
Supreme Hero
posted January 06, 2018 10:33 PM |

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted January 06, 2018 10:48 PM |
master_learn said:
Bersy said:
Version 2.7.1
Seems to me ERA 3 is coming soon. 
What makes you say that? Maybe Bersy will go up to 2.1946.7625

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 07, 2018 12:19 AM |

Famous Hero
posted January 07, 2018 10:02 AM |
in the future version of era will possible add new town?

Supreme Hero
posted January 07, 2018 11:34 AM |
Quote: in the future version of era will possible add new town?
Sorry, it's not a task at all. Replacing town can be done. Typhon integration for advanced monster adding/editing too. The game can be modded and enriched in many ways. Simple content adding does not worth the efforts. VCMI (if proper strong AI support is added) handles unlimited number of towns much better.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 07, 2018 11:44 AM |
question: when you right-click on an object in the map editor, and select "what's this?", what program is the help file supposed to open with?
the reason i ask is, every time i try to select "what's this?", i get a "failed to launch help" error. i've tried copying the .hlp files from the "help" folder to the main h3 folder, and that doesn't change anything. i can't find any answers online, or on hc, to fix the issue.

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted January 07, 2018 12:16 PM |
Quote: API is ready for any memory access, patching, event (un)subscribing and firing, executing ERM and accessing ERM memory and installing custom hooks in code like that:
era.bridge(0x4EEEA5, function (context)
return 1
Events handling is simple:
era.on('OnHeroScreenMouseClick', function (event, handler, eventName)
erm('VRz2:S^newmonth.wav^; SN z2;')
era.off(eventName, handler)
end, { priority = -1 })
Unfortunatelly, this doesn't look much better than what we had so far. Just another layer of indirection.
Replacing ERM API with Lua API with same functionality would be something.
The future of Heroes 3 is here!

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted January 07, 2018 02:19 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 14:21, 07 Jan 2018.
planetavril said: in the future version of era will possible add new town?
Actually it's possible to add "neutral town" as Jim Vogan shown in his script. But it's hacky, buggy, and limited. AnywayIt's enough funny for me to include in my mod 
Limitation is you may not build anything in the town, but it can have buildings prebuilt also there is AI confused with the town .

Supreme Hero
posted January 07, 2018 03:26 PM |
Quote: unfortunatelly, this doesn't look much better than what we had so far.
Cannot agree.
1) Some methods can be replaced with direct structures fields access. This process has evolutionary nature.
2) Comparing ERM and LuaJIT in terms of speed, expressiveness, library support and so on is really strange. Levels of abstraction do not matter. Only the final result matters. Creating full copy of standalone functions is odd work. Only critical for performance parts need to be rewritten.
hero.getOwner = function (self)
y[1] = self.id
return y[1]
Isn't it high level method? ))
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.

Known Hero
posted January 08, 2018 12:46 AM |
Bersy... Found a bug im 2.7.1.
I can't run the game now in HD MOD. Some missing file.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 08, 2018 01:00 AM |
I have no problems using latest HD. Installed Homm then Era then HD

Known Hero
posted January 08, 2018 01:20 AM |
Done it, in that way... HOMM-->ERA-->HD

Supreme Hero
posted January 08, 2018 02:40 AM |

Legendary Hero
posted January 08, 2018 02:21 PM |
Edited by Baronus at 14:22, 08 Jan 2018.
Since 2.66 no problems! Thanks! I suggest add as core mods all interface mods. One click recrutation, one click army replacing between heroes. I played Stronghold and I disabled yona because orc now is completly tragic unit plus cost of cyclops 20 and 20! I have no shooters no flyiers, because attacking castle only by rocs its stiupidity. Like knight castle in Heroes I! I suggest price for cyclops 10 and 10 and H4 ability for centaurs or medusas. Orcs are weak in normal game. Now are completly unrecrutable.

