
Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted December 14, 2017 09:40 AM |

Adventuring Hero
posted September 09, 2018 08:02 AM |
Hello! I want to try and play LAN games in Heroes5.5. Is NCF compatible with LAN games? If yes, should I use RC9c or RC10b4?
Thank you!

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted September 09, 2018 08:26 AM |
Hello Jorko80,
I have not tested NCF in LAN but I can give you the steps I think it will work.
1. Install ToTe
2. Patch ToTe to 3.1
3. Install MMH5.5
4. Generate ARMG map (because you cannot generate maps once NCF is installed) -> https://www.facebook.com/notes/might-magic-heroes-55/how-to-generate-an-armg-map-mmh55_editor_64exe/1541810232596501/
5. Install NCF Utility -> https://www.moddb.com/mods/might-magic-heroes-55/tutorials/ncf-utility-guide-and-faq
6. Install Chaos pack
7. Use Mapmixer to add NCF to the new MAP
8. Prepare the game for LAN multiplayer -> https://www.moddb.com/mods/might-magic-heroes-55/tutorials/mmh55-preventing-issues-in-multiplayer
9. Use mmh55_64_NCF.exe for PvP multiplayer or MMH55_Utility_64_NCF.exe for multiplayer with players and AI.
I would suggest first to play a LAN game without AIs (using mmh55_64_NCF).
Please return any feedback from the games when they are over for one reason or another - how big is the map, how many players, which exe do you use, were there any AIs, were there any issues?
I hope it works!
Join our official discord channel | NCF Utility Beta

Adventuring Hero
posted September 09, 2018 08:54 AM |
Thank you for the really fast feedback. I will try it next week and write back when we finish the game.

Adventuring Hero
posted September 10, 2018 08:24 PM |
Hi Dredknight! We tried to start a game today, but regrettably it didn't work. We are both using win10, I copied my whole game to the pc of my friend. We deleted the leftovers from RMG and the saves. I activated the scripts. We tried both 32 and 64 bit exes , but nothing works. It always says - failed to load the map. We use GOG version and decided to try the first game without NCF. Do you have any idea , where is the problem?

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted September 10, 2018 11:14 PM |

Adventuring Hero
posted September 11, 2018 09:07 AM |
Edited by jorko80 at 13:47, 11 Sep 2018.
Yes, the scripts are activated. Here is the map :
Some new info from today. We tried with version RC9b and RC9c. The result is the same. I generated maps with utility 32 and 64 and also with editor. Tried activation with mapmixer and reanimation patcher.
There are some pregenerated RMG maps and we tried them also, but still the same error, when my friend tries to join the game - RMG map load failed . When we tried the normal ingame maps he joined without problem, but we don't want to play them anyway.


Hired Hero
posted December 22, 2018 12:32 PM |
Is this mod used to overwrite already existing creatures or could I hypothetically add all of them to spice the map?

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted December 24, 2018 01:52 PM |

Tavern Dweller
posted March 12, 2019 11:01 AM |
How many creatures are planned in NCF

Known Hero
H5 MODder
posted March 17, 2019 01:59 PM |
Edited by psatkha at 14:00, 17 Mar 2019.
Empire_archer said: How many creatures are planned in NCF
From 182 to 999 items!


Hired Hero
posted March 20, 2019 12:18 PM |
Hello there how can i install this to HOMM5.5?
i tried putting .pak file inside the data folder but it didn't appear in the game ( i tried @AddHeroCreatures("x", 288, #); command to add it)
thank you.

