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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: Era II
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 24, 2012 10:43 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 10:55, 24 Jul 2012.

Both Stargate and Tew executables are 101% clean, as all other mods posted in HC. A lot of antiviruses (specially those free) are botched and will give a warning at every mouse click, to make you think they're good. Internet browsing is very dangerous, thus the need to have a good antivirus, which can make the difference between safe and not safe.

Then, of course, it is up to you to dissociate links from safe to unsafe. Obscure executables links, which have no download counter or user comments are often infected.  

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Supreme Hero
posted July 24, 2012 04:16 PM

schiz, just open these exe files with WinRar. If it recognizes them as self-extracting archives and displays the contents, they are probably safe. Probably, because any ERM script can hold a virus which NO antivirus in the world can detect. But so far I don't know any existing ERM virus.

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Adventuring Hero
wandering hero
posted July 24, 2012 07:25 PM

Check out your mods, era makes no replacements except hota ones

Yeah, I foung it - my mistake. It was caused by mod New Uprades.

Thank yuou!
Freedom comes at a price

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Adventuring Hero
wandering hero
posted July 24, 2012 08:41 PM

It's normal that I can't choose wog heroes (Gelu,..) as a starting heroes in map specifications even when I allowed them in map editor?
Freedom comes at a price

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 24, 2012 10:42 PM

Gelu is NOT a wog hero, and he could never be selected at start in both SoD or WoG. To do so, you have to use the editor.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted July 24, 2012 10:49 PM

k guys, i have a problem. i have installed H3 complete, run the .exe in the first post, and added the "composed objects and NPC .exe" file. those work fine. what i want to know is, where do i locate the zeobjts text file that i need to add additional stuff, like the H2 map objects add-on, and the 2000 objects add-on?

i already understand that .wog files will not work with Era2. i already have the ".def, .msg, .msk" files needed to update the map editor with the other objects i want. i found out how to manipulate the "zeobjts" text file, and now i need to know where it is located in the Era Heroes 3 folder. anyone out there know what i'm talking about, and can help to direct me to it?

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Undefeatable Hero
posted July 25, 2012 12:23 AM

or, the reverse: convert a .pac file to a .rar or .zip file, to extract the map objects? (for the "composed objects and npc.exe" file?

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Adventuring Hero
New Hero
posted July 25, 2012 01:14 AM

A .pac file is simply a renamed .lod file. If you want to use your defs and things in your own mod you will need a program to create a lod file and insert all your files into it. Then rename extension to .pac

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Supreme Hero
posted July 25, 2012 02:03 AM

And if you use the "all files" option to load a file in MMARCHIVE, it will load a .pac file, add or extract files, resave the file, etc.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted July 25, 2012 04:28 AM

thanks for the info, guys. i guess there is no way to add all the objects at once, instead of one-by-one through a .lod?

2nd question- i just panned through a lot of map objects (that i haven't seen before) in the era 2 map editor. seems like most of it is just decoration, and doesn't even have a GRID assigned to them. how do i assign grids, rename object, and save? it seems i remember a program that does that, but how do i make my changes permanent(for the editor, and the game)?

3rd question- how do i resize things? the sheer size of some of these map objects are a little dumb. i want to make things more Heroes-friendly.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted July 25, 2012 04:30 AM

nevermind about the multiple-add question (#1), looks like jimv answered that. i'm a little slow sometimes, i will admit.

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Tavern Dweller
posted July 25, 2012 04:35 AM

Both Stargate and Tew executables are 101% clean,

Yes, I'm sure they are. I just need to figure out how to get them past Norton. Shouldn't be too difficult. I'm sure at some point I will download and install those.

I might replay tew3 in the mean time. I don't think I finished it the first time around. Not exactly sure why. Probably couldn't play for a while then had trouble figuring out where I was after a couple weeks of not playing. I've played tew2 many times. Played tew1 a couple times too, although I never found it until after I had played tew2 several times.

