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Thread: Pokemon This Popular Thread is 111 pages long: 1 10 ... 18 19 20 21 22 ... 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 111 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 06, 2010 01:33 AM
Edited by Kareeah_Indaga at 01:35, 06 May 2010.

Soul Silver here.

@Ohforf: Let's try this...

Pikachu: Light Ball / Jolteon: ???
Rain Dance

Rhydon/Tyranitar: Leftovers
Rock Slide

Pikachu and Jolteon: Rain Dance round 1, then spam Thunder. Thunder gets 100% Accuracy (ignoring Evasion modifiers*) during rain.

*At least it ignores it in Emerald and nothing I found on Bulbapedia contradicted this. If somebody can check, feel free.

Rhydon and Tyranitar:
Rock Slide in the early stages when Lugia still stands a chance of being hit, and throw up Sandstorm for attrition damage. Curse to beef up Defense and fend off Ancient Power’s damage and Rest when HP gets low. The goal here is to outlast Lugia’s PP so he starts to Struggle, so sleeping with no attacks being used actually works in the Rock type’s favor. It’s going to be a veeery slooow fight regardless.

The two Rock types’ biggest weakness is that they have no easy way of bypassing Lugia’s Evasion once it starts getting high. There’s only one or two items that boost accuracy and they can’t learn most of the relevant moves. So the best option I can see is to out-tank him. :\
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

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Legendary Hero
posted May 06, 2010 07:24 AM

HeartGold - had gold so needed Heartgold

Oh, and I am trying a funny line-up

So far:
Quilava and Fluuffy
But my new and weird one: PINOCO Evolves into Forretress Going to be fun to try her out

(I can only seem to catch female pokemon
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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted May 06, 2010 07:33 AM

I used forretress once, they're cool.

Survive the first strike and then BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!

Though I still prefer electrode BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! beffore the battle even starts.

Oh and Typho and Amfi must be the two most used pokemons in gold.

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Supreme Hero
Water-marked Champion!
posted May 06, 2010 09:01 AM
Edited by winterfate at 09:03, 06 May 2010.

Well, up to now my line-up is:

Croconaw: Level 20
Scary Face
Water Gun

Gyarados: Level 20
Splash ()
(no Tackle since Magikarp dinged 15 inside of the Pokéwalker)

Geodude: Level 19
Rock Throw
Rock Polish
Rock Smash

Bellsprout: Level 18
Vine Whip
Poison Powder
Stun Spore

Pidgeotto: Level 19
Quick Attack

And I have a level 20 traded Spearow to deliver some mail to someone on Route 31. Keep or lose the Pokémon, I'm not using him; already have a Normal/Flying type and Pidgey > Spearow IMO.
When that happens, I'll be switching Sandshrew back in, who's 15 atm.

Other thoughts:

I suck at the Pokeathlon, although the concept is neat.
Can't wait to get a Seel. Rarity's higher in HeartGold, but the fact I can still catch it is sweet.
Togepi is level 1. Oh, I'm so evil.
I love this generation (and by this I mean the second generation which got revamped into the fourth, but anyways... )
I kinda like the Game Corner game, but I miss the slot machines...

EDIT: And up to now, the forum's divided nicely into HG and SS players. Sweet.
And yeah, I got HG for the same reason emilsn did.
If you supposedly care about someone, then don't push them out of your life. Acting like you're not doing it doesn't exempt you from what I just said. - Winterfate

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted May 06, 2010 09:21 AM

So, I was wondering starting crystal again.
Planning on dumping the starter.

Starmie is on the list already.
Jolteon is feeling like coming.
And surprise surprise, Rapidash seems like tagging along.
Then maybe Dragonair.
Haunter perhaps.
Scyther for last.

Nah, I won't have the energy to play it anyways...
So screw it!

I've had every pokemon I've ever wanted to in my team and I'll just be bored with the same ones all over again!
Sucks to grow old...

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Legendary Hero
posted May 06, 2010 11:44 AM
Edited by ohforfsake at 14:04, 06 May 2010.

My guess is that it also have something to do with it being the entirely same world that one goes through again and again. It would be much cooler if they'd just randomise the world and then you could 'go somewhere else' and then it's up to you if you'd catch some level 5's and train them the usual way or take your high levels directly to the league.

It'd require some adjustments, especially about opponents, but I've written about how to solve that earlier.

Edit: Using the same formula as earlier and the same maximum stats found at bulbapedia:
Damage = ((((2 * Level / 5 + 2) * AttackStat * AttackPower / DefenseStat) / 50) + 2) * STAB * Weakness/Resistance * RandomNumber / 100

Electricity fields!
Lugia vs. Jolteon [Assumption, Rain dance means 100% chance to hit, no matter how many times double team have been used (I was not able to find any information regarding this)]

Jolteon speed: 394
Jolteon special attack: 350
Jolteon defense: 240
Jolteon hit points: 334

Lugia speed: 350
Lugia special defense: 447
Lugia attack: 306
Lugia hit points: 416

Numbers of interest:

Jolteon[AttackStat] * Thunder[AttackPower] / Lugia[DefenseStat] = 350 * 120 / 447 = 94

Lugia[AttackStat] * AncientPower[AttackPower] / Jolteon[DefenseStat] = 306 * 65 / 240 = 83

Round 1!!!!!
Jolteon uses rain dance & Lugia uses double team [player using Lugia did not know Jolteon was going to use rain dance].