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted March 20, 2019 12:52 PM |


Hired Hero
posted March 20, 2019 01:07 PM |
so i cant manually install the specific creatures one by one
thank you for the answer the rest is easy
behold the power of necromancy i will fill the world with compassion of ASha

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted March 13, 2020 09:01 PM |
Introducing the "NCF Converged" patch
This is an effort to embed NCF functionality in ToE minus all the issues that players face.
Its purpose is to make NCF usage more wide spread (including multiplayer hopefully)!
- RMG/ARMG generation does not crash while NCF is installed
- RMG/ARMG generation include NCF units on demand (if there are NCF units in DATA folder they will be used, otherwise they wont).
Supported EXEs:
- ToE - H5_game, H5_MapEditor
- MMH55 - MMH55, MMH55_64, MMH55_Utility, MMH55_Utility_64, MMH55_Editor, MMH55_Editor_64
Installation instructions:
1. Patch game EXEs with these offsets.
- Original is for H5_game, MMH55_Utility, MMH55_Utility_64
- Qunatomas is for MMH55, MMH55_64
- MapEditor is for MMH55_Editor
Do it manually or use Deflator's patching tool.
2. Install NCF core manually or use NCF Utility. Just ignore exe files that come with Utility.
3. Install NCF units.
4. Generate map with the patched Game exe or Mapeditor.
I still do not have data on how it will affect LAN multiplayer. If anyone is willing to try please let me know of results.
Note: As all units that come with NCF Utility Chaos pack are neutral the ARMG/RMG will use them only when stacks with single unit are placed on the map.
I would like to give a big round of applause to Marko /@the way back is way ahead from Discord/ for his assembly skills and work he put into this.
Join our official discord channel | NCF Utility Beta

Tavern Dweller
posted May 25, 2020 04:05 PM |
Is NCF compatible with 5.5 RC13a? Or is it too soon ?

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted May 26, 2020 10:04 AM |
NCF project is on hold for the moment but will be back soon with even better integration.
In theory NCF is compatible with RC13a but you have to install it manually as NCF utility provides exe only up to RC11 (from what I recall).
Join our official discord channel | NCF Utility Beta


Hired Hero
I have beard! Fear me)
posted December 26, 2020 11:04 AM |
dredknight said: Introducing the "NCF Converged" patch
This is an effort to embed NCF functionality in ToE minus all the issues that players face.
Its purpose is to make NCF usage more wide spread (including multiplayer hopefully)!
- RMG/ARMG generation does not crash while NCF is installed
- RMG/ARMG generation include NCF units on demand (if there are NCF units in DATA folder they will be used, otherwise they wont).
Supported EXEs:
- ToE - H5_game, H5_MapEditor
- MMH55 - MMH55, MMH55_64, MMH55_Utility, MMH55_Utility_64, MMH55_Editor, MMH55_Editor_64
Installation instructions:
1. Patch game EXEs with these [url=https://github.com/Might-Magic-Heroes-5-5/MMH55/blob/master/assembly/patches/non%20production%20patches/ncf_converged_v1.1.yml]offsets[/url].
- Original is for H5_game, MMH55_Utility, MMH55_Utility_64
- Qunatomas is for MMH55, MMH55_64
- MapEditor is for MMH55_Editor
Do it manually or use [url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=41404]Deflator's patching tool[/url].
2. Install NCF core manually or use [url=https://www.moddb.com/mods/heroes-v-new-creature-framework/downloads/ncf-utility-setup-beta]NCF Utility[/url]. Just ignore exe files that come with Utility.
3. Install NCF units.
4. Generate map with the patched Game exe or Mapeditor.
I still do not have data on how it will affect LAN multiplayer. If anyone is willing to try please let me know of results.
Note: As all units that come with NCF Utility Chaos pack are neutral the ARMG/RMG will use them only when stacks with single unit are placed on the map.
I would like to give a big round of applause to Marko /@the way back is way ahead from Discord/ for his assembly skills and work he put into this.
Can you pls add steps how to patch EXE with that assets manually? Because i have problem with JAVA.

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted December 26, 2020 11:38 AM |
Hello Zehir,
Sometime next year we will release a new version of NCF so there will be no need for you to patch. I do put this info here in order not to keep track of progress within the community.
Join our official discord channel | NCF Utility Beta

Tavern Dweller
Gathering creatures for NCF
posted February 04, 2021 12:45 PM |
Nice! We're waiting for update!