Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 08, 2021 01:00 PM |
After F11 look in Data/extractedscripts, post the list here if you don't find. Plugins delivered with Era 2 do not affect AI stats, afaik
Supreme Hero
posted April 08, 2021 07:07 PM |
I press F11, but there's nothing in the folder you suggest, instead, the message points to Debug/Era. There's a ton of scripts there, what should I do next?
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 08, 2021 07:40 PM |
Well thats not normal, F11 should extract scripts in that folder, I use 2.46F and it does so.
Supreme Hero
posted April 08, 2021 08:15 PM |
I use 2.75.
But it's OK, I made a clean installation and everything works OK now. I guess when you add and remove mods all the time, something is bound to go wrong.
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Supreme Hero
posted April 09, 2021 01:19 AM |
Edited by Bersy at 01:29, 11 Apr 2021.
Supreme Hero
posted April 09, 2021 02:29 AM |
OK, now Morn's Battlefields script doesn't work!!!
Battlefields keep geting random (like subterranean while on upper level fight).
I have the new updated script on my mod, why isn't it working?
OK so I found out what was causing all this trouble, it was a script made by igrik. I don't know what it does exactly though, can anyone help? It is script 79.
* Автор: [igrik]
!?PI; !!FU87000:P0;
!?GM0; !!FU87000:P1;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Скрипт убирает все WoG способности, получаемые войсками при накоплении опыта
** (за исключением основных бонусов: атаки, защиты, урона, скорость, жизни)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** открыть окно встречи героев в городе по ЛКМ + Alt
!?CM1; [клик в городе]
!!CM:F?y6 S?y7 I?y5;; [получаем парамерты клика]
!!FU|y7<>12/y6<>32:E; [нажата ЛКМ + Alt]
!!if|y5=123/y5=125:; [место клика]
!!CA-1:H0/?y1 H1/?y2; [получить номера героев]
!!if&y1>-1/y2>-1:; [только если есть оба героя]
!!UN:C6918840/4/?y10; [получить AdvManager]
!!SN:E7411341/1/y1; !!VRy11:Sv1; [структура первого героя]
!!SN:E7411341/1/y2; !!VRy12:Sv1; [структура второго героя]
!!SN:E4859312/3/y11/y12; [грамотность между героями]
!!SN:E4893280/2/y10/y11/y12; [открыть окно встречи]
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Вкл/откл. быструю битву по клавише "Q" на карте приключений
!?FU77003; [нажатие клавиши]
!!SN:X?y1; [y1 — код клавиши]
!!FU&y1<>81:E; [выйти, если код не 81 (клавиша "Q")]
!!SN:L^Era.dll^/?y2; [получили описатель библиотеки Эры в y2]
!!SN:Ay2/^GetGameState^/?y3; [y3 — адрес функции GetGameState]
!!SN:Ey3/1/?y4; [y4 — ID родительского диалога, y5 — текущего]
!!if&y5=4205280:; [если это не карта приключений]
!!UN:C6916044/4/?y1; [проверить параметр быстрой битвы 0xC006987CC]
!!VRy1:*-1 +1; [вкл/выкл.]
!!UN:C6916044/4/y1; [установить параметр быстрой битвы 0xC006987CC]
!!IF&y1<>0:L^%Z187000^; [показать описание ВКЛ]
!!IF&y1=0:L^%Z187001^; [показать описание ОТКЛ]
!!SN:L^HD_WOG.dll^/?y9; [проверить на HD]
!!if&y5=4662240/y9=0:; [если это экран битвы]
!!BA:E?y9; [проверить на МП битву]
!!IF:Q2^%Z187002?^; [спросить: закончить битву быстро?]
!!SN:W^YQBattle^/1; [запоминалка вернуть ли параметр]
!!UN:C6916044/4/1; [установить быструю битву]
!!SN:W^YQBattle^/?y1; [прочитать параметр]
!!SN:W^YQBattle^/0; [обнулить переменную]
!!UN&y1=1:C6916044/4/0; [отключить быструю битву]
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** автосохранение перед битвой
!!UN:P889/?y1; !!FU&y1<>1:E;
!!OW:C?y2 Iy2/?y3; !!FU&y3<>0:E;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Оковы Войны (в бою с нейтралами можно убежать с поля боя)
!?BG0; !!BG:A?y1; !!BA:H1/?y2; [узнать героя защитника]
!!UN&y1=4/y2=-2:C4689325/1/2; [подменить номер арта]
!?BA52; !!UN:C4689325/1/125; [вернуть номер арта]
** открытие окон героев в битве по ПКМ на дефе героев
!!CM:F?y1 D?y2;
!!BA:H0/?y4 H1/?y5;
** Быстрая тактическая расстановка
!!SN:L^HD_WOG.dll^/?y1 L^HD_MCR.dll^/?y2;
!!CM:F?y2 I?y3 D?y4;
!!BG:N?y6 Q?y7;
!!BMy5:I?y8 T?y9;
; ПКМ описание кнопок Журнал и Рюкзак
!?CM2; !!CM:F?y1 I?y2;
!!CM&y1=512/y2=8000:R0; !!IF&y1=512/y2=8000:M0/4/^%Z187003^;
!!CM&y1=512/y2=128:R0; !!IF&y1=512/y2=128:M0/4/^%Z187004^;
!!UN:P888/?y1; Доступно максимум 3 героя (опционально)
!!UN&y1=1:C6129162/1/3 C4864993/1/3 C6116975/1/3 C4395921/1/3;
!!UN&y1<>1:C6129162/1/8 C4864993/1/8 C6116975/1/8 C4395921/1/8;
!!UN:P3/?y1; Отключение рук командира (скрин в окне героя)
!!SN&y1=1:L^Era.dll^/?y1 Ay1/^RedirectFile^/?y2 Ey2/1/^heroscr4.pcx^/^heroscr3.pcx^;
; Сильное усиление ИИ по первичным навыкам
!!VRy2:S0 R3;
** end
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Known Hero
posted April 09, 2021 07:58 PM |
Edited by igrik at 20:00, 09 Apr 2021.
