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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: [Official Thread] HoMM 3: Horn of the Abyss - Ideas and Suggestions
Thread: [Official Thread] HoMM 3: Horn of the Abyss - Ideas and Suggestions This Popular Thread is 208 pages long: 1 30 ... 42 43 44 45 46 ... 60 90 120 150 180 208 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
posted August 06, 2018 09:04 AM

Salamandre said:
Yes, that why I meant when I told they can be used as hit&runners. Solmyr is great at that. Bad news though, such tactic is banned in all pvp. Luna is good only on paper, without spirit of oppression she will be eaten alive by mobs in early game. All videos we see about her are staged.

nice sarcasm

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Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted August 06, 2018 09:55 AM

I don't use a hit & run, but I use a summon elemental! It's defenced hit & run as chess. In chess you use a hit & run, but opponent or AI doesn't fallen to eat piece. Stronger player counts much longer moves and get to trap, mate or win. In H4 I used hit & run in a few times. It means collecting experience points. Weaker player always will ban strategy. We should create A group plays freely By stronger players and B group plays rule with by novice players as chess club. In there never spoken about creating rule.
Fight MWMs - stand teach

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Famous Hero
posted August 06, 2018 06:03 PM
Edited by revolut1oN at 18:06, 06 Aug 2018.

Lth3 said:
magic heroes are fine. say Loynis, Dessa, Gundula, Adela, Solmyr, Deemer etc - all have their useful specialties + all Conflux magic heroes are strong

if you wanna get an upper hand in end game versus your might counterpart, get a HotA exclusive - Cape of Silence. now you might think, "why didn't i think of that before", right?

and so people should quit trying to make this game what it is not

Might AND Magic, not Magic and Might

Loynis and Adela useful in multipalyer?

Lol, they are completely useless xd

Rest of these heroes are medium, nobody would ever pick any of those for a main unless forced by circumstances.
Dessa - main only if you find her in tavern and she gets earth, battle mages are average. All Stronghold players go for Tyraxor obviously for a tempo.
Gundula, she is good only coz of slow and special, but then again nobody picks her. If you get one from a tavern or she gets a lucky level up then she is fine I guess, but more often than she is, she is not.
Solmyr is OK, but only because all Tower heroes suck. Even then he rarely gets picked, I advise you again - go watch pro playing. Most of them even pick Aine over him and lurk for a better hero in tavern. Or they pick Astral for a lucky fast earth.
Deemer - kinda OK in theory but completely useless since Dungeon has Shakti, Gunnar, Lorelei and even Dace.

Also Magic heroes being equal to Might heroes in late game is false. Magic heroes are viable basicaly only on Jebus since magic blocking arts are banned there.
While it is true that Might heroes are extremely good wizards in the end, magic heroes are hardly ever good warriors. Just see how often Elementalist or Wizard gets useful combat skills. Probability is extremely low, and even if you build the hero correctly there are high chances that you will end up with Mysticism or Learning instead of Offence or Tactics and theres no way to minimise that danger.

Cape of Silence doesnt give you any advantage as a magic hero since any high level might hero also has level 4 and 5 spells.

You seem to be very self confident in your opinions and seem to look down on others, but please, stop confusing people with false concepts. Just go see some streams of the best players playing and then you will get the idea of whats going on.

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Supreme Hero
posted August 06, 2018 06:29 PM

revolut1oN said:
Lth3 said:
magic heroes are fine. say Loynis, Dessa, Gundula, Adela, Solmyr, Deemer etc - all have their useful specialties + all Conflux magic heroes are strong

if you wanna get an upper hand in end game versus your might counterpart, get a HotA exclusive - Cape of Silence. now you might think, "why didn't i think of that before", right?

and so people should quit trying to make this game what it is not

Might AND Magic, not Magic and Might

Loynis and Adela useful in multipalyer?

Lol, they are completely useless xd

Rest of these heroes are medium, nobody would ever pick any of those for a main unless forced by circumstances.
Dessa - main only if you find her in tavern and she gets earth, battle mages are average. All Stronghold players go for Tyraxor obviously for a tempo.
Gundula, she is good only coz of slow and special, but then again nobody picks her. If you get one from a tavern or she gets a lucky level up then she is fine I guess, but more often than she is, she is not.
Solmyr is OK, but only because all Tower heroes suck. Even then he rarely gets picked, I advise you again - go watch pro playing. Most of them even pick Aine over him and lurk for a better hero in tavern. Or they pick Astral for a lucky fast earth.
Deemer - kinda OK in theory but completely useless since Dungeon has Shakti, Gunnar, Lorelei and even Dace.

