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Heroes Community > Heroes 6 - The New Beginning > Thread: The End of Black Hole Games?
Thread: The End of Black Hole Games? This thread is 18 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 · «PREV / NEXT»

Hired Hero
posted April 20, 2012 02:47 AM

His style and actions are perfectly consistent with those of certain Black Hole personnel I have interacted with, down to a tee. Including the comically delayed post removal stuff. But who knows.
Are you bound by contract to keep the details undisclosed?

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Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted April 20, 2012 03:01 AM

Pretty much, so I'll remain vague. I think it would be callous to name names in any case, but the trends are not unfamiliar.
"Those who forget their history are inevitably doomed to repeat it." —Proverb, Might and Magic VIII

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 20, 2012 03:56 AM

If he is indeed from BH, his behavior contradicts his accusations

Na dude, there s a legal thing that s gonna go on between the 2 its obvious, lets just say everything you say can be kept against you, but never for you.

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Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted April 20, 2012 03:58 AM

Is anyone else disturbed by the fact that this thread is practically half people with no yellow stars?

straight from the faq.

An amount of yellow stars held by a member does not illustrate his importance nor quality of his ideas, it only illustrates the amount of posts made by that member.

and now we see you further proving this statement by adding noting but.. spam just like me. now if you would kindly not intrude on the gentlemen discussing without adding anything of any relevance that would be awesome, thank you!

No, no no, not at all. No yellow stars means fewer than 50 posts, which is indicative the account was created solely to post in this one thread. Possibly by people who already have accounts, or people who work for either ubisoft or blackhole -- not active members of the community. In any given thread there are always a few members with no stars, everyone has to start at some point, but this thread has more than just new members.

My post was not spam, but an observation that some party / parties may be biasing the conversation.
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

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Hired Hero
posted April 20, 2012 04:19 AM


No, no no, not at all. No yellow stars means fewer than 50 posts, which is indicative the account was created solely to post in this one thread. Possibly by people who already have accounts, or people who work for either ubisoft or blackhole -- not active members of the community. In any given thread there are always a few members with no stars, everyone has to start at some point, but this thread has more than just new members.

My post was not spam, but an observation that some party / parties may be biasing the conversation.

That's such a smart observation. Which among us would you imagine are spies?

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Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted April 20, 2012 05:38 AM

I'm not picking specific members as having ulterior motives, just noting that there are too many no-stars for them all to be new members.
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 20, 2012 08:45 AM

If he is indeed from BH, his behavior contradicts his accusations.

I see no reason to not to believe that he is/was from BH. There are emotions and there are restrictions that contradict themselves and no matter whether the posts were deleted because of regret or evidence elimination it wasn't unexpected.


No, no no, not at all. No yellow stars means fewer than 50 posts, which is indicative the account was created solely to post in this one thread. Possibly by people who already have accounts, or people who work for either ubisoft or blackhole -- not active members of the community.

Once in a decade HC has posts that are of interest for whole community not only HC and then a genius jumps on board and tells that if you do not participate in the daily meaningless chat on HC boards you are not a (Ho)MM fan. That is even more biased than the BH guy was.

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Legendary Hero
No longer on vacation
posted April 20, 2012 09:48 AM

Once in a decade HC has posts that are of interest for whole community not only HC and then a genius jumps on board and tells that if you do not participate in the daily meaningless chat on HC boards you are not a (Ho)MM fan.
My my, we like to jump to conclusions, don't we? Where was this explicitly stated?

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Supreme Hero
of the Horadrim
posted April 20, 2012 11:01 AM

This is quite disappointing. Fewer and fewer people play the game in multiplayer, and I assume Ubisoft is likely to shut down the Conflux servers.
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Hired Hero
posted April 20, 2012 11:49 AM
Edited by ywhtptgtfo at 12:01, 20 Apr 2012.

