Adventuring Hero
posted February 03, 2020 07:02 PM |
We have pandora source. That make fixing much easier. Did not expected that .
I see that pandora dll from Bersy post is newer than one i have .
Anyway, if we now have delphi port then keep it up to date will be much easier.
Perhaps those receivers from pandora can be integrated in ERA.
This is from pandora help.
Pandora addes two receivers:
PA - can be used to set up Pandora's Boxes and Events,
QU - can be used to set up Seer Huts and Quest Guards.
Supreme Hero
posted February 03, 2020 07:48 PM |
Supreme Hero
posted February 03, 2020 11:57 PM |
Version 2.9.8
[+] Introduced high-level fastest loops in ERM via new receivers: !!re, !!br, !!co.
!!re $1[/#2/#3/#4].
$1 - loop counter var like 'i' or 'y6'.
#2 - counter start value. Optional. Default: initial value of loop counter var.
#3 - counter stop value. Optional. Default: initial value of loop counter var.
#4 - step. Optional. Default: 1, if stop value is set, 0 otherwise.
Repeats block of code. Only the first argument is obligatory.
At first loop counter variable is initialized.
Counter stop and step values are remembered for the whole loop and won't be evaluated on each iteration.
Step determines, what value must be added to counter variable after each iteration. It also determines type of iteration stop condition.
Positive step checks if counter > stop value. Negative step checks if counter < stop value.
On !!re it's checked, if counter reached stop-value or exceeds it. If true, execution is passed to corresponding !!en block.
On !!en counter is increased by step and if stop condition is not met, next receiver after closest !!re will be executed.
If stop condition is not met, execution goes to the next receiver after closest !!re.
!!br (BREAK) with optional condition immediately jumps after loop !!en receiver.
!!co (CONTINUE) with optional condition immediately jumps to loop !!en receiver, which will be executed as usual.
; Endless loop of annoying messages:
!!re i:;
!!IF:M^Donate, please!^;
; Clear current hero army
!!re i/0/6:;
; Display 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (1 will not be displayed, same as 0)
!!re i/10/1/-2:;
; Display number of the first hero empty slot, if it's found
!!re i/0/6:;
!!IF:M^Free slot number is %Vi^;
!!IF&i>6:M^No free slot was found^;
[+] Added possibility to query syntax, that was used for particular function parameter.
#1 - argument index
?$2 - syntax type (0 - get, 1 - set, 2 - add)
Add syntax is applied via 'd' prefix like FU:Pd200.
Using this receiver scriptmakers can write functions which act the same as normal ERM commands.
For instance, one function to get/set/add dwelling population amount.
[+] Rewritten ZvsCheckFlags routine. Now e-variables can be compared to integer variables and constants.
All logical operations are supported for strings. Variable indexes were not checked at all, but are
checked now.
[+] Adapted wonderful PA and QU receivers by gamecreator with Pandora and Seer Hut Quests API.
From now these receivers are officially part of Era. See HelpErm Help directory for details.
Be sure to delete "pandora's api.era", "receiver pa.era", "receiver qu.era" from old mod packages.
[+] WoG scripts were extractd to a separate mod "WoG Scripts". Some fixes by igrik/Algor were applied.
[+] Included updated TxtEdit and MMArchive by GrayFace.
[*] Replaced 'for' snippet in ERM editor with 're' snippet, other syntax file corrections.
[*] Maximum 16 nested IF/RE blocks are allowed.
[-] Fixed crash caused by invalid RD:M second parameter handling.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.
Known Hero
Building the Dragon City
posted February 04, 2020 11:04 PM |
Quote: WoG scripts were extractd to a separate mod "WoG Scripts". Some fixes by igrik/Algor were applied.
Are those fixes from WoG Revised mod?
Supreme Hero
posted February 05, 2020 12:09 AM |
Supreme Hero
posted February 05, 2020 01:08 AM |
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted February 05, 2020 07:55 AM |
Bersy said: Thank you, Perry, for detailed description and debug data.
Era 2.9.8 critical update
[-] Fixed occasional savegames data corruption.
On a quick test, the problem seems gone
Supreme Hero
posted February 06, 2020 01:05 AM |
Version 2.9.9
[+] Added support for loop level in !!br (BREAK) and !!co (CONTINUE) loop controlling receivers.
!!br 1:; is the same as !!br:; and means break current (innermost) loop.
!!br 2:; will break outer level loop, !!br 3:; even higher level.
!!re i/0/6:; loop level 2
!!re j/0/4:; loop level 1
!!IF:M^%Vi %Vj^;
!!if&i=3:; The last shown message will be "3 0"
!!br 2:; break loop level 2
[*] XX:Z command is no more a special command. Disabling ERM receivers is not supported.
57 - freelancers guild.erm will not work propertly.
[-] Fixed wrong ERM interpreter handling of spaces as commands. Example: !!VRy1:Sj +100 used to treat
space as command and silently consume '+100'. Now spaces between subcommands are fully supported.
!!VRy1:Sj +100 *4 -7;
[-] Fixed occasional savegames data corruption.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.
Hired Hero
Elf paladin
posted February 07, 2020 04:06 AM |
Bersy said:
Version 2.9.9
[+] Added support for loop level in !!br (BREAK) and !!co (CONTINUE) loop controlling receivers.
!!br 1:; is the same as !!br:; and means break current (innermost) loop.
!!br 2:; will break outer level loop, !!br 3:; even higher level.