Also Magic heroes being equal to Might heroes in late game is false. Magic heroes are viable basicaly only on Jebus since magic blocking arts are banned there.
While it is true that Might heroes are extremely good wizards in the end, magic heroes are hardly ever good warriors. Just see how often Elementalist or Wizard gets useful combat skills. Probability is extremely low, and even if you build the hero correctly there are high chances that you will end up with Mysticism or Learning instead of Offence or Tactics and theres no way to minimise that danger.

Cape of Silence doesnt give you any advantage as a magic hero since any high level might hero also has level 4 and 5 spells.

You seem to be very self confident in your opinions and seem to look down on others, but please, stop confusing people with false concepts. Just go see some streams of the best players playing and then you will get the idea of whats going on.

I really hope the HotA team changes that.

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Known Hero
posted August 06, 2018 09:16 PM
Edited by Lth3 at 21:17, 06 Aug 2018.

revolut1oN said:
Lth3 said:
magic heroes are fine. say Loynis, Dessa, Gundula, Adela, Solmyr, Deemer etc - all have their useful specialties + all Conflux magic heroes are strong

if you wanna get an upper hand in end game versus your might counterpart, get a HotA exclusive - Cape of Silence. now you might think, "why didn't i think of that before", right?

and so people should quit trying to make this game what it is not

Might AND Magic, not Magic and Might

Loynis and Adela useful in multipalyer?

Lol, they are completely useless xd

Rest of these heroes are medium, nobody would ever pick any of those for a main unless forced by circumstances.
Dessa - main only if you find her in tavern and she gets earth, battle mages are average. All Stronghold players go for Tyraxor obviously for a tempo.
Gundula, she is good only coz of slow and special, but then again nobody picks her. If you get one from a tavern or she gets a lucky level up then she is fine I guess, but more often than she is, she is not.
Solmyr is OK, but only because all Tower heroes suck. Even then he rarely gets picked, I advise you again - go watch pro playing. Most of them even pick Aine over him and lurk for a better hero in tavern. Or they pick Astral for a lucky fast earth.
Deemer - kinda OK in theory but completely useless since Dungeon has Shakti, Gunnar, Lorelei and even Dace.

Also Magic heroes being equal to Might heroes in late game is false. Magic heroes are viable basicaly only on Jebus since magic blocking arts are banned there.
While it is true that Might heroes are extremely good wizards in the end, magic heroes are hardly ever good warriors. Just see how often Elementalist or Wizard gets useful combat skills. Probability is extremely low, and even if you build the hero correctly there are high chances that you will end up with Mysticism or Learning instead of Offence or Tactics and theres no way to minimise that danger.

Cape of Silence doesnt give you any advantage as a magic hero since any high level might hero also has level 4 and 5 spells.

You seem to be very self confident in your opinions and seem to look down on others, but please, stop confusing people with false concepts. Just go see some streams of the best players playing and then you will get the idea of whats going on.

i would prefer you come PvP me in lobby

and so i have proved myself time and again with pro players, having myself defeated not a single time in the most unexpected situations and circumstances

for the record, nobody is telling you to pick Gundula over Crag Hack - that in itself is not wise. so is not to be leveling just one hero and expecting everything to go well. backup is most certainly needed in the least bit bigger overall size maps and more expansive templates, and those heroes are perfect - Adela dealing massive damage, Loynis with killer spell useful for just about anything

every hero has its purpose in the game - utilizing each and every one of their potential is what is going to make you a overall better player

i do not recall HotA cloak working only on certain templates. and Orb and traditional Cloak for low spells have been banned for all templates since the last update. correct me if i'm wrong

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted August 06, 2018 09:31 PM

Lth3 said:
every hero has its purpose in the game - utilizing each and every one of their potential is what is going to make you a overall better player

This is true, however you imply that magic heroes could be as effective as might ones as MAIN, which, on closed templates, simply doesn't stick. Think about, now there are conservatories and hives, basically in every video I saw the main army is coming from banks and is rather massive. When you have 1 week recruits, magic is good to harass, but when you have 100 wiverns and 15 angels, fighting skills are what you need over all, which clerics are not guaranteed to get. Not speaking about primary stats...

In first years TOH there was a map I liked the most, Seven Lakes. Race and hero pick didn't matter there, as the max level you could get was 8-10 or so, not enough fights or goodies. So yes, we had to look inside every hero and optimize his spells or specialty. That kind of map/game is gone now.

