning of the game) unless i was forced too (creatures were from different race).

Less resources makes no diference on gameplay what so ever (although why the change there at all? some ppl are attached to old ways)

Necropolis were allways the best and will be the best (and stronghold will allways be the most fun hehe) - in H5 i mostly played them due to the fact you could easily merge armies of diferent races together via skeleton transformer - so transforming armies off all races does not bother me.

What is wrong in H6 is the fact that developers didn't fixed "problems" of older games but instead "fixed" what wan not broken, added bugs, took away factions and town screens! and presented nothing realy new or inovative. (like weather effects on battleground, army creator for hero duels in multiplayer or adding more siege machines...)

And when they presented unfinished product, they were surprised the sales don't meet their expectations - why did Ubi have to purchase heroes series? - and now they blame black hole - figures if they give series to another studio it will be the same - as long as Ubi is in charge (or they need to change)

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Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted February 25, 2012 10:39 AM

We have some information here.Aparently, they still work on townscreens and an information about the next patch will come very soon.
See Irina Kassina's posts from 22th February.

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Famous Hero
posted February 25, 2012 11:25 AM

We have some information here.Aparently, they still work on townscreens and an information about the next patch will come very soon.
See Irina Kassina's posts from 22th February.

We all know their "very" soon... As she posted it on the 22nd Feb very soon should be today or tomorrow, but it will probably be in 1 week or two and saying: hello heroes, we want to inform you that we are currently working on the patch, blag blah blah we hope you understand...

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Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 25, 2012 11:28 AM

Patience me child!

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Famous Hero
posted February 25, 2012 12:45 PM

Patience me child!

Oh I am patient, but I what I said is the truth... it happened before and it still happens.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 25, 2012 12:59 PM


Town portal was always here - in much praised H3 it hardly even costed movement points - in H5, once high lvl, your hero could easily buy armies via summon creature spell (or what was called).

I never splited armies (only maybe in beginning of the game) unless i was forced too (creatures were from different race).

Less resources makes no diference on gameplay what so ever (although why the change there at all? some ppl are attached to old ways)

Necropolis were allways the best and will be the best (and stronghold will allways be the most fun hehe) - in H5 i mostly played them due to the fact you could easily merge armies of diferent races together via skeleton transformer - so transforming armies off all races does not bother me.

What is wrong in H6 is the fact that developers didn't fixed "problems" of older games but instead "fixed" what wan not broken, added bugs, took away factions and town screens! and presented nothing realy new or inovative. (like weather effects on battleground, army creator for hero duels in multiplayer or adding more siege machines...)

And when they presented unfinished product, they were surprised the sales don't meet their expectations - why did Ubi have to purchase heroes series? - and now they blame black hole - figures if they give series to another studio it will be the same - as long as Ubi is in charge (or they need to change)

I'm not sure in H5 3.1 that Necropolis was actually the best. Dark Energy put a serious limitation on the use of Necromancy (in a good way imo.) and I don't see any reason why something similar couldn't be achieved in H6.

Less ressources does make a difference. Now, if you're low on Crystal, you can't build anything (of importance), previuosly you had other ressources to rely on. Whether that is a good or a bad thing is an entirely different discussion, but it is different.

H5 Summon Creatures always let you bring creatures to your Hero, but it didn't go the other way. You couldn't get the Hero back to the creatures. For me, that was one of the week points of H5, but I understand that for others this may be a weakening of the tactical aspect of the game (which was why I always pleaded for an optional Town Portal spell adventure magic style that could be turned on/off in main menu depending on your preferences).
What will happen now?

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Adventuring Hero
posted February 25, 2012 03:42 PM

yes well regarding resources - you are right - there is a diference in technical sense - but! - it dosen't make game more or less strategicaly
"deep" - it dosen't make diference regarding that. - it's minor change.

as far as town portal yes i agree with you - i never liked town portal myself - but some ppl do - and like i said instead of improving game where it needs to (in this case removing town portal or make it optional), they change things that have no "real" consequence on game, such as resources (it's just one example), and just annoy old fans.

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Adventuring Hero
posted February 25, 2012 03:49 PM

I'm not sure in H5 3.1 that Necropolis was actually the best. Dark Energy put a serious limitation on the use of Necromancy (in a good way imo.) and I don't see any reason why something similar couldn't be achieved in H6.

Necro was definitely not OP in H5, I'd say average.
In H6 it gets both mind control/fear and strong units; at least in H5 the units were below average so you could rely on that weakness.

I haven't played H3 much, but in H2 and H5 Necropolis surely wasn't nowhere near as powerful.

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Legendary Hero
posted February 25, 2012 04:26 PM

The Heroes V Necropolis had some very powerful creatures (level 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6), what it didn't have is a Might hero and that is why they seemed poor fighters. Give the Necro army to a Knight or a Barbarian and see if it can't fight on its own.

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Supreme Hero
posted February 25, 2012 08:51 PM
Edited by feluniozbunio at 20:59, 25 Feb 2012.

Now, if you're low on Crystal, you can't build anything

I would like to point out that this situation doesn't matter because with so much gold at your disposal, and heroes acting as additional marketplaces, you are never too low on crystal. Unless you are just totally broke of course. In this case however, it's obvious you can't build anything. Amount of crystals is not an indicator how much you can build. It is just a piece of your wealth that is more expensive then the other ones. In h6 every resource is easily and feasibly exchangeable and this is a big difference from previous parts. Before, trading resources was a robbery in a daylight. So much that we used to call the marketplace - marketscam.

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Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 27, 2012 08:36 AM

Yes, it's easier to exchange resources in H6 because:
1. The number of castles/towns that a player owns is more frequent now (having more market places)
2. Heroes with certain abilities
3. Artifacts increasing daily wood/ore/crystal

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