Known Hero
posted January 08, 2018 10:04 PM |
Big Thanks! For a moment i thought that i will have to reinstall my whole game

Famous Hero
Minotaur Lord
posted January 08, 2018 10:57 PM |
Unsure about the version, as it runs through the "Homm3 HD 5.0 beta 32 launcher" (I know the crash log says 31,but having it updated to 32 did not fix the issue unfortunately)
It happens frequently throughout a map, especially when choosing manual battle when defending against a siege.
Sorry if this is posted incorrectly, as I'm not aquainted with the rules regarding this 
compability_dir = D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCompability#era
Max.Sent = 0
HOMM3 HD version: 5.0 beta 31
HotA version: none or incomatible
01/06/2018 00:56:12
GUN1: [QI899C3K7Z2NBVSTHG SGH278989Z0V369]
GUN2: [NZX: 65V3ZW6V8U41]
GUN: [QI899C3K7Z2NBVSTHG SGH278989Z0V369]
Module: h3era.exe
Adress: [ 0x004FD526 ]
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: read of address: 0x1070E3E0
EAX: 0x00009918
ECX: 0x000A2A98
EDX: 0x10044C84
EBX: 0x0D2202C0
ESP: 0x00288FE8
EBP: 0x00289004
ESI: 0x01DFC75D
EDI: 0x10483948
Call stack
[ 0x00711317 ] called from [ 0x0073B749 ]
? called from before [ 0x00749416 ]
[ 0x00741DF0 ] called from [ 0x0074CD1B ]
[ 0x0074C816 ] called from [ 0x0074CFEE ]
[ 0x0074CFA3 ] called from [ 0x0075A70D ]
[ 0x0075A5EF ] called from [ 0x0075AE29 ]
[ 0x0075ADD9 ] called from [ 0x004AB028 ]
[ 0x004AACC0 ] called from [ 0x004A9F26 ]
[ 0x004A8160 ] called from [ 0x00705FE2 ]
[ 0x00705979 ] called from [ 0x004ACA04 ]
[ 0x004AC990 ] called from [ 0x0042FE6D ]
[ 0x0042FC50 ] called from [ 0x004302E5 ]
[ 0x0042FEE0 ] called from [ 0x00526EB0 ]
[ 0x00526C90 ] called from [ 0x00526A51 ]
[ 0x005266D0 ] called from [ 0x0052647F ]
[ 0x00526360 ] called from [ 0x00408B38 ]
[ 0x044D0987 ] called from [ 0x044D094D ]
[ HD_WOG.dll+0x134B0 ] called from [ 0x044D08DA ]
[ HD_WOG.dll+0x45EB0 ] called from [ 0x073000EB ]
[ 0x004B0BA0 ] called from [ 0x004F0516 ]
[ 0x044D1C3B ] called from [ 0x044D1C01 ]
[ HD_WOG.dll+0x14400 ] called from [ 0x044D1B8B ]
? called from before [ _HD3_.dll+0xB544 ]
[ _HD3_.dll+0xB050 ] called from [ 0x02A9009E ]
? called from before [ KERNEL32.DLL+0x17C04 ]
? called from before [ ntdll.dll+0x5AD2F ]
[ ntdll.dll+0x5AD00 ] called from [ ntdll.dll+0x5ACF5 ]
? called from before [ 0x00000000 ]
0x00400000: h3era.exe (size: 0x0253512C, entry point: 0x00701000) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Completeh3era.exe
0x10000000: _HD3_.dll (size: 0x00220000, entry point: 0x1001D00B) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_.dll
0x003A0000: smackw32.dll (size: 0x0001B000, entry point: 0x003AC0B0) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Completesmackw32.dll
0x003D0000: binkw32.dll (size: 0x0002B000, entry point: 0x003E1705) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Completebinkw32.dll
0x02A40000: IFC20.dll (size: 0x00023000, entry point: 0x02A4F04E) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 CompleteIFC20.dll
0x0FAB0000: patcher_x86.dll (size: 0x00078000, entry point: 0x0FABF4F3) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Completepatcher_x86.dll
0x04870000: era.dll (size: 0x0015E000, entry point: 0x0489F760) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Completeera.dll
0x04DF0000: angel.dll (size: 0x0010C000, entry point: 0x04DF1000) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 CompleteModsWoGangel.dll
0x04340000: yona.era (size: 0x0002A000, entry point: 0x0435D7AC) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 CompleteModsYonaEraPluginsyona.era
0x0FDA0000: wog_patcherizer.era (size: 0x00014000, entry point: 0x0FDA18F6) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 CompleteModsWoGEraPluginswog_patcherizer.era
0x05040000: zvslib1.dll (size: 0x005E4000, entry point: 0x05041000) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 CompleteModsWoGzvslib1.dll
0x043E0000: artefact merchant fix.dll (size: 0x0000E000, entry point: 0x043E1830) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 CompleteModsWoGEraPluginsartefact merchant fix.dll
0x04400000: buttons.dll (size: 0x0000E000, entry point: 0x044050AC) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 CompleteModsWoGEraPluginsbuttons.dll
0x21100000: Mss32.dll (size: 0x0005F000, entry point: 0x2112F2E5) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataMss32.dll
0x05BD0000: HD_MCR.dll (size: 0x004AD000, entry point: 0x05C579CF) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataHD_MCR.dll
