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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: [Platform] Knightmare Kingdoms
Thread: [Platform] Knightmare Kingdoms This thread is 61 pages long: 1 10 20 30 40 50 ... 54 55 56 57 58 ... 60 61 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
posted September 14, 2021 04:02 PM
Edited by Undeadgamer62 at 17:55, 15 Sep 2021.

majaczek said:
Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-14  beta 17

Really need to upgrade, previous version (b16) was buggy (more than previous ones)

I'm always astounded at how fast you can get a new version out. I'm going to try this is soon as I can.

EDIT 1: I got further this time than before, nearly to the end of the third month before a serious problem arose.

This time, the issue is trying to scroll through the town list in town portal crashes the game. The problem is consistent, but I didn't notice it until the point at which I had more towns than are initially visible in the town portal screen, so I'm not sure if it was present from the beginning or developed later.

To the Mega folder, I've added the current map (dated 9/14), two debug folders (3 and 4), and two saved games (ending in iii and jjj). Everything except the map is dated 9/15.

(The third folder and the first save game illustrate a crash that occurs about 50% of the time but seems totally random. The crash occurs when an AI hero is immobile (unless there's one hiding in the darkness created by darkness dragons.)

I experienced one freeze and three crashes before these. In three of the four cases, replaying from the last save solved the problem. One required replaying from the second to last save. In one case, an AI hero retreated to a dragon peak already captured. Just entering it seems to have caused the crash. Weird! (That might have been a good debug folder to send you, too, but another crash occurred before I thought about it.)

But all things considered, the game up to the town portal problem was going much better than before. At least eight times, an AI hero successfully attacked a dragon peak without incident. Most lost, but a couple successfully conquered one. Considering how many times that precipitated a crash in the last version, that's a considerable improvement.

I am still seeing a few error messages, but the game doesn't crash, and nothing seems to be affected by them. (One is the 3309 one, and the other is the 0-20 expected, value is 21 one.) On the whole, they appeared fewer times in this playthrough than before.

When you have the time to post the next update, can you also let me know if the existing game could be continued after the mod files are replaced or if I'd need to start a new one.

Thanks again for all the work you do.


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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 15, 2021 06:34 PM

Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-15  beta 18

fixed rare town AI crash
improved artifact AI
fixed Anubis Knight having no settings
fixed several artifact configs

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Known Hero
posted September 15, 2021 07:11 PM

majaczek said:
Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-15  beta 18

fixed rare town AI crash
improved artifact AI
fixed Anubis Knight having no settings
fixed several artifact configs

Any thoughts about the town portal scrolling crash? Most people won't notice it until sometime during midgame, but it makes the game very cumbersome to finish.

Or have you corrected it already? It's not mentioned in the list of changes.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 15, 2021 07:30 PM

Undeadgamer62 said:
majaczek said:
Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-15  beta 18

fixed rare town AI crash
improved artifact AI
fixed Anubis Knight having no settings
fixed several artifact configs

Any thoughts about the town portal scrolling crash? Most people won't notice it until sometime during midgame, but it makes the game very cumbersome to finish.

Or have you corrected it already? It's not mentioned in the list of changes.

I do not know

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Known Hero
posted September 15, 2021 07:37 PM
Edited by Undeadgamer62 at 16:20, 16 Sep 2021.

I can't right now, but when I get a chance, I'll see if the new version makes any difference. I'm not a programmer, but I've seen enough to know that sometimes changing one thing can affect others.

EDIT 1: The good news is I was able to finish the game, which I haven't been able to do with any of the recent versions. Crash potential is greatly reduced. The bad news is I installed Beta 18, and the town portal problem didn't go away. Perhaps I need a brand-new game to be sure. (I'm not sure what information in a saved games interact, if at all, with file changes.)

I'm sure the version of KK I was playing the last time I was around (the April 24 version) didn't have the town portal glitch, which would suggest it was created by changes either in ERA or KK after that time, if that helps. Did you change the town portal script between then and now? I could be wrong, but I feel as if Dimension Door works differently than it did (more uses per turn at higher levels than before). I'm asking because maybe the spell script is the culprit if it changed.

Anyway, I'll try starting a game in the new version and see what happens. I won't be able to tell for sure until I acquire the tenth castle, which means some time into the game.

