Thread: Secrets of destruction revealed - playing Dungeon faction | This thread is pages long: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 10 20 30 40 50 60 61 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Famous Hero
The lone peasant
posted April 16, 2007 08:30 AM |
Quote: Nah. I agree that hit&runs are little overpowered and should be more restricted but shackless is just going too far. I say little because a good players know how to repeal hit&runs. Its not always possible but very often is.
Yeah, there are some things you can do for sure, but the point is more that it's a lame tactic - and if dungeon has to rely on it to win then well... dungeon needs rebalance, so that you can compete without such stupidity.
linkTouched by His Noodly Appendage

Famous Hero
posted April 16, 2007 09:45 AM |
The whole concept of surrendering/retreating is just horrible. Escaping hero simply teleports to one of his cities. That looks so lame and so unrealistic that.. ugh. No words can describe that.
In a realistic scenario, his/her fat ass lizard/elephant/.. would be chased down and finished off by dragons, griffins, angels or whatever else.

Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted April 16, 2007 10:14 AM |

yeah, it's lame, but since they made melee dungeon unplayable due to puppet master, we have to resort to such dirty tricks. Maybe the 2nd expansion will change something in that matter?

Famous Hero
The lone peasant
posted April 16, 2007 10:53 AM |

Supreme Hero
posted April 16, 2007 01:12 PM |
I must disappoint you guys. With more and more experience under my belt i am doing less and less hit&runs. Seriously. Unless attacking with 75 Grim Raiders and 100 furies, rehire and attack with 9 black dragons and 45 deep hydras you call a hit and run. Its just anti tactic to frenzy puppet master abuse.
I've had another good game vs academy. I was more than impressed with the result. After final fight even some of my furies were alive
It was Battle for Honor map and we fought on week 5. I got around 50 grim raiders 5 shadow dragons about 100 furies and 35 Deep Hydras. He was Nur, had 7 Titans 75 archmages 350 master gremlins , 120 Steel Golems and 230 Obsidian Gargoyles. All except mages had resistance/init artifacts(golems had just init) . He had as much spellpower as i did and more attack than i did , couple less def. He had armagedon and phoenix as a main spells.
I describe all this because i think its more or less endgame academy standard.
Now battle. I attacked Titans with my shadow dragons and stack couple mages. 2 Titans dead 2 dragons dead.I placed my furies in a way i could attack every of his units and he couldnt reach them. and moved grim raiders on position to charge. Then cast shower on mages golems and inquisitors(?? ) luck triggered and none mage left alive. Now its the scary part , his hero, like i think he would(it was a rematch he played similar build in game 1) he casted armageddon.
Now is the key moment
75% fire damage resistance said no no to this kind of tricks 
then i showered rest of his titans and gremlins which were finnished off by furies. raiders reduced golem stack to 11 in theeir initial blow. His hero wanted phoenix to get some action but unfortunately before it's move my hero showered it back to his dimension. After that there was few moves of wild goose chase after running gargyles but they eventually fell to hydras lucky strike.
Conclusion on this matchup drawn. I got all 50% magic resistance artifacts (excpt ice but its not essential) and it won me the game. Especially 75% fire resistance. Without those your army disappears really quickly to armageddon (saw it in our game 1) I could imagine it would be similar with motwed implosion. So as i said before. As a warlock , you get something that academy doesnt have, YOUR racial. They cant break through resistances like you do and you must use it to have a winning chance.
I just got a new breaking time on BFH , but i still can do better. I guess its no revelation for good players but it shows that creeping is not a problem for warlocks. I didn't do any other pictures but i think you can trust me ive lost just couple scouts on them.
Um this was supposed to be a picture.


Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted April 16, 2007 05:13 PM |
Glad to hear that.
I haven't played any games recently, sadly. Aww, I guess after the 2nd expansion appears we'll be playing 24h/day as usual anyway

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted April 16, 2007 05:17 PM |
I'm just waiting for the 1.5 duel preset editor (hope it will be not based on growth).. but I have a feeling it'll be a big disappointment

Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted April 16, 2007 05:39 PM |
You know what? I have the same feeling  
Nival fooled us too many times.
And btw, they didn't even care to release 2.1b which would solve the rune-in-hotseat&duel problem. Ridiculous.

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted April 16, 2007 05:44 PM |
I don't play much with dwarves, but yeah the rune-bug is annoying. I'm beginning to think that all these bugs, like the gating crash bug (which was 'removed' not 'fixed') are features, really..
personally I've never had experiences with a game 'introducing' bugs where there are no added features (and even then, the bugs appear in the features, I don't remember gating being completely remodified except some numbers for ATB values to act faster).
In short, I'm really pesimist about Nival.

Famous Hero
posted April 16, 2007 06:12 PM |
@TheDeath: lol, i can't stop laughing.
Yeah, true, nival always fool us. Still, i have small hope for alt upg.

Supreme Hero
posted April 16, 2007 07:27 PM |
- I am far from a pro. at this game, hence I try to keep up at the forum to try to keep my gameing experience in-game and not ( I think Doomforge said it) ; Quote: great post Destro23 Obviously coming from experience, not not theory-crafting
- All in all, I have really learned alot, just by reading ( trying to think of a quote, word...might...sword ) your threads/posts Doomforge,Felun and Destro ( in no particular order and many other inputs as well ! ) So keep 'em comming, that way I might even rise to be amongst the

- Guz
Who is this General Failure, and why is he looking at my disk ?

Famous Hero
posted April 16, 2007 07:33 PM |
BfH is a really good map for dungeon. 3 easily accessible wells on each side will really speed things up. Anyway, I wouldn't recommend using Nur - Havez will do better here.

Supreme Hero
posted April 16, 2007 09:50 PM |
Furies creeping techniques
For some people its obvious and theres no need to explain anything but it took me quite some time to learn how to squeeze max from those units and i think it may help someone.
I will be taking hard difficulty into consideration as most commonly used.
First note. If you got any number or furies (even 5) you may feel quite comfortable while creeping (i assume you don't have less than 5 because it would take ages to kill those hordes).
First what you need to do is to separate Slow stuff on 2 groups. Morale affected and not affected by morale. If you have artifact that decreases morale than you may treat all creatures except minos as morale unafected . Purpose of this is simple, you cant lose to creatures unaffected by morale and there is always a chance you may be caught by creatures with morale.
Against creatures affected by morale take your stack of furies and 1 or 2 scouts (2 stacks of 1 scout) (depending on how comfortable you feel with creeping and how many creatures you attack).
Place your furies in 4th square from the top and second square from side. Put one scout in second square from top and second square from side. (if you took the other scout put him symmetrical , second square from bottom and second square from side) Those guys may have very important mission to accomplish (they aren't always useful but sometimes they are) First thing they give you is a bonus to morale (if you take furies only you dont have that bonus) Second thing they are your shield in situations where are too many neutral stacks and you cant find a safe spot. Very often you will be save behind your scout when you wouldn't be normally, if he wasn't there. Sometimes placing them proves to be a waste but what do few scouts mean when safety of your creeping potential is on a stack.
Wait for enemy, don't move. If you move i square closer they often will be able to reach you 1 turn sooner.
You just focus with you hero and furies one stack and kill them ASAP so that there is 3 or less left.
When you do it is easy from now on. But there is another thing to mention. Ive always been running as far as i can from the creeps and very often been trapped in corner. It's not the way to creep.
Don't escape far away from creeps. This is very important rule.
Just next square to that they can attack. In such case they cant set up a trap for you and you will alway be able to escape in next move from them (sometimes you will need to use 2 moves).
Creatures that are not affected by morale or have 0 or negative are easy and there is no risk there if you use tactic above.
Creeping this way doesn't drain your mana, you don't want to cast ANY spell when fighting those guys. Spells might be justified if enemy gets morale or you are really afraid of that happen. Otherwise you don't need to waste mana on those guys.
Things are a little bit tougher when you play on heroic but the rules are the same. You just dodge and dodge, very often without attacking, and use scout lures and hero attack to kill first stack.