0x05930000: HD_WOG.dll (size: 0x0008A000, entry point: 0x05980ED4) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataHD_WOG.dll
0x0FDD0000: cursors.dll (size: 0x0004A000, entry point: 0x00000000) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommoncursors.dll
0x26F00000: Mp3dec.asi (size: 0x0002A000, entry point: 0x26F0A805) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataMp3dec.asi
0x21000000: MSS32.DLL (size: 0x00058000, entry point: 0x2102FCB0) - D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 CompleteMSS32.DLL
0x77390000: ntdll.dll (size: 0x0016F000, entry point: 0x00000000) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll
0x76C40000: KERNEL32.DLL (size: 0x00140000, entry point: 0x76C57C90) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32KERNEL32.DLL
0x757B0000: KERNELBASE.dll (size: 0x000D7000, entry point: 0x757BF6A0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32KERNELBASE.dll
0x68380000: aswhookx.dll (size: 0x0002F000, entry point: 0x6838A2D0) - C:Program Files (x86)AVGAntivirusaswhookx.dll
0x68D20000: apphelp.dll (size: 0x000A0000, entry point: 0x68D23570) - C:Windowssystem32apphelp.dll
0x67F10000: AcLayers.DLL (size: 0x00277000, entry point: 0x67F11E70) - C:WindowsAppPatchAcLayers.DLL
0x75580000: msvcrt.dll (size: 0x000C3000, entry point: 0x7558E140) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32msvcrt.dll
0x76E10000: USER32.dll (size: 0x00153000, entry point: 0x76E258A0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32USER32.dll
0x771B0000: GDI32.dll (size: 0x0010C000, entry point: 0x771B90A0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32GDI32.dll
0x75980000: SHELL32.dll (size: 0x012BB000, entry point: 0x7599AAE0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32SHELL32.dll
0x75700000: SHLWAPI.dll (size: 0x00045000, entry point: 0x75706E80) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32SHLWAPI.dll
0x74CB0000: OLEAUT32.dll (size: 0x00097000, entry point: 0x74CB4F60) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32OLEAUT32.dll
0x69CB0000: MPR.dll (size: 0x00016000, entry point: 0x69CB1270) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32MPR.dll
0x750D0000: SETUPAPI.dll (size: 0x001B1000, entry point: 0x750D1F20) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32SETUPAPI.dll
0x69CA0000: sfc.dll (size: 0x00003000, entry point: 0x00000000) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32sfc.dll
0x71120000: WINSPOOL.DRV (size: 0x00065000, entry point: 0x71121CB0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINSPOOL.DRV
0x770F0000: RPCRT4.dll (size: 0x000BA000, entry point: 0x7711B240) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32RPCRT4.dll
0x74D50000: combase.dll (size: 0x0017D000, entry point: 0x74D5AD20) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32combase.dll
0x756A0000: CFGMGR32.dll (size: 0x0003C000, entry point: 0x756A19E0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32CFGMGR32.dll
0x756E0000: SspiCli.dll (size: 0x0001E000, entry point: 0x756EB290) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32SspiCli.dll
0x69C80000: sfc_os.DLL (size: 0x0000F000, entry point: 0x69C81160) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32sfc_os.DLL
0x74B70000: CRYPTBASE.dll (size: 0x0000A000, entry point: 0x74B710D0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32CRYPTBASE.dll
0x75760000: sechost.dll (size: 0x00041000, entry point: 0x757613E0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32sechost.dll
0x74B10000: bcryptPrimitives.dll (size: 0x00054000, entry point: 0x74B124F0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32bcryptPrimitives.dll
0x74F30000: IMM32.DLL (size: 0x00027000, entry point: 0x74F313A0) - C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x74B80000: MSCTF.dll (size: 0x00112000, entry point: 0x74B830C0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32MSCTF.dll
0x74B00000: VERSION.dll (size: 0x00008000, entry point: 0x74B01180) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32VERSION.dll
0x70D70000: WINMM.dll (size: 0x00023000, entry point: 0x70D73B10) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINMM.dll
0x50070000: DDRAW.dll (size: 0x000EC000, entry point: 0x50071B70) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32DDRAW.dll
0x735F0000: WSOCK32.dll (size: 0x00008000, entry point: 0x735F10C0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32WSOCK32.dll
0x75050000: ADVAPI32.dll (size: 0x0007C000, entry point: 0x75051F10) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32ADVAPI32.dll
