
Tavern Dweller
posted July 27, 2019 08:21 PM |
Hello, I have installed Era 2.8.3 and I have some problems with some modifications:
XXL: Cannot generate most random templates with maps larger than small and have underground
Homm3HD: Features like distributing units by 1, transfering units quickly through extra buttons.
Does anyone have any idea on how to fix them?

Supreme Hero
posted July 27, 2019 11:34 PM |

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 28, 2019 02:50 AM |
Bersy, I can't get the colors in game in neutrals split mod. Works in 2.72, not in 2.86
example of code:
Both HD and not hd, so not HD issue.


Hired Hero
posted July 28, 2019 07:37 AM |
AlexWh said: Someone try to play ERA 2 on macOS with Wine ?
I have a error:
Assert violation in file
"D:SoftProgrammingDelphisourceSRCEraGameExt.pas" on line 499
Error at address: $37BB8F5.
Message "Failed to load angel.dll"
I have done this successfully with 2.7.7. Everything works great! I'm using the HD mod too (version 4.x, not 5.x). I haven't tried 2.8.6 yet but I anticipate that it will be easier than 2.7.7 was because Bersy apparently fixed the VFS issues (including the common Debug folder issue).
I did see this error initially. I'm sorry I don't recall exactly what I did to fix it but I don't remember it as being difficult. This issue has occurred for others and if you search this thread for the error message you quoted, you should be able to find discussions of it and how to fix it.
I'm using the latest version of Wineskin and the latest engine (as of a few months ago), with no difficulties.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 28, 2019 09:30 AM |
Bersy said: HD Mod disabled many features for WoG in 5.x branch. The 4.x branch of HD mod still supports them. Have no idea about possible XXL issues. Anyway, I recommend to install 2.8.6 Era version.
Does unit transfer still work 2.8.6? If not, I'll try getting 4.x I suppose.

Supreme Hero
posted July 28, 2019 01:18 PM |
Val, the results of my testing:
1) Remove backslash before Neutrals.ini in order for file to be loaded and valid value "1" read from ini.
2) !?FU903008;
!!IF:M^%Y10, %X1 %X4 %X5 %X6^;
Here I never got a condition for any colored message. If I remove conditions from commands, colors are displayed. Could you check the logic and origin of function arguments?
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 28, 2019 01:49 PM |
Damnt, this backslash again, solved 
I need to reupload all mods using ini file

Tavern Dweller
posted July 28, 2019 01:50 PM |
Toastwich said:
Bersy said: HD Mod disabled many features for WoG in 5.x branch. The 4.x branch of HD mod still supports them. Have no idea about possible XXL issues. Anyway, I recommend to install 2.8.6 Era version.
Does unit transfer still work 2.8.6? If not, I'll try getting 4.x I suppose.
I didn't get what you mean at first but now I do.  
Though Im now struggling to find a 4.x version since the official site only has the latest version

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 28, 2019 01:59 PM |
HERE is the latest I have which has all good features.


Hired Hero
posted July 28, 2019 10:41 PM |
Bersy said: HD Mod disabled many features for WoG in 5.x branch. The 4.x branch of HD mod still supports them. Have no idea about possible XXL issues. Anyway, I recommend to install 2.8.6 Era version.
Wow, that's really sad. Is there a reason for this? Are they truly disabled or just not working with the default settings? (I found many bad settings by default when I installed HD in January, but they were easy enough to fix. I posted about it earlier in this thread.)
Are the specific broken/disabled things documented anywhere?
Edit: Two other things:
1) Is there an English change log for HD 5? I don't see one on his site.
2) The list of tweaks on that site is all Russian, evn in the English site. I think I remember the page being in English when I read it. Anyone know where that is, before I get Google to do a terrible job of translating it?