!!re i/0/6:; loop level 2
!!re j/0/4:; loop level 1
!!IF:M^%Vi %Vj^;
!!if&i=3:; The last shown message will be "3 0"
!!br 2:; break loop level 2
[*] XX:Z command is no more a special command. Disabling ERM receivers is not supported.
57 - freelancers guild.erm will not work propertly.
[-] Fixed wrong ERM interpreter handling of spaces as commands. Example: !!VRy1:Sj +100 used to treat
space as command and silently consume '+100'. Now spaces between subcommands are fully supported.
!!VRy1:Sj +100 *4 -7;
[-] Fixed occasional savegames data corruption.
You are really a productive and efficient man.What I want to ask is, if the version of ERA game I have is 2.x, can I upgrade directly with the latest 2.9.9? Or do I have to use SoD for a new installation?
[url=http://bbs.wakeofgods.com/index.php?styleid=3&sid=LTEqPK]Welcome to Chinese WoG Forum![/url]
Supreme Hero
posted February 07, 2020 12:55 PM |
Adventuring Hero
posted February 08, 2020 04:36 AM |
Edited by Archer30 at 05:34, 08 Feb 2020.
Hi Bersy,
I'm trying to translate Era Start Menu into Chinese, surprisingly the start.exe does not support settings.ini in ANSI any more. I believe the previous version (earlier than 2.46?) did support ANSI. Could you please add back the function in the next ERA release? Or is there any other way I can get ERA start menu to display Chinese character correctly?
Supreme Hero
posted February 08, 2020 11:44 AM |
Adventuring Hero
posted February 08, 2020 03:16 PM |
Edited by Archer30 at 19:13, 08 Feb 2020.
Bersy said: Hi, Archer. I didn't change Era Start Menu for a long time. It must use ANSI.
This exe is from 2.46: link
Hi Bersy,
Unfortunately, the exe from 2.46 did not work :/
The last start.exe works with ANSI can be found here, although from the Icon I can tell, it's aged
Supreme Hero
posted February 08, 2020 07:00 PM |
Hired Hero
posted February 08, 2020 10:39 PM |
Edited by Z at 22:40, 08 Feb 2020.
I downloaded latest ERA (2.9.9.)
This is the message I get when I start the map and try to engage a fight.
Any ideas how to slove this?
Also, last few few ERA updates kept me notifying about some errors every time when I initiate a fight.
Not sure what to do here.
Adventuring Hero
posted February 08, 2020 11:11 PM |
It seems that ; at the and cause problem.
If it is separated from command then it produce error.
If it is without space than it work ok.
Try remove space in script, Reload it in game F12 an go fight.
I did not test whole script just that one line.
Related to this perhaps:
Quote: [-] Fixed wrong ERM interpreter handling of spaces as commands. Example: !!VRy1:Sj +100 used to treat
space as command and silently consume '+100'. Now spaces between subcommands are fully supported.
!!VRy1:Sj +100 *4 -7;
Hired Hero
posted February 08, 2020 11:14 PM |
gamemaster said: It seems that ; at the and cause problem.
If it is separated from command then it produce error.
If it is without space than it work ok.
Try remove space in script, Reload it in game F12 an go fight.
I did not test whole script just that one line.
Related to this perhaps:
Quote: [-] Fixed wrong ERM interpreter handling of spaces as commands. Example: !!VRy1:Sj +100 used to treat
space as command and silently consume '+100'. Now spaces between subcommands are fully supported.
!!VRy1:Sj +100 *4 -7;
Can you please tell me how to do it and where?
Adventuring Hero
posted February 08, 2020 11:31 PM |
1. Go to Heroes folder
2. Find file named "5 wog - enhanced war machines 3.erm"
3. Make backup of file. If something go wrong you can replace it back.
4. Open file with notepad
5. Find " ;" and replace it with ";". There should be 3 occurrence in this case.
One place should look like this
Wont work: "!!HEf:A2/6/?o/?p A2/4/?o/?q A2/5/?o/?r ; //vp vq vr mchines in hero's equipment slot (0 or 1)"
Fixed: "!!HEf:A2/6/?o/?p A2/4/?o/?q A2/5/?o/?r; //vp vq vr mchines in hero's equipment slot (0 or 1)"
6. Save and start game. Load save game and press F12 ingame to reload all scripts.
7. Fight battle and see if there is error. I hope this error is solved.
XX. If same error persist we should wait Bersy to fix it. In that case revert original file back from backup.
Supreme Hero
posted February 09, 2020 11:55 AM |
Hired Hero
posted February 09, 2020 02:12 PM |
gamemaster said: 1. Go to Heroes folder
2. Find file named "5 wog - enhanced war machines 3.erm"
3. Make backup of file. If something go wrong you can replace it back.
4. Open file with notepad
5. Find " ;" and replace it with ";". There should be 3 occurrence in this case.
One place should look like this
Wont work: "!!HEf:A2/6/?o/?p A2/4/?o/?q A2/5/?o/?r ; //vp vq vr mchines in hero's equipment slot (0 or 1)"
Fixed: "!!HEf:A2/6/?o/?p A2/4/?o/?q A2/5/?o/?r; //vp vq vr mchines in hero's equipment slot (0 or 1)"
6. Save and start game. Load save game and press F12 ingame to reload all scripts.
7. Fight battle and see if there is error. I hope this error is solved.
XX. If same error persist we should wait Bersy to fix it. In that case revert original file back from backup.
Thank you very much. That partially solved the problem.
But various errors kept popping up, but game is still pretty playable.