0x75450000: ole32.dll (size: 0x00129000, entry point: 0x754545F0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32ole32.dll
0x70D40000: WINMMBASE.dll (size: 0x00023000, entry point: 0x70D41570) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINMMBASE.dll
0x752B0000: PSAPI.DLL (size: 0x00006000, entry point: 0x752B10E0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32PSAPI.DLL
0x72FC0000: IPHLPAPI.DLL (size: 0x00020000, entry point: 0x72FC3D80) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x74A90000: DCIMAN32.dll (size: 0x00007000, entry point: 0x74A91180) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32DCIMAN32.dll
0x75650000: WS2_32.dll (size: 0x0004F000, entry point: 0x756515D0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32WS2_32.dll
0x70D10000: DEVOBJ.dll (size: 0x00021000, entry point: 0x70D11370) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32DEVOBJ.dll
0x770E0000: NSI.dll (size: 0x00007000, entry point: 0x770E1660) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32NSI.dll
0x72FB0000: WINNSI.DLL (size: 0x00008000, entry point: 0x72FB1190) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINNSI.DLL
0x74AF0000: kernel.appcore.dll (size: 0x00009000, entry point: 0x74AF15A0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32kernel.appcore.dll
0x70C20000: uxtheme.dll (size: 0x000ED000, entry point: 0x70C29FA0) - C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll
0x66750000: COMCTL32.DLL (size: 0x00089000, entry point: 0x66752D20) - C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.9600.17810_none_7c5b6194aa0716f1COMCTL32.DLL
0x70C00000: dwmapi.dll (size: 0x0001A000, entry point: 0x70C01EE0) - C:Windowssystem32dwmapi.dll
0x71A30000: dhcpcsvc.DLL (size: 0x00014000, entry point: 0x71A33AE0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32dhcpcsvc.DLL
0x74310000: WININET.dll (size: 0x002AB000, entry point: 0x74312A70) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32WININET.dll
0x745C0000: iertutil.dll (size: 0x00235000, entry point: 0x745C3B90) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32iertutil.dll
0x742F0000: USERENV.dll (size: 0x0001B000, entry point: 0x742F1CA0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32USERENV.dll
0x742E0000: profapi.dll (size: 0x0000F000, entry point: 0x742E11D0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32profapi.dll
0x71D60000: Secur32.dll (size: 0x0000A000, entry point: 0x71D610F0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32Secur32.dll
0x74250000: SHCORE.dll (size: 0x0008B000, entry point: 0x742534D0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32SHCORE.dll
0x71AC0000: ondemandconnroutehelper.dll (size: 0x0000A000, entry point: 0x71AC48B0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32ondemandconnroutehelper.dll
0x73060000: winhttp.dll (size: 0x0009E000, entry point: 0x73061BD0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32winhttp.dll
0x71A70000: mswsock.dll (size: 0x0004B000, entry point: 0x71A71430) - C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x72FE0000: DNSAPI.dll (size: 0x0007E000, entry point: 0x72FF6A70) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32DNSAPI.dll
0x74800000: urlmon.dll (size: 0x0014B000, entry point: 0x74802B80) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32urlmon.dll
0x70F10000: Comctl32.dll (size: 0x00206000, entry point: 0x70F4DC00) - C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.9600.18006_none_a9ec6aab013aafeeComctl32.dll
0x5F010000: igdumdim32.dll (size: 0x016E4000, entry point: 0x5F161E05) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32igdumdim32.dll
0x5E760000: igdusc32.dll (size: 0x008A4000, entry point: 0x5E7E1E56) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32igdusc32.dll
0x709D0000: rasadhlp.dll (size: 0x00008000, entry point: 0x709D14C0) - C:WindowsSystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x69AF0000: fwpuclnt.dll (size: 0x00046000, entry point: 0x69AFAD70) - C:WindowsSystem32fwpuclnt.dll
0x74F60000: clbcatq.dll (size: 0x0008D000, entry point: 0x74F628D0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32clbcatq.dll
0x67680000: DSOUND.DLL (size: 0x00081000, entry point: 0x676823C0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32DSOUND.DLL
0x715B0000: POWRPROF.dll (size: 0x00040000, entry point: 0x715B2430) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32POWRPROF.dll
0x55D10000: MMDevApi.dll (size: 0x00053000, entry point: 0x55D12BD0) - C:WindowsSystem32MMDevApi.dll