Tavern Dweller
posted July 29, 2019 09:21 AM |
Salamandre said: [url=https://drive.google.com/open?id=1me-AaSwfj1u3pJWACPHW8sQTimZ-nb0i]HERE[/url] is the latest I have which has all good features.
Hey I have tried this version too, most features don't work as well.
What I wonder is what is the difference between 2.4 Eras or such and 2.8.6? If there isn't additional content and if the game is still stable, I'd be completely ok with downgrading versions

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 29, 2019 09:34 AM |
They work, but you have to enable them in tweak column. The version I posted has the maximum of HD features 100% working with Era. Also HD features have nothing to do with Era version, so yes you should upgrade Era as current mods are being updated as well and will not be compatible with previous versions.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 29, 2019 07:26 PM |
Salamandre said: They work, but you have to enable them in tweak column. The version I posted has the maximum of HD features 100% working with Era. Also HD features have nothing to do with Era version, so yes you should upgrade Era as current mods are being updated as well and will not be compatible with previous versions.
Thanks for your input, I have to turn the 0's to 1's as far as I can tell though Im unsure of
<UI.Ext.SwapMgr>, it has 0,1,2 modes and Im unsure what does what
<UI.Ext.HeroDlg>, no idea what this is meant to be, I have 0 on it by default
I'd be glad if someone can answer, thanks in advance!

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 29, 2019 08:01 PM |
Not sure., but here are my tweaks, transfer artifacts, army, show backpack etc.
<Version> = 5000205
<Language> = "#en.ini"
<Fix.Crit.ArtMerchantDlg.Backpack> = 0
<Fix.Crit.DoubleDeleteNetMsg> = 1
<Fix.Crit.FirstStart> = 0
<Fix.Crit.MapsOver5000> = 0
<Fix.Crit.MpNotMeTownQV> = 1
<Fix.Crit.RandHeroRandCreatures> = 0
<Fix.Crit.ReplayTurn.AI7DaysExpireLose> = 1
<Fix.Crit.ScenarioMgr.MapTime> = 1
<Fix.Crit.Tavern.Rumors> = 1
<Fix.Crit.TextFilesBugs> = 1
<Fix.Font.HighlightedText> = 0
<Fix.RMG.StartingHeroInPrison> = 0
<Graphics.Resolution> = 800x600
<Graphics.Mode> = 4
<Graphics.ComplexFilter> = 0
<Graphics.Threads> = 8
<Graphics.SimpleFilter> = 2
<Graphics.SystemCursors> = 0
<Misc.TournamentSaver> = 0
<Misc.Misc> = 1
<Misc.RenameRandMap> = 0
<Sound.Async> = 1
<Sound.Stereo44Music> = 1
<Sound.NewerLibraries> = 1
<Sys.MultiInstance> = 1
<Sys.NoCD> = 0
<UI.AdvMgr.SkipMapMsgs> = 1
<UI.ClipCursor> = 1
<UI.Ext.AdvMgr> = 1 , 1 , 0
<UI.Ext.ArtMerchantDlg> = 1 , 1
<UI.Ext.CombatMgr> = 1 , 1
<UI.Ext.CombatOptionsDlg> = 1
<UI.Ext.HeroDlg> = 0
<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr> = 1
<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr.Settings> = 4, 72, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
<UI.Ext.SpellBook> = 1
<UI.Ext.SpellScroll> = 1
<UI.Ext.SwapMgr> {0,1,2} = 0
<UI.Ext.TextEditBox> = 1 , 1
<UI.Ext.TownMgr> = 0 , 1
<UI.Ext.TownMgr.AvailableInsteadGrowth> = 0
<UI.Ext.TownPortalDlg> = 1
<UI.HiRezCore> = 1
<UI.HiRezCore.DlgExtraFlags> = 1
<UI.QuickArmyManagementMode> {0, 1} = 0
<UI.Tavern.InviteHero> = 0
<Update.CheckAtStart> = 0
<Misc.BattleSaver> = 0

