Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 06, 2015 01:48 PM |
Nice patch, this time I won't forget to advertise it on AoH.
Famous Hero
posted March 06, 2015 02:29 PM |
Tavern Dweller
posted March 06, 2015 03:31 PM |
Edited by Pit at 16:44, 06 Mar 2015.
@ Version: 1.3.7
HotA bugs:
[-] Fixed wrong Phoenix portrait
I found one bug in English history list (1.3.4):
"[-] Cost of constructing Upg. Shack (Cove) went down from 1200 до 1000 gp"
should be:
"[-] Cost of constructing Upg. Shack (Cove) went down from 1200 to 1000 gp"
Famous Hero
posted March 06, 2015 05:26 PM |
I liked the old Portraits better (Cove) but I guess it's a copyright issue, isn't it? Anyways... new mapobjects even if they're just for optics are really apreciated...
Hired Hero
posted March 06, 2015 05:52 PM |
Some feedback for HotA v.1.3.7
Heroes III HotA v.1.3.7:
First of all, congratulations to HotA team for this awesome addon and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
These observations are only my opinion and not criticism by any mean. This is only some feedback to hopefully make HotA even better.
Also, some of them probably are intended, I don't know, I only report them.
After I updated HotA v.1.3.5 to 1.3.6, and then to 1.3.7:
--- I like the design of the new black towers, but they look like they don't have roof. In v.1.3.5 they were a lot higher, true, but roof looked OK [url=http://postimg.org/image/6g1g0n4a5/][/url].
--- I personally do not see any advantage in having a black frame on artifacts on window. It only looks uglier, something like fan-made with no real benefit. I like better like they were in HotA v.1.3.5 and in original Heroes III.
These things are perhaps because of the new HoMM3 HD 3.808f ? Or because of the new HotA ? I updated them both in the same time.
--- When starting the game, the Heroes III window is MINIMIZED ON TASKBAR BY DEFAULT. To play the game I must maually click on it to maximize it.
--- When I play in fullscreen, when I push F4 in game, the window is not maximized by default like it was before.
I don't have a second computer right now to test if they are repetable.
Hired Hero
posted March 06, 2015 06:17 PM |
TyrAntilles said:
--- When starting the game, the Heroes III window is MINIMIZED ON TASKBAR BY DEFAULT. To play the game I must maually click on it to maximize it.
This issue was solved after a computer restart.
Hired Hero
posted March 06, 2015 06:25 PM |
the roof of black towers is missing for me too when i load a saved game i played before the update. But it i checked it on a new map and it is fine so i quess there isnt any problem
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted March 06, 2015 06:39 PM |
Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted March 06, 2015 06:41 PM |
Oh, yes, something I did enjoyed seeing where the towers from H2 appearing on the adventure map. Good thinking!
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2
Known Hero
posted March 06, 2015 11:21 PM |
Thanks for great work. Ubisoft should hire you and the wog team and other moders to work on heroes HD.
Have a small question, did you think of animating trees and plants on the map in similar way it was done in I think WoG? It made the maps looks a lot more alive. Just a small thought.
Famous Hero
posted March 07, 2015 12:03 AM |
Edited by hippox89 at 00:07, 07 Mar 2015.
To be honest, I think it's very ignorant to think something good could ever come by the crew selling out to Ubisoft, no offence. I know you're also simply praising them by saying it.
Anyhow, animated trees is a bad idea for HotA, imo. The WoG animated trees creates a visual clutter to look at by creating an overflow of animation on the world map. It might also cause performance issues. I'm sure the idea could be implemented better by the crew, but I don't think they could ever rid it of the fundamental negative aspects.
Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted March 07, 2015 12:09 AM |
I agree. Sort of unnecessary.
Many small elements moving ceaselessly all around your range of vision might become overwhelming pretty fast, to the point that you wouldn't want it anymore; beside the fact already stated of performance. It would also make many players confused by elements that they can interact with with only eye-candy.
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2
Famous Hero
posted March 07, 2015 01:38 AM |
somi said: Thanks for great work. Ubisoft should hire you and the wog team and other moders to work on heroes HD.
Have a small question, did you think of animating trees and plants on the map in similar way it was done in I think WoG? It made the maps looks a lot more alive. Just a small thought.
Yeah, i'm sure they'd love to work with Heroes 3 HDs ugly 'smudge' sprites and DotEmus awful engine.
Known Hero
posted March 07, 2015 11:47 AM |
Datapack said:
somi said: Thanks for great work. Ubisoft should hire you and the wog team and other moders to work on heroes HD.
Have a small question, did you think of animating trees and plants on the map in similar way it was done in I think WoG? It made the maps looks a lot more alive. Just a small thought.