EDIT 2: Luck is just not with me. I'm actually having more trouble with this version than the previous one in terms of crashes. I can usually back out of them by going back a couple of saves, but then another one happens in two or three days. It always seems to be the same AI player, but whatever is happening is taking place on a part of the map I can't see. One of them occurred right after a 3309 message, but that may be coincidence. This issue began in the second month, somewhat earlier than previously.

To the Mega folder, I've added the last save before a crash, the debug folder (labeled 5) and the map. The map is dated 9.15, the other two 9/16.

Sadly, I can't shed more light on the town portal issue yet--none of my heroes even knows the spell so far. But it seems there may be a more pressing issue. Or perhaps it's just a fluke. But it's probably worth taking a look at, just to be sure.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 16, 2021 04:53 PM
Edited by majaczek at 18:02, 16 Sep 2021.

Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-16  beta 19

also please use builtin saving function. Just press S and name would be set automagically

EDIT: hmm, problem at 0x0044A1D6 - interesting
EDIT: it seems to be a conflict with AI_AICalcBattleSide_Cast_BuffOrDebuffToIt - I will inspect further

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Known Hero
posted September 16, 2021 06:14 PM

majaczek said:
Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-16  beta 19

also please use builtin saving function. Just press S and name would be set automagically

EDIT: hmm, problem at 0x0044A1D6 - interesting
EDIT: it seems to be a conflict with AI_AICalcBattleSide_Cast_BuffOrDebuffToIt - I will inspect further

Thanks as always for your help. I've already downloaded beta 19 through Discord and have played a little. So far, so good.

Does the s function save using sequential files or only one? I ask because, as you know, it is sometimes necessary to go back more than one save in order to recover from a crash.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 16, 2021 06:16 PM

Undeadgamer62 said:
majaczek said:
Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-16  beta 19

also please use builtin saving function. Just press S and name would be set automagically

EDIT: hmm, problem at 0x0044A1D6 - interesting
EDIT: it seems to be a conflict with AI_AICalcBattleSide_Cast_BuffOrDebuffToIt - I will inspect further

Thanks as always for your help. I've already downloaded beta 19 through Discord and have played a little. So far, so good.

Does the s function save using sequential files or only one? I ask because, as you know, it is sometimes necessary to go back more than one save in order to recover from a crash.

sequential always, in folder named like skirmish.

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Known Hero
posted September 17, 2021 12:00 AM

Yes, the saving procedure you mentioned is very efficient.

So far, I've had none of the problems with Beta 19 that I had with Beta 18. I'm at 3rd month, second week and have had only one crash, and that one was recoverable. There were also a few error messages that didn't result in a crash. This is considerable better than my luck with the earlier betas.

I can't yet shed any light on the town portal problem. One of my heroes just learned it, and I only have four towns, anyway, so it won't be evident until later.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 17, 2021 10:47 AM
Edited by majaczek at 13:00, 17 Sep 2021.

are you sure you don't added any incompatible mods?

EDIT: Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-17  beta 20

nerfed wisdom specialists
probably fixed the Dispel crashbug
fixed part of commander description
boosted the Brute commander

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Known Hero
posted September 17, 2021 03:21 PM

majaczek said:
are you sure you don't added any incompatible mods?

EDIT: Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-17  beta 20

nerfed wisdom specialists
probably fixed the Dispel crashbug
fixed part of commander description
boosted the Brute commander

I followed your instructions to the letter.

By the way, I'm not sure if this is relevant since you already have a new beta out (amazingly), but Beta 19 definitely has the town portal problem. As soon as I had a tenth town, trying to scroll the town portal list consistently causes a crash. (Did you try opening the relevant saves on your system? Didn't you see the same problem, or is it something unique to my system?)

I'm into the fourth month, and the game remains stable. I did notice an interesting thing that suggests two attacks on dragon peaks by the same AI player in the same turn still causes a crash. Oddly, the first attack was preceded by the game showing me all the messages intended for the AI. It was something like, "This battle has taken already X turns," repeated about five times, then a message about fleeing the battle. (ERA by itself also occasionally shows messages intended for AI players, so this isn't a KK problem.) The very next hero for the same player hit another dragon peaks right after, and the game crashed. I resolved the problem by going back a save, and defeating the first hero in the chain. But it's worth noting just in case there is some kind of glitch that only shows with a two-in-a-row situation. All other dragon peak attacks did not cause a problem.

I'm going to finish the current game. Then I'll try out the new beta.

