
Known Hero
posted January 21, 2025 03:05 AM |
planetavril said: What neutral creatures would you like to see in play?
From a lore perspective?
Dark elves, if there is no plans for a town associated with the Dark Elves of Alvar. Mentioned in Forged in Fire, and very, very prominent on Jadame.
Wererats, if not incorporated into a theoretical Alvarian-centred town. Also mentioned/appearing in text in Forged in Fire, can be found in much of Jadame if not in large numbers.
Dark dwarves. Also mentioned in Forged in Fire. Present on Jadame, even if their full extent is somewhat unclear.
Tritons. Canonical Plane of Water-associated creatures while also strongly present on Enroth, and capable of operating on land.
Chargers. Canonical Plane of Earth-associated present on Enroth.
Ravenmen. Canonical Plane of Air-associated creature, not known to be present on Enroth but definitely look like they could be (also, they have pretty distinctive appearance).
From the more more important gameplay perspective, I can't say I have anything that comes to mind as a good missing niche.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 21, 2025 06:28 AM |
planetavril said: What neutral creatures would you like to see in play?
Kraken and some other sea only creatures.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 21, 2025 06:58 AM |
planetavril said: What neutral creatures would you like to see in play?
Water creatures.
Multi headed dragon

Famous Hero
posted January 21, 2025 08:19 AM |
I would see since they are missing in the game:
the female elemental of ice,
dark elf (possibly female),
female angel,
shaman (who may have a raven mask),
celestial chariots pulled by lions,
a dragon/snake: https://heroes3towns.com/towns/citadel/concept_009.jpg.
I directed my thoughts towards female creatures because there are few of them in the game unlike male ones

Known Hero
posted January 21, 2025 08:34 AM |
LordInsane said:
planetavril said: What neutral creatures would you like to see in play?
From a lore perspective?
Dark elves,....Wererats, .....Dark dwarves. .....Tritons. ....Chargers. .....Ravenmen. ...
And maybe the bee fighters from MM8

Tavern Dweller
posted January 21, 2025 09:15 AM |
planetavril said: What neutral creatures would you like to see in play?
I'd honestly like to see giant spiders or spider queens. I was thinking, perhaps Spider Queens could be like a tier 3 or 4 unit and giant spiders more of a tier 1 and not in an upgrade relationship, 2 separate units. When a Spider Queen kills a stack, giant spiders could emerge from eggs equal to the amount of Spider Queens, a bit like when you summon elementals and they don't remain in the hero's army after the battle.
I love that fantasy trope and it's kinda missing in Heroes 3 and we also know that you can encounter giant spiders in MM6 and 7 and probably 8, but not sure on that.
That's my hopes and wishes anyway. ^^

Tavern Dweller
posted January 21, 2025 10:53 AM |
Dairy said:
LordInsane said:
planetavril said: What neutral creatures would you like to see in play?
From a lore perspective?
Dark elves,....Wererats, .....Dark dwarves. .....Tritons. ....Chargers. .....Ravenmen. ...
And maybe the bee fighters from MM8
Like it! Also the werewolf idea which was mentioned earlier.

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted January 21, 2025 02:02 PM |
Why HotA maps are unstrategic?! Some maps are puzzle, it isn't strategy but task as a checkmate in two movements in different chess book, etc Ok I played Apocalypse (SoD), I saw that map is impossible level in MP.. You can learn about it.. It's an example map is a very strategy.. HotA could make maps.. Where are "strong" AI.. AIs played well..
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Tavern Dweller
posted January 21, 2025 05:41 PM |
Last map on newly added camp
Hello,first things first:loving every single new thing that came out with new update,especially eagle eye and learning tweaks.
Now,does someone know what is the time limit on quest guard on Chasing a Dream scenario? The one where you collect Pendant of Death underground.

posted January 23, 2025 05:34 AM |
LordInsane said:
planetavril said: What neutral creatures would you like to see in play?
From a lore perspective?
Dark elves, if there is no plans for a town associated with the Dark Elves of Alvar. Mentioned in Forged in Fire, and very, very prominent on Jadame.
Wererats, if not incorporated into a theoretical Alvarian-centred town. Also mentioned/appearing in text in Forged in Fire, can be found in much of Jadame if not in large numbers.
Dark dwarves. Also mentioned in Forged in Fire. Present on Jadame, even if their full extent is somewhat unclear.
Tritons. Canonical Plane of Water-associated creatures while also strongly present on Enroth, and capable of operating on land.
Chargers. Canonical Plane of Earth-associated present on Enroth.
Ravenmen. Canonical Plane of Air-associated creature, not known to be present on Enroth but definitely look like they could be (also, they have pretty distinctive appearance).
From the more more important gameplay perspective, I can't say I have anything that comes to mind as a good missing niche.
Would love to see dark elves too. It might be interesting to have them as neutral rather than the obviously evil dungeon elves.
I also like the idea of ravenmen. If most people hate argali for bulwark, maybe ravenmen can even replace them. The good part would be they can fly, although the hota team might have better alternative idea how to overcome the siege problem for bulwark.
The other neutral creatures I like:
mermaid, ghoul (maybe eat corpses to get buff, not extra strike like sandworm), kirin, nine-tail fox, dragonborn (also as another possible alternative unit for bulwark).