Once in a decade HC has posts that are of interest for whole community not only HC and then a genius jumps on board and tells that if you do not participate in the daily meaningless chat on HC boards you are not a (Ho)MM fan.
My my, we like to jump to conclusions, don't we? Where was this explicitly stated?
She did  state that people without those 1337 yellow stars are either sockpuppets or evil corporate spies.

I'm not picking specific members as having ulterior motives, just noting that there are too many no-stars for them all to be new members.
Just so you know, we have already deeply infiltrated the HC and are going to use your site to wage a proxy war as part of the greater apocalyptic dev vs. publisher showdown. Once we have collected lots of magical yellow stars, you will be unable to recognize us and defenseless against our evil propaganda.

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Legendary Hero
No longer on vacation
posted April 20, 2012 11:55 AM

Please show me the exact quote instead of paraphrasing, thank you.
From what I've seen it was more a pointless observation.

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Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted April 20, 2012 12:15 PM

@ywhtptgtfo: In times like this we are not interested in your jokes...The Heroes series must survive and if you guys from Ubisoft can't make it,then let other companies to do our favourite games.

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Famous Hero
posted April 20, 2012 03:03 PM

geez man, it has been a while and I don't know where to start. But here is my view.

I was away on the gaming world (and pretty much of everything else aside my work). There was supposed to be at least 6 months since I bought Heroes 6, and I see from the current state there are little (much too little) things fixed in the 6 months duration post release and after spending some time on HC I realized all the drama happened between Developer and Publisher.

First, I don't really support the fact that developer blamed publisher and vice versa. If one project failed in deliverable, then both must gently admit of their failure there is no one sided blaming over others. Because when one project is screwed then everyone must carry the burden. Blaming won't change anything, especially for fans who actually expecting something from their favorite games (ones who actually doesn't really understand (or care) the Developer vs Publisher internal conflict). Like me, I believe most fans only care about the continuity of the series, judging from the drama, I must say it doesn't look very bright.

Second, what is done is done. Blaming won't change anything, I appreciate what BH trying to accomplish during the development stage and maybe during the first 3 months of post-production support but really guys, 6 months? During my absent on my (almost) entire life due to the hell released at my work for 6 months. I at least have fixed 20 major bugs (not to mention hundred thousand line of codes to actually find the root cause), more than 20,000 rows of data with at least 100 patterns unique case (I work at developing accounting software plus tech support for the live product) and all is done with no help (just 1 person that is me). I am not trying to be an a** here but really, 1 person to fix most of the bugs, it is a matter of dedication. It is 2 sided believe me, If I don't fix it, the company probably lost its integrity and at the same time I probably will loose my job. Even if it cost me almost no single day without real actual sleep, but the result is worth it, at least I can keep my job. What I am trying to say is not that BH probably not dedicated to deliver a game but judging by how a member of BH writing his bash toward Ubi, I can only guess that personal anger contributed with the lack of fix in the range of the time given. Seriously man, if you really love the series like the the way you claimed it, then fix it, 1 small weekly patch to fix bugs that doesn't require Ubi's agreement will do. Honestly, I don't really care about Town Screen and additional content when the game is barely playable.

Third, I don't say Ubi is the all saint here. They got it wrong, most of them. Yes you heard it right I hate the reduced resource system, I hate the less management with less resource, less macro. I can list down more but I think you got the idea. Who is these guys anyway? Are they play actual Heroes game? who think they are creative enough to revamp the core system and call it creativity? 3 tiers system, good on paper very limiting in the end. Focus on Hero's development more than the strategic? limiting choices with uniform skill system? This is TBS for Dragon Gods' sake, which means Strategy for the 'S'. Although this is personal but the story is not very good as well, I mean, Heroes is about country, story about armies, nations, conflict over political and ruling power. That's what makes H3 so good (IMHO) it told story about Avlee, Bracada, Erathia, Nighon, Kreegan. Not Anton, Kiril and some other guys. Surely there are main key characters but most of the story revolved around nations and factions.