Yeah, i'm sure they'd love to work with Heroes 3 HDs ugly 'smudge' sprites and DotEmus awful engine.
Not work with, but fix it. Generally if ubisoft did similar thing what gearbox did with homeworld remastered, where they hired original developers and moders to work on the game. Be sure that we would not get the crappy heroes HD that we have now.
Famous Hero
posted March 07, 2015 12:07 PM |
somi said:
Not work with, but fix it. Generally if ubisoft did similar thing what gearbox did with homeworld remastered, where they hired original developers and moders to work on the game. Be sure that we would not get the crappy heroes HD that we have now.
Wont happen, that costs money and Ubisoft shows no interest in fixing what's wrong with the Might and Magic series but instead is looking to milk the living snow out the remaining fans.
Potmdehex is trying to fix the game as much as he can but it'll take some time because DotEmu improved nothing over the original release(except some balacing).
Known Hero
posted March 07, 2015 12:42 PM |
Datapack said:
somi said:
Not work with, but fix it. Generally if ubisoft did similar thing what gearbox did with homeworld remastered, where they hired original developers and moders to work on the game. Be sure that we would not get the crappy heroes HD that we have now.
Wont happen, that costs money and Ubisoft shows no interest in fixing what's wrong with the Might and Magic series but instead is looking to milk the living snow out the remaining fans.
Potmdehex is trying to fix the game as much as he can but it'll take some time because DotEmu improved nothing over the original release(except some balacing).
Well this is going to much offtopic so my last post on this matter.
It doesnt matter will it happen or not. I posted it here to say the work HoTa team did is of high quality and much better than what ubi did with heroes hd with a full time paid team.
Hired Hero
posted March 07, 2015 01:55 PM |
hippox89 said:
Anyhow, animated trees is a bad idea for HotA, imo. The WoG animated trees creates a visual clutter to look at by creating an overflow of animation on the world map. It might also cause performance issues.
I agree. I really hope HotA will continue to improve Heroes III in the true spirit of the original and not change the game into something that is not really Heroes III.
Tavern Dweller
posted March 07, 2015 02:28 PM |
Edited by molski at 20:48, 07 Mar 2015.
Thanks for the update and fixing map editor for Wine!
By the way, what is the "Land decorative tail level" (on random maps) and what has been affected by changing it from 4 to 1?
I also want to say something about Learning secondary skill. The tweak of Kinkeria's specialty from 5% per level to constant 100% can be generally considered a buff, because on most maps, heroes do not level up way beyond level 20. So, I made some calculations to see how profitable is Kinkeria's specialty now and Learning skill in general. In all the calculations I assume heroes have Expert Learning since level 1, just to see the "best case ever possible".
Turns out, Learning without specialty is the worst skill in the game, because the 15% experience gain grants the hero no real benefits: if a level 20 hero had Expert Learning from level 1, he still would have had level 20. Learning does no good and it takes away 1 precious secondary skill slot in this case. So, what about Kinkeria's promising 30% extra experience? Turns out that starting from level 6, Kinkeria has just 1 level more than any other hero. 1 level equals 1 primary skill, and this is all the profit from wasting two levels on mastering this skill and one secondary skill slot.
So as you see, Learning is actually the most useless skill in the game, losing with First Aid and Eagle Eye, which can be gamebreaking in some certain, but very rare circumstances. There are no circumstances under which Learning could give a significant gain to any hero, ever.
I'm pretty sure everyone has figured it out like 10 years ago, but right now there is a possibility to make this skill worth picking, because we have a great bunch of people working on HotA who could be able to do something with it Although I didn't like the 50% nerf on Necromancy at first, it really tones down the overpoweredness of Skeletons, so that's why I think you could try tackling the issue of Learning some time.
What would I do with Learning to make it worth picking? Change the percentage from 5/10/15 percent to at least 40/80/120 percent. Yes, I'm serious about that buff - it may look enormously big at first, but all it really does is effectively add 4 levels (6-7 for Kinkeria) more over the heroes without Learning. And it costs two or three levels to master the skill and uses up one skill slot. I think this percentage might still be too small for the skill to be worth picking, comparing it to eg. Logistics which I'd have probably taken even if Expert was nerfed from 30% to 20%. But on the other hand, some heroes with level-based specialties would really benefit the extra 4-levels effect to their specialty, eg. Kyrre.
Supreme Hero
posted March 07, 2015 02:47 PM |
Personally I think that only 100%/150%/200% can save Learning.
Tavern Dweller
posted March 07, 2015 03:40 PM |
Edited by yojo2 at 15:41, 07 Mar 2015.
Well, how about making it dependent on the hero's level? For example change the bonus to 5/10/15% * level. There would need to be an upper cap though.