Famous Hero
posted January 23, 2025 06:58 AM |
reimagine said: If most people hate argali for bulwark, maybe ravenmen can even replace them.
Don't touch the Argali on me, I don't understand why they don't like them, I don't see what the problem is

Known Hero
posted January 23, 2025 08:06 AM |
reimagine said: Would love to see dark elves too. It might be interesting to have them as neutral rather than the obviously evil dungeon elves.
Well, they'd be Jadamean dark elves, so almost certainly not evil-aligned.
planetavril said: Don't touch the Argali on me, I don't understand why they don't like them, I don't see what the problem is
Personally, I find a fully normal, mundane non-sapient creature that isn't being ridden to be a bit discordant with how NWC did Heroes 3. It's something that seems to have been moved away from in the move from Heroes 2 to Heroes 3, given the wolf and (with AB) boar examples.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 23, 2025 08:21 AM |
reimagine said:
LordInsane said:
planetavril said: What neutral creatures would you like to see in play?
From a lore perspective?
Dark elves, if there is no plans for a town associated with the Dark Elves of Alvar. Mentioned in Forged in Fire, and very, very prominent on Jadame.
Wererats, if not incorporated into a theoretical Alvarian-centred town. Also mentioned/appearing in text in Forged in Fire, can be found in much of Jadame if not in large numbers.
Dark dwarves. Also mentioned in Forged in Fire. Present on Jadame, even if their full extent is somewhat unclear.
Tritons. Canonical Plane of Water-associated creatures while also strongly present on Enroth, and capable of operating on land.
Chargers. Canonical Plane of Earth-associated present on Enroth.
Ravenmen. Canonical Plane of Air-associated creature, not known to be present on Enroth but definitely look like they could be (also, they have pretty distinctive appearance).
From the more more important gameplay perspective, I can't say I have anything that comes to mind as a good missing niche.
Would love to see dark elves too. It might be interesting to have them as neutral rather than the obviously evil dungeon elves.
I also like the idea of ravenmen. If most people hate argali for bulwark, maybe ravenmen can even replace them. The good part would be they can fly, although the hota team might have better alternative idea how to overcome the siege problem for bulwark.
The other neutral creatures I like:
mermaid, ghoul (maybe eat corpses to get buff, not extra strike like sandworm), kirin, nine-tail fox, dragonborn (also as another possible alternative unit for bulwark).
They already pretty much locked in the choices for the creature roster. They specifically don't want flying creatures among the Bulwark units. And I don't see why the argali would be hated, when has anyone ever seen goats on a battlefield? ^^ Plus I am certain that the upgrade for them will have a more fantastical twist on them.

Known Hero
posted January 23, 2025 04:50 PM |
Boars aren't exactly battlefield-common either, and definitionally wolves aren't (dogs do historically appear, but not as caninry). Honestly, if it's not too late rather than outright replacing the argali I'd simply give them a kobold or snow elf rider and make them ovisry.

Legendary Hero
posted January 23, 2025 07:55 PM |
The use of dogs on the actual battlefield (as opposed to in support roles, like guarding prisoners and as sentries) seems to have mostly stopped (they were deployed later, but never on close to the same scale) at the end of the Classical Era.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 24, 2025 07:48 AM |

Hello everyone, I am looking for someone to develop a mod and make modifications based on Hota. Please contact me for specific requirements and compensation 49694445@qq.com

Tavern Dweller
posted January 25, 2025 06:19 AM |
Hi, I signed up for an account just to say having more just-animal units is a great thing and will be amazing for map making. I for one have been longing for these for so long, and I know others will too. I'm surprised people are mentioning the wolves and boars having goblins when I know many people have hated that part of them (the wolves having goblins is fine, but the boar one is just egregious). Things like wild animals will work well now on maps. I'd love to see more honestly, things like Lions, Tigers, and Bears. They'd make solid neutral units.
On the subject of neutral units, since the Halfling got added to a town, it would be nice to get a new Tier 1 neutral unit, and I think a Rat would be perfect for that. It's such a staple of fantasy and in Might and Magic, it's surprising that it isn't a unit already. I'm also hoping we'll see more Magical Terrains and regular Terrains. A Savannah for example would be gorgeous to have in the game, and the yellow could really make maps pop (similar to how the orange of the Wasteland looks so good).
Anyways, thank you HotA team for your hard work! I'm so excited for Bulwark!

Tavern Dweller
posted January 25, 2025 07:22 AM |
Edited by Xandro at 07:45, 25 Jan 2025.
It looks like I’ve found a bug with the Campaign Editor, I think. I’m working on my custom campaign, and it seems like the prologue activates audio from the original Heroes 3 campaign. But only for the second scenario. First time I pick custom campaign opening prolog is silent. Any help? What could be causing this? What’s even more interesting is that when I use a cheat to skip to another scenario (nwcredpill), the prologue is silent again. LOL.
https://streamable.com/3nz4j1 here is video
here is my custom campaign

Tavern Dweller
posted January 25, 2025 08:32 AM |
Xandro said: Hello,
It looks like I’ve found a bug with the Campaign Editor, I think. I’m working on my custom campaign, and it seems like the prologue activates audio from the original Heroes 3 campaign. But only for the second scenario. First time I pick custom campaign opening prolog is silent. Any help? What could be causing this? What’s even more interesting is that when I use a cheat to skip to another scenario (nwcredpill), the prologue is silent again. LOL.
https://streamable.com/3nz4j1 here is video
here is my custom campaign
I have noticed this myself and problem is that audio starts playing when you load a game at any point and then finish a scenario. If you finish the whole thing in one sitting - no matter if you redpill or win normally - there won't be any narrator from the original cutscenes. I tested this with custom campaigns in SoD as well and that problem doesn't occur there.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 25, 2025 02:13 PM |
I have noticed this myself and problem is that audio starts playing when you load a game at any point and then finish a scenario. If you finish the whole thing in one sitting - no matter if you redpill or win normally - there won't be any narrator from the original cutscenes. I tested this with custom campaigns in SoD as well and that problem doesn't occur there.
Really curious about this.