Last, whoever continue the work, I hope they are good. There is still hope but I wouldn't put my bet on it. Like I mentioned it supposed to be 2 sided and I suppose the drama will lead on the same plot as long as Ubi still got their hand on the franchise. Disciples 3 is a crap at initial release, but the newest gold edition looks promising (and they actually revamp so many things) and it appears the change of developer do any good actually, so let's hope this one as well or else I am afraid this is the end of the franchise.

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted April 20, 2012 03:26 PM

Quite agreed there. In the end it's all about making the game work than fling accusations or lament the end of the series and stuff. No party is without fault, that should be obvious on principle alone.
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Famous Hero
passed out drunk in Tavern's
posted April 20, 2012 03:37 PM
Edited by Kenishi at 17:50, 20 Apr 2012.

This is quite disappointing. Fewer and fewer people play the game in multiplayer, and I assume Ubisoft is likely to shut down the Conflux servers.

 Inevitably but I would ask thy would have the decency of at list removing the games dependency on Conflux so that we could use the weapons and dynasty traits in game ... but they can't even keep a simple scheduled of patch releases so i really doubt the have that interest...
No Gods, no Masters. Knowledge is Power, and Power is Freedom

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Known Hero
posted April 20, 2012 06:11 PM

We at least have fixed 20 major bugs (not to mention hundred thousand line of codes to actually find the root cause), more than 20,000 rows of data with at least 100 patterns unique case (I work at developing accounting software plus tech support for the live product) and all is done with no help (just 1 person that is me)

Yes, this is realistic, I remember we fixed 30 low complexity or say 10 medium complexity bugs every day in a huge code we knew nothing about. Of course it was a relatively well structured code and all programmers were highly qualified and the salary very high. Mentioned company simply fired anyone who was slow or lame, we were then also fired because we were just hired contractors and not regular employees and we were too expensive. Not an amicable place to work in, but I just wanted to showcase how fishy was the BH tempo: How very-very fishy it was! Those ability bugs like griffin dive etc. are at most medium complexity but rather just low, so they should have fixed at least 10 such bugs per programmer each working day. Which means, given a medium sized team, they should have fixed all those bugs in 6 days and not in six months. And I am serious about this, absolutely not joking. It’s quite unfortunate that nowadays it is a blasphemy to accuse a programmer of being lame: uh how dare you, they say… don’t you respect your colleagues? There are tons of crap programmers and IT managers in the world, especially in Hungary, and we all know this but we all have friends who work in IT and it is so embarrassing to say they are crap, so let us say instead that they are good but then we should pretend that everyone is good or at least mediocre in this craft but since somebody needs to be blamed for failed projects, so it is then the customer being blamed or anyone who is rich and hasn’t a too specific face upon which to point at. Isn’t this primitive? Which means I a myself am primitive, seriously, because I will never name anyone in particular of being crap in public, because everyone will hate me, so I can only speak in general about people as being faceless. Nonetheless, I am speaking the truth. Again I am not pro UBI, I just think that many opinions are biased towards the more vulnerable party because that who holds more power is easier to blame and the crowd use to symphatize with the „poor guys”, anything else is called elitism, so, hmmm, I guess I need to watch out what I am saying… Uhmm, huuum, do you people like Nietzche? Ok, so for me, to go on with the Limbic guys has been the possible best solution, it is a new chance and a new hope at least, who knows, maybe they are really good, and though it may turn out bad, it cannot be worse than BH who cannot fix their own bugs in their own source code.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 20, 2012 08:26 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 20:32, 20 Apr 2012.

they should have fixed at least 10 such bugs per programmer each working day.

You must be kidding. First they have to find why is a bug, then they have to set a game environment to be able to test this bug within all possible actions, then finally try to fix it and probably browse big parts of code, while testing again and again. Such things take days, and only for one.
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Hired Hero
posted April 20, 2012 09:30 PM

they should have fixed at least 10 such bugs per programmer each working day.

You must be kidding. First they have to find why is a bug, then they have to set a game environment to be able to test this bug within all possible actions, then finally try to fix it and probably browse big parts of code, while testing again and again. Such things take days, and only for one.
Agreed. A bug that looks trivial in a game may take many hours to resolve. And then after they are supposedly resolved, they have to be tested.