0x55D70000: AUDIOSES.DLL (size: 0x00060000, entry point: 0x55D7F640) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32AUDIOSES.DLL
0x73F70000: avrt.dll (size: 0x0000A000, entry point: 0x73F712A0) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32avrt.dll
0x5D0A0000: dplayx.dll (size: 0x00039000, entry point: 0x5D0D0470) - C:Windowssystem32dplayx.dll
Command Line
Data files:
Invited Tavern.pac
nim rampart.pac
wog - animated objects.pac
wog - animated trees.pac
wog - battle decorations.pac
wog - no prebattle music.snd
_HD_Files (191):
"48x32bFr.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommon48x32bFr.bmp
"adrollvr_b.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadrollvr_b.bmp
"advmap_d.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_d.bmp
"advmap_date.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_date.bmp
"advmap_date2.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_date2.bmp
"advmap_fill.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_fill.bmp
"advmap_l.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_l.bmp
"advmap_ld.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_ld.bmp
"advmap_lu.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_lu.bmp
"advmap_r.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_r.bmp
"advmap_rd.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_rd.bmp
"advmap_rr.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_rr.bmp
"advmap_ru.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_ru.bmp
"advmap_ru_v2.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_ru_v2.bmp
"advmap_u.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonadvmap_u.bmp
"AELMATTK.82m" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticAELMATTK.82m
"AELMDFND.82m" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticAELMDFND.82m
"AELMKILL.82m" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticAELMKILL.82m
"AELMWNCE.82m" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticAELMWNCE.82m
"AOFLGBT.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticAOFLGBT.def
"aresbar2_l.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonaresbar2_l.bmp
"aresbar2_m.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonaresbar2_m.bmp
"aresbar2_r.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonaresbar2_r.bmp
"aresbar_l.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonaresbar_l.bmp
"aresbar_m.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonaresbar_m.bmp
"aresbar_r.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonaresbar_r.bmp
"artslot.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonartslot.bmp
"AVWefre0.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticAVWefre0.def
"AVWPHX.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticAVWPHX.def
"AVWSKEX0.DEF" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticAVWSKEX0.DEF
"bckpck.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonbckpck.def
"BkPack.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonBkPack.bmp
"Bl3DCcav.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonBl3DCcav.bmp
"Bl3DCvex.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonBl3DCvex.bmp
"BuyAllBk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonBuyAllBk.bmp
"CampBr_d.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonCampBr_d.bmp
"CampBr_l.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonCampBr_l.bmp
"CampBr_r.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonCampBr_r.bmp
"CampBr_u.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonCampBr_u.bmp
"CCNSShd.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonCCNSShd.bmp
"cham.fnt" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommoncham.fnt
"chat_2cn.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonchat_2cn.bmp
"chat_2cp.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonchat_2cp.bmp
"chatabk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonchatabk.bmp
"chatbbk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonchatbbk.bmp
"chatobk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonchatobk.bmp
"chatstat.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonchatstat.def
"ChkBlue.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonChkBlue.def
"close16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonclose16.bmp
"ComOpB2.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonComOpB2.bmp
"Cphx.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticCphx.def