Question: what's the nerf on the wisdom specialists? I'm assuming they now gain spell power every numeric level rather than every time there's a secondary skill gain (which, as you know, are three per level), but it would be good to know before I start, so that I can strategize accordingly.

Thanks again for all you do.  

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 17, 2021 03:58 PM
Edited by majaczek at 15:59, 17 Sep 2021.

Undeadgamer62 said:

Question: what's the nerf on the wisdom specialists? I'm assuming they now gain spell power every numeric level rather than every time there's a secondary skill gain (which, as you know, are three per level), but it would be good to know before I start, so that I can strategize accordingly.

Thanks again for all you do.  

because they get +1 power each advance so 3 per numeric level. now they advance +1 power per 2 numeric levels

also fixed the display for wisdom specialist.

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Known Hero
posted September 17, 2021 04:33 PM
Edited by Undeadgamer62 at 00:26, 18 Sep 2021.

majaczek said:
Undeadgamer62 said:

Question: what's the nerf on the wisdom specialists? I'm assuming they now gain spell power every numeric level rather than every time there's a secondary skill gain (which, as you know, are three per level), but it would be good to know before I start, so that I can strategize accordingly.

Thanks again for all you do.  

because they get +1 power each advance so 3 per numeric level. now they advance +1 power per 2 numeric levels

also fixed the display for wisdom specialist.

Thanks. That sounds like a good solution (better than the one I was thinking of).

EDIT 1: I think I misread your description. Going from plus 3 every numeric level to plus 1 every other level is a pretty drastic drop. I think maybe plus 1 per level would be better. I don't know how it works out in games with human players, but in games against the AI, I've beaten AI wisdom heroes even under the old system. But perhaps I'll get used to the current levels by the end of the game. We'll see.

EDIT 2: I have a few other observations. I just lost a battle in which the enemy seer tent (castle type) did something like 294,606 damage and had more than 6.5 million hit points. That has to be a bug, right? I can't think of any legitimate way for anyone to do that, and it certainly is unbalanced. It makes the luggage look weak by comparison. It also makes the hero involved pretty much unbeatable. In theory, I should be able to kill all the troops and win the battle, but with a commander with rebirth, the AI can hold out long enough for the tent to gun down all my troop stacks. (It can kill one each round.)

Another issue I've noticed in this battle in the use of the sacrifice spell on a commander with rebirth. This shouldn't be allowed. The whole point of sacrifice is, well, sacrifice. The idea that the AI can sacrifice a commander to resurrect other troops and then have the commander in turn resurrect is definitely inconsistent with the spell's intent. Probably, it would make sense to prevent the spell from working on either commanders or henchmen, both of whom can be brought back after battle. Ordinary troops only!

PS It occurred to me that just describing the problem might not be very helpful without a sample, so I uploaded the saved game right before the battle to the mega folder. The focus should be on Coronius, but if it isn't, click on him in the hero list. Then dimension door him diagonal down and right to fight Catherine. As soon as the battle starts, check the tent stats. I think you'll be very surprised.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 18, 2021 10:51 AM
Edited by majaczek at 12:27, 18 Sep 2021.

yes I see. Catherine have got misproperly calculated tent on Coronius turn. after it happen to be Catherine turn it fixes themselves. I will investigate more

okay it seems that Catherine has Sage Tent level zero. so posibly there occurs float division by zero which gets infinity which gets max_int after converting to integer.

Edit: wrong bet, it just got internal level 65535
fixed in future version

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Known Hero
posted September 18, 2021 03:15 PM
Edited by Undeadgamer62 at 03:12, 19 Sep 2021.

majaczek said:
yes I see. Catherine have got misproperly calculated tent on Coronius turn. after it happen to be Catherine turn it fixes themselves. I will investigate more

okay it seems that Catherine has Sage Tent level zero. so posibly there occurs float division by zero which gets infinity which gets max_int after converting to integer.

Edit: wrong bet, it just got internal level 65535
fixed in future version

You are always quick with a solution! I suppose you've been working with modding long enough that you understand the mechanics far better than most.

EDIT 1: I'm in month 3, week 3 of a playthrough of the latest beta (20, I think), and so far there have been few crashes, all recoverable by starting from the last save. It's been generally smooth during the last few betas, but the big news here is that the issue with scrolling through the town list in town portal crashing the game seems to have been resolved. I just took town #10 and discovered I could scroll through the list with no problem. This is great!