Hero_of_Light said:
; Сильное усиление ИИ по первичным навыкам
!!VRy2:S0 R3;
** end
The reason for your problem is this. This piece of the script enhances the heroes: when AI hero is level up, they gain +2 primary skills on the maximum difficulty of the game, and +1 on the penultimate difficulty level
Supreme Hero
posted April 11, 2021 01:13 PM |
Thank you, but what other function does this scrpt have? Do I need it to play?
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Known Hero
posted April 12, 2021 07:39 AM |
Hero_of_Light said: Thank you, but what other function does this scrpt have? Do I need it to play?
Let's go through the script from top to bottom:
1) Disable bonus vog abilities of creatures other than: attack, defense, damage, health, and speed
2) Exchange of heroes in the city by ALT+LMB (no longer relevant. Need to delete)
3) Quickly finish the fight on Q (no longer relevant. Need to delete)
4) Create a save before the battle " BattleSave!" (no longer relevant. Need to delete)
5) In a battle with neutrals, the shackles of war do not apply
6) Opening the hero dialog in battle: right - click on the hero
7) Quick tactical positioning
8) The maximum number of heroes per player is 3
9) Strengthen the primary skills of the AI hero when gaining a level
Supreme Hero
posted April 12, 2021 07:18 PM |
Ok so I don't think it is necessary. Thank you!
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Adventuring Hero
posted May 13, 2021 02:40 PM |
Adventuring Hero
posted June 24, 2021 02:14 PM |
hi all - first 1 installed a clean version of SOD - after that i installed "Era latest.exe" and after that "HoMM 3 HD latest.exe" - so far - so good -- now i copied all Mods from my last H3-Installation to the new version, also all old games - then with the mod-manager i load the old mods - and now --- "The game is incompatible with this version of Pandora's APl. Update or disable Pandora's APl, or use compatible version of the game (recommended ERA 2.46)" - what shall or what can i do - the mod i want to play is TEW IV - with all suggested mods like "HMS impoved, Map advanced info, Yona, in the wake of Gods (Core) , " etc.
Thx for helping
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted July 21, 2021 03:33 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 16:33, 21 Jul 2021.
Ok info to you! Simple plan/design went to crash! What? I gave a option: 4 Warlord's Banners to Seer's Hut aka you must have 4 Warlord's Banners to exchange or something. WoG didn't last. Ok gaming version is 2.9.13 and it HoMM3 HD crashed. Ok fix it Thanks!
EDIT: No bug, but too many Seer's Huts caused crash. An odd thing, when mapeditor said maximum 48 towns, for example, but no Seer's Hut yet, and it crashed. Lesser Seer's Huts have working
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Tavern Dweller
posted July 26, 2021 09:30 PM |
Is it possible to turn on simultaneous turns in ERA?
I tried everything and game just starts without any turns options Of course I also used HDMod.
Known Hero
posted December 03, 2021 11:46 PM |
avatar said: Hello. Together with VIP I decided to make ERA campaign edition build. This build is for playing WoG campaigns only and... nothing more. So access to single player screen and wog options is locked, so player can't mess with options and scripts and that's why WoG settings is as close to vanilla wog 3.50 campaigns as possible. Engine is ERA 2.46. + latest HD-mod.
Files should be copied to clean Heroes3 version. Updating hd-mod in not recommended. You'll get some ERM errors but it seems they don't break playability.
any chance to update it to the newest version? I am using the ERA launcher (newest version) And I can't play campaigns. Tried installing this but it doesn't work
Supreme Hero
posted December 05, 2021 06:25 PM |
Hahah, there won't be newest version because it's not the point of this mod. Newest ERA versions even more break campaigns compatibility, so this pack contains the ancient ERA version to ensure maximum compatibility with ancient WoG campaings So this pack will never be add-on of ERA launcher
And as I wrote before:
Files should be copied to clean Heroes3 version. Updating hd-mod in not recommended. You'll get some ERM errors but it seems they don't break playability.
So install clean H3 once again in separate folder and unpack downloaded files. Then run hd-mod from this directory.
Hired Hero
posted February 13, 2022 03:52 PM |
Can defpreview extract transparent background png file? I can only view image with transparent background, but when it comes to extracted file format, the only choice is bmp, it won't have transparent background.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 13, 2022 04:12 PM |
No, it doesn't do that, so you need to extract as bmp and then use a batch to process all frames in Photoshop, to remove the cyan.
Tavern Dweller
posted May 16, 2022 07:39 PM |
First major thanks and appreciation for the hard work all these years bringing WOG to where it is today and the latest version of ERA. Truly makes Heroes a far more playable game and a map makers/scripters dream come to true.
Working on my own MOD which I hope to make available at some point soon. I have a noticed that opening hero screen always has a 2 second delay. Is this commonly experienced by others or is this a peculiarity I have developed on my system. Not a big deal really but a curiosity.
thanks in advance
Adventuring Hero
posted May 20, 2022 07:55 AM |
Edited by lea at 07:58, 20 May 2022.
JSRdragon said: ... ... I have a noticed that opening hero screen always has a 2 second delay. ... ...
opens nearly instantly for me BUT I use old version of Era (2.46) so it may also be a peculiarity of particular version of Era that you have installed
also may be caused by other mods, unless your own mod is the only one you have installed