Known Hero
posted July 30, 2019 08:45 AM |
Toastwich said:
Salamandre said: They work, but you have to enable them in tweak column. The version I posted has the maximum of HD features 100% working with Era. Also HD features have nothing to do with Era version, so yes you should upgrade Era as current mods are being updated as well and will not be compatible with previous versions.
Thanks for your input, I have to turn the 0's to 1's as far as I can tell though Im unsure of
<UI.Ext.SwapMgr>, it has 0,1,2 modes and Im unsure what does what
<UI.Ext.HeroDlg>, no idea what this is meant to be, I have 0 on it by default
I'd be glad if someone can answer, thanks in advance!
<UI.Ext.SwapMgr> as i know - swap arts and army in hero meeting screen.
<UI.Ext.HeroDlg>, split army and arts in hero screen

Famous Hero
posted July 31, 2019 09:02 AM |
About the tent.
I remember the tent's turn will be skipped if hero casts spell or escape the battle.
And I remember this problem is fixed in some version of era?
And I see this problem come out again now with WoG base mod only.
Can anyone verify this? Thanks.

Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted July 31, 2019 09:29 AM |
xericsin said: About the tent.
I remember the tent's turn will be skipped if hero casts spell or escape the battle.
And I remember this problem is fixed in some version of era?
And I see this problem come out again now with WoG base mod only.
Can anyone verify this? Thanks.
With Enhanced Warmachine scripts enabled?
With First Aid script?
and you mean it doesn't heal at all when casting a spell anytime during the current battle round?
Maybe none of your troops got damaged, or have full HP?
I can check later that day

Known Hero
posted July 31, 2019 01:24 PM |
xericsin said: About the tent.
I remember the tent's turn will be skipped if hero casts spell or escape the battle.
And I remember this problem is fixed in some version of era?
And I see this problem come out again now with WoG base mod only.
Can anyone verify this? Thanks.

Famous Hero
posted July 31, 2019 02:37 PM |
Edited by xericsin at 16:40, 31 Jul 2019.
This is it.
Thanks to igrik and PerryR.
One more thing. I remember there is something like Changing description of secondary skill/creature no longer need a z variable. Anyone remember this?

Known Hero
posted July 31, 2019 06:45 PM |
Edited by igrik at 18:48, 31 Jul 2019.
xericsin said:
One more thing. I remember there is something like Changing description of secondary skill/creature no longer need a z variable. Anyone remember this?
** FU7701 - saves z-variables
** skills, monsters and artifacts of z-measurement values from ers-files
** descriptions need to be updated after downloading old games (for example, in GM0 trigger).
** uou can return the standard descriptions with the standard functionality of the receiver UN:G.
** Function parameters:
** x1 - function type: 0 - sec.
** x2 is the skill number [0 ... 27]
** x3 - name, skill level [0 ... 3]
** x1 - type of function: 1 - imposition and description of monsters
** x2 is the number of the monster [0 ... 196]
** x3 - type [0 ... 2] as in UN: G1
** x1 - function type: 2 - hero specialization
** x2 - the number of the hero [0 ... 155]
** x3 - the type is always 2
** x1 - function type: 3 - artifact
** x2 - the number of the artifact [0 ... 170]
** x3 - type: 0 - name, 1 - description
** x4 - number of the z variable from the ert file
!?FU7701; [description setting function directly from ert]
!!SN:E7824928/1/x4; !!VRy1:Sv1;
!!VRy2:Sx2 *16; !!VRy3:Sx3 *4 +6917512 +y2; !!UN:Cy3/4/y1;
!!VRy4&x3<1:S20; !!VRy4&x3=1:S24; !!VRy4&x3>1:S28; !!UN:C6768560/4/?y2; !!VRy3:Sx2 *116 +y2 +y4; !!UN:Cy3/4/y1;
!!UN:C6790272/4/?y4; !!VRy5:Sx2 *40; !!VRy6:Sy4 +36 +y5; !!UN:Cy6/4/y1;
!!VRy4&x3<>0:S16; !!UN:C6687592/4/?y2; !!VRy3:Sx2 *32 +y2 +y4; !!UN:Cy3/4/y1;