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 19, 2021 10:38 AM
Edited by majaczek at 11:30, 19 Sep 2021.

Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-19 beta 22

- Fixed War Machine Owerflow
- Nerfed Magic Specialists
- Added Royalty script
- Rebalanced Difficulty


Change main Hero Name as you wish and apply the Heir to the throne title to him/her. Now you won't be able to rename it again, but he would came into right tavern slot everytime he/she was defeated at a price of loosing some experience.

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Known Hero
posted September 19, 2021 03:57 PM

majaczek said:
Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-09-19 beta 22

- Fixed War Machine Owerflow
- Nerfed Magic Specialists
- Added Royalty script
- Rebalanced Difficulty


Change main Hero Name as you wish and apply the Heir to the throne title to him/her. Now you won't be able to rename it again, but he would came into right tavern slot everytime he/she was defeated at a price of loosing some experience.

I'll try it as soon as I finish my current game.

By the way, I was wrong about town portal. I must have been very sleepy. I was looking at the town list on the side. Trying to scroll in town portal list still results in a crash.

Just in case, I'm uploading to Mega a saved game file dated September 18. (I don't remember whether any of the ones I uploaded previously are far enough along in the game to show the problem.)  It's easy to replicate. Just go to Coronius or Elleshar, start to cast town portal, and try to scroll the town list. The crash happens every time.

Theory: If you haven't altered the town portal script significantly, I think the problem may lie with the dragon peaks. Twice, I've gotten a message after town substitution about having too many towns (over 100). I'm pretty sure there aren't really over 100, but the message could indicate a problem with the town list.

As you'll see when you open the saved game, there are a lot of dragon peaks. I think I counted more than twenty in the areas that are visible, including rows in them in the lava areas. As much as I like the new design, this seems excessive. And unlike the older versions, the newer ones don't give players an option of whether to use the feature, and if so, how much. The peaks, though more townlike than in earlier versions, don't have names and are obviously coded differently than the rampart model on which they're based.

Is there any possibility that something about the dragon peaks causes issues with the town list? I know the sidebar town list on the right scrolls normally, but it also has a different scrolling mechanism (big arrows at top and bottom), whereas the town portal version has a sidebar scrolling control.

Because the problem doesn't arise until after the player has more than nine towns, it probably won't show up in games on small maps or with fewer opponents. And it isn't exactly game-breaking. A hero with dimension door who can't portal to a particular town can portal to one close and jump the rest of the way. Still, it would be good if the problem could be fixed.    

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 19, 2021 06:42 PM
Edited by majaczek at 19:02, 19 Sep 2021.

Yes you Are Right. It is a Problem with DP. Or any other unnamed town. Nice catch.

EDIT: Next time enable town renaming in wog options. Change the name of all DP you got. Sorry You have to use this workaround until next beta :|

EDIT: Oooh Sorry. Town Renaming also doesn't work

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Known Hero
posted September 19, 2021 08:26 PM

majaczek said:
Yes you Are Right. It is a Problem with DP. Or any other unnamed town. Nice catch.

EDIT: Next time enable town renaming in wog options. Change the name of all DP you got. Sorry You have to use this workaround until next beta :|

EDIT: Oooh Sorry. Town Renaming also doesn't work

Well, at least you've identified the problem. I'm confident you'll figure out a fix. In the meantime, at least grandmaster dimension door can still get me across the map pretty fast. I guess the only hazard would be the AI trying to scroll the town portal town list. But I try to keep any of the AI players from getting nine castles, anyway.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted September 19, 2021 08:55 PM

Undeadgamer62 said:
majaczek said:
Yes you Are Right. It is a Problem with DP. Or any other unnamed town. Nice catch.

EDIT: Next time enable town renaming in wog options. Change the name of all DP you got. Sorry You have to use this workaround until next beta :|

EDIT: Oooh Sorry. Town Renaming also doesn't work

Well, at least you've identified the problem. I'm confident you'll figure out a fix. In the meantime, at least grandmaster dimension door can still get me across the map pretty fast. I guess the only hazard would be the AI trying to scroll the town portal town list. But I try to keep any of the AI players from getting nine castles, anyway.

It is only a problem with HD_WoG.dll not checking nullptr (the game itself does). Also it happens only in the UI so AI won't trigger the bug

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