Round 2!!!!
Jolteon uses Thunder:
Damage = ([42]*[94]/[50]+2)*[1.5]*[2]=242 damage
Total hit point damage: 58%
Lugia uses Ancient Power:
Damage = ([42]*[83]/[50]+2)*[1]*[1]= 72 damage
Total hit point damage: 22%

Even if Lugia were to use ancient power upon meeting Jolteon, Jolteon would still win, as Lugia needs 4 hit to know out Jolteon and Jolteon only needs 2 hits!
Even if double team would work, since Jolteon is faster, it seems that Jolteon would still have the highest chances of winning the match!

Conclusion: my idea for Lugia and its awesome defense, isn't awesome enough to not suck.

Lugia vs. Pikacu@LightBall [Assumption, Rain dance means 100% chance to hit, no matter how many times double team have been used (I was not able to find any information regarding this)]

Pikachu speed: 306
Pikachu special attack: 436
Pikachu defense: 174
Pikachu hit points: 274

Lugia speed: 350
Lugia special defense: 447
Lugia attack: 306
Lugia hit points: 416

Numbers of interest:

Pikachu[AttackStat] * Thunder[AttackPower] / Lugia[DefenseStat] = 436 * 120 / 447 = 117

Lugia[AttackStat] * AncientPower[AttackPower] / Pikachu[DefenseStat] = 306 * 65 / 174 = 114

Round 1!!!!!
Lugia uses double team [player using Lugia does not know Pikachu is going to use rain dance] & Pikachu uses rain dance.

Round 2!!!!
Lugia uses Ancient Power:
Damage = ([42]*[114]/[50]+2)*[1]*[1]= 98 damage
Total hit point damage: 35%
Pikachu uses Thunder:
Damage = ([42]*[117]/[50]+2)*[1.5]*[2]=300 damage
Total hit point damage: 72%

If Lugia were to use ancient power upon meeting Pikachu, Lugia would be able to get 3 attacks in, since pikachu round 1 would need to rain dance and needs 2 rounds to 2hko, but is slower than Lugia. In conclusion, Lugia would barely win this one.

Rock solid!
[[[I'm not going to do a stalling battle, since that seems very cumbersone, sorry. But I can try to see how many attacks it requires of Tyranitar to actually take down Lugia]]].

Assuming Tyrannitar hits after the first double team by Lugia still connects, but assuming it to be unlikely that it'd win unless it's a 1HKO without stalling Lugia down to using struggle:

Tyranitar speed: 404
Tyranitar attack: 403
Tyranitar defense: 350
Tyranitar hit points: 243

Lugia speed: 350
Lugia defense: 394
Lugia attack: 306
Lugia hit points: 416

Numbers of interest:

Tyraniter[AttackStat] * Rock Slide[AttackPower] / Lugia[DefenseStat] = 403 * 75 / 394 = 77

Lugia[AttackStat] * AncientPower[AttackPower] / Tyraniter[DefenseStat] = 306 * 65 / 350 = 57

Round 1!!!!!
Lugia uses double team:
Tyranitar uses Rock Slide:
Damage = ([42]*[77]/[50]+2)*[1.5]*[2]=200 damage
Total hit point damage: 48%

Since Tyranitar needs 3 hits to defeat Lugia I find it unlikely that Tyranitar can win in any other way than through outstalling Lugia.

Damage by Lugia is [assuming for each time Lugia gets a +all stats, Tyranitar uses curse, just to even it out, eventhough in priciple, Tyranitar should probably curse up first and then take Lugia down in 1 hit]:
Damage = ([42]*[57]/[50]+2)*[1]*[.5]=25 damage
Total hit point damage: 1/16 (Leftovers recover)
Lugia is no threat to Tyranitar, unless it gets some boosts. I don't know how to caluclate that though.

Since Jynx/Houndoom/Tyranitar Special attack < Pikachu Special attack
And Thunder is at least equal in power (and greater than dark moves) to crunch and blizzard, I think further tests is irrelevant and hereby concludes that my Lugia tactic sucks big time
Living time backwards

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Supreme Hero
Water-marked Champion!
posted May 07, 2010 06:21 AM

Status update:

Up to the Safari Zone now:

Croconaw - Level: 28
Gyarados - Level: 26
Weepinbell - Level: 23
Pidgeotto - Level: 23
Sandslash - Level: 23
Geodude - Level: 22

And I caught a SEEL!
If you supposedly care about someone, then don't push them out of your life. Acting like you're not doing it doesn't exempt you from what I just said. - Winterfate

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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 09, 2010 03:15 AM

Serebii.net has silhouettes of the Black and White starter Pokemon. I am...underwhelmed.
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted May 09, 2010 06:13 AM

Youtube has a few videos on Black and White (of course you have to be careful of the fake ones the bored people put up as well).  However, pretty much we have learned the following just looking at the other pokemon games.

