
Supreme Hero
posted May 26, 2018 09:56 PM |
fred79 said: @ rk: what i do for multi-underground entrances is simply use the image of the subterranean gate(or cave or whatever), and use a 2-way monolith in it's place(so it looks like a sub gate, when it's actually a 2-way).
i don't suppose you could add more 2-way gates to the map editor(instead of only 1-whatever in the drop-down list), the same way you increased the object, etc count? because that would be extremely helpful for me(and i'm sure, others as well). 
That's something that can be readily achieved by the spacebar trick; I try to keep things as universal as possible.
The good news is that it's really easy to do if you want to mod your own editor:
1) go to /Data/ folder
2) open h3bitmap.lod with MMArchive
3) Extract ZEOBJTS.TXT
4) Increase the number on the first line by the amount of objects you want to add

5) Copy a similar template, here I am copying Subterranean Gate

6) Go to bottom (or elsewhere, depending where you want it to show up, things are added from top to bottom) and paste it
6b) Make certain the last line is empty ~ otherwise the last object will not be read
7) Now edit the object as you see fit. See Uhm's tutorial here for more details

8) Save textfile and insert back into h3bitmap.lod with MMArchive
Use as needed...

Here is the text file if you want to use it directly.
Now keep in mind that monolith subtypes greater than 7 can be buggy ~ I think Salamandre added some to TEW4 (or was that Keymasters only?). If not you might have to wait until I port some elements of SoD_SP to ERA.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 26, 2018 10:10 PM |
thanks! further down the page in that link, biobob explained how to add more teleporter slots, with this special message:
NOTE: Never set '13' '14' or '15' as the subtype for a monolith, as it will make the map crash! Should you need that many, skip '13', '14' and '15' and continue at a higher number!
so in case you were coming across crashes, that may have been the reason why. just guessing, here, so i could very well be wrong. 
the method you show above, is what i used to do to create objects, when i first started out. it took me awhile to get that right, too.

Supreme Hero
posted May 26, 2018 10:28 PM |
Unfortunately Biobob's explanation is not valid in general.
### warning a little bit technical ###
Monoliths destination are stored in memory, as a 16-byte reference to an array, for each subtype... something like:
MonolithTwoWay_0; // 0x4E678
MonolithTwoWay_1; // 0x4E688
MonolithTwoWay_2; // 0x4E698
MonolithTwoWay_3; // 0x4E6A8
MonolithTwoWay_4; // 0x4E6B8
MonolithTwoWay_5; // 0x4E6C8
MonolithTwoWay_6; // 0x4E6D8
MonolithTwoWay_7; // 0x4E6E8
MonolithOneWay_0; // 0x4E6F8
MonolithOneWay_1; // 0x4E708
MonolithOneWay_2; // 0x4E718
MonolithOneWay_3; // 0x4E728
MonolithOneWay_4; // 0x4E738
MonolithOneWay_5; // 0x4E748
MonolithOneWay_6; // 0x4E758
MonolithOneWay_7; // 0x4E768
[...] // 20 bytes
SubterraneanGates; // 0x4E78C
SubterraneanGatesID; // 0x4E79C
[...] // 37 bytes
// Combat Manager starts right here
If you have a 2-way Monolith of subtype 8, it will write the necessary information in the 8th position for MonolithTwoWay... which happens to be MonolithOneWay_0.
If you further increase the subtype ID, you will start writing stuff in the subterranean gates section, in the combat manager and that might outright crash or simply be overwritten once you enter combat.
### end technical ###
The subtype 13,14,15 problem... is unfortunately just a function of what was on Biobob's map at that time. In my own map I had started writing down the problematic subtypes and after a while I noticed they would change over time. Subtype 19 would be fine one day then after adding some stuff, it would stop working on crash.
Interestingly though, if you only use 2-way monoliths, you can safely have subtypes 0~15 without any modifications.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 26, 2018 11:02 PM |
RoseKavalier said: Interestingly though, if you only use 2-way monoliths, you can safely have subtypes 0~15 without any modifications.
when you say "only", does that mean without either subterranean gate OR one-way monoliths? sorry for all the questions; i'm just want to fully understand. and i appreciate the help.

Supreme Hero
posted May 27, 2018 06:21 AM |
No worries.
If you don't use one-way monoliths, then you can use twice as many two-way monoliths without problems. This does not affect Subterranean Gates.
Think of it as...
Quote: [...]
Which could also be interpreted as:
Quote: [...]
Subtypes are usually 0-1-2-...-7 for a total of 8...
MonolithTwoWay Subtype 8 would overflow into OneWay subtype 0
... Subtype 9 overflows into ... subtype 1
Subtype 15 overflows into subtype 7
That being said, in SoD_SP you can use 65533 subtypes of each monolith without worrying about problems. I'm not 100% sure because I have not looked at ERA code, but it should be relatively painless to bring this modification to the platform and then you need not worry about these problems - only the 65535 object limit
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 27, 2018 07:24 AM |
Awesome. Thanks for the in-depth response.


Hired Hero
posted May 31, 2018 12:32 PM |
Speaking of object limit. Is there a way to check how many objets I have on the map? I doubt it's anywhere near the limit, just curious.