"CRTOINFO.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticCRTOINFO.bmp
"csb.otf" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommoncsb.otf
"cursors.dll" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommoncursors.dll
"ddb.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonddb.def
"default.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommondefault.def
"DlgBluBk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonDlgBluBk.bmp
"DlgBluBo.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonDlgBluBo.def
"DlgDBlBk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonDlgDBlBk.bmp
"down16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommondown16.bmp
"DrDoCoBk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonDrDoCoBk.bmp
"Files.ini" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCompability#eraFiles.ini
"Firbattk.82m" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticFirbattk.82m
"FM_Dir.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFM_Dir.bmp
"FM_DirBk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFM_DirBk.bmp
"GARRIPOP.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonGARRIPOP.bmp
"GARRISON.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticGARRISON.bmp
"GENRLTXT.RUS" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonGENRLTXT.RUS
"GldBtn.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonGldBtn.bmp
"GldBtn2.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonGldBtn2.bmp
"global16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonglobal16.bmp
"GPuCrdiv.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticGPuCrdiv.bmp
"H3ac1.asi" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonH3ac1.asi
"hd3_cbar.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd3_cbar.bmp
"hd3_copl.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd3_copl.bmp
"HD_CamCu.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_CamCu.bmp
"HD_CBar.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_CBar.bmp
"HD_CoPla.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_CoPla.bmp
"hd_fr_d.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_fr_d.bmp
"hd_fr_f.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_fr_f.bmp
"hd_fr_l.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_fr_l.bmp
"hd_fr_ld.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_fr_ld.bmp
"hd_fr_lu.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_fr_lu.bmp
"hd_fr_r.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_fr_r.bmp
"hd_fr_rd.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_fr_rd.bmp
"hd_fr_ru.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_fr_ru.bmp
"hd_fr_u.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_fr_u.bmp
"HD_GSelP.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_GSelP.bmp
"HD_kRes4.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_kRes4.bmp
"HD_kResB.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_kResB.bmp
"HD_Maker.exe" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_Maker.exe
"hd_mov1l.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_mov1l.def
"hd_mov1r.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_mov1r.def
"hd_movl.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_movl.def
"hd_movr.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_movr.def
"HD_OvCas.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_OvCas.bmp
"HD_Puzzl.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_Puzzl.bmp
"HD_QVBK.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_QVBK.bmp
"hd_split.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_split.def
"HD_THBCS.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_THBCS.bmp
"HD_THBRM.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_THBRM.bmp
"HD_THBTW.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_THBTW.bmp
"HD_TownS.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCompability#eraHD_TownS.bmp
"HD_TPCa7.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_TPCa7.bmp
"HD_TPCa8.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_TPCa8.bmp
"HD_TPMa4.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_TPMa4.bmp
"HD_TPMag.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_TPMag.bmp
"HD_TPRan.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_TPRan.bmp
"HD_TStat.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_TStat.bmp
"HD_VWrld.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHD_VWrld.bmp
"hd_xchng.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhd_xchng.def