I haven't played era too much but so far it does seem to be more stable than plain wog. I think I was running 3.58f. Had semi frequent crashes and occasional freezes. More often when using hd mod. I think it crashed only once since I've installed era2, running through hd mod. That's with probably 6 hours or so of game play.

The auto / quick save script is interesting but it would be nice to have more options. It would be nice to have an option to simply save to a numeric file with no limit. First time is 001, second is 002, etc. I can't imagine that would be too difficult to do. Maybe I need to figure out erm...

I need to play around a little to maybe figure out better how era works. I would think that I could copy the wog dir to wog1, wog2, etc and use those directories to "install" the custom stuff from pre-era maps. Only enable the one"wog" that is applicable to the map you are playing. So I guess not wog1, wog2... but more like wog_TEW3, wog_Alexander, etc.

I did extract some stuff from a map to the main data directory already but I understand now that I should have probably put those files in the /wog/data directory. After making a backup copy of wog. Or maybe even better, copy the wog directory to another name and use that directory.

I still haven't read most of this thread. I will make it a point to, eventually, read through and learn more.


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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 25, 2012 05:33 AM

Both Tew III and Alexander (and probably 99% of wog maps) are compatible with Era. Just extract them in maps folder, turn off additional mods and play.

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 25, 2012 07:34 AM

Both Tew III and Alexander (and probably 99% of wog maps) are compatible with Era. Just extract them in maps folder, turn off additional mods and play.

Thank you!

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Tavern Dweller
posted July 26, 2012 05:56 AM

Both Tew III and Alexander (and probably 99% of wog maps) are compatible with Era. Just extract them in maps folder, turn off additional mods and play.

But what about the stuff that should be extracted to the data directory? Do you put those files in the main era data directory, the wog data directory, or maybe a new mod directory? at this point I extracted tew to maps but not the characters to the data dir. Was planning on just playing it with the old character pictures. I assume this is all that is changed. If I can figure out for certain where extract characters.exe, then I will do that before I start. At this point I will probably play around more to figure out exactly how era works. Will probably end up re-installing era and starting over in a couple weeks. I did make a backup copy of h3 complete directory before installing...

I wonder what would happen if I created a new mod directory but only put a data folder in there with the applicable files for tew3 and then enabled that mod directory only when I play that map.

I intended to install a couple era mods (sga & tew4) and, after seeing how those are added, do some testing with copying the wog directory and making some changes and seeing what would happen but I've been kind of busy. Probably no time tomorrow either. Maybe this weekend.

I'm still learning...

I found the erm for dummies thread over at ch. Very interesting. First goal is to figure out quick save as noted earlier. Probably won't be able to implement as noted earlier (001, 002, etc) as it would require knowing which saved files exist. Might need to go with YYYY-MMDD-TIME, assuming that erm can pull current date time and extract as noted. Or even if it's the old excel date time number, main issue is that it needs to be a unique number. Yes, it would result in many saved files which would need to be cleaned up from time to time but that maintenance would be well worth it to avoid several clicks every time you save.

One other thing I meant to ask about is that bringing up the save / load file list seems to take much longer in era. I thought maybe it was the quick / autosave script but i disabled that and it still takes a long time. In the old wog version, it only took a long time the first time (I assume because av needs to scan but I'm not sure). Anyway, old wog, 400+ saved games = display save games list very quickly, era wog = 50 or so saved files = display save games list very slowly. I don't like that but if I can figure out a quick way to autosave many files, it won't matter because I will never need to view the list.

Maybe the auto / quick save is ok now but I don't understand it fully. Seems it only saves 7 of each kind of save. Maybe if the quick save saved a file with both the week and day. Not week 1 thru 4 but week 1 thru 52 (104 if it goes two years).