There will be three starters.
A grass type
A water type
A fire type

You will have a rival, who will always pick the pokemon strong against your pokemon.

There will be some team or group or something that has plans for global domination.  You will have to stop them.

There will be one or more new legendaries..you will have to defeat and (hopefully) capture them.

You will have to get and use certain moves to get past specific areas in the game.

You will be limited to 24 possible moves at any one time.  Six pokemon with four moves each.
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Legendary Hero
posted May 09, 2010 10:45 AM

They look funny

The turtwig look a like with a Pig tail

The piplup look a like that is a little fat looking

And the last that looks like half Grass and something like buizel

Well - for me the starters just have to look cute at the first level and then pretty mean at the last
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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 10, 2010 07:30 PM

I can't believe it!!! I just caught me a shiny Psyduck!!!
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

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Supreme Hero
Water-marked Champion!
posted May 11, 2010 12:06 AM
Edited by winterfate at 00:07, 11 May 2010.


Way to go hun!

Now find a way to clone in Gen IV (without a hacking device) so you can give us all one.

EDIT: I've only gotten one shiny myself (besides the obligatory Red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage): T'was a Shiny Mankey in Gold, all the way back in Gen II.
If you supposedly care about someone, then don't push them out of your life. Acting like you're not doing it doesn't exempt you from what I just said. - Winterfate

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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 11, 2010 12:20 AM



Not quite that bad. 1/8192 (amusingly I had the Bulbapedia page on shiny Pokemon open when I encountered her XD). But Pokerus is supposed to be rarer, and I think I ran into that twice (once back in Gen II so I can't check) but never ran into a shiny Pokemon other than the Red Gyarados before today!

Now find a way to clone in Gen IV (without a hacking device) so you can give us all one.

Only doable in Diamond/Pearl AFAIK. I can do Pokerus for you though, assuming I can find internet access that allows my DS.
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

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Supreme Hero
Water-marked Champion!
posted May 11, 2010 12:23 AM

Ooo I see.

Well, I don't want you getting a Bad Egg if you find a way to clone.
I saw some YouTube videos of Bad Egg behavior...creepy!

Also, beating the Elite Four trivializes the rest of the game.
(Pal Park a high leveled Pokémon from Gen III).

I'm busy owning Gym Leaders with my level 97 Swampert. XD
I'm so mean.

And Pokérus would be nice, but I need to sit down and try to find a way to connect to the internet with my DS too.
If you supposedly care about someone, then don't push them out of your life. Acting like you're not doing it doesn't exempt you from what I just said. - Winterfate

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The Nothingness
posted May 11, 2010 12:24 AM

I once met a shiny weedle.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 11, 2010 12:26 AM

I once met a shiny weedle.

Cool. Which game?
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

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Supreme Hero
Water-marked Champion!
posted May 11, 2010 12:27 AM

@wog: You didn't catch it?

Also, for breeding shiny Pokémon, there's a little something called the Masuda method. Basically, get a Pokémon from a foreign language (in our case, non-English) version of a Gen IV game. That quadruples the chance of getting a shiny baby. This was confirmed by the programmer who coded that in.

Obviously, you'd prefer a foreign Ditto, since Dittos well...
If you supposedly care about someone, then don't push them out of your life. Acting like you're not doing it doesn't exempt you from what I just said. - Winterfate

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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 11, 2010 12:32 AM

Also, for breeding shiny Pokémon, there's a little something called the Masuda method. Basically, get a Pokémon from a foreign language (in our case, non-English) version of a Gen IV game. That quadruples the chance of getting a shiny baby. This was confirmed by the programmer who coded that in.

I've considered that. I try Pokeradar from time to time, but it's very tedious watching for where the grass wiggles 40+ times in a row, and you KNOW that chain's going to break when you least want it to. >.>
Adventures in Helnith has moved!

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Supreme Hero
Water-marked Champion!
posted May 11, 2010 12:34 AM

I loathed Chaining so much back when I had my copy of Pearl. If I hadn't lost it in the move, I would've tried to use Tweaking to get to the event-only Pokémon (takes an almost stupidly long amount of time; game could crash at any time while out of bounds; and you could lose your game data, fun eh? )
If you supposedly care about someone, then don't push them out of your life. Acting like you're not doing it doesn't exempt you from what I just said. - Winterfate

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The Nothingness
posted May 11, 2010 12:36 AM

I once met a shiny weedle.

Cool. Which game?

And no, I didn't catch it .. I didn't really care I've never been much of a bug-person (except heracross of course!)

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