Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted September 10, 2008 06:53 PM |
No, you say "Lord of the Dead" when you refer to ALL dead people, for example.
I know, it's strange, but it doesn't have a plural.
Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted September 10, 2008 07:13 PM |
it's past participle from "die" so no s
only nouns get the letter
Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted September 10, 2008 07:13 PM |
Ok thank you very much !
The official name is then
Mistress of the Dead
Supreme Hero
posted September 10, 2008 07:23 PM |
Quote: No, you say "Lord of the Dead" when you refer to ALL dead people, for example.
Seigneur des Morts
Seigneur de la Mort
it's very different.
Seigneur des Morts --> when you refer to ALL dead people, for example.
Seigneur de la Mort --> He is the Lord of the Death (Directly this existence form)
So, in English, maybe this diffrence is:
Lord of the Dead
Lord of the Death
Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted September 10, 2008 07:26 PM |
Lord of the Dead is a correct name, I'm SURE of it.
Supreme Hero
posted September 10, 2008 07:28 PM |
What "Dead" means?
and "Death" ?
Are synonyme?
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted September 10, 2008 07:33 PM |
Lord of the Dead --> lord over the dead
Lord of the Death --> lord over death (not dead people, but death as a phenomenon!)
Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted September 11, 2008 05:32 PM |
To come back to initial subject () I have to tell you... GOOD NEWS !
I mailed Sfidanza, because this situation cannot continue to last. I mean the editor situation.
He and I concludes that the problem come from the index.bin file, taking place in the NCF__MapEditorCore.pak. He told me he "will see if he can repackage a 3.1 version a bit complete for this weekend. At least something was done to there."
Good news then !
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted September 11, 2008 05:35 PM |
Nice, but I already got far in placing these 300+ creatures only by scripts
Hopefully now you'll see a NCF map sooner, for example before the release of H6
Supreme Hero
posted September 11, 2008 05:48 PM |
Indeed, it's a great news.
But, I don't still understand why I able to use NCF editor, to see and to use NCF Creatures without « NCF__MapEditor_Core.pak »
Does Sfidanza work on fans manual 3.1?
Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted September 11, 2008 06:37 PM |
Quote: Indeed, it's a great news.
But, I don't still understand why I able to use NCF editor, to see and to use NCF Creatures without « NCF__MapEditor_Core.pak »
Does Sfidanza work on fans manual 3.1?
i ask him why we were able to do so.
And for the manual, I dunno, he only said :
"However I'm completely immerged in the manual updating to version 3.1. "
Supreme Hero
posted September 13, 2008 01:59 AM |
I am indeed working on the 3.1 manual update. So sadly I don't have the time right now to investigate what's happening with the 3.1 editor. I will get back to it, but I'll be happy if you find the solution in the meantime.
It's great that you updated the exe by yourself, and continued to update the list. As soon as I have the time, I'll update the project page on heroes-fr as well, to synchronize it with the list here.
The main issue I have with the project is that there is no satisfactory architecture in place that would allow distributed creation of creatures, and yet centralized information and download. What I'd like is to have a repository, to avoid some creatures becoming unavailable with time, but at the same time let authors have complete control over their files.
Additionally, as I discussed with Gnoll_Mage some time ago, it would be great if there could be a desktop client to directly import the creatures into the game: in other words, a desktop GUI to a web service.
Sadly, I won't have the time to develop those tools in the near future, but that would really be a great project to work on, for a web developer, so I'll keep it in my todo list.
Supreme Hero
posted September 13, 2008 08:35 AM |
Hi sfidanza,
I'm glad to read you. that made a long time.
For my share and as you know my own project always has been a great RMG.
I'm very close of.
I've in my computer all the 119 NCFs created for now.
RTMG is able to include into random maps all NCFs automatically and creates automatically dwellings for them
just by scanning mods from H5 folders.
This is just a beginning, you cannot even suspect yet what RTMG is able, all its new features.
This doesn't count the adding of a lot a new objects as all water objects.
Because the water is finally happened.
Apart your "bible" and my project, I objectively think NCFs is the greatest of all projects made for H5.
I follow very close NCF evolution.
Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted September 13, 2008 09:04 AM |
Hmmm I'll think to this tool...
A Web-program that download and install NCF creatures ? It is surely realisable with Visual C++.
I'll think to it.
Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted September 13, 2008 01:22 PM |
The link to elemental Giants is dead!
And in french language..!
Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted September 13, 2008 04:29 PM |
I know but unluckyly, I change of computer and hard disk, then I lost all my files :s Elemental Giants Pack with :s
If somebody could re-upload the english textpack on speedyshare for a few time, it will be nice from him.
Supreme Hero
posted September 13, 2008 06:15 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 18:46, 13 Sep 2008.
Quote: I know but unluckyly, I change of computer and hard disk, then I lost all my files :s Elemental Giants Pack with :s
If somebody could re-upload the english textpack on speedyshare for a few time, it will be nice from him.
All english textpack from 43 first NCFs including theses of 5 giants are still available....
You can download "RTMG_BETA.rar" (23Mb) that contains 2 main files:
1 - RTMG_BETA.exe (package installation) (6Mb)
2 - NewCreaturesFramework.rar (inside: NewCreaturesFramework.pak) (17Mb)
The All-in-1 43 NCF Creatures Pack (english)
You can re-upload them by starting there.
BTW, I don't keep english textpack anymore since few time.
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted September 15, 2008 10:29 AM |
Making good use of the longest holidays of my life, I'm close to finish the design of my map meant to be showcase for NCF project and promote the mods you created.
Creatures featured so far:
180 - Thunderbird (coming with new texture)
189 - 193 Elemental Giants
209 - 211 Dark Angels
212 - Enchanter
213 - Sun Warrior
241 - Cherub
276 - Evil Sorceress
291 - Crystal Dragon
298 - Skeleton Mage
312 - Ghost Knight
313 - Guardian Idol
383 - Mysto Dragon
385 - Omega Dragon
387 - Centaur Captain
I'm also looking forward to Fiurs creatures so that I could place really dangerous threats as bosses :]
Also, if anyone feels like writting a storyline or improve graphical design, plese let me know.
There are still pages of quest code to write down, so it's likely to make major changes.
Undefeatable Hero
posted September 15, 2008 04:02 PM |
I take the slot 400 (nobody took it yet it seems)
Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted September 15, 2008 06:40 PM |
Thoose of you hwo have the elemental giants, could you reupload them please?
I have messed my giants up :S