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Known Hero
Invest in your future.
posted August 07, 2018 05:08 PM

revolut1oN said:

Loynis and Adela useful in multiplayer?

Adela might be extremely useful early game in clearing some creature banks-especially churchyard which gives crap ton of experience points. And i dont think anyone is incompetent enough to dismiss her with wisdom + log/earth/offence. Maybe it is just you're automatically designed to think that heroes with diplo can't be useful since the skill pretty much does nothing,probably..

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Known Hero
posted August 07, 2018 07:51 PM
Edited by Lth3 at 19:53, 07 Aug 2018.

orrinisthebest said:
revolut1oN said:

Loynis and Adela useful in multiplayer?

Adela might be extremely useful early game in clearing some creature banks-especially churchyard which gives crap ton of experience points. And i dont think anyone is incompetent enough to dismiss her with wisdom + log/earth/offence. Maybe it is just you're automatically designed to think that heroes with diplo can't be useful since the skill pretty much does nothing,probably..

very well said

and Diplomacy is far from doing nothing. not only you don't need to be lvl 10 to use Library of Enlightenment, but you get to surrender at 60% less of normal cost, which is a lot. all 3 diplomatic artifacts give only 30% in total

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted August 14, 2018 09:46 PM
Edited by phoenix4ever at 21:47, 14 Aug 2018.

I have talked about it before in this thread, (back on page 19) but could'nt you do something about the Disguise spell, actually making it fair for all players and useful both to humans and AI, at all difficulties. Most of the time this is a "null-spell", it might as well be called that, instead of disguising itself as a usable spell. (pun intended.)

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Famous Hero
posted August 15, 2018 07:18 PM

Just remove it and replace it with something useful....

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted August 15, 2018 07:22 PM

Yeah, that's also an idea.

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Supreme Hero
posted August 15, 2018 07:35 PM

P4R4D0X0N said:
Just remove it and replace it with something useful....

I'd love to see this principle applied in many areas.

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Known Hero
posted August 15, 2018 08:24 PM

Gandalf196 said:
P4R4D0X0N said:
Just remove it and replace it with something useful....

I'd love to see this principle applied in many areas.

then you are not in the right place. HotA is not about modifying stuff. if you want modifications - go to WOG. you can WOGify pretty much anything there

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Supreme Hero
posted August 15, 2018 09:07 PM
Edited by Gandalf196 at 21:07, 15 Aug 2018.

Lth3 said:
Gandalf196 said:
P4R4D0X0N said:
Just remove it and replace it with something useful....

I'd love to see this principle applied in many areas.

then you are not in the right place. HotA is not about modifying stuff. if you want modifications - go to WOG. you can WOGify pretty much anything there

I forgot to use a there. I was not talking specifically about HotA, I was just generally speaking.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted August 16, 2018 11:48 AM
Edited by Galaad at 11:48, 16 Aug 2018.

Lth3 said:
HotA is not about modifying stuff. if you want modifications - go to WOG. you can WOGify pretty much anything there

Hota did modify a lot of stuff and is planning on modifying some more though. Sure it's not as drastic as in wog but as things are now given the mod's direction some suggestions here make more sense than they did a few years back.

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Known Hero
posted August 16, 2018 04:19 PM

modifying and keeping original mechanics. not changing things entirely

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Famous Hero
posted August 16, 2018 09:01 PM

I what case Disguise would be useful anyway in your opinion?

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Known Hero
posted August 16, 2018 09:21 PM

it is useful. for not showing your army to opp. however in current state it works for Red player, but not for Blue

it should be that this spell's effect transfers to the subsequent round. then it is a functional spell for hiding your army and is castable any time while making one's turn, without getting exposed. then you can have the effect on constantly, as long as you cast it once every round

strong and useful adventure map spell

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Famous Hero
posted August 16, 2018 10:14 PM

Well I can't think of any real use for it... even im MP the skill is kinda worthless, except you know when you will engage your opponent for the first time. You may also suggest what units according to their numbers your opponent has... I won't call that useful at all since MP is the only use for that spell.

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Known Hero
posted August 16, 2018 11:09 PM
Edited by Lth3 at 23:16, 16 Aug 2018.

you never know when and from where opp is spying on you. only Basic effect is easy to decipher, Advanced can only see if you have lvl 6 or 7 and what type. with Expert nothing can be seen

epic skill. but it does not work for Blue in its current state, and only momentarily for Red. so it's not worthwhile most of the time, since opp has plenty of time to check up on you before you manage to cast the spell in time

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