"HPSRAND4.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHPSRAND4.bmp
"HStInf.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHStInf.bmp
"HWBUT2.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonHWBUT2.def
"hwetown.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhwetown.bmp
"hwplug.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonhwplug.bmp
"iam_dig.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommoniam_dig.def
"iam_puz.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommoniam_puz.def
"iam_turn.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommoniam_turn.def
"iam_view.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommoniam_view.def
"icons.otf" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonicons.otf
"ircma.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonircma.def
"ircmi.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonircmi.def
"List10Bk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonList10Bk.bmp
"List10Sl.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonList10Sl.bmp
"lock16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonlock16.bmp
"magtitle.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonmagtitle.bmp
"mapgrid.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonmapgrid.def
"Mov1LM.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonMov1LM.def
"Mov1RM.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonMov1RM.def
"msgs16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonmsgs16.bmp
"ncs75.otf" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonncs75.otf
"no hota maps.bin" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCompability#erano hota maps.bin
"Pack.ini" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCompability#erapack.ini
"PassEdBk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonPassEdBk.bmp
"persof16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonpersof16.bmp
"person16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonperson16.bmp
"PIXIDFND.82m" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticPIXIDFND.82m
"playin16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonplayin16.bmp
"privat15.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonprivat15.bmp
"PSKIL21.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonPSKIL21.def
"qcb.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonqcb.def
"QuesLoFr.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonQuesLoFr.bmp
"radar_h.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonradar_h.bmp
"radar_v.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonradar_v.bmp
"rating16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonrating16.bmp
"repmt.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonrepmt.def
"RmgTTBk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonRmgTTBk.bmp
"Rustattk.82m" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticRustattk.82m
"saved16.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonsaved16.bmp
"saved16o.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonsaved16o.bmp
"SCBUTCP.DEF" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticSCBUTCP.DEF
"SCSelBck.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSCSelBck.bmp
"SimpFram.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSimpFram.def
"SpelBk2.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSpelBk2.bmp
"SPRTDFND.82m" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticSPRTDFND.82m
"stripe3d.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonstripe3d.bmp
"SwAML.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwAML.def
"SwAML_M.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwAML_M.def
"SwAMR.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwAMR.def
"SwAMR_M.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwAMR_M.def
"SwCML.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwCML.def
"SwCMR.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwCMR.def
"SwFL.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwFL.def
"SwFR.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwFR.def
"SwSpl.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwSpl.def
"SwXCh.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonSwXCh.def
"sysopb2.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.Cosmeticsysopb2.def
"TBCSHAL4.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBCSHAL4.def
"TBELdw_6.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBELdw_6.def