Supreme Hero
posted April 16, 2007 10:17 PM |
Edited by sphere at 22:21, 16 Apr 2007.
- I have a few additional questions, reguarding Warlocks Faction.
and this

IF you can squeeze those in, is it possible to actually learn every lvl >=3 spell in the game ( not counting runes, obviously ) ? And if so, what is your ideas of such an approach ( I am new'ish,- So only asking, no flaming plz )
- Also, if one get's offered Dark Ritual / Empowered Spells as your first option, are there any chance that picking one over the other will resolve in that skill will "close" for 1) Some time, but will open again - 2) Never will "open" again ( or in the 2% category ) ?
- I have been lurking around for a thread ( I am almost positive it's there somewhere, just can't find it though ) disecting the possibilities ( % ) for each faction to get various skills ...I could use a linking here 
- Thanks in advice
- Guz
Who is this General Failure, and why is he looking at my disk ?

Supreme Hero
posted April 16, 2007 10:26 PM |
To be honest i don't know do those ability work together. For sure you cant learn spells from 4th and 5th circle with those abilities, not sure with 3rd.
I will just add that you totally don't need those abilities. You don't want any other spells than destructive. Arcane intuition may be useful to get dark revelation , thats all.
Quote: Also, if one get's offered Dark Ritual / Empowered Spells as your first option, are there any chance that picking one over the other will resolve in that skill will "close" for 1) Some time, but will open again - 2) Never will "open" again ( or in the 2% category ) ?
Its like every other skill. You can get 1 perk if you have basic skill , 2 perks if you have advanced and 3 perks if you got expert so if you want to "open" a skill you need to get advanced or exper to be offered a new perk.
About skill percentages you need to look to manual its sticked on 1st page of forum.

Famous Hero
the guy with the dragon golem
posted April 16, 2007 11:05 PM |
You can lean lvl 3 spells with Magic Insight & Arcane Intuition, but not higher ones... so it's not really useful as you still cast those spells without any mastery (except for Phantom Forces, maybe).
open source for an open mind

Supreme Hero
posted April 17, 2007 12:49 AM |
HAHA 6th win in a row and Legionnaire title to warlock player 
I like it
And there it is another breaking time Week 3 day 5

Another useful tactic
As I said before hero is most important force in dungeon. Unfortunately, some times you don't get right stats while leveling with your hero.

When map is big enough and you still have some time it may be worth to abandon further lvling of such hero and start leveling new one.
Here is example of this. My sinitar had 10 attack and 10 spellpower WTF? i wouldnt kill a fly with my spells and i had to kill horde of (treehuging) elves . So from week 2 day 1 i started to lvl my second hero , Vayshan. Since he starts with luck, it wasnt bad.
On week 3 day 5 his stats were looking like this.

And on that day i killed 45 devils without getting sweat. Then i did the same with 40 magma dragons.

I was taking almost always exp from all chests to catch up with normal leveling of hero 1 but it was worth it because vayshan was clearly much better hero.

Famous Hero
The lone peasant
posted April 18, 2007 02:20 AM |

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted April 18, 2007 08:03 AM |
feluniozbunio > You are making a mistake when you are trying to upload pictures from Photobucket. When you are on the gallery page, below each thumbnail there is several lines, one of which has the cattegory [ IMG ] - simply click on the IMG text, that will mark the text in the box, and then copy-paste that directly into your post here. That should insert the picture.
What will happen now?

Supreme Hero
posted April 18, 2007 09:59 AM |
Cool, thnx, was wondering why it does not work.