Thread: Wishes for future patches (1.6 and 2.2) | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 · «PREV / NEXT» |
Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted March 02, 2007 09:36 AM |
I think the Right-Click thing would be a nice compromise. There's no reason to clutter the image with too many numbers, and the action row in the bottom of the image is supposed to give you an approximate impression of the ATB (yes, it depends also on Initiative, but still). So personally, I think it would be fine if you just saw the exact value on right-clicking, then the "advanced players" could get it when they needed it.
What will happen now?
Famous Hero
the guy with the dragon golem
posted March 02, 2007 06:35 PM |
But what if I'm too lazy to right-click on every single creature in the atb bar?
I once saw a picture from an early version of H5 and I remember the atb bar there showed the icons of the creatures in a distance to each other dependent on atb value. That was not perfect because the atb bar was too big, but I'm sure there can be a compromise.
open source for an open mind
Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted March 02, 2007 11:56 PM |
If you are too lazy to do that, then you will have to live without the information!
He he - actually, I didn't see that shot of the Beta. Maybe someone had it lying around somewhere? But I still think the best way to put it into the game without making it too cluttered and changing too much would be to add it in the detailed menu. After all, it's normally only 1 or 2 creatures you'd need to check details on, right?
What will happen now?
Famous Hero
the guy with the dragon golem
posted March 03, 2007 11:19 AM |
I can't remember where the screenshot came from, sorry.
I don't know if anyone already mentioned it, but what really annoys me is that, in the army splitting screen, you can't type the number you want to split with the keyboard That could save quite some time
open source for an open mind
Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted March 03, 2007 11:30 AM |
Yeah, and the bug STILL remains that when Neutrals join you, and you have 7 stacks, you cannot take them all in if you merge them, even if you had two similar stacks that you join.
What will happen now?
Famous Hero
that wants your brainz...
posted March 03, 2007 11:38 AM |
Quote: Yeah, and the bug STILL remains that when Neutrals join you, and you have 7 stacks, you cannot take them all in if you merge them, even if you had two similar stacks that you join.
And if you split the Neutrals the game crashes to desktop
Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted March 08, 2007 01:56 PM |
Someone also said: Add Wait button in combat screen. Cannot believe they have not implemented that yet.
What will happen now?
Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted March 08, 2007 02:07 PM |
I want no more random ATB bar at the start of the combat ! The attacker should get the first move on equal initiatives (+1 on atb bar or something like that), also showing ATB values seems like a nice idea !
And also Staff of the Netherworlds and Ring of Speed are quite overpowered ! They need a little nerfing imho
Famous Hero
that wants your brainz...
posted March 08, 2007 03:07 PM |
Quote: I want no more random ATB bar at the start of the combat
Finally, someone that agrees with me on this one
And why the attacker? I think it should be random between two creatures that have the same initiative (who acts first), but NOT otherwise.
Anyway, you can reduce the random thingy to random(0.0, 0.02) and it will be almost the same result as what I above suggested, but NOT random(0.0, 0.25). Too much IMO
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted March 08, 2007 03:30 PM |
Random ATB consequence: freakin marskmen acted BEFORE my hero!
Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted March 08, 2007 04:10 PM |
And why the attacker?
to give you a little edge against neutral shooters... and also because the one who attacks is on the move already, so it makes sense that he hits first ... i think that's how it used to be in heroes 3, and it was a fine system
Famous Hero
that wants your brainz...
posted March 08, 2007 04:12 PM |
Quote: to give you a little edge against neutral shooters... and also because the one who attacks is on the move already, so it makes sense that he hits first ... i think that's how it used to be in heroes 3, and it was a fine system
Oh got it. And I forgot about neutrals, I like the idea of having an edge against them
Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted March 08, 2007 04:15 PM |
Yes, the attacker is the one who takes the Initiative to engage in combat, and should therefore get to move first in first round (like, Attacker gets +0.01 to ATB value whereas Defender starts at 0). Anyone who played D&D roleplaying while know this as the concept of being caught flatfooted when you are attacked.
What will happen now?
Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted March 08, 2007 09:18 PM |
There is an obvious need for ATB randomness, otherwise it would be impossible to determine the first to move unit if both had the same initiative, but I agree that the randomess is too big at the moment.
Adventuring Hero
posted March 08, 2007 10:05 PM |
all i ever cared about with new heroes games being made is that whoever gonna make em stick to the original roots of what the game is(that includes changes in patches )
Adventuring Hero
Nuclear Power Plant
posted March 08, 2007 10:19 PM |
"Meeeep" I say
I actually like the randomness in the initial ATB. Attacking two identical stacks you will use slightly different strategies, as all troops are in different starting positions.
But I do agree that the attacker should have a hit-em-first bonus. Either added ATB value like previously stated, or letting the first creature to move always be the attackers.
Hey, maybe that could be some sort of "First Strike" ability for a future creature? To ALWAYS be the first one out in a fight :-)
Mater tua criceta fuit, et Pater tuo
redoluit bacarum sambucus.
Famous Hero
of the Deep
posted March 09, 2007 12:05 AM |
Quote: Hey, maybe that could be some sort of "First Strike" ability for a future creature? To ALWAYS be the first one out in a fight :-)
The good old pikeman would be the right candidate for that (At least when attacked for the first time)
Known Hero
posted March 09, 2007 12:21 AM |
I'll throw in my 2 cents (since all I do is duel pretty much).
Yes, the ATB is too random at the moment. It should be cut in half approximately. That would be ideal.
Adventuring Hero
Supreme matriarch
posted March 09, 2007 06:07 AM |
My little wish for ATB bar :
All initiative boost artefacts should also affect heroes , not only troops . The heroes are discriminated now , it's just unfair
The Darkness is the right hand of the Light , the Light is the left hand of the Darkness .
Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted March 09, 2007 08:46 AM |
hell, no! Warlocks rule now anyway, you wish to make it one stop closer to "imbalanced" ?