Sorry for the long post. Thank you to anyone that actually read the whole thing. Will be busy the next couple days so might not be back until the weekend. Many of my questions I can figure out for myself so maybe just let me know anything obvious that I am misunderstanding. Looking forward to playing around with era and erm to understand more closely how it works.

Many thanks to all that put in the hard work for wog and era.

I will try to remember next time to add a signature.



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Tavern Dweller
posted July 27, 2012 12:34 AM
Edited by SonnySynth at 12:35, 27 Jul 2012.

I am having a few problems getting ERA II to run. I have scoured this thread from the beginning and tried everything suggested so I hope someone can help.

I have a clean install of HoMM3 Complete installed and have downloaded ERA 2.3 from the front page of this thread. I ran the .exe file and waited for the DOS box to confirm installation was complete.

When I try and launch ERA II from the shortcut the installer made or if I select [In the Wake of Gods] from the Era Start Menu I get a crash dialogue "Assert Violation in file D:\Soft\Programming\Delphi\Source\SRC\Units\_OLDER_\GameExt.pas on line 404 Error at address: $4FDF0D5", my only option is to click "OK" to close this dialogue. Clicking OK results in a "Windows can check online for a solution" frame, the details of which are:

Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
 Application Name: h3era.exe
 Application Version:
 Application Timestamp: 31313931
 Fault Module Name: era.dll
 Fault Module Version:
 Fault Module Timestamp: 2a425e19
 Exception Code: c0000005
 Exception Offset: 0001be44
 OS Version: 6.1.7600.
 Locale ID: 2057
 Additional Information 1: 7328
 Additional Information 2: 73289ea7b275c3dabdec32f4f4222b57
 Additional Information 3: 3297
 Additional Information 4: 32976691d6b6359381b3f22c5e66b1b4

Is there anything else I can do to fix it or is it down to Windows 7 64 bit incompatability?

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 27, 2012 02:17 AM


Is there anything else I can do to fix it or is it down to Windows 7 64 bit incompatability?

In my opinion with your win7 x64 system itself.
Because my system is x64,did not you say.

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Tavern Dweller
posted July 27, 2012 05:41 AM

Both Tew III and Alexander (and probably 99% of wog maps) are compatible with Era. Just extract them in maps folder, turn off additional mods and play.

I am having a little trouble with tew3. On the first day I get a message box that looks like it has a bunch of erm code. First line says something about fire arrows. It doesn't error out but the message box doesn't seem like it should be displaying. It seems it's erm code that should run but instead it is displayed in a message box.

Then, it allows for wogification. I don't know for sure but I don't think wogification should be possible for this map?

I've tried a few things but right now I have the map and related info in


and the data folder items (.pcx files) in


No other files or directories in era\mods\tew

I have "installed" alexander the same way and it seems to work fine.

I also tried disabling all mods other than wog with the same result. But I wasn't able to disable the secondary skill scrolling mod. I could click on the disable or turn off button but it wouldn't move it to the list of disabled mods.

I haven't gotten around to installing any era version mod/maps but I think for now I will just play alexander the great. That will probably keep me busy for several weeks or longer.



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Undefeatable Hero
posted July 27, 2012 05:43 AM

ok, after i found out that you couldn't change objects in map editor, i uninstalled era2, and went back to my cd-less game version(with wog). and for those of you who said that you couldn't install the "composed objects and NPC" mod on an ERA-less platform, well, you're wrong. i just did it.

now, on to the question i asked before- to shrink the oversized objects(and people) down to H3 size. anyone have an educated answer to that, or do i have to figure that out too?

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 27, 2012 10:25 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 11:39, 27 Jul 2012.

This is the fifth thread where you ask same thing. Answered in the appropriate one.


To play TEW III on Era is simple. Extract map in maps, place the TheEmpireoftheWorld.dat file where you want (maps or data), before starting game load this dat file using wog options, then press yes when asked if wogify.

There is one popup ERM message when game load, is not error just an old syntax which worked on 3.58 while Era shows it, thus ignore it.

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