Supreme Hero
posted May 31, 2018 02:40 PM |
Rince said: Speaking of object limit. Is there a way to check how many objets I have on the map? I doubt it's anywhere near the limit, just curious.
If you mean specific objects, use FindMe of SoD_SP, it gives you item count.
If you mean overall count (max 65535), then there are a couple of ways:
1) get it from the game exe when it reads the map (or a later date). Relatively simple plugin but requires you launch the game... happy to see my map is only at ~24,000 considering about 40% is filled 
2) read it from h3m saved game
I think this could be automated using potmdehex's h3mlib, but it should be possible to find the reference within the mapeditor itself. I will look at some point.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Supreme Hero
posted June 01, 2018 05:09 PM |
Rince said: Speaking of object limit. Is there a way to check how many objets I have on the map? I doubt it's anywhere near the limit, just curious.
Using the h3m posted on HeroesPortal:

This program needs a bit of debugging so no release yet - will go in Mapmaking thread when ready.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Supreme Hero
posted June 15, 2018 07:59 PM |
DOWNLOAD (MEGA, zipped dll+ini only).
Very minor update but new requested feature:

(Press F12 to activate)
The other modification re-allows negative guards for resources and artifacts, as I was made aware it was possible.
More in the works but that's it for this update.
EDIT: dear mods, if you read this could I add some link to first post? I can pm you the edited post data or if you make it a project then I will never bug you again
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Adventuring Hero
posted June 23, 2018 12:46 PM |
Edited by Rakso at 16:21, 23 Jun 2018.
Currently using the Unleashed Map Editor to create a story plot map for HotA involving in it the world of an other game: Gothic 2 Night of the Raven thanks to this editor . Yes, it's possible to implement this editor innovations, but sadly not all of the options avaible. For example if anyone dares to make a specific terrain 1x1 sized or create non-standard victory and loss conditions, like for example 24 months instead of 12 must create a SOD matrix for the futher HotA map. If anyone wants to place objects on objects like: quest guard on an artifact(something like a shop) must place the thing on all the slots before even start doing the map. It requires some prodigy skills or experienced planning.
Still, all the rest of the options of the editor are possible to be implemented on HotA module maps. Also, WOG troops or artifacts whose are "using" the slot of a sort of the HotA items, get's converted into the right troops or artifacts on the other side.
If anyone has more question I can answer. Here are some pics of my work with both editors:


Supreme Hero
posted June 24, 2018 04:55 PM |
Your images don't show because you are linking the main page of the image rather than the image itself, it should look like this instead:
While it is possible to make the same edits to hota mapeditor to avoid this back-and-forth between both versions, I am not going to do it for a few reasons, one of which being that the crew generally wants to keep its mod as is e.g. HDmod no longer supports HotA plugins.
However you can simply copy/paste from one mapeditor to the other.
Only downside is you can't do this with General Events / Conditions / Cove events.

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted June 26, 2018 11:33 PM |
Lack of cross-compatibility is a bummer...
All people should try to keep compatibility as much as possible with most common mods.

Supreme Hero
posted July 01, 2018 03:12 PM |

Adventuring Hero
posted July 15, 2018 04:26 PM |
Edited by Rakso at 16:31, 15 Jul 2018.
Sorry. Wasn't active back then for a while. Here are the fixed working screenshots:


Supreme Hero
posted July 15, 2018 09:21 PM |
Looks quite nice 
Happy the project is useful to you

Adventuring Hero
posted July 15, 2018 11:56 PM |
Edited by Rakso at 00:02, 16 Jul 2018.
On HotA There is no limit of Seers huts. Myself I've placed on my map like 200 already and no bugs, crashes or anything at all. Maybe worth to take a look? I heard that even if the limit on SOD get's overpassed the map can appcrash or copy-repeat the same quest on many huts.
By the way, good thing to mention for others like me, using the Unleashed map editor on HotA to overcome some things:
Funny fact, recently I had a strange bug on my map involving about the teal player who had a random hero, but the hero even if was subscribed to be avaible to the teal player didn't show up in the game itself and the map run was resulting in appcrash, cause the hero had no personality. After some time I found it up to be caused by my experiment involving about make a Cove(HotA city) Hero above level 59(99999999 exp) setting up a random hero with 74 level(cut-paste from Unleashed) and supscribing him a personality of a Cove town hero always which was giving appcrash if the "last moved hero on the map" was someone else than the random one itself. Kinda the random one was showing on the menu, but the main-hero of the player was of another, so the random was spawning without personality causing the appcrash. lol Before finding out the fix of it myself I've reported it to HotA Crew and they said it's gonna be fixed in the next patch.
PS: I see a screenshot of the famous Rise of the Sun King. Has anyone yet finished that map already?

Supreme Hero
posted July 16, 2018 03:46 AM |
Rakso said: On HotA There is no limit of Seers huts. Myself I've placed on my map like 200 already and no bugs, crashes or anything at all. Maybe worth to take a look? I heard that even if the limit on SOD get's overpassed the map can appcrash or copy-repeat the same quest on many huts.
See here.
I will also remove limit on Mines, Lighthouses and Garrisons in sync with SoD_SP v1.16's release.
Rakso said: PS: I see a screenshot of the famous Rise of the Sun King. Has anyone yet finished that map already? 
The screenshot was simply for a demonstration of object count.
From my conversations with Biobob and from discussion on HeroesWorld: it is unfortunate but the map still has some bugs preventing its completion at this time.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 17, 2018 09:18 AM |
RoseKavalier, а не хотите ли Вы добавить в редактор возможность в Лагере Беженцев выбирать, какие именно юниты там могут быть доступны? Т.е. чтобы при создании карты можно было бы настраивать, в каком лагере какие юниты могут быть в принципе доступны, а какие - нет.
Не то, чтобы это было важно или очень нужно, но вдруг Вам понравится эта идея?

Supreme Hero
posted July 17, 2018 03:48 PM |
Refugee camp creatures are randomly selected by Heroes3.exe every week. To change this, the h3m format requires to be changed (loss of compatibility) and need a new plugin to read new h3m format + know how to handle new refugee camp options. Finally, save game format also needs to be changed.
If there was a large number of players looking to use this type of modifications, it could be worth doing.