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Adventuring Hero
posted April 20, 2012 11:09 PM

We at least have fixed 20 major bugs (not to mention hundred thousand line of codes to actually find the root cause), more than 20,000 rows of data with at least 100 patterns unique case (I work at developing accounting software plus tech support for the live product) and all is done with no help (just 1 person that is me)

Yes, this is realistic, I remember we fixed 30 low complexity or say 10 medium complexity bugs every day in a huge code we knew nothing about. Of course it was a relatively well structured code and all programmers were highly qualified and the salary very high. Mentioned company simply fired anyone who was slow or lame, we were then also fired because we were just hired contractors and not regular employees and we were too expensive. Not an amicable place to work in, but I just wanted to showcase how fishy was the BH tempo: How very-very fishy it was! Those ability bugs like griffin dive etc. are at most medium complexity but rather just low, so they should have fixed at least 10 such bugs per programmer each working day. Which means, given a medium sized team, they should have fixed all those bugs in 6 days and not in six months. And I am serious about this, absolutely not joking. It’s quite unfortunate that nowadays it is a blasphemy to accuse a programmer of being lame: uh how dare you, they say… don’t you respect your colleagues? There are tons of crap programmers and IT managers in the world, especially in Hungary, and we all know this but we all have friends who work in IT and it is so embarrassing to say they are crap, so let us say instead that they are good but then we should pretend that everyone is good or at least mediocre in this craft but since somebody needs to be blamed for failed projects, so it is then the customer being blamed or anyone who is rich and hasn’t a too specific face upon which to point at. Isn’t this primitive? Which means I a myself am primitive, seriously, because I will never name anyone in particular of being crap in public, because everyone will hate me, so I can only speak in general about people as being faceless. Nonetheless, I am speaking the truth. Again I am not pro UBI, I just think that many opinions are biased towards the more vulnerable party because that who holds more power is easier to blame and the crowd use to symphatize with the „poor guys”, anything else is called elitism, so, hmmm, I guess I need to watch out what I am saying… Uhmm, huuum, do you people like Nietzche? Ok, so for me, to go on with the Limbic guys has been the possible best solution, it is a new chance and a new hope at least, who knows, maybe they are really good, and though it may turn out bad, it cannot be worse than BH who cannot fix their own bugs in their own source code.

I would totally agree with you if 95% of all Ubisoft games didnt suck.

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Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted April 21, 2012 03:16 AM

If he is indeed from BH, his behavior contradicts his accusations.

I see no reason to not to believe that he is/was from BH. There are emotions and there are restrictions that contradict themselves and no matter whether the posts were deleted because of regret or evidence elimination it wasn't unexpected.


No, no no, not at all. No yellow stars means fewer than 50 posts, which is indicative the account was created solely to post in this one thread. Possibly by people who already have accounts, or people who work for either ubisoft or blackhole -- not active members of the community.

Once in a decade HC has posts that are of interest for whole community not only HC and then a genius jumps on board and tells that if you do not participate in the daily meaningless chat on HC boards you are not a (Ho)MM fan. That is even more biased than the BH guy was.

I like how you conveniently quoted my whole post, except the one sentence "In any given thread there are always a few members with no stars, everyone has to start at some point, but this thread has more than just new members", which was my preemptive response to people thinking somehow I don't believe in new members.

Also I see no reason to believe that Ubisoft treats all developers equally. If I was Ubisoft and the guys making assassins creed asked for more money, of course they would get it. On the other hand, with a smaller series like HoMM, it's easy to believe they would be harsher.

Regarding patches, some issues are very hard to resolve, I am actually very impressed that they managed to put it in H5 at all. But imbalances like the kappa leap, or undead having all of their elites getting good growth boosts on upgrade are just number changes. Fine tune balance can take as long as a good bug fix, but with the current imbalance HoMM has I see no reason they can't reduce the obvious large imbalances.
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

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