
Supreme Hero
posted February 23, 2014 08:40 PM |
Edited by Shyranis at 20:41, 23 Feb 2014.
So apparently there is a subreddit dedicated to this.
It also looks like their strongest Pokemon was a Pidgeot they refer to as Bird Jesus.
Youtube has terminated my account without reason.
Please express why it should be reinstated on

Supreme Hero
Sexy Manticore
posted February 23, 2014 08:45 PM |
The image looks like a reference to the move "Mirror Move" which was practically a signature move of Pidgeot in 1st generation games. 
A pretty crappy move but I remember as a child, playing Pokemon Stadium, and a Pidgeot survived and returned a Thunder back to my Starmie, killing it.

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 24, 2014 07:23 PM |
I've finished training my team! I'm ready to take on challengers!!
Also, i've caught a Shiny Tyrogue this morning in a friend safari. I now have six of them. Enough to fill an entire team <3
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Supreme Hero
Sexy Manticore
posted February 24, 2014 07:52 PM |
Lexxan said: I've finished training my team! I'm ready to take on challengers!!
Also, i've caught a Shiny Tyrogue this morning in a friend safari. I now have six of them. Enough to fill an entire team <3
I may be willing to take you on (though I could really use more experience with my gladiators and I have a bad feeling about this) and damn you for finding all those shinies! 
It would also be kind of fun to have some kind of HC-mini-tournament/competition of Pokemon X/Y if more would be willing to participate in battles. With 4 people we could have double battles as well.

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 24, 2014 09:08 PM |
I still need to train a doubles and triples team. I have trained my singles OU team though, with a few spares here and there so I can fine-tune it if it ends up being inadequate.
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 24, 2014 09:09 PM |
Edited by Lexxan at 21:09, 24 Feb 2014.

Supreme Hero
Sexy Manticore
posted February 26, 2014 10:51 PM |
Have been doing a few battles tonight. Just now I fought some guy with 6 shiny legendaries and I ass kicked the snow/hacker. 
First I pwn the crap out of his Palkia with my Miltank and then he switches to Articuno which I paralyze and switch another one of mine. BS enough, he sheer colds me through the paralyze when I am trying to boost. Quickly revenge kill with my 3rd one and he sends out his last Dialga which I paralyze. He then pussies out and disconnects so I can't record his shiny legendaries. At least I know that the person on the other side was humiliated and taught a lesson. Legendaries to begin with are surprisingly rare though in random battle. Another BS thing tonight that 2 out 3 instakilling moves have hit me. Horn Drill hit and Sheer Cold missed and hit once each.

Supreme Hero
Sexy Manticore
posted February 26, 2014 10:54 PM |
GunFred said: Have been doing a few battles tonight. Just now I fought some guy with 6 shiny legendaries and I ass kicked the snow/hacker. 
First I pwn the crap out of his Palkia with my Miltank and then he switches to Articuno which I paralyze and switch another one of mine. BS enough, he sheer colds me through the paralyze when I am trying to boost. Quickly revenge kill with my 3rd one and he sends out his last Dialga which I paralyze. He then pussies out and disconnects so I can't record his shiny legendaries. At least I know that the person on the other side was humiliated and taught a lesson. Legendaries to begin with are surprisingly rare though in random battle. Another BS thing tonight that 2 out 3 instakilling moves have hit me. Horn Drill hit and Sheer Cold missed and hit once each.
Also, I have a total of 15 pokemon/gladiators ready for DEATHBATTLE!

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 26, 2014 11:13 PM |
I wish people stopped using legendaries :-/ so lame, so uncreative, so frustratingly overpowered :-////
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Supreme Hero
Sexy Manticore
posted February 26, 2014 11:28 PM |
Edited by GunFred at 23:34, 26 Feb 2014.
Indeed, though I do not find them that OP. Megas feel generally better at least strategically but those are limited to one per battle unlike legendaries which are unregulated.
Also, how many battle ready pokemon do you got? More than me by now I presume.

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 26, 2014 11:41 PM |
enough to battle you
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Supreme Hero
Sexy Manticore
posted February 26, 2014 11:59 PM |
Lexxan said: enough to battle you 
Well said but I need to go to bed now. Ever since I started playing Pokemon, women have been flooding around me and I need to take care of their nightly needs, I am sure you understand... 
Tomorrow though I would suggest that we have 2 single battles in a row but you can't use the same pokemon more than 1 round. That way I could show you 12 out of 15 of mine, sounds good?

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 27, 2014 12:01 AM |
Oh that's fine with me. It was getting late for me as well.
I have only one team ready, but i have enough pokes in reserve to scrape together an alternate team. Challenge accepted.
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Undefeatable Hero
posted February 27, 2014 12:05 AM |
Lexxan said: I wish people stopped using legendaries :-/ so lame, so uncreative, so frustratingly overpowered :-////
Yes, Articuno and Moltres are so overpowered that they lose half of their HP to Stealth Rock, have not-very-useful attack types, etc.
Eccentric Opinion

Legendary Hero
posted February 27, 2014 12:13 AM |
I was about to say they aren't, but then I realized I had confused legendaries with ubers.
Living time backwards

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 27, 2014 10:54 AM |
mvassilev said:
Lexxan said: I wish people stopped using legendaries :-/ so lame, so uncreative, so frustratingly overpowered :-////
Yes, Articuno and Moltres are so overpowered that they lose half of their HP to Stealth Rock, have not-very-useful attack types, etc.
Ice and fire are two very lethal offensive types, but yes moltres and articuno aren't threatening. I don't mind them. I DO mind the legendaries that everyone uses though (Mewtwo, lati@s, rayquaza, zygarde, Heatran, etc). Nobody enjoys playing against them.
Also, Stealth Rock is a terrible move that renders half of the types in competetive battling useless. I only use it against teams with charizard, Volcarona and/or talonflame who are frustratingly difficult to beat without it.

Legendary Hero
posted February 27, 2014 01:33 PM |
In my opinion, sticky web did a lot to remedy that. Then again, I've heard about stuff like some pokemen have priority on all moves and stuff like that.
Living time backwards

Supreme Hero
Sexy Manticore
posted February 27, 2014 08:45 PM |
Edited by GunFred at 21:14, 27 Feb 2014.
Hey Lexxan, I am ready for you tonight. 
I would recommend that we play two single matches in a row and pokemon AND items used in the first battle are banned in the second. Also, I guess the winner gets a point for each surviving pokemon and the one with the most points after both battles is the overall winner. If you have anything to add, let me know.
Edit: What do you think of sites like Bulbapedia? Banned during our battles to put knowledge to the test?

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 27, 2014 09:51 PM |
Edited by Lexxan at 21:51, 27 Feb 2014.
I am not going to consult bulbapedia during our battles because i'm going to lie my ass down in the sofa like the lazy slob that i am
Also, accept my battle requests, dammit :|
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 27, 2014 09:52 PM |
ALso, I don't have enough items to to not use repeat ones (nor do i have enough bp to buy them). I spent them all on an ability capsule that i NEEDED. I will swap a few items after our battle.
Coincidence? I think not!!!!