"TBELup_6.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBELup_6.def
"TBFRBOAT.DEF" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBFRBOAT.DEF
"TBFRDW_6.DEF" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBFRDW_6.DEF
"TBFRTVRN.DEF" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBFRTVRN.DEF
"TBFRUP_2.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBFRUP_2.def
"TBFWyv2_4.DEF" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBFWyv2_4.DEF
"TBINBLAK.DEF" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBINBLAK.DEF
"TBSTDW_4.DEF" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBSTDW_4.DEF
"TBStHal4.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBStHal4.def
"TBStHoly.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTBStHoly.def
"TeamPlSl.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonTeamPlSl.bmp
"timchebk.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommontimchebk.bmp
"TM_RANMA.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonTM_RANMA.bmp
"TOELup_6.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTOELup_6.bmp
"tp_sel.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommontp_sel.def
"tpmageap.def" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommontpmageap.def
"trade3.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommontrade3.bmp
"TRADE626.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonTRADE626.bmp
"TRARROWL.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonTRARROWL.bmp
"TRARROWR.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonTRARROWR.bmp
"TZELup_6.bmp" D:GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete_HD3_DataCommonFix.CosmeticTZELup_6.bmp
Main INI
<Version> = 5000205<Language> = "#en.ini"<Fix.Crit.ArtMerchantDlg.Backpack> = 0<Fix.Crit.DoubleDeleteNetMsg> = 1<Fix.Crit.FirstStart> = 0<Fix.Crit.MapsOver5000> = 0<Fix.Crit.MpNotMeTownQV> = 1<Fix.Crit.RandHeroRandCreatures> = 0<Fix.Crit.ReplayTurn.AI7DaysExpireLose> = 1<Fix.Crit.ScenarioMgr.MapTime> = 1<Fix.Crit.Tavern.Rumors> = 1<Fix.Crit.TextFilesBugs> = 1<Fix.Font.HighlightedText> = 0<Fix.RMG.StartingHeroInPrison> = 0<Graphics.Resolution> = 1180, 664<Graphics.Mode> = 3<Graphics.ComplexFilter> = 2<Graphics.Threads> = 8<Graphics.SimpleFilter> = 2<Graphics.SystemCursors> = 1<HD+.Settings><Misc.TournamentSaver> = 0<Misc.Misc> = 1<Misc.RenameRandMap> = 0<Packs><Sound.Async> = 1<Sound.Stereo44Music> = 1<Sound.NewerLibraries> = 1<Sys.MultiInstance> = 1<Sys.NoCD> = 0<UI.AdvMgr.SkipMapMsgs> = 1<UI.ClipCursor> = 1<UI.Ext.AdvMgr> = 1, 1, 0<UI.Ext.ArtMerchantDlg> = 1, 1<UI.Ext.CombatMgr> = 1, 1<UI.Ext.CombatOptionsDlg> = 1<UI.Ext.HeroDlg> = 0<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr> = 1<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr.Settings> = 1, 108, 1, 6, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1<UI.Ext.SpellBook> = 1<UI.Ext.SpellScroll> = 1<UI.Ext.SwapMgr> = 0<UI.Ext.TextEditBox> = 1, 1<UI.Ext.TownMgr> = 0, 1<UI.Ext.TownMgr.AvailableInsteadGrowth> = 0<UI.Ext.TownPortalDlg> = 1<UI.HiRezCore> = 1<UI.HiRezCore.DlgExtraFlags> = 1<UI.QuickArmyManagementMode> = 0<UI.Tavern.InviteHero> = 1<Update.CheckAtStart> = 1<Misc.BattleSaver> = 0
HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion
ProductName: Windows 8.1
CurrentVersion: 6.3
BuildLab: 9600.winblue_ltsb.170914-0600
PlatformId = 2
Version: 6.2
Build: 9200
CSDVersion =
ProductType = 1
SuiteMask = 768
Some ingame values
FullScreen Mode = 1
Game Type = 0
Network Game = 0
Me: 0
Active Player: 3
Active is Human = 0
Day = 7 46
Map file = Brave New World.h3m
Last RMG Seed = 0

Supreme Hero
posted January 09, 2018 07:30 AM |

Supreme Hero
posted January 09, 2018 09:24 PM |

Tavern Dweller
posted January 10, 2018 02:24 PM |
Need some help?
Can anyone please help with all of these mods and wog options 
I did download Heroes Might & Magic 3 complete before because it said i needed to have that in order for these mods, Then i downloaded (Era 2.7exe and got all the mods and other funny tools. But when i press the In The Wake Of God Icon at the Era start meny i got:
The Code execution cannot proceed because mss32.dll was
not found. Reinstalling the program may fix the problem.
The Code execution cannot proceed because binkw32.dll was
not found. Reinstalling the program may fix the problem.
Im a noob on these mods but can someone help me what i am doing wrong or what exactly i need to download and have in order to get the
Era 2 + Wog working?

Tavern Dweller
posted January 10, 2018 02:26 PM |
Edited by Montaro at 14:27, 10 Jan 2018.